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"The trouble is big."

Xiang Yang’s gaze looks at Mei Aoxue, who is absorbing the power of endless gas transportation. The more the atmosphere of Mei Aoxue at this moment is, the more dangerous it is.

The danger of this time, even after Xiang Yang met, I felt very tricky.

This is the embarrassment of a group of holy people.

We must know that no one knows the number of sacred strong men in the whole world, and these sacred strongmen are almost all stuck in the realm of the peak and cannot break through and find a way to become a chaotic saint.

If they discover the appearance of the daughter of Mei Tianxue, they feel that if they get Mei Ao Xue, they can get enough gas power to break through the sanctification.

Then, the degree of danger of Mei Aoxue can be imagined.

"A **** case is brewing."

Not only is Xiangyang thinking about it, but even Donghuang Yuxi is also frowning. She whispers, "Would you like to ask your father to protect your sister? Otherwise, Mei’s sister is really dangerous."

"This matter, we are not suitable to participate in the demon world."

At this time, the faces of the two old men that Mei Aoxue followed followed a rare serious color. Their eyes looked at the emperor of the East Emperor, and they said, "The things involved in the world." All Yasheng is definitely a very serious problem. Even if we are descendants of ancient Heavenly Emperor, it is very difficult to protect her."

"What should I do?"

The eyes of Donghuang Yuxi looked at Mei Aoxue, and looked at Xiangyang, whispering. "Xiangyang is the descendant of that pulse, can he protect Mei sister?"

"If he is a saint, or if the vein behind him has a chaotic sage, it will naturally protect her. But I think that one is impossible to participate in this kind of thing." The old man on the right Said the opening.

"That one is high, in the chaos of Hongmeng, how can I always pay attention to it here." The left side also sighed, watching Mei Aoxue constantly shaking his head.

"What about Emperor Xuan?"

Xiang Yang’s gaze looks at those sacred strongmen who are looming in the void, perhaps because the Wanzhou air transport is concentrated on Mei Aoxue’s body, and countless sacred strongs have all appeared.

At this moment, there are hundreds of sacred strong people in the void, which is a terrible force. Even if Xiangyang is confident in his own strength, he has no grasp of how to fight against hundreds of holy places. By.

"Unless I quickly break through to the sacred world, or the peak of the path of chemistry, otherwise it is too difficult to fight against the holy people." Xiang Yang whispered.

Among these great sacred people, he did not see it.

However, because of this, Xiang Yang’s heart is also more anxious.

"Maybe this so-called Wanzhou Goddess of Worship is a conspiracy of the Holy Land?"

Xiang Yang suddenly thought of a possibility. His face changed greatly, his body shape flashed, and the whole person was instantly around Mei Aoxue. Although he could not enter the endless air, he was the most Close to Mei Aoxue.

"When Mei Xiaoniu absorbed the power of these qi, I will put her into the Promise of Immortality. Then, if these saints want to find Mei Xiaoniu, unless they can take the Promise from my hands. But, can they take it away?"

Xiang Yang made up his mind, as long as Mei Aoxue absorbed the power of these air transports, he will use her speed to transfer her to the Promise Immortal Palace. As a result, as long as they are still alive, they should not be afraid of these Yasheng. Can take Mei Aoxue away.

However, these Yasheng seem to understand the idea of ​​Xiangyang. At this moment, there is a group of Yasheng directly appearing from the void, and each face came to Xiangyang with a gentle smile.

"The original little friend is the descendant of that pulse. I have heard about Xiaoyou’s name. I saw it today, and it’s true that it’s a name that is not a rumor.”

"Yeah, Xiaoyou is really a dragon and a phoenix, and the **** of the sword is also."

"Before the sword, I have also sensed it. The little friend summoned the ancient saints?"


Then, this group of strong people laughed and greeted Xiang Yang. If it was normal, it would allow a large group of Yasheng strong people to say hello to themselves. Even Xiang Yang would feel very fulfilled, but at this moment, he However, when he was able to sense that the purpose of these sages was not his own, but he wanted to rob himself of Mei Ao Xue, his heart suddenly sank.

The shamelessness of these saints surpassed Xiang Yang’s imagination, and even when he greeted him, he approached himself quietly, and at the same time, he was close to Mei Aoxue.


Xiang Yang’s heart was dark, and on the surface was a smile. He said to the group of saints, and said with a smile, “The boy has seen the predecessors of the saints, and I have heard from my master, the heavens. Among the thousands of circles, there are countless saints, but the mainstay of the heavens and the world. The boy has long wanted to see it, and today he finally dreams."

"The teacher of Xiaoyou is... who is that?"

After hearing these words, Xiang Sheng talked about his master's respect, and all of them had a shocking color on their faces.

Their faces changed slightly. When they remembered the legend, when Xiang Yang’s master was the one of those veins, they had a little drumming in their hearts, and they saw Xiangyang’s swearing to protect Mei’s snow. If they really had someone If Mei Aoxue is taken away, even if they can finally be sanctified, can they compare with that one?

The legendary one transcends the existence of chaotic saints.

"Even if you can't compare with him, but you can become a chaotic saint again, that is the immortal existence. How can I do that?"

Then, these sacred hearts whispered, and the desire for sanctification transcended everything. Even if they knew that Xiangyang was behind the chaotic sword **** in the ancient legend, they also made up their minds and must take it away. Mei Aoxue.

"Hey, who is my master, how can you not know, huh, huh." Xiang Yang has been observing the eyes of these strong people and found that although they changed their eyes, they finally made up their minds. The heart suddenly sinks.

He knows very well that these guys are ready for everything, and they are definitely not clear in their own words, unless they can summon them to respect them.

Thinking of this, Xiang Yang said with a smile, "Since all of you are here, it is better for me to invite my teacher, how can I meet with you?"


Xiang Yang’s sentence is like a chaos that has exploded in the crowd, causing the faces of these sages to change greatly. They are staring at Xiangyang one by one.

They want to find out if Xiang Yang can really summon the legendary one. If he can really summon that one, then even if they give them 10,000 courage, they don’t dare What kind of care is given to Mei Ao Xue.

However, there is a fear of death, he said with a smile, "Little guy, you don't brag, but I know that all the chaos saints are in the depths of chaos, it is impossible to appear at any time, even if you can contact your master, you will be able to Is that one calling? It is impossible."

"Predecessors are laughing, my master, if I can't even ask my teacher, do you think anyone can see my master?"

Xiang Yang looked calmly at the guy. The other is a middle-aged man with a gloomy look. He has a demon, which makes Xiang Yang understand that the other party must be an ancient demon to become a holy, and should be called the demon. .

"In this case, we really want to see the legendary chaotic sword sacred respect. It is better to ask the younger friend to come over to his old man."

The demon sage, he said with a smile.

"Yeah, if Xiaoyou can bring your teacher to come and let me wait, I am really honored."

"Little friends, please."

Others followed the opening. They were all unwilling. If Xiang Yang really could ask his master, they wouldn’t be able to do it. They wouldn’t believe it. The people present had hundreds of sages. And, after there are other people who are getting news, they come from various places. At that time, the gathering of the gods of the Tianya, the one who is even stronger, may it be possible to kill everyone?

If you kill everyone, in the future, the battle against the aliens, who wants to go up?

Most of these guys have survived since ancient times, even if they have not experienced the ancient and exotic wars, but they have also heard of it.

They are very clear, and the battle with foreign powers, although the true chaotic sage is the mainstream, but these sub-saints are also a force that cannot be ignored. If they lose their sub-saints, the Pangu chaotic world will be finished.

If they are only one or two Yasheng, they are really afraid that they will be destroyed by Xiangyang’s masters. But the so-called law does not blame the public. If they are too many, they should not be afraid.

"When I need to ask my teacher, I will naturally ask him to be an old man."

Xiang Yang looks with a serious color, and his heart is very anxious. These old guys are so behaved that they prove that there is no fear. He already understands, unless he can really ask the teacher to come out, otherwise he wants to stop. These sub-sacred are not very likely.

"Made, this battle of the goddess of Wanzhou is a pit, a conspiracy of these Yasheng."

Xiang Yang is roaring in his heart. He has already understood that the promoters behind the so-called Wanzhou Destiny’s Women’s War must be these saints. They may have already planned well, in order to be able to transport all the goddess of destiny. All of them are gathered together on the same person, and then they can take away the daughter of the destiny, and they can use the huge force of gas to attack the saint.

"The Emperor of the East, Xu Wei, rewards the **** of gas, so, is this thing related to him?"

Xiang Yang’s eyes are cold, and he always feels that Xu Wei is a very good emperor. If the other party also participated in this matter, even as a mastermind, then he was too disappointed.

However, the Eastern Emperor Xu Wei did not appear here, which made Xiang Yang feel a little comforted.

"When these guys are really desperate to rob me of Mei Xiaoniu, even if this avatar is destroyed, I will once again show the beginning of the sword, summoning the ancient saints in infinite space and time to come. They are gone."

In the heart of Xiangyang’s heart, Dantian directly opened a portal, which is the gateway to the Promise Immortal. The infinite energy is constantly flowing, which makes his body's mana flow endless.

If it is really going to be a big fight, then, how will he fight him when he is turned upside down?


At this time, with the absorption of Mei Aoxue, the air traffic around her is getting less and less, and her whole person seems more and more sacred.

Around these Yasheng no longer have a feeling of talking nonsense with Xiangyang. They all look at Mei Aoxue with care, and at the same time watch out for other Yasheng. At that time, they are fighting together to see who can skillfully At the same time, it is time to take Mei Aoxue first.

Every Yasheng can have the strength of the saints. They are all a little spiritual practice. Everyone has their own connotations. Everyone is very confident in themselves. As long as they can take the other person’s step by step, they will be sure. The woman who can take the fate of life will retreat.


Xiang Yang is cold and cold. Since these guys don’t even act, they don’t bother to give these guys a good look. Instead, they’re shocked by the right hand. The first magic sword that the demon sword has been put in his hands is a horror. The breath broke out.

However, this breath, no matter how strong, can not be compared with the Asian holy strong.

Although these sub-sacred strongmen do not care about the strength of the explosives that erupted from Xiangyang, Xiangyang’s first devil’s gas made them feel a little shocked.

"This is the beginning of the magic, he actually got the inheritance of the beginning of the devil."

"The sect of that pulse, even the practice of the beginning is the magic, what is the situation?"

"Don't he be the descendant of that pulse, but fake..."

These Asian saints talked to each other in their own hearts. They looked at Xiangyang’s saying that the first demon sword was blinking, and he thought, if Xiangyang is a descendant of the pulse, can they directly Xiang Yang is gone, taking away everything in Xiangyang.

"Little friends, don't you say that you are the descendant of that pulse? Why did you practice the magic of the magic road?" The demon singer who had opened before, smiled and looked at Xiang Yang, and at the same time, his figure was moving toward Xiang Yang came over and broke out with a strong breath to suppress the ivory.

Obviously, this demon sacred, actually intends to be the first to directly work on Xiang Yang.

"This is my avatar. My deity is following the practice of my master. At this moment, the deity has told my master what happened here." Xiang Yang’s heart was stunned, but on the surface it was said with a calm color.

"Oh, then, what does your teacher say?" The demon sage sneered, apparently not convinced what Xiang Yang said.

"My teacher said that if the seniors would like to see his old man, although his old man is not convenient, but if he wants to have a thought, there will be infinite avatars to come. At that time, maybe the seniors will not want to see it. My teacher's avatar."

Xiang Yang’s eyes looked coldly at this group of Yasheng.

Obviously, at this time, everyone has almost torn the face, and he is also ready to use the strongest killings to prepare with these guys.

Even at this moment, in the dantian of Xiangyang, Wan Wanzhong emerged, and Lao Wan sighed and said, "When the world is long, the world may have forgotten the name of the robbery, the boss, if it is a last resort, you will With this avatar, the flesh and blood will force a bang, and after a blow, the fairy world collapses, the heavens fall, and all the causes and effects are borne by these Yasheng."

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