Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2840: Talk collapsed

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"Be careful."

Seeing the elders at the same time also shot, at one time, the attack of eighteen elders has been bombarded toward Xiangyang, the soul seventy-seven face whitish, and quickly screaming will be shot.

"Don't move, you can't shoot, if you shoot, they can deal with you, and it's impossible for them to deal with me."

Xiang Yang quickly took the soul seventy-seven. At the same time, life and death decided to run, the life and death book let go of their own true spirit, powerful soul force rushed out, like a stormy wave generally bombarded the 18-strike attack.


At this moment, it is like a stone, even if the power of the 18-strike attack is so powerful, it can't block the soul of Xiangyang.

The power of Xiangyang’s true spirits really reached the peak of the holy level, and after the quenching of life and death, the power of the powerful soul that he did not know how to use really broke out. Strong, for a moment, just a face-to-face, the attack of the 18 elders was instantly broken, and the soul of Xiangyang’s majestic was still rushing toward the 18th elders.

"No... this is..."

"Impossible, this is the power of the Holy One. How is this possible?"

"God... my soul saints, shouldn't they all be in the ancestral land? How could there be a supreme saint here? How is this possible?"


At this moment, the 18th elders who had the most real insight into the power of Xiangyang’s eruption suddenly became stunned. They felt that they were so proud of their strength, and they were like tofu in front of Xiangyang. Broken directly.

They have seen the saints of the Soul. It is very clear that this power can only be displayed by the true sanctuary, and the other party is exerting the power of the soul. Then, the true identity of the true immortal is reflected in the eyes. Come out, the holy people hidden by the Soul.


When Xiang Yang’s rebounding attack did not fall on the 18th elders, the 18-year-old elders changed their faces, and they went straight to Xiangyang.

"I have seen the Holy One."

"See the Holy One."


At the same time, the 18 elders opposed the Xiangyang ceremony and gave up the resistance directly. There was a big reason for Xiangyang to kill them.

Xiang Yang will collect back when all the souls are about to be bombarded on the eighteen elders. His face looks strangely at the eighteen elders. I didn’t expect these eighteen guys to be so interesting, even more than the soul of the time. Decisively squat down towards yourself.

However, this is the old fox.

Xiang Yang sighed in the heart, everyone knows that the 18 elders of the Soul are themselves very high in the status of the soul, but they are very clear that the identity of the eighteen people is not comparable to the saints. So, in After sensing their own strength, they will know the difference between the two, and take the initiative to not directly face any salute, so that their lives can be saved.

"What... He turned out to be the saint of our family. How is this possible? My saints have not been born for millions of years."

"How is this going?"

"Is he really..."

The other people of the Soul family also looked at Xiang Yang with a shocked color on their faces. They had doubts in their eyes. However, the belief of the Eighteen Elders made them believe that Xiangyang was one of the Souls at this moment. The holy saints, so, except for the others who are playing in the ring, everyone is going down to Xiang Yang.

For a time, Xiang Yang looked around in a densely packed group of people, all looking at himself with a very respectful look, even if he felt a little fluttering feeling.

"Get up."

Xiang Yang waved his hand and let everyone get up. Then he looked at the 18th elders and said faintly, "How do you know that the deity is your holy person?"

"Returning to the saints, identity can be counterfeited, but your soul power can not be faked. The sub-saint among the human races is powerful, but it is impossible to have the powerful soul power of my soul saints. The same is true of the tribe. Those who want to have the soul of the saint are either the saints of the soul family or the true chaos saints. The chaos saint is high above, and the heavens are in the depths of chaos. It is impossible to appear here. Therefore, the small affirmation that you are the saint of my soul family."

The elder's face looked at Xiang Yang with a good smile on his face.

"Well, it seems quite reasonable."

Xiang Yang laughed and did not explain that he was not a soul saint, but looked at the battle in the ring. At this moment, there are only four or five young candidates left in the ring, because Xiang Yang The appearance of the saints makes them even more brave and arrogant in order to show their performance. Even if they are not defensive, as long as they attack, they must use the idea of ​​injury.

For a time, the stage was wonderful, even after Xiang Yang saw it, he was secretly surprised.

"My soul saint has not returned for a million years. I dare to ask the saints to come back for the new soul."

At this time, the elders looked at Xiang Yang cautiously, and his heart guessed the true purpose of Xiang Yang.

Other elders also looked at Xiangyang with a dignified color on their faces. If Xiangyang, the saint is planning to sit in the soul of the soul, it is definitely a challenge to the authority of their eighteen elders. They can no longer cover only the hands. God, at this moment, what they are thinking about is that Xiangyang must leave quickly in any case.

"Yes, not."

Xiang Yang carried his hands and said faintly. "I happened to see the previous generation of seven or seven gimmicks. I saw her cleverness and loved her very much. So she went to see her last soul, just At that time, the last soul emperor had already returned to his ancestral land, leaving only one strength to pass to the seven or seven gimmicks."

"The strength of the soul of the seventy-seventh body is actually the power of the old soul emperor. It is no wonder that it is possible to step into the sky in such a short time. In such a short time, it will become the realm of the half-step saint. However, the saints are free to enter and exit the holy place, the holy place. What is it like in the middle?"

After the elders listened to Xiang Yang’s words, they were active and they did not enter the Holy Land, but no one who had entered the Holy Land could leave.

All the elders have always felt that the Holy Land is a very dangerous place, but the heart is also very curious. After knowing that Xiangyang and Soul Seven Seven came out of the Holy Land, they all looked at the soul seventy-seven. In the heart of the dark road, although it is impossible for the saints to tell themselves about the situation of the holy places, the soul of the seven or seven souls is ok.

At the thought of this, these elders looked at the soul of seven or seven with a smile.

"This time I came to the Soul, there is one thing that the Holy One wants to complete."

Xiang Yang said faintly.

"Please ask the saints to order."

Eighteen elders quickly squatted.

"The deity needs the Soul to provide the body of the millions of real fairy peaks as a study."

Xiang Yang said faintly, "I have waited for the saints to have a certain look at how to make the Soul people practice. Next, they need to provide some true immortals in the soul family. I believe that it will take a long time to wait for the deity to reappear. When it was born, it was time to bring good news to the soul."


"What, the physical repair of the real world of millions, this, this..."

"The saints have never been born for millions of years. They are also studying how to make the people of the soul family practice. But why have they never heard of it?"


After listening to the souls of all the people, they all changed their faces. Especially the 18-year-old elders felt that something was wrong. The physical training of the millions of immortals was already a limit for the souls, equivalent to today. The total number of physical exercises throughout the Xihezhou.

If you give all these physical exercises to Xiang Yang, then for the Souls, whether it is research, or to drive these bodies to become souls as slaves will be greatly affected.

"How does this saint seem to give me a familiar feeling?"

At this time, the elders suddenly flashed in the brain, and felt that Xiang Yang in front of him looked a bit strange, and he couldn’t help but fall back into his thoughts.

"Why, do you have any opinions?" When Xiang Yang saw that the elders of these souls had changed their faces all by one, he knew that it was not so simple to deceive the past, but when he did not turn his face, he It is absolutely impossible to exchange the smelting and refining bodies easily.

He looked coldly at the masters of these souls, but he was indulged in his heart. If these guys saw that they were not the saints of the soul family, or were unwilling to give the body of the real world of millions of immortals to themselves, Then, just have a good chat with them.

"The saints have orders, and it is reasonable to say that we must fully satisfy the requirements of the saints, but there is no one in the soul family."

The elders tried hard to think about why they had a very familiar feeling with Xiang Yang. At the same time, he was cautiously coping with Xiang Yang.

"You deceive people, the elders, the princess is very clear, the body of the real fairy peak in my soul family is more than a million, can you say that within two days, the plague occurred in the soul group, making Are all the physical exercises destroyed?" Soul seven seven sneer and stood up and said.


After the lie of the elders was dismantled, he was furious. He only looked back and thought about why Xiangyang would be so familiar. For a while, he forgot that the soul of Xiangyang was also the soul of the soul, and it was once The Seven Princesses of the Soul are very familiar with the things of the Soul.

"The seven princesses did not deal with the political affairs of the soul family. It is not clear how many real souls in the soul family are in the soul. In fact, my soul group does not have so many physical exercises, and I also ask the saints to observe. ""

The elders continued.

"Do you think I will believe it?" Xiang Yang looked at the elders with a smile and laughter. He naturally saw that the old guy couldn't help but know that the other party was perfunctory.

"It seems that this time it is a collapse." Xiang Yangxi looked at the elders. He thought that he could not be a **** blade. With the identity of the fake Soul Saint, he took away millions of people directly from the hands of the soul. The physical repair of the fairyland, I did not expect it.

"Sure enough, I am not suitable for any plan. I am most suitable for adapting."

When Xiang Yang sighed, the soul elders finally remembered why he looked at Xiang Yang’s eyes would be very familiar. He suddenly looked up and stared at Xiang Yang tightly. “You are not the saint of my soul family. You are the descendant of that pulse, Xiang Yang."


Xiang Yang looked at the great elders in a strange way. The elders of the soul family even knew who they were. It seems that their reputation has been thoroughly played out in the fairy world, at least in this Eastern Tianyu. No one knows no one, and even these ones let these powerful people know.

"If you want to play pigs and eat tigers in the future, wouldn't it be so fun?"

Xiang Yang sighed and realized that being famous is not a good thing.

At this time, the soul of the seven seven is not so calm, and after she was identified in Xiangyang, she was a pretty face, with a chill on her face watching the elders of the soul.

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