Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2853: Solve the happy knot (six more flowers)

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"Donghuang chick, you are crazy."


Listening to Xiang Yang’s feelings in the ear, Dong Huangyu, who had just responded from the surprise of Xiang Yang, almost vomited blood, and at this time, these attacks are about to smash her defensive armor. Make her pale, can not help but screamed, "Xiang Yang, you still do not come to save people?"

This sentence is shouted with prestige and overbearing.

Although Donghuang Yuxi was ventilated by Xiang Yang, she almost vomited blood, but she also understood very well that Xiang Yang appeared and her life was saved.

"Oh, oh, you can't hold it, let's talk early."

Xiang Yang’s strange horror, and then, the body shape flashed, the whole person appeared in the side of the emperor’s jade, and then directly held the emperor’s jade in his arms, using his body to help the emperor Block the energy that has been bombarded.


Xiang Yang originally wanted to test his own strength that had reached the peak of the Luo Luofeng, and he could no longer enter the body. He deliberately used his back to resist this energy. However, what he did not expect was When he really held the Donghuang Yuxi, the whole person bent slightly and protected the East Emperor Yuxi in his arms, and felt the devastating power of horror on his body, causing his body to be torn. Cracked open, could not help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Xiang Yang, you, you are fine..."

Donghuang Yuxi did not expect that Xiangyang would not run with himself after she appeared. However, she also understood it at first glance. Even if Xiangyang’s speed is fast, she can’t run at that time. Protect yourself.

Xiang Yang used his back to block all attacks.

Seeing the blood in the mouth of the Xiangyang mouth, she only felt that her heart was cut open, and couldn't help but look at Xiangyang with tears.

"Nothing, I can't die."

Xiang Yang exhaled a breath and could feel his body in a bad situation. All kinds of destructive power were destroying his body. However, this made him very happy. If there is destruction, there will be rebirth. If there is damage, there will be progress. That is to say, the power of the flesh has not yet reached the true peak. The so-called feeling that it is no longer possible to enter is only their own thoughts, as long as they can experience the energy of the world behind all these destructive forces on this West River boat. The quenching is definitely a breakthrough.

With the color of excitement, all kinds of energy in the body are running, especially the power of immortality is to recover all the injuries in an instant.


At the same time, the sky was bright, all the strangeness was scattered like this in the moment, even the energy that was bombarding behind Xiangyang disappeared, the void cracks closed, and everything on the deck returned to normal, as if Nothing happened.

"It’s over so soon, it’s really boring."

When I felt that everything was gone, Xiang Yang was snoring and felt a little dissatisfied.

"Right, Donghuang chick, have you been in the past few days?"

Then, Xiang Yang remembered that he was trying to know how long it had passed, and he quickly and nervously looked at Dong Huangyu.

"You don't know?" Donghuang Yuxi looked at Xiangyang with a distressed look. Suddenly he heard that Xiang Yang had asked himself for a few days, and her face was a strange color.

"How do I know."

Xiang Yang sighed, and in the world of Thunder, let the thunder of the whole world temper himself, he has forgotten the passage of time, and the time lapse of the world is obviously faster than this world, obviously impossible Forty-nine days have passed, otherwise it is impossible for Donghuang Yuxi and others to appear here.

"Then your little tiger is holding the incense and is very sincere and standing there to do what?" The emperor's face with a quirky color pointed to the more pious holding after seeing Xiangyang appear. That fragrant little black tiger.


After Xiang Yang listened, he stayed for a while, glanced at the little black tiger, and suddenly burst into laughter. Originally, because he had a sigh of relief in his heart, he thought that if he caught the little black tiger, he must teach the other person a good meal. At this moment, all disappeared.

This little guy, even did not understand how to ignite that fragrance.

"I, how can I make a foolish thing for the little guy to hold this incense with me?"

Xiang Yang thinks that the person who is stupid is not a little black tiger, but himself. He is so stupid that it is not long before this birth. The little tiger who knows nothing can help him count his time. It is crazy.

Seeing that the little tiger is very pious, Xiang Yang only feels that he is not good for the whole person.

"You little tiger is so cute, you have been holding this incense all the time, standing there very devoutly, we thought you had an accident."

Donghuang Yuxi sighed and looked at Xiang Yang. "I was thinking about asking this little tiger. What happened to you? The result was almost in danger."

"What you mean is that this is only one night."

After Xiang Yang listened, he was happy. After all, it was not a long time. Although he had completed the quenching in the Thunder world, the Thunder world was very fast compared with the time of the outside world.

"How long do you think the past is?"

The face of Donghuang Yuxi looked at Xiangyang with a quirky color. Suddenly he understood what seemed to be like it. He asked more strangely. "You made this little black tiger hold that incense there, just to Let it show you time?"

"Yeah." Xiang Yangxi responded.

The little black tiger is really funny, even if he is the master, seeing this scene can not afford any heart that wants to blame the little black tiger.

"Then you always have to help it ignite that incense?" Donghuang Yuxi has thoroughly understood why the little black tiger is so devoutly holding this scent standing here, it was originally the owner of Xiangyang. Pit up.

Xiang Yang gave the little black tiger a scent, let it look at the incense, and wait for the scent to burn out. However, it did not help to ignite this scent. This is clearly a pit tiger.


After Xiang Yang listened, he felt a little bit wrong. It was clearly that the little black tiger himself was stupid and did not know how to ignite this fragrance. In the mouth of the Donghuang chick, it turned out to be his own problem. Is it?

Sure enough, the way men and women think is different. Xiang Yang first saw the little black tiger devoutly holding the scent of the scent, although he felt a little silly and cute, but also with anger, I feel The little black tiger is really stupid, and even the incense is not ignited.

However, Donghuang Yuxi turned out to blame himself. He felt that he did not help to ignite that incense and then gave it to the little black tiger. He felt that he had pitted a little black tiger. How could this look a bit abnormal?

"Isn't it? You see, this little black tiger listens very honestly to your words, standing there piously, waiting for the incense to burn out. As a result, you didn't even help the family." The incense is ignited, you are too much." Donghuang Yuxi said with a serious look at Xiang Yang.

"Yes, it's my fault." Xiang Yangxi is very incomparable. It is not a very sensible thing for a woman like Donghuang Yuxi to be right or wrong. If so, why should he say too much?

"Little tiger, come over, your master admits it wrong." Donghuang Yuxi is beckoning against the little black tiger, but what makes her feel depressed is that the little black tiger simply ignores her, but is still very pious. Holding that incense.

"Okay, come over." Xiang Yang helpless, as long as he waved a beckoning to the little black tiger, the latter ran away with a fart, and watched carefully the scent he held, while not Looking at Xiang Yang, it seems that I want to ask Xiang Yang why the fragrance is still intact.

"Cough, look at Ha, the next time I let you take the incense out, you have to ignite this incense, know?"

Xiang Yang lightly coughed, and after picking up the incense, a flame emerged from his hand, igniting it, and then handing it to the little black tiger. The latter took a look, and sure enough, he saw the scent Just a little bit burned, it suddenly got excited.

"Okay, let's go play, come back to me at night, remember, when the night falls, that is when we go to explore." Xiang Yang is very generous to let the little black tiger leave to play, but, Before the trip, I also explained the little black tiger, so that it must come back when the night falls.


The little black tiger stood still, and he was very excited to pat his chest, to ensure that he would return when it was dark, and then he turned and went straight, and he disappeared into the void.

The cute look of the little black tiger has already attracted a lot of people's attention. At this moment, seeing the little black tiger running straight into the void disappeared, everyone was shocked.

"On the West River, no one can leave by any means, but this little black tiger can, can it be said that Xiang Yang has mastered the method of leaving?"

Jin Duo Ming stood below, sinking and said.

"Less Lord, if this is the case, then isn't it that we don't have to worry about not being able to leave when we are?" Among Jin Duoming's men, a younger one is happy.

"It's not your family, I found the way to leave. What are you happy?" Jin Duoming glanced at the man with a sneer on his face.

"Oh... yes."

The young fairy king stunned after listening, and then he understood the meaning of his own family. He suddenly shuddered and whispered. "Everyone is a fairyland person. He should not be so worried." ”

"It’s hard to measure since ancient times."

Jin Duoming sighed. He didn't look at other people when he spoke, so that other people around him could hear it as well. Everyone understands that Xiang Yang definitely has a certain way, but Xiang Yang will not. Taking everyone out of the West River boat, this is yet to be tested.

Ever since, everyone on the boat looked at Xiang Yang’s eyes with a faint color. They made up their minds. They must look at Xiang Yang anyway. They must not let Xiang Yang sneak away and leave alone. They are on the West River boat.

"Your little white face is framed me."

Xiang Yang also heard Jin Duoming's words on the top. After he let go of the East Emperor Yuxi, he sighed and said, "This guy knows what a big family of the big powers at a glance. There is nothing in this matter, but it is very intriguing. Doesn't he know that he has to rely on my ability to leave? Unless he has a way to leave on his own, I would like to see how he left the West River when he arrived."

"I am not familiar with him."

When I heard that Xiang Yang mentioned that Jin Duoming was his own little white face, the face of Donghuang Yuxi suddenly sank and sighed. "After being abandoned by you, I found a chamber of commerce, just the Chamber of Commerce of the Jinzu. So I know him, but I am not familiar with him, don't talk indiscriminately, or I will turn your face with you."

"Ah, haha, it turned out to be like this." After Xiang Yang listened, it was a happy color. He thought that the other party was really the little white face that Donghuang Yuxi met on the road. What happened to the two? After doing this, now that he knows the reason, he only feels that a heart is happy.

Donghuang Yuxi is a white eye of Xiangyang, cold channel, "Xiang Yang, is this girl so unbearable in your heart?"

"Cough, no, no..." Xiang Yang responded quickly, but his heart was sighing. "Who knows what the circle looks like? After all, the circle of Xiangyang, the aristocratic circle of the fairyland, has not entered, but in From the experience of the secular world, these circles are certainly not so pure..."

"You, this person, don't know what to think all day, although in the fairy world, some of the great powers of future generations, no matter how many men and women, are very chaotic, but I hope that you don't want to talk about it, including everyone in it. "Emperor Yuxi took a look at Xiangyang and saw that Xiangyang unraveled his misunderstanding. She is also very happy."

"Well, I know, my Donghuang chick is the most sacred and pure." Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"Oh, this is the case, I finally know how you thought about me before." Donghuang Yuxi heard, remembering that Xiangyang said that he had something to do with Jin Duoming, he suddenly did not fight for a fight. I couldn’t help but snorted and I had to attack again.

"Haha, no."

Sure enough, women are the most capricious.

Seeing the East Emperor Yuxi and attacking again, Xiangyang’s eyeball turned, and quickly said to Donghuang Yuxi, “Donghuang Xiaoniu, you said that the guy is Jin Duoming, he is a Jin nationality? Is it five days? Family of gold?"

"It is him, the five great people have a strong influence in the central Tianyu. If you want to go to the central Tianyu, don't offend him easily." Donghuang Yuxi whispered.

Although she had already told Jin Duoming about the origins of Jin Duoming, she was very clear that Xiang Yang was definitely the kind of person who did not put Jin Duoming in her eyes and had already forgotten the origin of Jin Duo Ming. At the moment she It was cautious and screaming again and again. "That guy is not very good, but he can't easily offend."

"Good, I understand."

Xiang Yang replied in a continuous voice, but he did not agree with his heart. For this second ancestor, he had already been very clear about the temperament of such a person. How could he be afraid?

"Yu Yu girl... brother."

At this time, Jin Duoming took his group of people, and other people on the boat greeted him with a smile.

Author Meng Yu said: Today is six more finished, ask for flowers...

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