Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2846: Dark night

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"I have encountered some weird things outside, I guess I will face it straight at night..."

Then Xiang Xiang told the three great spirits about what he had heard on the Xihe boat.

After he finished speaking, he stared at Lao Wan. "Is there any treasure in the so-called Xihe? You should pay attention to it when you come. If there is any treasure, don't let it go."

If you let the soul seven and seven people know that Xiang Yang’s thoughts are likely to be dumbfounded, others are very afraid of the things on the West River, and they are trying their best to crack the West River’s strange events. However, only Xiang Yang is thinking about the strangeness. There are treasures in the middle, and if you can find the treasures, you can definitely make a fortune.

Everyone thought that Xiangyang was very greedy, and the treasures of his body and so on were more than those who earned, but they did not miss any chance to earn treasures.

However, no one knows that there are hundreds of thousands of order guards in Xiangyang’s Promise Xianfu. When they come out of the tower of physical repair, they are all in the realm of Dalu’s nine-day peak. Physical repair, no matter what these guys go out to do, there must always be a magic weapon that can match?

As their master, Xiang Yang feels that he is obliged to make equipment for his own hands.

Not only that, but the hundreds of thousands of order guards are still a small number, and the really large number is the millions of physical repairs...

Xiang Yang is looking at his own hands. The more he feels that he has a long way to go, he must not let go of any chances of getting all kinds of magic weapons.

"The three treasures of the Devil's Treasure, one of which has been left in the realm of cultivation, has been obtained by me. However, it has almost been consumed by Xiaoling. One is left in the fairy world. It is also time to take these baby babies out, as long as they can If you get the treasure of the fairy world, you should be able to return my broken moon boat to the completion. At that time, it is a treasure. However, there is a treasure in the devil world that is not good to take. The strength is strong, and you can take it out when you enter the devil world quietly."

When Xiang Yang was thinking about it, Lao Wan was already thinking about it. He frowned and looked at Xiang Yangdao. "Boss, this Xihe, if there is really a treasure, maybe let the little black tiger go out to help you. It is better."


Xiang Yang’s face is full of incomprehensible color, although the little black tiger has become the strongest of the double-lined Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak, but the little guy looks at a child who has not grown up and knows nothing. What can you help yourself?

"This river may have something to do with the legendary river. Even if it doesn't matter, it may be related to the origin of the beginning."

Lao Wan said quietly.

"No way?"

Xiang Yang exclaimed, although he did not understand what was the origin of the beginning, but during this time, listening to Lao Wan and Xiao Ling, he also felt that the place of origin was very bullish, and now he listened to Lao Wan. In that case, he felt that it was a little too incredible.

The West River, which is related to the so-called original origin of the land that Wanjuan wants to go to, is a bit too ugly.

He just wants to find out if there is any treasure in the West River. If there is, you can dig it out and take it away...

"Let's wait until the night comes."

Lao Wan said.

"Well, you will help me to stabilize these guys first. I will find a time to convince them."

Xiang Yang nodded, and then looked at the millions of body repairs, let Lao Wan and Xiao Ling, the old man looked at the million body repairs, the provincial guys made troubles, and then his consciousness left the Promise. Xianfu.


"Xiang Yang."

After Xiang Yang’s consciousness returned to the ontology, he still smiled while drinking with the heavens and the soul, but found that soon after, the Emperor Yuxi came out with the young man, and they looked at themselves with a dignified color.


When Xiang Yangyi saw that Donghuang Yuxi walked with the young man, he was very upset, turned his eyes and continued to drink his own wine.

He knows that this is a bit jealous in his heart. Otherwise, it would not be so uncomfortable to see Donghuang Yuxi and the young white face coming out side by side. However, how about jealous?

"But it, I am just an instinctive desire."

Xiang Yang comforted himself, but it is impossible to let him have a good look at the young man and the emperor.

"We know what you said about the Xihe incident and want to have a good chat with you." Donghuang Yuxi looked at Xiangyang with a dignified color on his face.

"Oh, nothing to talk about, everything we know has been said to the little white face of the hand." Xiang Yang head did not lift, still drinking himself.

"You don't want this." After listening to it, Donghuang Yuxi was angry and angry. She knew that she was coming out side by side with this young man, and once again let Xiang Yang misunderstand, but they heard the young man’s return. After the Xihe incident, it was too nervous.

If it is really the legendary Xihe incident, there are no sacred masters on board, then they are really dangerous.

At this moment, even if Dongyang Yuxi’s heart is very uncomfortable to see Xiangyang, she wants to fight Xiangyang very much. She also resisted it. She also found Xiangyang together with the youth, just to get more information about the Xihe incident from Xiangyang. Things so that they can find a solution.

"I don't think so."

Xiang Yang rolled his eyes and just wanted to tease a few words. The soul seventy seven around him grabbed his hand and shook his head gently. Then, the soul turned around and looked at the emperor and the youth. He whispered, "What I know about the West River incident has already been said. Unless your team does not tell you completely, otherwise I am not clear about other people. You should ask your men directly."

"You have not seen a better solution from the classics?" Donghuang Yuxi frowned and looked at the soul seventy-seven.

“If there is a better solution, will I still sit here?” The soul refuted.

After listening to it, Donghuang Yuxi was stunned and smiled. "I'm sorry, I am too nervous. If I really can't leave, it is very big damage for us."

While talking, she not only did not leave, but came to the other side of Xiangyang to sit down, seeing Xiangyang still holding a wine gourd drinking, she is very crisp, arrogantly robbed Xiangyang's wine gourd I took a sip.

"Hey, what are you doing to grab my drink, very expensive."

Xiang Yang looked at Donghuang Yuxi with dissatisfaction, but at this time, he found that Donghuang Yuxi did not even abandon the wine he had drunk, but when she suffocated in one bite, she even had a little surprise in her heart. He glanced at the youth and found that when the expression on the face of the youth was very exciting, he was even more happy.


Xiang Yanghehe smiled, so in the face of the younger, the more unsightly face, took the monkey drink of Donghuang Yuxi, took a sip of his mouth, and then gave it to Donghuang Yuxi.

Donghuang Yuxi did not even care, took another sip, and then returned to Xiangyang, and then Xiangyang took a sip and gave her...

The two of them just like you came to drink with me, although there is not too much intimate move, but this behavior is to make the face of the youth more and more ugly.

Of course, this young man can stop the constant drinking and indirect kissing between Xiang Yang and Dong Huang Yu, but he is a very proud person, although he looks at the East Huang Yu, but not May have been sticking to the East Huang Yu.

At this moment, although he was angry, he did not stop, but he sat down on the table next to him. He also took out some of the best scent, and sipped with his men.

It was not early in the sky, but the time passed by a little bit in their drinking. Soon after, the night finally came.


The darkness enveloped the enemies of the fairy world, and the darkness came. This should be a very normal principle of the operation of the heavens. However, at this moment, everyone on the West River boat, such as Xiang Yang, clearly felt the West River boat trembled. It seems that there is something heavy. Like the boat on the West River, everyone's face changed.

"Boss, it seems like something is coming out of the West River boat."

In the dantian of Xiangyang, the old man and the little spirit who still have researched all of them there and the old man are showing the shocking color.

"Wait a minute, let me catch the little black tiger and say it."

Xiang Yang’s consciousness entered the Promise of Immortality. Although he did not find the existence of the little black tiger, he was directly yelling. “Little black, if you don’t come out, you will never let me discover you in the future. ""


When Xiang Yang’s voice just fell, he heard a pleasing sound ringing from his side, and then he saw the **** tiger’s big eyes coming out of the void with a pleased color.

Sure enough, although this little guy ran away, he should have left its mark on this Promise, and after hearing his own words, it was scared and ran out.

However, what kind of ghost is this little guy’s mouth still licking?

Xiang Yang looked at the little black tiger's mouth with a golden dragon with a dragon head and a dragon's tail. He couldn't help but widen his eyes. This fish species has never been seen before, if it is not a fish body. If you can see that this is a fish, he will definitely think that this is a real dragon.

Moreover, the smell of this fish is very powerful, it is the realm of the big Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng, it is struggling in the mouth of the little black tiger, want to break free, but the mouth of the little black tiger is very powerful, effortless Biting the other side, swallowed directly and quickly, and then satisfactorily sat full, and then resumed the pitiful look of Xiangyang.


The little black tiger screamed and ran to the side of the trousers of Xiang Yang, while using his small head to lick the feet of Xiang Yang, while looking at Xiang Yang with its big eyes.

"What fish is that? Where did you get it?"

Xiang Yangyu looked at the little black tiger with a big eye. Although this is only the body of his consciousness, he can feel his heartbeat speeding at this moment.

No one in this Promise is more clear than Xiang Yang. Although he can also earn some souls in the Promise, there is no shortage of game, but there is no such fish, he can use his life. It is swearing that in the Promise of Immortality, it is absolutely impossible to have such a fish with a dragon head and a fish body, and not to mention that this fish is a repair of the Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak.

What's special, this kind of cultivation is in your own side, and you must be able to convince the other party to use it as a younger brother. How could it be swallowed like a little black tiger?

Xiang Yang thinks that the little black tiger swallows not a fish, but his own heart.

I thought that in the past, in order to be able to get a fairy king, but I was deceived and used all kinds of methods, and the little black tiger was good, it was too much to smother the fairy goddess of a big Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng peak. .


Although the small black tiger has already reached the peak of the Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng, but it does not understand the speech, can only 'squeak' and gaze at the depths of the void, and it directly grasps the depths With a wave of emptiness against the void, suddenly, the void was cut open by a crack, and then its small claws point to the void, with a smug color on his face.

Xiang Yang looked at the void that was cut by the little black tiger. I thought that what I saw was definitely boundless chaos. I didn’t expect that this time I saw not only simple chaos, but also a fish. Tang, he didn't know how much the black tiger waved, how much space and time he had opened, and let him see what was outside the place, but in the fish pond, he saw countless countless fish bodies. The strength of the unrivalled fish, among the fish, seems to be the weakest is that the strength reached the big Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng, and the strongest, the body of the breath let Xiang Yang glance at the heart and tremble.


"This is where?"

Xiang Yang stared at the little black tiger. He only thought that this little guy was really mysterious. He was like the first time he knew the little black tiger. He had a smile on his face and grabbed the little black tiger. He said with a smile, "little guy, let's talk, where is this?"

"Hey..." The little black tiger was shaking his eyes and shaking his head, looking at Xiangyang with innocence.

"Then you can still run out of the Promise Immortal, go to the unknown place in the depths of the chaotic void to find this fish pond?" Xiang Yang almost wants to hit people, this little guy is too mysterious, and can find such a place everywhere It is a fish pond of all kinds of powerful and unmatched fish.


The little guy is still happy to shake his tail.

"First go out with me and play, wait until I have time to clean up."

Xiang Yang snorted and felt that when he was free, he must have a good chat with the little black tiger, especially the fish in the pond. I don’t know what it tastes like...

The outside world, the night falls, Xiang Yang’s consciousness with a little black tiger out of the Promise Xianfu...

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