Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2842: Mysterious strong man

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“Is this the legendary West River? How do I look like the Yellow River?”

On the bank of the West River, Xiang Yang and the soul of the seven or seven people standing side by side, Xiang Yang looked at the West River with a strange color, only to see the rolling river toward the west, the roaring sound, like a million people rolling In the past.

The Xihe River is magnificent and long, and there is no trace of it. The width is even more boundless, like the sea. However, what makes Xiangyang feel strange is that the river is yellow, the water is flowing, the sand is everywhere, just like the source of the world. Like the Yellow River.

At this moment, it is already the third day that Xiang Yang left the soul family. Xiang Yang showed great power in the soul group, and all the strong people of the soul group were shocked. Even the eighteen elders also bowed their heads.

In the end, things went very smoothly. The 18-year-old elders did not have any resistance. The embarrassing ones gave Xiangyang a spiritual slave in the Xihezhou, controlled by the souls, and opened the soul. The treasure house of the family made Xiang Yangjin go on a lap. Although the 18th elders of the soul family had blood in their hearts, they had to send Xiang Yang to leave with a smile on their faces.

Xiang Yang's **** of the soul family this time is truly satisfying.

Not to mention that the physical training of the millions of real fairy peaks has all been earned by him into the Promise of Immortality, and there are some folks who have the resources to follow him, and his men’s hands are in the realm of Da Luo. After the physical training gathered together, there were also tens of thousands of people.

In this way, he took a trip to Xihezhou and directly gathered more than one million physical repairs. After these physical exercises all entered the tower of the body repair, it would be the fairy body of the millions of Luojiu’s peaks. repair.

This will be an earth-shattering force that will make all the worlds feel shocked.

Moreover, some of the treasures hidden in the treasure house of a powerful race of the soul family were all taken away by Xiang Yang. For the soul family, Xiang Yang did not have the slightest mercy.

He is very clear that this time he really sinned and killed the souls, and among the souls, there will definitely be some hidden sacred sages. By then, it is estimated that he is inevitably chased by these sages. Killed, anyway, have to be chased anyway, it is better to come directly to a sly, after getting enough benefits, even if it is chased, it is very willing to be very comfortable.

He has been collected by the Soul for millions of years or even thousands of years. It is not rich, even if Xiang Yang’s careful liver has not been calmed down yet.

The soul seventy-seven is very determined to follow Xiangyang, so that the two went all the way, but did not encounter any pursuit, directly to the iconic place of Xihezhou, it is Xihe.

"What river is the Yellow River?"

When the soul of Shen Yang, who was standing next to Xiang Yang, heard the sigh of Xiang Yang, it was with an incomprehensible color on his face. Although Xihe was also yellow orange, the words "Yellow River" were not used to describe it. No, but for Xihezhou, Xihe is a sign, no one will rename Xihe because of the color of the river.

"It is the source of the lower bound, no, it is now a new world of floods, a river in the new world of floods, because the terrain flows through the plateau, the loess is everywhere, the river is rolling away the sediment, and the river contains yellow. Sand, so called the Yellow River."

Xiang Yang spoke with him, and he never went through the depths of the Yellow River, but he was very impressed with the iconic river of the Yellow River.

"It turns out that this is the case, the lower bound is definitely very fun?" The face of the soul seven and seven looks at Xiang Yang with a color of interest. "If there is a chance, you must go to the new world."

"Well, after I have solved all the things in the fairy world, I will take my wife to the lower bounds, and you will be with me." Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"Just say this, you can't regret it."

The little face of the soul seven seven showed a happy smile.

"Do not worry, I will not regret it. Have you seen anyone who is more reliable than me and who keeps his promise?" Xiang Yang said with a slap in his chest.

"I believe you."

At the same time as the soul seventy-seven said, I didn’t know what I thought of, and the pretty face showed a blush, and I dared not look directly at Xiangyang.

Xiang Yang accidentally looked like a seven-seven soul, only to find that the soul seventy-seven is so outstanding, the hair is soft and shawl, the small face is slender and delicate, the eyebrows are like Liuyue, the two watery eyes with agility The color, so that people can not help but fall into it and be fascinated, cherry mouth red and toot, with a natural temptation, even after Xiang Yang met, there are want to get together The urge to take a bite.

Moreover, this time, Xiang Yang is not only thinking, but really relying on his face...

He only felt that his heartbeat was accelerating, as if he had just grown up, the first time he saw a beautiful woman.

The soul seventy-seven can sense the face of Xiang Yang, and her heartbeat is also getting faster. Her little pair of hands are holding the clothes, twisting hard, the face is getting red, the body is hot, even, I feel myself. The body must be soft.

Although she did not have such an experience, but the instinctive drive, she made her shy eyes closed, waiting for the next moment of excitement.


However, at this time, suddenly a roar came over, so that the two people immersed in the atmosphere all trembled, especially the soul seventy-seven, but could not help but retreat toward the rear.

"Oh, what a pity."

Xiang Yang sighed. He was a little angry and looked at the place where the sound came from, but found that it was the river of Xihe flapping on the reef, making a roar, rolling up a thousand feet of high waves, and even the waves turned out to be. I also smashed the void directly...


Seeing this scene, Xiang Yang couldn’t feel lost, but took a breath and exclaimed, "This Xihe is not an ordinary river, even the void can be broken, this is too Let's have a cow..."

"Daoyou should be the first time to come to Xihe."

At this time, I heard a leisurely laughter coming over, only to see that there was a sword carrying a sword in the back of the two, and the young and handsome, standing young man stood there with a gentle smile.

The young man had a friendly smile on his face. Although he had a strong scent on his body, he was dispelled by this smile, so that those who saw him could not help but give birth to a good feeling.

However, when Xiang Yang saw this guy, he instinctively felt that there was a strong force in this guy, and even a threat to himself.

You must know that Xiang Yang’s body has reached the peak of the Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak. His soul power is even stronger and powerful, reaching the realm of the Yasheng Peak. Moreover, he possesses the congenital Lingbao with the combination of life and death. It is even more powerful. If Xiang Yang is willing, even if he is really strong against the sub-Sacred, with his powerful soul, he will display the magical method of 'life and death'. A fight.

At this moment, Xiang Yang can be said to be comparable to a pinnacle.

However, when he saw this young man carrying the Excalibur, he felt a sense of threat, and he could see that the other side was hiding the boundless power of terror.

Moreover, the most important thing is that the repairs shown by the other party are only the immortality of the ordinary Da Luo Jiu Tian Tian.

Of course, compared with Xiang Yang, it is only the cultivation of the real fairy peak. The other party has the cultivation of Da Luo’s nine heavens. It can be said that it is already very powerful, but Xiang Yang is sensing, and the other party gives himself What is threatening is not the cultivation of Da Luo’s nine heavens, but the other side still possesses other powers. It seems that there is a supreme **** in the other side.


Xiang Yang smiled softly. Although he was shocked, he did not show it. Instead, he took the small hand of the soul seventy-seven and said to the young man, "I have seen a friend."

"In the next day, a mess, a place to meet with friends, is also a fate, but also ask the Taoist Taoist number?"

The young man was courteous and courteous to Xiang Yang, and he took the initiative to report his identity.

Xiang Yang said with a smile, "My name is Xiang Yang, just a junior in the real fairyland, not the title of a friend of the predecessors."

The other party is obviously not good at coming, it is targeted at the sake of it. Otherwise, if a fairy who is in the realm of the big Luo Jiu Tian, ​​encounters a true fairy, it is impossible to treat it equally.

Different people are different from each other, and they are not the same people in the world.

Xiang Yang can easily see that the strength of the other party is very scary, but Xiang Yang does not think that the other party can see how far his strength has reached.

This young man called the heavens is definitely not good.

The soul seventy-seven did not know what the young man had any thoughts, but was infected by the smile of the other party. He only thought that the other party was a very good person. She smiled on the little face and prayed to the youth. "The soul sees the seven seven. Friends."

"Don't dare, the seven or seven princesses are the seven princesses of the soul family. They don't dare to be the princess of the seven princesses."

The young man first gave a ritual to the soul seventy-seven, and then said to Xiang Yang, "Does the Taoist friend feel that tomorrow's repair is too weak to bully? Your blood is like a dragon, like a chaotic behemoth, the body is horrible. The force has reached the peak of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng. Although the sky is self-defeating, it also feels that it can't stop the power of the Taoist friends. I am afraid that it is not qualified to be acquainted with the Taoist peers."

At the same time, he had a self-deprecating color on his face. "Although I just left the customs, I don’t know anything. Not only is the strength of the Taoist friends powerful, but it is also the legendary person in the legend. You Such a character is destined to become a chaotic saint, but it is a high climb."

While talking, he sighed, no matter who listened, he would think that Xiang Yang looked at him.

"Don't, don't be angry with your friends, it's me wrong."

Xiang Yang’s heart sighed the extraordinaryness of this heaven. On the surface, he said with a smile. “Do not be angry with the Taoist friend. I don’t think that the Taoist friend did not see my physical strength? And, I am still really a fairy. The cultivation is that the so-called Mu Xiu will be destroyed in the forest wind. I don’t want to be the first bird. If the person who knows the heart knows that my physical strength has reached such a level, I am afraid that it will be possible to be studied by people. It."

"Haha, the Taoist friend is really a person of personality. It seems that I misunderstood the Taoist friend. If so, we should have never happened."

Happily laughed.


Xiang Yang responded with a smile, and his heart was very skeptical about the identity of this tomorrow. The other party was really terrible. Even when he looked at himself, he knew that his physical strength had reached a very terrible level. This is definitely not comparable to the average person. Below the holy place, no one can see the power of his physical body. Even if it is a strong sacred place, it must be seen by the peak of the sacred place.

And this meditation, I am afraid that it is not the cultivation of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak, but the sacred master.

"The last time I was besieged me, there was no one in the sacred place, or one of them was estimated to change his figure. What treasure was used to cover his breath, or this sacred world was invited. Come to deal with me."

Although Xiang Yang is ostensibly laughing and talking on the surface, his heart is thinking about the true identity of the sky.

The sky is so mysterious, and the appearance is too abrupt, so that Xiang Yang has to be careful and vigilant, and the other party has given Xiang Yang a very dangerous feeling, which makes Xiang Yang even dare not care.

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