Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2854: Who are you?

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"Yu Yu girl, Xiang brother..."

Jin Duoming laughed and took a group of his men, and other people on the boat greeted Xiang Yang and Dong Huang Yu Yu. Although he had a smile on his face, he knew that this guy must not Good intentions.

The other people on the boat stared at Xiang Yang tightly, with a look of excitement and nervousness on his face, and he was afraid that Xiang Yang would leave, as if looking at the prisoner's eyes.

"who are you?"

Xiang Yang rolled his eyes and said before Donghuang Yuxi did not respond. "Little white face, before I call my brother, should you introduce yourself first?"

"You... bold."

When Jin Duoming’s men heard that Xiang Yang shouted that their young master was a little white face, all of them were furious, and they couldn’t help but rush to the trend of Xiangyang’s shot.

"What to do, come back."

Jin Duoming was a heavy voice, and after his men drank, the smile on his face remained undiminished. Hehe smiled and said to Xiang Yang, "The brothers don't blame, the men are rude, and later Kim. There must be a lot of education for the people."

At the same time, he continued to say, "Golden self-introduction, my name is Jin Duoming, the five great Tianzu people, can know the brother, it is an honor for Kim."

"Yeah." Xiang Yang turned over his eyelids and gently sighed, and then squinted at Jin Duoming. This attitude made Jin Duoming angry after seeing it.

I think that he is one of the five great tribes of the Jin family. Without exception, the future is the patriarch of the Jin nationality. The right is big. In the fairy world, it is only under the chaos of the heavens. When the saints see the patriarch of the Jin family, they must treat each other with courtesy. However, Xiang Yang is a little fairy, even if it is the descendant of that pulse, what qualifications can he compare with him?

However, Jin Duoming did not get angry on the spot, but he smiled and said, "It seems that the brother is very disdainful to Kim."

"No, you misunderstood it."

Xiang Yang said.

After Jin Duoming listened, his face looked a little better, and he said in his heart, "Although you are the descendant of that pulse, you are absolutely not afraid of how the Lord of the Jin family is."

However, the next Xiang Yang’s words were to make Jin Duoming’s face change. He only listened to Xiang Yang’s face and said, “We are not familiar, and it’s not that all the cats and dogs can enter my eyes and make me look disdainful. So, you misunderstood, I have no disdain for you."


Jin Duoming was furious, and his body burst into a powerful atmosphere belonging to the Da Luo Eight Heavens. At the same time, he was squinting at the same time as Xiang Yang suppressed his eyes. He wondered if he should suppress Xiang Yang.

"The descendants of that vein have a great reputation. However, as a minority of the Jin family, I am not weaker than him. In the fairy world, Tianjiao, which can grow up, is the real Tianjiao. It is useful. If you don’t grow up and die in the middle, no matter whether it’s the power of any party, you won’t go to other powerful forces because of an already deflated Tianjiao. Even if I am going to kill this arrogant boy, that one The pulse is not likely to be like to me."

Jin Duoming was indulging, watching Xiang Yang’s eyes have been smothered.

On the one side of the East Emperor Yuxi saw this scene, it was a headache, she knew that she should not introduce Jin Duoming’s identity to Xiang Yang again. Xiang Yang knows the identity of the other party, the more Interested in fighting each other's appearance.

"Xiang Yang, Jin Shaozhu, let's go on, or else we will not be able to vacate after we have completely dissipated, and maybe we will fall."

Donghuang Yuxi said with a smile.

The sky above the West River is forbidden, and the reason why they can volley at this time is precisely because of the strange power of the night, disturbing the space on the West River boat, so that the force of the ban is temporarily disappeared, but all this It’s only a short-lived one. After the effects of the strange forces are completely dispersed, they can’t be vacant.

"it is good."

Jin Duo Ming was already preparing to attack, thinking that he would slap a shot to kill Xiang Yang. At this moment, after listening to the words of Dong Huang Yu, he took away the killing in his heart and took a deep look at Xiang Yang. A murderous and threatened, then calmly fell to the deck.

Others also followed, but everyone was staring at Xiangyang, fearing that Xiangyang suddenly ran away, and then he would lose more than he lost.

Xiang Yang blinked and said with a smile, "I have become a public enemy on this ship. This kind of world-wide feeling is really not very good."

He can see from these people's eyes, I am afraid that when the power of the night comes, it is not so easy to leave the cabin and come to the deck.

This group of guys will always look at themselves and not let themselves go.

Of course, just rely on this group of wastes, let alone one of them, even one of the sub-saints, even if there is a sub-holy? The power of the gods of the underworld in the Western gods transcends the holy saints. Isn’t it being kicked by one's own feet, and then swallowed by the little black tiger?

In the heart of Xiang Yang’s heart, he thought of it, but he remembered that the little black tiger was like eating something delicious. After swallowing the incarnation of the Lord God of the Underworld, it seemed that there was no change, and suddenly he was secretly stunned. "The little guy eats so much, the strength doesn't grow, it's a waste. The next time it eats something, it must be spit it out later."

This is the embodiment of a Western main god. If you refine your own, you can definitely make your gods grow a little.

Xiang Yang is very clear that his current strength has reached a real bottleneck. Before the breakthrough in the practice of the real fairy, there is no breakthrough. It is very difficult to make a breakthrough in strength.

Today, we only start from two aspects.

On the one hand, the body is tempered in the world behind these void cracks on the ship, and reborn in destruction, making your body stronger and stronger.

On the other hand, it is to cultivate the 'All Saints' and let the nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine gods grow up quickly. At that time, if these gods can practice to the extent of the Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng, they themselves A punch and a bang, the strength of the terrible, even if the Yasheng strong man came, he would be killed by his own fist.

"I have the life source of the fire system of the red dragon that the little black tiger gave me, and the infinite thunderbolt liquid. These are the treasures that can make the gods grow up in the body, and then enter In other worlds, after all the original energy and treasures contained in each world have been taken away, my body can certainly reach a very terrible degree, and the use of these sources of liquid can also make the gods grow up. So, after leaving the West River boat, the strength of my deity should be able to reach the level of confrontation with Yasheng."

Xiang Yang’s heart was indulged, and he couldn’t help himself when he thought that his future strength could definitely reach the level of being able to confront Yasheng.

As for the impact on the world after the collection of the treasures and spiritual liquids of the world behind these voids, he does not care, because the world behind these voids is itself a world that is about to be destroyed, without any living. The existence of the existence, if you do not take away those treasures, after a few years, these worlds will also self-destruct, it is better to let those treasures give themselves, so that their strength becomes stronger.

Moreover, since the time lapse of those worlds is much faster than that of the outside world, Xiang Yang can fully enjoy the quenching of the energy of those worlds.

"Go, let's go on."

At this time, Donghuang Yuxi pulled La Xiangyang, and the two fell together toward the deck below.

At this moment, the people headed by Jin Duoming have not left yet, but all of them look at Xiangyang all the time. They look with words and words, but no one speaks first.

In the end, the woman who was still in the realm of Da Luo Xianjun first opened her eyes. She looked at Xiang Yang with a look of excitement. "Is this Xiang Yang? We want to know if you have a way Solve these strange things on the West River boat, no, no, you don't have to solve it, as long as we can let us go."

She originally wanted to call Xiang Yang a friend or a predecessor. However, she found that Xiang Yang’s cultivation was too weak. It was just a true fairy. She had to call Donghuang Yuxi and Jin Duo Ming. To call Xiangyang.

Xiang Yang did not care about what the other party called himself. He said with a smile. "Beauty sister, you may have misunderstood. I have no way to solve the strangeness on the Xihe ship. It’s just that I am brave. I saw some surprise on the boat. After that, I like to run around, and my luck is better. Although I ran a lot, I was not happy."


After listening to Xiang Yang’s words, this Xianjun beauty didn’t know what to say. Xiang Yang’s obviously changed the topic. Regarding his behavior, it’s really a bit uncomfortable for her, but she didn’t know what to do. When talking about Xiang Yang, I can only look at other people.

Most people on board have the same idea as this woman. They have no other meaning, they want to leave the West River boat.

At the moment, after seeing the woman’s gaze, there was a fairy king coming out on the spot, looking coldly at Xiangyang, swearing, “Xiang Yang, no matter what kind of identity you are, you should know that you are now stared at us. If you have a way to leave the West River, it is best to contribute to everyone, don't think about running away."

"Who are you?"

Xiang Yang rolled his eyes and looked at this guy.

"I am embarrassed by you." The fairy king was very angry when he saw Xiang Yang's attitude. He immediately yelled, "You give me the answer to Lao Tzu's question."


However, his words have not yet fallen, and he heard a roaring sound. Xiang Yang’s figure does not know when he has appeared in front of him.

Xiang Yang directly stuck the guy's neck with one hand, and the horrible power in his hand made the guy feel that he was suffocating.


The guy yelled that he wanted to struggle. However, after his neck was stuck by Xiang Yang, he only felt that all the strength of the whole body was sealed. The whole person seemed to be the person against the water, and he could only pat the items with his hands. Yang's hand, but unable to break free.

The scene in the field made everyone else stunned. This is a fairy king. Even after Xiang Yang grabbed his neck, he could no longer resist. Seeing that the fairy king’s face was red, he couldn’t breathe, the whole person would be Xiang Yang pinched to death, everyone felt the heart trembled.

At this time, Xiang Yang was cold and faint. "What are you talking about? Who are you?"


This guy's response to Xiang Yang was to open his mouth, but the sound could not be sent out. He could only continually pat the face of Xiang Yang, and at the same time, his breath disappeared a little.

At this moment, Xiang Yang did not explode any powerful force, even the horrible blood gas did not erupt, but the power contained in his right hand, even the fairy statue of the Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak He will be crushed by him when he comes.

Of course, if you look closely, you will find that there are several runes in Xiang Yang’s palms that are circulating. These runes are the seal of the strange king’s power, making it impossible for the other person to be a fairy king. The reason for the bomb.

These few runes are the alien runes that he dissected from the devil's armor. At this moment, they are used for the first time, and they can exert such a powerful force. After Xiang Yang met, the heart trembled, and the heart was dark. "It’s no wonder that the exotic worlds have collapsed in the ancient times. Even though it’s just a rune on the armor, it’s already incredible.”

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