Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2815: Horror like this (five more flowers)

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"The final battle began. Today, including Xiangyang, there are a total of one hundred and one people. That is to say, there will definitely be people in the first round. It will not be Xiangyang."

When the number of onlookers was clear about the total number of participants, they all showed strange colors on their faces.

In view of the fact that Xiangyang has been making a lot of cheating in the past, the act of eliminating countless people has made everyone understand that Xiangyang is definitely treated specially.

In this case, when there is a person who can take turns, the person who is in the air is definitely Xiangyang.

Everyone seems to have gotten used to the mode of Xiangyang.

Sure enough, with the flash of light on the stone of the gas, the final battle was unfolding, and one hundred of them were all transferred to their own platforms. The total range of 50 is only a happy one. The exhibition stand next to it.

"This is really unfair."

Rao is the person who is onlookers, and he feels that he is very open-minded.

However, no matter how embarrassing they are, there is no way to change everything, because Xiangyang’s life is really like opening a hang, and no one can manage Xiangyang, even, even the three sacred sects of the referee The same person feels that Xiang Yang is a bit bullying.

"Hey, why is this kid able to get the love of the **** of gas?"

This is something that the three holy people are very puzzled, but they also know that many things are not what they can intervene. Perhaps, the things at the level of air transport have already touched the real chaos. The scope is that although they are high-ranking sacred masters, they are only sub-shengs, and they can't really intervene in the stone.


The war officially began. One hundred strong men are definitely the strongest in the world of Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng. They have magic weapons and strength. The battle between them is very lively. When the first battle is decided, the winners will be defeated. It took a full ten days, which made everyone shocked.

"This is a waste of time."

Rao is Xiang Yang and feels that such a war is a waste of his own time. It takes ten days to finish the battle first. It is estimated that after these 50 downfalls have all decided to win or lose, it has already passed two or three months. .

However, fortunately, these strong people also want to immediately defeat each other. Everyone has all kinds of means after they have come to power. All kinds of killers broke out. When the first one was defeated, others seemed to get the signal. They also decided to win and lose.

However, this is the case. After the final stage of the battle, the ten days have passed.

"There are people taking turns. Is it necessary for Xiangyang to participate in the final decisive battle?"

Seeing that the fifty winners all sat in the air to restore their vitality. When the people around them saw the number of these people, everyone already understood that Xiangyang must have a good rest.


Sure enough, not long after, the air and the **** stone once again shone with a strong light, but this time everyone unexpectedly expected that the gas **** stone did not separate everyone, but all people were transferred to the same platform. Up, even Xiang Yang is no exception.

"What is the situation? Is it because I am too wasteful of time to dislike it, and the sacred stone is specially made out of this way, ready to come to a big melee, and decide the outcome in one go?"

Xiang Yang stood on the ring and looked a little sluggish. He always felt that all of them were sent to the ring in one go and related to their previous complaints.


Then, when other people were also arrogant, the gas on the stone was still shining with a strong light, and then there was a line of golden fonts appearing above the ring.

"The ultimate decisive battle, melee, and finally who can survive and stand on the ring, is the first person in the battle of Wan Tian Tian Ming."

When this line of fonts appeared, everyone was shocked, that is to say, this is the real ultimate battle, but why do you feel different from the previous ones.

It seems that no rules are written, that is, if someone's popularity is better, they can work together with others to get rid of others.

"This time the ultimate decisive battle, how does it feel like something is wrong, it will not be the ghost of this kid?"

The three sacred strongmen above the ring tower looked at this scene in a dull manner. The original rule was a pair of two pairs. The qi sacred stone would assign the opponent according to the strength of the opponent's strength, and then wait until the last surviving person. It is the winner.

However, the air transport **** stone suddenly changed the decision, so this game became a super big melee.

They really doubt that this is the ghost of Xiangyang, but, immediately, they feel that it is unlikely to be a problem of Xiangyang, because there are a total of fifty-one people on the scene, except for Xiangyang. Individuals, at this moment, all of them will look at Xiangyang with murderous eyes.

"What are you doing?" Xiang Yang was also blinded, and he did not seem to offend anyone. So how many people are staring at themselves at the same time? Is it ready to be a group?

"You, he is the biggest threat, and it is still a rule-breaker. You must not let him live. Otherwise, we have no chance to get this."

"Only by uniting, killing him..."

A middle-aged man looked at Xiang Yang with a gloomy look and said loudly.


However, his voice has not yet fallen. Suddenly there is a knife on his neck that flashes away. At the same time, his defensive treasure is shining, and a defensive energy cover rises, but it is too late. His head has fallen from his neck and his breath has disappeared.

His body and the gods were killed by the scorpion flying knife.

At this moment, Xiang Yang held the knives and feathers in one hand, and looked at everyone with a light look. He said faintly, "The demon confuses the public and wants to unite everyone to deal with me, **** it."

While talking, his face showed a smile and said to other people, "You, since we have been fighting in the ring, we must abide by a rule. We must pay attention to fairness. If we want to fight, then let's get started. Who can stick to the end is the ultimate winner, but it is absolutely unfair to do what dozens of people are besieging a person..."


However, Xiang Yang’s words have not been finished yet, and he saw that forty-nine strong men all broke out with powerful and unmatched attacks and rushed toward him, making his face blue and could not help but roar. “What do you do, rely on Are you bullying me?"


At this moment, Xiang Yang knows that it is time to test his own strength. These forty-nine are top-ranking strongmen, and they all have one or two pieces of treasure, and face these forty-nine The attack of the strong man of Jiuzhong Tianfeng, even if he is also very embarrassed.


Seeing that forty-nine horrible attacks have already been bombarded, Xiang Yang snorted and couldn’t come to display the celestial flying knives, but directly took out the Wan Jian umbrella, accompanied by a huge roar, millions of swords. The roaring explosion broke out and turned into a stegosaurus, madly killing everyone.

Not enough. When these people saw that Xiangyang had killed a strong man with the 斩仙飞刀, all of them all agreed on the defensive to the treasure ship, even if it was a million swords from the Wan Jian umbrella. Stegosaurus bombarded the forty-nine attacks and could not block all the attacks.

"Is it really muddy?"

Xiang Yang’s hand was shocked, and the demon battle blade appeared in his hands. His murderous eruption came out, and an earth-shattering atmosphere ran wildly.


At this moment, Xiang Yang unscrupulously broke out the identity of his own detached magician. The beginning of the magical madness broke out, and the black atmosphere filled the days, making the whole ring full of the atmosphere of the first devil.

"this is..."

When Xiang Yang was too lazy to use the magic to change the energy and directly erupted the beginning of the magic, everyone in the field was shocked.

"God, how could he be a magician, isn't he a descendant of that pulse?"

"This is how it happened. This small avatar turned out to be a magical powerhouse. Moreover, this magical power is even stronger and more pure than the magic sacred ones I know. It is incredible."

"This guy dared to openly display his magic power. This is really urgent. However, forty-nine strong men of the same level besieged him, and each one is the supreme being, even if it is It’s very difficult to be a pair of three, not to mention forty-nine. It’s no wonder that he’s anxious, and even the cover of magic has not directly erupted the strongest attack.”


Those who didn't know the foundation of Xiang Yang were all shocked, and those who knew that this was only Xiang Yang's avatar were all sighed.

However, at this moment, the two old men around Donghuang Yuxi are looking at Xiangyang with a shocking color on their faces. They always feel that this magical spirit is full of supreme magic, which is the kind of real magic. Demon, the existence of no enemy, as if even the saints of the Devils they have ever seen can not be compared with Xiangyang.

The three Ya Shengs on the top also stayed. They were very old beings. At this moment, they saw the magical power exhibited by Xiang Yang. At the same time, they thought of a possibility, with an incredible color. "This is. .."

"Begin Magic!"

The eyes of the three sacred strong men stared at Xiangyang at the same time, not only them, but the two old men around the East Emperor Yuxi also thought of the words "Begin Magic".

A total of five people, staring at Xiang Yang, with a dignified and shocking color.

"This kid actually got the inheritance of the first demon."

"It's no wonder that he has to risk a martial arts avatar. It turned out to be the inheritance of the first magic. Even if it was me, if I got the inheritance of the original demon, I wouldn't help but cultivate a avatar."

"This is nothing but the beginning of the devil. It is the existence of the sacred level of chaos. Although it is fallen, it is definitely the ancestor of the devil, the demon of the devil."


The five people who recognized the identity of Xiang Yang were all staring at Xiang Yang. They understood that Xiang Yang practiced this magical idea. Even if they stood in the perspective of Xiang Yang, they got the first magic. The inheritance, can not help but practice the magic of the beginning.

"The first sword of the first demon sword, born out of nothing, this sword, I want half of your life."

At this moment, after Xiang Yang's full force released a magical spirit, his black hair fluttered, and the whole person was like a madman. The demon battle blade has turned into a super-devil sword. This sword is like a knife, not a sword. At first glance, the chills and tremors seem to be born in order to kill and exist. It seems to be a true supreme magic soldier.

This is the way that Xiang Yang got from the beginning of the magic work about the beginning of the magic sword. At this moment, the magical battle blade is changed directly into the first magic sword, and the sword is displayed as the first sword, and the first sword is thrown out. The big explosion of the void, this time, is no longer a summoning of ancient swords, but an endless array of people coming out of the void.


The first one came out is a long-haired shawl spread out, holding a strong three-footed peak in the hand, although the other party is only a virtual shadow that was summoned, but there is an endless sacred eruption.

"I have a sword, I can smash everything, who can stop?"

The three-footed Qingfeng in the hands of this strong man smashed out at random, and suddenly, accompanied by a huge roar, there was no sound, and among the forty-nine people, there were more than half of them directly under this sword. Disappear.

Then, the strong man holding the three-footed Qingfeng looked at Xiang Yang deeply. Xiang Yang seemed to see a familiar feeling from his eyes, as if the other party was not a virtual shadow that was summoned, but The entire living person of the other party is summoned from ancient times and time.

"This, how do I feel that it is a bit odd to use this time to fully display the sword."

Xiang Yang’s heart suddenly jumped, and when he felt that he was not quite right, he saw it in the void, and another figure came out. The other side was a white figure that was carried by the Excalibur, and it was fluttering in white, but when the other After the appearance, there was no sword, but the eyes were condensed. Two swords light flew out of his gaze directly. The two swords were empty and suddenly, all the remaining people in the field, Half of them were completely killed.

"so smart..."

At this moment, let alone the people around me are shocked, even the three old sages and the two old men around the East Emperor Yuxi are also watching this scene.

Even the strength of the five of them, when they sensed the two shadows before and after, they also trembled, and a horrible thought, ‘true saint’.


The five strong players were all stunned, and the dozens of people on the ring who were preparing to besiege Xiangyang had already been scared and daring.

"Put away, we admit defeat..."

"All the treasures in my body are for you, and I admit defeat."

"Give you, all my magic weapons are for you."


Then, the remaining dozens of people were all crazy and screaming. They felt the attack of the two strong men. They felt that they were not killed and frightened.

"Well, I have to admit defeat."

After Xiang Yang met, his eyes glowed and he was ready to remove the sword.


However, at this time, the white sword **** who was carrying the Excalibur seemed to be very dissatisfied with the power of the two sword lights that bloomed in his eyes. He pointed out with a slight finger, and suddenly, the infinite sword broke out. Before Xiang Yang had not had time to take back the sword, he would have all the rest left.

"I rely on..."

Author Meng Yu said: Today is more complete, ask for flowers....

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