Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2835: This is the holy place! (Five more flowers)

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This is a dark world, it seems that there is no light, the darkness becomes eternal, and there is no chance for any light to survive.

Suddenly, there was a loud roar, and a light shone in the darkness. Then, two figures appeared in the world out of thin air.

“Is this the so-called Soul Holy Land?”

Xiang Yang and the soul of the seven or seven people stood in the darkness. With the short-lived light of the transmission, I saw the endless darkness in this space. He suddenly frowned.

"This should be the holy land of the soul family, but why is the holy land of the soul family like this?"

The soul is seven and seven, staring at the surroundings. In her imagination, the holy land of the soul family should be like the spiritual sanctuary of the immortal world. It is not full of the power of various souls, at least it should be a sacred treasure. How? May be in this place, this dark, ink-like, seems to have nothing to do with a ghost place?

"Boss, this is the atmosphere of the Netherland. If I didn't guess wrong, it is really a small world connected to the Netherland."

At this time, the voice of Lao Wan came from the Dantian of Xiangyang.

"So, we have come to the Netherland."

Xiang Yang squinted his eyes and looked around. Suddenly, his mind was moving, and a black flame appeared in his hand. After the flame was ignited, it directly illuminated the square.

"Boom... ah... no... don't fire... what is this... ah..."

Originally it was dark and there was nothing. However, when the black flame of Xiang Yang’s hand appeared, he heard a scream of screams, and countless illusory and transparent figures screamed and fled in all directions.

"This, what is this..."

The soul of Qiqi and Xiangyang both stayed at the same time. Just now, if it wasn’t for Xiangyang who suddenly thought about taking out his life’s life, he really didn’t know that there were so many ghosts around him. .

"This is the life of the Netherland. If they use the words of the world in which the boss used to be, they are real ghosts."

Lao Wan said in the Dantian of Xiangyang, "Ghosts, invisible and invisible, are the ones that have been made after the death of the souls. They live in the form of souls in the suburbs. In this world, the living people become Heterogeneous, for these ghosts, the Netherland is like a flesh-and-blood creature living in other big worlds, but this place seems to be not quite right, these things are not really ghosts, or they should be said that they are just being transformed. Ghosts only."

"I know what these are."

Xiang Yang looked around and found that there were still fascinating figures in the denseness of the eyes. They were facing each other and the soul seventy-seven, but they did not dare to rush because they were afraid of the fire in their hands.

He understood the identity of these ghosts. If he did not guess wrong, these are the soul emperors who have been sent here in the history of the soul.

"what do you mean..."

The soul seventy-seven also guessed something, her whole face turned pale in an instant, her eyes looked in the countless souls around him, shouting, "Father, where are you, I am seven Seven, I am coming to you."

"Father of the Emperor... Did you hear it, come out soon, I am seven or seven."


Xiang Yang did not pay attention to the shouting of the soul seventy-seven, but also looked at these soul shadows. At the same time, his powerful soul power directly extended in all directions. He found that the small place he was in was actually On both sides, the face that you are standing now is extremely dark, while the other side is filled with light energy, as if it were a Taiji diagram, black and white.

"This is a small world. This world should be artificially developed. But what is it for making a small world like this?"

Xiang Yang is puzzled, even if the two treasures of Lao Wan and Xiao Ling in his Dan Tian also do not understand what it is for.

At this moment, the soul seventy-seven is still shouting, but in those soul shadows, no one responds to her at all, because those soul shadows have long lost all the ingenuity, and some are just an instinct, in the hands of Xiang Yang. The fearful instinct of a flame, at the same time, there is an instinct, it seems that you want to get close to Xiangyang and soul seven or seven, it should be to win...

"Don't shout, there should be no fathers among them, and even if there are, they have no intelligence, go with me."

Xiang Yang looked dignified and took the soul seventy-seven and walked toward the front.

"Father... no, no, I don't believe my father will be like this."

The soul seventy-seven looks dull and walked forward by Xiang Yang. Her face has an incredible color, and her eyes are on these souls, and she wants to distinguish whether she has her father.

However, all of this is just in vain, because these souls look the same, they are all illusory, and they can't be distinguished at all. Even if the father of the soul seven seven is here, she can't recognize it.

Xiang Yang is with a curious color, the true fire of the group in his hand is still burning, forcing the darkness, so that all the soul shadows are not close.

This group of life is very extraordinary, containing the fire of chaos, the undead ancestors, the fire of the fallen Suzaku, and the fire of the origin of Xiangyang.

It can be said that this group of flames is powerful and unparalleled. If the general Daluo Jiuzhong Tianyue Peak encounters the immortal encounter, it will be ignited and turned into fly ash.

Xiang Yang still walked toward the front. At the same time, his eyes looked at the void in front of him, his eyes were sharp and he was always vigilant.


However, at this time, there was a strange force invading it. It seems that the power of the rules of this world is acting on them. Soon after Xiang Yang and Soul Seven Seven went out, they both At the same time, a white flame is burned.

"this is..."

Although Xiang Yang’s face changed, but these flames could not cause too much damage to him. He did not feel how painful. However, the soul of the seven seven is not the same. At this moment, the soul of the seven seven people seems to be Just like igniting paper, it will be burnt into fly ash in an instant.

"Be careful, I will send you to the Promise Immortal to hide, if you find your father, tell you."

Xiang Yang did not think about it and sent the soul seventy-seven directly into the Promise Immortal. Sure enough, as the soul entered the Promise, the white flame disappeared instantly.

However, in such a blink of an eye, the soul of the seven or seven people is as if it has been burnt, the whole body is black, just like a coke.

Xiang Yang let the old man in the Promise Xianfu treat the soul seventy-seven. After the soul seventy-seven, he recovered. She looked at the familiar familiarity in the Promise Immortal, and remembered that one from the inside out. When the white flames, she only felt a guilty heart.

All this, even if the soul of the seven seven is really scared, such a flame is simply too horrible, because, at that moment, she felt that all her consciousness is far away, it is the flame against her consciousness, If Xiang Yang sent her to the Promise Xianfu one step later, maybe she would become a fool.

"Xiang Yang, you are careful, that flame can burn a person's mind."

The soul seventy-seven whispered, but, in the next moment, suddenly, there seemed to be any seal in her mind. In a sudden, she rang the first time she saw Xiangyang, and she divided the soul consciousness of 30%. Entering everything in the conscious sea world of Xiang Yang, her whole person is on the spot if she is struck by lightning.


The soul is seventy-seven.

"Xiang Yang...the soul of the soul of 90 million feet high, and, you, the reason why you understand the practice of the soul family is because I told you..."

"In the sea of ​​your consciousness, the two of us have traveled the world and have experienced countless years. Although I am only a 30% consciousness incarnation, you are just a conscious incarnation, but we get along very well and become no. Good friends who don’t talk..."

"It turned out to be..."

At that time, after Xiang Yang let the soul of the soul of the 30% consciousness of the soul seventy-seven return to her body, it was all the seals of the soul of the seventy-seventh of the soul in the sea of ​​consciousness, but even What Xiangyang did not expect was that after the soul of the seventy-seventh was ignited by the white flame of the world, the seal was broken, which reminded her of those things.

"It turns out that you are really not the saint of the Soul, and, for a while, we..."

The soul seventy-seven looks a bit sluggish, remembering that during that time, the power of the soul of his own three senses to play with Xiang Yang, even her heart is shaking at this moment.

It seems that his own memory has been unveiled. Suddenly he knows that he and Xiang Yang are so familiar, and there have been such a good memory.

The soul is seventy-seven, and the whole person is standing in the Promise of Immortality. His face is like a smile, a sweet smile, and sometimes it becomes anger. I don’t know what she is thinking in her whole brain. what.

At this time, Xiang Yang did not know that his seal had been cracked. Although his body burned with a white flame, these flames could not cause any harm to him. Even these flames were a little bit Incorporating into the real fire of his life, his life is full of flames with another kind of flame.

"This kind of flame is a bit like the fire of Buddhism. Ask, ask, and ask the Buddha. If the Buddha's heart is not firm, it will be burned by the heart and burned from the inside out."

Xiang Yang whispered to himself, walking towards the bright side of the world, watching the white flame burning on his body with interest.

The soul shadows around have long been stunned. Seeing that Xiang Yang has gone, all of them are running away.

Perhaps, even the founders of this world don’t know that they will encounter such a different kind of Xiangyang. For the people of the Soul, this kind of flame is too horrible, and they can instantly turn them from the inside out into Fly ash, but for Xiang Yang, such a flame has no effect on him at all.

"Maybe, it is impossible for the soul to find her father. Under such a flame, the soul king may have been burned to death, and finally, the power of the soul is retained to become equal to these soul shadows. It’s there.”

Xiang Yang thought of a possibility and couldn't help but sigh.

His eyes looked at the souls around him, and the heart gave birth to a pity of color. These soul emperors entered here for the sake of what he did not know, but he knew that absolutely most of the soul emperors were destroyed. It turned into these sorrowful souls.

"Boss, this small world is very likely to be a heritage."

At this time, Lao Wan’s voice continued to spread.

"How to say?"

Xiang Yang’s face has a strange color.

"After the dynasty souls entered this small world, if they can pass these tests and block the burning of the flames, they will be able to walk to the bright places. That place may be the shadow of these souls. When they get a new life, it is a pity that it is big. Some people don’t know that there is a bright side ahead, and they don’t know where they are.”

Lao Wan said.

"So, this time, instead, I want to get the inheritance of this soulful holy place?" Xiang Yang’s face was filled with interest and his footsteps accelerated. At the same time, he finally took a look at this dark land. Step directly into the other side full of light.

The world is very interesting. The light and the darkness are distinct. On the bright side, there is a sacred energy, which is more sacred than the white flame burning in Xiangyang. It seems that this is the real flame.

The other side is endless darkness, and there is no light in the darkness.

However, when Xiang Yang stepped into this bright world, he suddenly trembled, all the flames burning on his body were concentrated in his sea of ​​consciousness, and the light of this world Force also invaded into his sea of ​​consciousness, the infinite power of light, penetrated into it a little bit, and once he entered his sea of ​​consciousness, he turned into a flame, and his true spirit of 90 million feet tall. Ignite.

"this is..."

Xiang Yang frowned, his 90-foot-tall true spirit consciousness originally wanted to resist, and wanted to extinguish these flames, but in the next moment, he changed his mind because he found that these The flame is not to destroy his true spiritual consciousness, but to help him to refine the true spirit consciousness.

Along with the burning of this flame, the impurities contained in his true spirit consciousness of 90 million feet tall are being tempered a little bit.

Even Xiang Yang is obviously able to sense the change of his true spiritual consciousness.

His true spirit consciousness became more pure at this moment. At the same time, the body shape was also reduced a little. Although it was reduced, the energy contained in it did not change. Instead, it made Xiang Yang feel the soul clear and thorough. People have the feeling of being liberated instantly.

"This place is really a treasure."

Xiang Yang opened his eyes. Although he left some consciousness, he was paying attention to the situation of the true spirit in the sea. However, it is not necessary to put all consciousness in the sea of ​​consciousness.

He sensed that the light of the world constantly rushed into his body, burning and quenching his true spirit consciousness, only felt that the body and mind became more and more ethereal, could not help but stretched out, revealing a smile.

However, at this time, a strange noise came over.


Author Meng Yu said: Today more than 20,000 words have been updated, ask for flowers...

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