Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2811: Thor's Battlegear

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"Kid, come over."

When Xiang Yang was ready to leave the chaotic void and continue to go out to participate in the battle of Wan Tian Tian Ming, the two old thieves around the East Emperor Yuxi looked at him and waved at him.


Xiang Yang didn't look at the two old men with great enthusiasm. He hadn't forgotten what he said when the two old men were on the side. These two old guys are absolutely afraid of people who are not chaotic in the world. If they didn't already know it. The shameless words of these two guys, Xiang Yang had already started to turn their faces directly with them.

However, at this moment, seeing these two old guys screaming at themselves, Xiang Yang knows that there is definitely no good thing.

"Don't be nervous, we are not malicious, don't look at us with that kind of look, we almost worshipped the brothers, or else, how about we come to worship a brother?"

The old man on the right smiled and said to Xiang Yang.

"What do you think?" Xiang Yang looked at the two old men with a black face. What's special, he just got a little bit of himself. Now he dares to say that he wants to worship his brother. These two old guys think they are themselves. Don't dare to fan them?


At this moment, Xiang Yang started, and directly explored a hand toward the two old fans. The black light flashed on his hand, with the power of destruction, wherever he passed, the chaotic void instantly melted, making After the two old men met, they were shocked and quickly fled the East Emperor Yuxi to escape in the distance.

However, since Xiang Yang wants to fan these two old guys, how could they let them escape?

Xiangyang’s big hand seems to penetrate the void. No matter how the two old men run away, they are locked tightly, and the speed is getting faster and faster, and they will catch up with them in the blink of an eye.

"Kids, don't worship if you don't worship, why do you want to hit us."

"Don't fight, my brother is playing with his brother. This is going to be thunderous."


While the two old men are running, they are screaming at the same time, but if you look closely, you will find that although they seem to run very fast, they are not at all scared.

"The two old guys give me a very weird feeling. They are definitely not just breaking through to the big Luo Jiuzhongtian. Even these two old guys are very likely to be the strongest of the Yasheng class."

Xiang Yang is talking to himself.

The last time I saw these two old guys, the two men were still in the sky. At the time, these two old guys were not afraid of being afraid of it, and this time I saw these two old guys again. The guy, has actually made a steady breakthrough to the big Luo Jiuzhongtian, and, as a repair is still very stable, the protection idol has broken through the people who do not know how many years.

This is obviously not normal.

Moreover, these two old men give Xiang Yang a very strange and incomprehensible feeling. Only the strong people of the Holy Land can give Xiang Yang the feeling.

"It’s no wonder that the demon Lord of Wanxue Tianzhou will be willing to let Donghuang Yuxi alone wandering around. For the strong powers of the general forces, the two Taoist priests in the heavens are enough, but For Donghuang Yuxi, the future controller of Wanxue Tianzhou, it is not enough. So, these two old guys are surely the Yasheng strong.

Xiang Yang’s self-speaking at the same time, but also wants to force the strength of these two guys, so this big hand continues to shoot out, and immediately to the right old man’s face, he will fan towards his face. past.


However, when this palm watched to fan the face of this guy, I saw that the old guy screamed, and suddenly there was an invisible force on his body. I don’t know what method he used. This moment transferred the power of Xiang Yang's palm to the distant chaos.

"Huh... I’m scared to death, you stinky, are you really playing?"

The old man patted his chest on the side, as if he was frightened, and glared at Xiangyang.

Xiang Yang did not continue to shoot, but his body flickered, with a smile in front of the three of them, said with a smile, "Who told you to stand still and say cool words, but unfortunately, that palm did not shoot In you."

"Oh, boy, just because you want to fight with Laozi, you are still tender." The old guy on the right sneered a sneer, looked up proudly and proudly said, "The strength of Laozi is earth-shattering, who can tell me ratio?"

"It's really strong."

Xiang Yang nodded and looked at the two old men in a serious way. "With your strength, even the Emperor Xu Wei will not be able to treat you."


After listening to these two old guys, their faces changed greatly, and their eyes looked around, for fear of being heard by others.

Then, it was discovered that most of the other onlookers had left the chaotic void, and they were relieved, and then they glared at Xiangyang. "You want to kill people by the knife, let the people of Tiangong destroy us." ?"

"Haha, the two old people are joking. I really feel that your strength is very strong. How can there be any idea of ​​killing people by knife?"

Xiang Yang said very honestly that he has already confirmed that these two old guys are surely hidden and cultivated as the sub-sacred strongmen, and they are still very strong and strong. Their strength is not necessarily better than that of the Emperor. How much Xu Wei is weak.

"This kid is not honest. When he looks at his thief, he knows that he definitely wants to hang people. Little ancestors, let's not talk to him, or go out and watch the fun."

The two old men looked at Xiang Yang's serious look. He knew that Xiang Yang was definitely seeing something. They secretly sweared that Xiang Yang was a small thing. On the surface, he was leaving Donghuang Yuxi.


Donghuang Yuxi did not know the true strength of these two old men, nor did she know that Xiangyang had already seen everything. She did not follow the two old men, but looked at Xiangyang, whispering, "Xiang Yang I know that you want to get the Raytheon suit."

Although she only said a word, but Xiang Yang's eyes are smashed up, he looked at the East Emperor Yuxi, with a look of surprise on his face, "The original Raytheon armor is in your hands. ”

"Yes, Raytheon's armor is in the Wanxue Group, but it is not in my hands." Donghuang Yuxi nodded and said.

"What conditions do you want to give to Raytheon's armor?" Xiang Yang asked.

He is very clear that since the Emperor Yuxiu took the initiative to find the door, he is definitely going to give himself the Raytheon armor. However, this chick must have taken a fancy to his own treasure or other circumstances. It is absolutely impossible to give away the thunder in vain. A to himself.

"Do you think there is something in your body that can exchange Raytheon's armor?" Donghuang Yuxi did not immediately say what she wanted, but looked at Xiangyang with a smile on her face.

"I just took out a piece of something that is more precious than Raytheon's armor. But I can't take those treasures out for Raytheon's armor. You say, what are your conditions? If I can accept it, I will barely force it. I received your Raytheon armor. If it doesn't work, then I won't be able to refine a Raytheon armor."

To be honest, Xiang Yang really thought about refining a Raytheon armor and a Thor hammer. Of course, now he doesn't need a Thor suit, and the people around him don't have a very strong degree. People, in the past, if the law of the thunder of the 'Twelve Brothers' Shizhong jade practice reached a very strong degree, it is possible to use the Raytheon suit, but the guy’s repair is still too weak, and now even the Raytheon suit It is useless to him.

Xiang Yang is not in a hurry, nor can he exchange too many conditions or treasures with Donghuang Yuxi because he wants to get Raytheon.

"You kid doesn't want to get the Thor suit, but after the Thor suit is gathered, it's comparable to the day after tomorrow, no, even stronger than a single day after tomorrow. This is the real treasure of attack and defense. It is worn on the body, even if it is If the Holy Power wants to deal with you, it may not be able to break the defense of the Thor suit."

Donghuang Yuxi looked at Xiang Yang with a shocked color on his face.

As for Xiang Yang’s statement that she can refine a Raytheon’s armor, she directly ignores it. If it is so good to refine the Thor’s armor, there are countless Thor’s suits in the world. Maybe I have never seen it before.

"Can you really resist the holy? It is impossible."

Xiang Yang was shocked by the words of the Eastern Emperor Yuxi, although he was able to calculate from the Thunder hammer that the power of the Thor suit must be very strong, but in his view, how strong is there is a degree, impossible to follow Compared with the treasure of the day after tomorrow, however, according to the saying of the East Emperor Yuxi, it seems to be more powerful than the day after tomorrow.

"This is an ancient legend. In ancient times, Raytheon was wearing a Raytheon suit. It was almost invincible in the Yasheng. Even if the ordinary fairy wears the Thor suit, it can also have the fighting power and defense power of the Sanctuary in the moment, because Raytheon The suit is not only a set of magic weapons, but also among the heavens and the world. Less than the treasures that can be instantly improved after being put on."

At the same time as Donghuang Yuxi said, he looked at Xiangyang Road. "These are all recorded in the classics. If you want to check it, it is not difficult."

"Right, Mei Aoxue is the daughter of the destiny of Qingqiuzhou, she will definitely know."

At the same time, Donghuang Yuxi looked at Mei Aoxue, who was waiting quietly while standing still.

Although Mei Aoxue also belongs to the Yaozu, but Tianhu is not a subordinate of the Wanxue Group. Therefore, she saw the Donghuang Yuxi, did not come to salute, but waited for Xiangyang in the distance.

"Yes, what the Emperor of the East Emperor said is everything recorded in the classics." When he saw the eyes of Donghuang Yuxi looking at himself, Mei Ao Xue came to Xiangyang with affirmation on his face. Said the color.

"Okay, but what about me?" Xiang Yang rolled his eyes, and the more powerful the East Emperor Yuxi said, the greater the price he would have to pay for the Raytheon suit.

This point Xiang Yang is very clear, the more so, the less he thought about spending the big price to get Raytheon armor from the hands of the East Emperor Yuxi.

"Do you really want the Raytheon suit?"

Donghuang Yuxi is looking at Xiangyang with a suspicious color on her face. According to her understanding of Xiangyang, she always feels that Xiangyang knows the power of the Raytheon suit, and it is impossible to not want the Raytheon suit, but at the moment Xiang Yang actually showed a very indifferent look, but it made her unable to understand.

"I want it, but will you give it to me?"

Xiang Yang turned his eyes and said.

"That is still you give me the thunder hammer, anyway, you just grab it from someone else's hand, and don't lose it." Donghuang Yuxi also turned his eyes and looked at Xiangyang.

"Ha ha..."

Xiang Yang sneered a few times. The words of Donghuang Xiaoniu are really too level. I even thought about getting the Thor hammer from my own hands. It’s too naive. I came to the treasure in my own hands and wanted to give it to myself. How can she be such a person who is not familiar with herself?

"What do you mean by sneering like this?" After listening to Xiang Yang's words, Dong Huang Yuxi couldn't help but squint at Xiang Yang. What's special, this guy actually looked at himself with such expression, could he use it himself? Can't he refute his tone?

"It doesn't mean anything, just think that you are very interesting." Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"You..." Donghuang Yuxi felt that he had nothing to say with Xiangyang. This guy didn't play cards all day long, and even talking couldn't talk well.

Even if Donghuang Yuxi is the ruler of the future of Wan Yao Tian Zhou, she received the training of the emperor from an early age. At the moment, when facing Xiang Yang, she also thought about a slap in the face of Xiangyang Fan.

"The thunder suit is endless. No matter who gets one of them, I will think about getting it together. I can give you the Raytheon armor."

Then, Emperor Huang Yu took a deep breath and said.

"What conditions?" Xiang Yang asked directly.

"No conditions."

Unexpectedly, Donghuang Yuxi shook his head and said that he did not have any requirements.


This time, it was the turn of Xiangyang’s stunned. He stared at Donghuang Yuxi, with an incredible color on his face. “You can release it really. If you don’t ask for it, you will give Raytheon’s armor. I?"

"Exactly." Donghuang Yuxi nodded and looked at Xiangyang’s shocked look. She felt that her heart was refreshing and she could make Xiang Yang show such expression and give Raytheon’s armor to Xiangyang. It seems worthwhile. .

She felt as if she had been in a conversation with Xiang Yang, and finally won the same time, and her heart was very happy.

However, Xiang Yang was wide-eyed and looked at Donghuang Yuxi. After a long time, he shook his head and said, "I don't want to."

"Why?" The glory of Donghuang Yuxi’s heart has not dissipated. When she heard that Xiangyang said that she should not, she was shocked. She looked at Xiangyang dumbly and did not understand that she gave it to Xiangyang in vain. I still don't want it.

"No, I suddenly didn't want to get the Raytheon suit."

Xiang Yanghe smiled, as he was in the underground world of the secular world, he was very clear that there was absolutely no free lunch in the world, especially the emperor family of Donghuang Yuxi, it is absolutely impossible to send Raytheon armor for no reason. The treasure to yourself, if the other party has any conditions for exchange, it is still normal, Xiang Yang may exchange with the other party after weighing.

However, the other party actually intended to give himself a Raytheon armor. This is a bit wrong. Xiang Yang is too lazy to think about the purpose of the East Emperor Yuxi. Instead, he directly took the hand of Mei Aoxue and turned away from the chaotic void. .

"This bastard." Dong Huang Yu with two old men standing in the chaos of the void, she saw Xiang Yang did not hesitate to turn and leave, it is angry and angry.

"This kid is very extraordinary."

At that moment, the two old men put away their hippie smiles, and their faces looked at Xiangyang who had left the chaotic void with a dignified color.

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