Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2834: Altar transfer

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"This is the altar of the soul family."

Soon after, the soul seven and seven took Xiangyang to the place where the altar of the soul group was located. Fortunately, although the altar of the soul group is very important, everyone knows that there must be a group of 18 elders. In order to start the altar, there is no need for anyone to guard. Otherwise, even if Xiang Yang wants to get close to the altar, it will take a little bit of effort.

Xiang Yang glanced at the altar of the ancestral ancestors. There is no magical place in this altar. It is just a simple altar. Or it should be said that it is a transmission channel. It can inject the soul of the unique soul of the soul by a certain method. To the holy land of the soul family in the chaos of the void.

This transfer of the altar is not a complicated array. At least for a big master like Xiang Yang, it is not difficult to break the transmission array on this altar.

"The altar of the soul family needs 18 elder elders to open the altar at the same time. It is impossible for us to enter the holy land of the soul through the altar."

"Xiang Yang, I know that you really want to help me, I am very grateful to you, but the Holy Land of the Soul is definitely not where we can enter, oh..."

The soul seventy-seven looked at the altar, with a look of indifference on his face.

She once saw with her own eyes that her father was sent to the holy land of the soul family through the altar. She thought that her father’s entry into the holy land of the soul is the glory of the greatness. After coming out, it will become the soul of the high, and since then, it has become the true soul of the soul. The master.

However, at this moment she only knew that, in fact, entering the holy land of the soul, may not be able to come back alive.

She finally understood why the Soul of the Souls was the realm of the Immortality of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak. It should have been an immortal existence, but the Emperor of the Earth has often changed.

It turned out that many soul emperors died in the Holy Land.

“Why is this?”

The soul whispered in anger, and she looked at the altar in anger. If it was not her father who was still in the Holy Land, and the last hope that she could come back through this altar, she had already destroyed the altar.

"You souls are deliberately going to kill each generation of the soul emperor."

At this time, I heard Xiang Yang’s face looked at the soul with a strange color.


The soul is invincible and looks at Xiang Yang.

"This altar is only an altar that is transmitted in one direction. That is to say, as long as someone passes through the altar to the soul of the soul of the so-called chaotic void, it is no longer possible to return through the altar. Why do you want to give it to you? For the term of the millennium, it is only necessary to directly select the soul king from the Soul Holy Land."

After Xiang Yang’s research, he has thoroughly named the role of this altar. His heart is curious. Who is the altar of the soul race, and directly refers to the soul emperor who deceived the soul, is it to kill the soul emperor? Still for what?

All this, Xiang Yang did not know, the soul seven or seven did not know, at this moment, she listened to Xiang Yang's words after it was completely embarrassed, originally she also hopes that there is still hope for tomorrow, can wait until his father's return, who I thought that my father could never return. This altar is transmitted in one direction. How can I come back?

"I guess that what you call the Soul Holy Land is either a big pit or a concentration of the soul."

Xiang Yang said with a sigh.

This is the altar of the Soul. It is the soul of the soul who deliberately sent each generation of the Emperor to the altar. As for the so-called Soul Holy Land, it is very curious.

Just, curiosity, he is a bit embarrassed in his heart, should it be sent to the past to see?

"Boss, the place where this altar leads, should be the Netherland."

However, at this time, the voice of Xiaoling and Laowan came from the Dantian of Xiangyang. At this moment, the two great spirits were standing in the Dantian of Xiangyang, and they observed the altar through the Dantian of Xiangyang. They finally got the result.


After Xiang Yang listened, he took a cold breath. "How is this possible? From ancient times, the connection between the Netherland and the Heavens and the Worlds has been interrupted, not to say that it has been destroyed? How can this altar be? To the Netherland?"

"In fact, it is."

Xiaoling and Laowan said in unison, "However, we guess that this is just a closed small space leading to the Netherland. It can only be regarded as a small and quiet world. However, that small space is a gateway. To the real big secluded world."

"So, that is to say, the soul family has a connection with the Netherland."

Xiang Yang’s eyes flashed in succession. He did not expect to have a passage to the Netherland. Moreover, he initially suspected that the Souls were related to the Netherland. At this moment, it was clear that the Soul himself might not know what they were. The connection of the Netherland, at least most people, is like the soul of the seven seven, etc. Do not know, but the soul family is definitely related to the Netherland.

"I have long suspected that the Soul is part of the Netherland. Now it seems that the Soul is definitely the seed that has been handed down from the Netherland. But what does the Netherland have to do with the fairy world? Is it related to the foreign world? Why is it the Nether? Is the boundary closed and cut off all channels?"

Xiang Yang whispered to himself, looking at the altar, his eyes were eager to try. "Xiaoling, Laowan, I want to modify this altar. After I enter it, the power will be transmitted within one day." Pull back, you help me."

He really wants to go into the Netherland to see, what is it in the end, but he is afraid that he will become the soul of the past, and will not come out after entering the Netherland.

However, he can change the altar and turn the power of the altar into two-way transmission. Moreover, let the altar start after one day and pull the car back. At that time, if it is dangerous, only You need to hide until the power of the altar pulls you back.

"Well, boss, you listen to us, arrange it like this..."

Next, Xiao Ling and Lao Wan studied together with Xiang Yang, and soon got a perfect plan. Xiang Yang started to brand new arrays at the base of this altar.

However, in order not to be discovered by the people of the Soul, the altar has been inspected. He carefully imprinted the battle with the power of his own soul and directly changed the altar to two-way transmission. Of course, this two-way transmission only has him. Send it back, only he can start.

"what are you doing?"

The soul seventy-seven is shocked. I heard that Xiang Yang said that the qualified altar is a one-way transmission, but when it is impossible to send it back to the person who is sent to the opposite side, her heart is completely desperate. See you now. When Xiang Yang went to the altar, he suddenly smashed.

Is there such an operation?

When the soul altar is from the soul family, the ancient ancestors of the soul family have already placed it here. This altar is invincible, and almost no external force can destroy it, so the soul family did not send any masters to guard here, but Xiang Yang actually changed the altar, this...

"I have to do a reverse transfer. At that time, we can pull us back from the other end of the altar."

When Xiang Yanghe smiled and said, he had already completed the depiction of the final formation. Then he felt that he was not insured. If the altar was controlled or destroyed, he might Dangerous.

He has been indulging for a long time, and he took out a disc magic weapon. It is the best of the fairy class. It directly depicts a reverse-transporting array on this magic weapon. After refining it, it is the magic weapon of this disc. Carefully bury it deep in the ground to hide it.

"In this way, after having double security, should I be able to come back?"

Xiang Yang said to himself, looking at the soul that had already been stunned, and said with a smile, "Hey, what?"

At this moment, the soul seventy-seven is wide-eyed and looking at Xiangyang, with a shocking color on his face. "You, you want to transfer to the holy land of the soul?"

"How else can you save your father?"

Xiang Yang said with a smile.


The soul stayed in the seventh, although it has long been guessed that Xiang Yang wants to enter the transmission array through the altar, just to help himself save his father, but now, when she heard Xiang Yang say it, she couldn't help but be shocked.


After the soul seventy-seven reaction came, he quickly grabbed Xiang Yang’s hand and shook his head and said, “Xiang Yang, don’t, don’t go, no one knows what the holy land of the soul family looks like, you don’t want to enter it. I don't want you to take risks."

"Oh, I think you misunderstood. I want the two of us to enter the holy land of the soul family, not myself. If you want me to enter it alone, don't you want to go in?"

Xiang Yang saw that the soul was seventy-seven excited, but after a few seconds of indulging, he said.


The soul seventy-seven did not expect that Xiang Yang would have to let himself enter the soul holy place together. After she heard Xiang Yang’s words, she stayed for a while, and then whispered, "I, I thought you were going to be alone." Go in."

"You are stupid, I am alone in it, even if I found someone, I know which one is your father?"

Xiang Yangbai gave her a glance.

"Yes, but it is normal for me to go in and save my father, but if you let in, you don't have to do this."

The soul seventy-seven frowned at Xiangyang, she whispered, "If you don't, let me enter it alone to save people. In this case, if I can't come out, you can find a way to go." Save me."

"I think I will go in now. If you let you go advanced, I will go to the Holy Land in the morning and evening."

Xiang Yang looked at the soul seventy-seven with a sly color on his face, and he sighed in the heart, letting this little girl enter the holy land of the soul family alone, he really did not trust.

Moreover, he already knows that the Soul Holy Land in the so-called chaos is not necessarily the true soul sacred place. It is very likely that after the Netherland, he will be more determined to enter the heart.

He would like to see the Netherland, a world that has been disconnected from the heavens in ancient times, and what the world of one of the three ancient worlds looks like.

In ancient times, the ancient Tianting was called the heaven, and the wild land was divided into the celestial world. Together with the secluded world, a total of three worlds were juxtaposed in this ancient chaotic world.

However, with the collapse of the world, the heavens collapsed. Only the Nether was preserved, but it lost any connection with the outside world.

Now it is hard to find a passage that leads to the Netherland. If it is not well grasped, it is impossible for Xiangyang to leave the Soul.

"let's go."

Xiang Yang did not say anything, but directly took the soul seven or seven to stand on the altar. The mind was moved, and the power of a majestic soul poured into it, directly launching the altar of the soul family. Suddenly, the figure of the two was an instant. Disappeared on the altar.


However, shortly after the two left, they heard a roaring sound. In the void, there were several strong people of the Soul. They looked at the altar of the Soul with a doubtful color.

"How do I feel like the altar was activated?"

There is a strong man with an incomprehensible color on his face and his eyes on other people.

"We also sensed it, but starting the altar requires me to wait for the 18 elders to perform at the same time with the soul. Moreover, even if the altar is started, it can't be so fast. It should be that we are wrong."

Another person said.

"Yeah, don't make a fuss, tomorrow is the final deadline. It's time to choose a new soul emperor."

An old man with a soul family said with a smile, "If you want to make your descendants become soul emperors, you need to work well. However, the competition between future generations hopes that it will not affect me." The relationship between the eight elders is."

"That is of course, the soul emperor changed every 10,000 years, and I waited for the eighteen elders to remain unchanged for millions of years. How can I change the relationship between my brothers because of the Emperor?"

"Ha ha ha, soul emperor, little things."


The other elders also laughed loudly.

Among the souls, although the soul emperor is the ruler on the bright side, in fact, everyone understands that within the soul family, the real powerful people are still the eighteen elders.

After the Emperor of the Soul, the time of the eternal life will be transmitted to the holy land of the Soul by the altar. After the millennium, the Emperor will not reappear, and he will re-select the new Emperor. This has become the law of the Soul. The Eighteen Elders of the Souls are eighteen people who have not changed for millions of years. They know how to open the altar, and even have a powerful family under their own hands. They are the real powers in their respective families. It can be said that they are the masters of the entire soul family, and even each soul king can be said to be selected from the eighteen families.

For them, the soul emperor is like a play, and their eighteen elders are the real soul of the soul.

Of course, in the legend, if the soul emperor can come out of the holy land of the soul, it will become the true supreme soul of the Holy Spirit. At that time, by the soul of the Holy Spirit, it is the real most terrible, even if it is eighteen The elders can no longer limit the soul emperor.

However, during these millions of years, they have hosted countless altar transmissions, and sent every soul emperor to the altar. They have never seen a soul emperor coming out of the altar.

Even in the minds of the eighteen elders, after mixing the altar, it is equal to death. They are not worried that the soul emperor will return again and rob them of their power.

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