Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2816: Big trouble

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"I rely on it, can I still do this. Is this the summoned sword?" How do I feel that they are living people?"

Xiang Yang was stunned. Even at this moment, he also found that in the void that was summoned by his own sword, there seemed to be some strong people coming from the more distant void to cheer up. Moreover, His mana has also disappeared, and he feels weak in the blink of an eye.

"You are still too weak..."

Between the vagueness, when all the mana in Xiangyang’s body was consumed, the phantom of the white sword **** who carried the sword was disappeared. However, before the disappearance, Xiang Yang’s ears seemed to have a faint The sigh passed over.

"Mom, haunted..."

Xiang Yang was pale and his **** fell on the ground of the ring, not only because he was frightened by this voice, but also because his incomparable mana was all exhausted. For a while, he did not adapt. come.

"The two guys seem to have rushed out of the unknown time and space, and I didn't ask them to come. I just want to summon a few holy places of swordsmanship. How can people be summoned?"

"This magic work is too strange, my god..."

"And, in the back of the void, there seems to be a large group of people who are lined up, because they can't come out to play a trick and feel very dissatisfied, this is awkward..."

Xiang Yang only thought that this was too bad. He used his first sword to start the sword. The so-called out of nothing, in fact, is a thought, what is there.

What do you realize when you display this first sword? Of course, fantasy cannot exceed the support of actual mana.

Xiang Yang directly used this sword as nothing, and summoned some strong swords from the ancient battlefield to attack the enemy.

Originally, the power of this sword made Xiang Yang very satisfied. Xiang Yang also thought that if he was to exert his full strength, he should be able to summon the swordsmanship of the true chaotic saints. As a result, whoever thought, when he really When using a force to cast this sword, it is not the swords that are summoned, but the people are summoned.

Moreover, it is very obvious that these people are too strong and definitely a true saint.

Also, when they left, they looked at their eyes with dissatisfied colors. They seemed to feel that they were too weak to allow them to stay for a while. The feeling made Xiang Yang a little bit of hair.

"This guy got the inheritance of the first magic, and the sword that was displayed was definitely the first sword. The first sword was so horrible, and it was able to summon the saints in the unknown time and space. This is simply too strange."

"It is said that the ancient demon was not destroyed by anyone, but it was missing because of the inexplicable surprise. Is this the case?"

At this moment, the three sacred strongmen above the ring are discussing. Fortunately, they only use the method of sound transmission. Otherwise, if Xiangyang hears them, it is estimated that they will be scared to death.

At this moment, Xiang Yang is sitting on the ground and recovering. In the case that others can't see it, his body, the Promise of the Immortal, opens a door, and the infinite beginning of the magic is constantly immersed in his body. At the same time, The cave fairy power of Dong Tianxian Wang also emerged.

Although Xiangyang’s Shimo Devil did not open the hole in the body, he opened the cave in the Promise Immortal, making an area in the Promise Immortal filled with the cave fairy power, which is used to restore energy, but also Very convenient.


At this time, when Xiangyang was recovering energy at a rapid speed, the first place in the battle of Wanzhou’s destiny of women was already split. The final decisive battle was also called because Xiangyang Shizhan’s first magic sword was summoned. The strong in time and space ended those people out.

The huge gas-capped stone on the platform flashed, and all the gas powers of the remaining dozens of goddess of the gods were stripped and injected into the body of Mei Aoxue.

At this moment, Mei Aoxue is truly a destiny, and it has gathered Wanzhou air transport. Her whole body has become a zone filled with powerful gas power, and the people around it are simply inaccessible. Mei Aoxue.

A vast expanse of heaven and earth, the Mei Ao Xue, who absorbed the power of air transportation in the center, took a heavenly majesty.

Even the three old sages and the two old men who followed the East Emperor Yuxi saw this scene and they all widened their eyes and whispered in a low voice. "This is the true fate of the destiny." Wanzhou’s daughter of destiny is deserved. From then on, she will gradually influence the whole fairyland, and she will absorb the air transport of the whole fairyland all the time, thus becoming a true **** of destiny.

"And Xiang Yang, the Taoist who is the daughter of the destiny, will also get incredible benefits."

At the same time, everyone looked at Xiangyang with their gaze, but found that Xiangyang had stood up in the spirit and was watching around the huge gas god.

"Small stones, come over, let me see what wonderful things you have."

Xiang Yanghehe smiled and reached out to the gas **** stone. Suddenly, the huge gas **** stone above it flashed directly at this moment, turned into a stone with a fist size, and then '咚' fell. In the hands of Xiang Yang.

"This, is this OK?"

After Xiang Yang met, he was stunned. This gas is also obedient, and shouldn’t it be a million feet tall? How can it be deformed, and it becomes a fist-like size at once.

"Do you have any consciousness?"

Xiang Yang whispered to himself, and he carefully explored his soul consciousness into the stone of the **** of gas. He wanted to re-examine whether there was any conscious existence within the stone of this gas, but found that it was still empty. It seems that it is really just a piece of stone, so he is a bit puzzled.

"Without consciousness, this is unlikely. Is it really just a vain will?" Xiang Yang frowned at this scene, and he always felt that it was a bit too uncomfortable.

"Boss, anyway, the three little old men are not talking about it? As long as you win the first place in the battle of the goddess of life, you will get the gas stone, anyway, this stone is already yours, it is better to give it to me, I integrated it into the Qingxuan sword, and made the Qingxuan sword into a destiny artifact. When the sword is thrown out, it can cut off all the air traffic of the other party. Even if it is not killed on the spot, it can also make the other party unlucky. To death."

At this time, the voice of Xiaoling passed to Xiang Yang’s brain.

"Destiny artifact?"

After Xiang Yang listened, it was the mind that jumped up and couldn’t help but ask Xiaoling. "What you mean is that if I hold the destiny artifact and the sword breaks the other side’s air, the other party becomes A real unlucky person, even a sip of water will die?"

"Yeah, maybe not so exaggerated, but in the heavens and the world, any living creature needs air transport. Even the chaotic saints also need the suppression of air transport. After we refine the artifact of fate, we can suppress the air transport. Depriving others of their luck, at that time, even if the strength of the other party is stronger than you, if we can deprive each other of the gas by virtue of the destiny artifact, the other party is not letting you knead."

Xiaoling said with a smile.

"Come here, give it to you, refining it, anyway, this guy will not answer me." Xiang Yang very decisively sent the gas in the hands of the gods into the Promise Immortal to the Xiaoling toss.

Although this stone has given him a lot of help in this battle, it seems to be biased towards himself. However, since the other party has never communicated with himself, there is only a vain will, then, is there any Refining and turning into a destiny artifact is not bad.

"If you can get the real destiny artifact, if there is really such a bad thing that Xiaoling said, wouldn't it mean that you want to be invincible?" Xiang Yangxi said.

"You, the battle between the daughters of this Wanzhou destiny has ended. From then on, there is only one woman who is destined for life. As for the ability of the woman of the specific destiny, we are not clear, you are all scattered. Go ahead."

At this time, the three sacred strongmen sitting on the top of the plate began to rush, and all the strongmen who were on the scene were ready to be driven away.

Since the three sacred strongmen have sprung up, those onlookers will naturally never dare to stay. They are very curious in their hearts, and they want to know what it will be like when Mei Aoxue gets the Wanzhou air transport. But I can only turn and leave.

In the blink of an eye, there were only three of the sacred strong men in the field, as well as the emperor and the two old men.

"You three?"

The three sacred strong men at the top saw the East Emperor Yuxi and the two old men around him still still relying on them, and suddenly frowned.

"We are family members, haha, nephew is the young master of Wan Yao Tian Chau, but also the sister of the daughter of the destiny." The two old men said with a smile.

"Two, have we seen it?"

After hearing the words of the two old men, the three sacred strong men did not continue to leave. The sacred strong man in the middle frowned at the two old men, feeling as if they were familiar with the two old men. Look like that.

"Ah, haha, is there? Is it true that the two old guys are so lucky, can you still see the Afghan strong?"

The two old men laughed and said.

"Maybe I admit it wrong, but I feel a familiar atmosphere among the three of you, and it is unlikely that you can be the two..."

The sacred strong man shook his head and felt that the two old men could never be the two people they imagined.

The two old men screamed and laughed, even when faced with the three sacred strong men, they did not have the slightest restraint, while the East Emperor Yuxi was staring at the power of passing on the air. Mei Aoxue, his eyes with a shocking color, "Wanzhou is the daughter of the destiny, isn’t it the daughter of the fate of the fairyland in the future?"

"In the future, she is indeed the daughter of the destiny of the whole fairyland. Even if her luck is good enough, she can become the daughter of the fate of the entire Pangu chaotic world. Of course, it is very difficult to do this step."

At this time, one of the three sacred strongmen opened.

"However, even if she has not changed, at this moment she already has a sage posture. With her gathering of Wanzhou air transport, it is very simple to want to be sanctified."

"If this kind of good thing is happening to us, how good."

"No, it doesn't have to happen to us, even if it is just a goddess of the destiny, it can also have infinite power."


Then, these three sacred masters are constantly sighing. When their eyes are on Mei Aoxue, their eyes are full of envy.

Even, even if they are the three sacred strong, at the moment, they are very much thinking about how good it would be if they could become a Taoist.

It is only after they have reached this point that it is no longer a simple penance to do sanctification. Even if they have worked hard for tens of billions of years, it is estimated that it has no effect.

For them, if they can gather enough powerful gas, it is possible to make them instantly become true chaotic saints.

Not to mention these three sacred strong men, even the two old men around the East Emperor Yuxi also have envious colors on their faces. They looked at the emperor's jade, and suddenly they met Mei of the emperor. It is really a right choice for Ao Xue to have a good relationship.

"The deaf children really inherit our excellent quality."

These two old men are reassured by the Chinese and Americans. They feel that the practice of the Eastern Emperor Yuxi is shameless, but it is very correct. So, perhaps because of Mei Tianxue’s daughter, who is the goddess of life, In the future, it is possible for Donghuang Yuxi to go all the way, and the gateway to the saints is possible.

"Hey, I am a little envious of this kid now."

"I am afraid that all the holy people in the world will be very embarrassed about this kid."

"However, this descendant of the old fox is a bit dangerous later."


At this time, there were countless sacred strong men in the void, and they all looked at Mei Aoxue, who was receiving the inheritance of the power of air transportation, with a strange color in his eyes.

"These undead sacred strongmen are eyeing Mei Xiaoniu."

After Xiang Yang saw this scene, it was a shocking color on his face.

"What should I do next?"

Xiang Yang is not moving, but his whole person's head is running wildly, and now he really realizes that Mei Aoxue is in danger.

At this moment, Mei Aoxue is simply a piece of incense for these crazy Yasheng who wants to make their own breakthrough into the real chaotic sage, although on the surface they will hinder for some reason. I dare not openly talk about Mei Ao Xue, but it is absolutely terrible if the Holy Land is born with bad thoughts.

"This is a big problem."

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