Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2841: Brothers! (six more flowers)

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"You are Xiangyang, not a saint."


A stone stirred up a thousand waves, and a word awakened the dreamer.

All the people of the Souls looked up and looked at Xiangyang and the elders. Although Xiangyang is very famous in the fairy world, not everyone in the fairy world knows the true identity of Xiangyang.

They didn't even hear the name of Xiang Yang.

The members of these souls looked at the elders in amazement. I don’t know who is Xiangyang in the mouth of the elders. In the past, it was clear that the people in front of us blocked the attack of the Eighteen Elders, and that the Eighteen Elders also determined that Xiangyang was the Holy One of the Soul. Why did it suddenly change now?


"Ha ha ha, I won, I won, I am the new soul emperor, I persisted, the elders, the elders, not coming to see the emperor soon."

At this time, the battle in the ring finally gave a result, only a roar of sound, and finally a young man stood on the platform and smiled.

Although the injury of this young man is very serious, his energy is constantly improving. In the blink of an eye, he has reached the peak of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng, and will soon break through to become a half-step Yasheng.

Obviously, after killing everyone, he swallowed up the soul and flesh and blood of all people, and after he fought, he was constantly improving.

The improvement of cultivation has changed the mind of this young man. In addition, he feels that he is already a new soul emperor. He laughs and swears at all the elders of the soul family.

"Bastard, do you really think that you are now the soul of the new soul of the soul?" Because Xiang Yang turned out to be the legendary person, not the true saint of the soul, but with the power of the saint, making The elders were very depressed. I didn't know what to do next. When I heard the candidate win, I was so mad that I wanted a group of elders to worship. He suddenly became angry.

"Give the elder to death."


At this moment, the elders directly shot, accompanied by a huge roar, he slammed out, a powerful soul broke out, and instantly killed the winning young man.

The poor guy, who worked hard to kill from the 18 candidates, was too mad and angered the elders and was directly destroyed.

At this moment, after the elders extinguished the other party, they obviously breathed a sigh of relief and felt more comfortable. He looked at Xiangyang and the soul seventy-seven, Shen Sheng said, "Xiang Yang, this elder knows you, the legendary one. The descendants of the pulse, your name has already spread in the Eastern Tianyu, although this elder does not know why you have such a powerful soul, but you can never be the holy person of my soul."

At the same time, the elders have a feeling of exalted.

Xiang Yang has a powerful soul that is comparable to the soul of the Soul. He is not afraid at this moment. He is afraid of the Holy One of the Soul, but it is not Xiang Yang.

He did not know whether Xiang Yang’s soul power was true or false, but he could feel that Xin Xiang’s cultivation was only a true immortal among the immortals.

He is the great elder of the soul family, controlling the soul family for millions of years, and even in the soul group, his power surpassed the soul saint.

Before the misunderstanding, Xiang Yang was the saint of the Soul, and he was scared to death. At this moment, he really understood that Xiang Yang could never be the soul of the Holy Spirit. The elders regained his prestige. When it was Xiang Yang, it showed the attitude of a superior.

"What is your purpose in coming to my soul family?"

After the elders finished speaking, they looked at Xiang Yang with great prestige. At the same time, he said that the other seventeen elders had secretly contacted all the strong people in the soul group in a very tacit understanding. Activated, they believe that even if Xiangyang has the power of the saints, it is absolutely impossible to survive under the attack of the Soul.

"I don't think the elders actually recognized the item."

Xiang Yanghe smiled and looked at the elders, and did not deny his identity. "The purpose of my visit here has been very clear. I have handed over the physical training of the millions of real fairy peaks controlled by the souls. We also Can talk about it, if the soul does not agree, then we can only move rough, after all, you have already prepared the formation."

The power of the true spirit of Xiang Yang's Yasheng Peak, coupled with the mystery of life and death, makes him able to play the power of the soul perfectly. How can these little movements of the soul family win over him?

"Senior, I don't want to be in conflict with you, because I look at the pulse, not because of the prestige of your junior. You are just a junior in the realm of the peak of the fairy, and dare to be in my soul. Are you on the land?"

The elders snorted coldly.

While talking, his figure retreated toward the rear, and the other seventeen elders came together. The perfection of the eighteen people became a battle, and while he was protected, he was able to deal with it. Yang.

Although the elders felt that the strength of Xiangyang was general, it is certainly impossible to have the strength of the soul saint. However, before the fight, Xiang Yang was the strength of the real holy place, which made him have to deal with it carefully.

To live to the age of the elders, he can be said to be the most afraid of death. He not only wants to pursue the holy world, but also wants to have endless life and powerful power. How can he risk?

"Hey, since you can't talk about it, you can only say it to you first."

Xiang Yang sighed.

I saw him standing with his hands volleyed, a long shirt fluttering, black hair flying, and a resolute breath burst out, as if he was the real master between heaven and earth.

After seeing this scene, Xiang Yang’s soul seventy-seven is a face of incomprehensible color. Xiang Yang originally said that it is necessary to use the smelting and refining body to exchange the millions of real fairy tales with the souls. Physically repaired, however, in order to get here, Xiang Yang is instead ready to turn his face with the soul, want to suppress the entire soul with one person?

The soul of the seven seven-seven breath, the eyes looked at Xiangyang stunnedly, only that the Xiangyang body at the moment is full of a fascinating atmosphere, although in the battle of the soul family, but she It’s just like watching it.

"Repress him."

When the elder elders saw Xiang Yang's appearance, they changed their faces and roared. The formation of the eighteen elders broke out directly. With the 18 elders at the same time, there was a soul cage. Xiang Yang's top of the head.


This soul cage is vast and boundless, as if it represents the whole world. Xiang Yang only thinks that the whole fairyland has been turned into this cage to trap himself, even if he is flying anymore, he cannot fly out of this cage.

At the same time, not only the 18-year-old elders broke out of this soul cage, but the soul group has already prepared the formation immediately. However, this array is not a separate attack, but directly strengthens the power in this soul cage, making the soul The power of the cage is more powerful and unmatched.

When Xiang Yang sensed the different time of this soul cage, it was a strange color on his face. "The power of this cage is not bad. I have the time and space in it. However, I think this method should not be you. Eighteen wastes can be displayed, can you break out by relying on the Fabry?"

At the same time, Xiang Yang looked at the eighteen elders. Sure enough, I saw a compass on the top of the eighteen elders. It was the array of discs that used this soul cage.

"This method is a bit interesting, but it is impossible to trap me."

Xiang Yang whispered softly, he still bears his hands, 'life and death' is running, the power of the huge incomparable soul erupts, suddenly, the vastness of the atmosphere flows, a horrible black and white flame directly with him The center broke out.


After this flame broke out, it suddenly swept the whole world, and all the space within the scope of the soul cage was ignited. Even, even the soul cage was burning black and white flames.

Moreover, after the black and white two-color flame burns the soul power attached to the soul cage, it is more and more powerful. It is these fuels that are used as fuel to nourish the black and white fire.

"No, what is this flame?"

"this is..."

"The flame that uses our soul power as fuel, this is the fire of the soul that is dedicated to the power of the soul. Is he a broken soul?"


Seeing this scene, the eighteen elders changed their faces at the same time. When they exclaimed, they even mentioned the broken soul.

"Broken body..."

Xiang Yang chuckled softly. The first person who mentioned the soul-breaking body was the soul seventy-seven. At that time, the attack of the soul seven seven did not have any effect on Xiang Yang, thinking that Xiang Yang was the soul-breaking body, but did not know that Xiang Yang was because of the soul force. The reason is too strong, and now, the 18th elders also regard Xiangyang as a broken soul, because the black and white fire exhibited by Xiang Yang can use their soul power as fuel to ignite all of them. It is.

Xiang Yang looked at the soul seventy-seven, and blinked at the latter. The soul was seventy-seven, his face was reddish and his face was embarrassed. I don’t know because she just stared at Xiangyang and was Xiangyang. The reason for the discovery is still because of the term "breaking the soul."

"Whether it is a broken soul, today I am the one to suppress the entire soul group, the soul of the saints can not be out, you souls no matter whether they agree or not, are happy, must be the realm of millions of true fairy Give me the body repair, otherwise you will die."

Xiang Yang looked cold and turned to look at the 18th elders. I thought that these 18 old guys would swear to resist. What I didn’t expect was that the 18 elders he saw were pale, like a mourning look.

"Is it so scared?"

Xiang Yang stunned, but felt that the 18 elders were so scared, a bit not normal.


At this time, the soul cage that was pressed down against Xiangyang was ignited and exploded. All the energy was burned into black and white flames.


Then, the eighteen elders spewed blood at the same time, and the discs on their heads were directly broken, and the aura did not fall to the ground.

Below, the other strong people of the Souls who are using the array method are also looking palely at Xiangyang.

After the black and white two-color flame ignited and absorbed all the souls, it was like a fire dragon surrounded by Xiangyang, making the Xiangyang of this moment look like a vulcan.

"Why don't you fight, you haven't failed yet, even a casualty is not there. If you give up, don't you feel sorry?"

Xiang Yang smiled and looked at the 18 elders. He saw that these guys didn't want to resist. He was a little dissatisfied.

After seeing the soul seventy-seven, it was a smile in the heart. It was very speechless to Xiang Yang’s behavior. The soul group did not dare to resist. Shouldn’t this be a good thing? Xiang Yang is not happy with this person.

"We admit defeat."

However, at this time, the 18-year-old elders of the Soul are also uncomfortable in their hearts. They feel that Xiangyang is a bit too much. However, the elders are pale-faced and admit that they are not as good as Xiangyang.


Xiang Yang said with a mouth, seeing the elders just confessed to lose, even when there is no other words, he is even more dissatisfied, the black and white two-color flame surrounded by the body is once again broke out, and even turned into a million feet long The fire dragon made a roar, and it seemed that the souls were all swallowed into it.

"Millions of true fairy body repairs... give you!"

Seeing this scene, the eighteen elders naturally knew the dissatisfaction of Xiang Yang. They looked bitter and bitter. After discussing it, they could only promise to give Xiang Yang the body of the millions of real fairy peaks.

After saying this, the eighteen elders seemed to have lost all their power and fell directly to the ground.

They know that after the Souls have lost the physical training of millions of real fairy peaks, from then on, the strength of the Souls will fall into the lowest valley for a long time, and even, it is very likely that they will be destroyed by hostile forces. possible.

After all, the souls of the Souls are too weak. They have the system slaves in the hands of millions of real fairy peaks. If there are enemies, they will send the millions out directly as a meat shield, and the souls will be behind. The release of the Soul Force method will do, and the physical repair of the situation of the millions of true fairy peaks will be lost. If there is an enemy invasion, the soul group will face up with the enemy, and the soul of the soul group will be weaker than Ordinary people can't be much stronger.

However, if they do not agree, Xiang Yang may destroy them in the next moment, and they can only promise.

"Well, not bad, good brother, since then, the soul is my good friend."

After Xiang Yang listened, he was very happy to say, but the fire dragon composed of black and white two-color flames around him was scattered, but still roaring.

Just listening to his faint smile, "There should be some treasures in the treasure house of the Soul. It is useless. I am willing to exchange one or two with you."


"You are the robbery of red fruit!"

"You have got the slaves of the souls of our souls, you are not satisfied, you are this..."

"what did you say?"

After the eighteen elders listened to Xiang Yang's words, they turned their faces and changed their faces. They had to open their mouths to drink Xiang Yang. However, when Xiang Yang glanced at them, they suddenly dared not say it.

"We are happy to exchange the treasures in the treasure trove with you."

In the end, the elders could only sigh and sigh, and did not dare to have any resistance. He knew very well that in the face of such a 'destructive soul' of a great realm, even if the soul sage came, there was no way to take Xiangyang. What's more, there is no saint in the middle of the soul family today. How can it be done?

No matter what Xiangyang wants, they can only recognize it.

"Good brother, today, the soul is my most determined friend." Xiang Yang looked at the souls up and down.


Author Meng Yu said: Today, six more, ask for flowers...

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