Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2856: You are so pitiful.

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This trapped in the golden cage of Xiang Yang, there are infinite gods broke out, swords and swords, and so on, all kinds of fairy soldiers emerged from it, with unparalleled power toward Xiangyang.

"The soldiers are golden cages."

This fairy king snorted, this is the magical power that he is famous for. First, he used the golden magical power to trap the other side in this small range, and then the 10,000-strong squadron that broke out smashed the enemy toward the enemy, as long as the enemy Strength is not to overtake him too much, as long as the enemy does not have a strong defense tactic, he can kill the other side with a single blow.

"Even if you are so strong, it’s just a real fairy. Can you really turn the sky?"

The fairy king snorted. When he showed this magical power, he felt that he was steadily winning. However, when he looked at Xiangyang, he found that Xiang Yang’s hands were behind his back and shook his head slightly. As if he looked down on his supernatural powers, he suddenly became angry. "Primary, what is your expression?"

"I said you are too weak."

Xiang Yang sighed and said, "A fairy king, there is no power to display this kind of power. If you want to look good, there is no beautiful flower shelf. You are so funny."

While talking, his mind was moved, and more than a dozen runes were once again condensed in the body, directly turning into a circle to keep his whole person firmly guarded.


Then, a scene that shocked people at the place appeared. When the celestial soldiers bombarded the aperture around Xiangyang, the aperture circulated, and an invisible edge broke out. All the celestial soldiers were instantly destroyed. Minced.


At this moment, let alone the unbelievable color on the face of the fairy king, even the look of Jin Duoming has changed. The strength of this immortal king can be said to be in the top three among his masters. In particular, this kind of magical power can be said to be a big killing trick, and its power is endless. Even if the fairy goddess of the big seven heavens is coming, it will be destroyed.

However, Xiang Yang actually used only a dozen or so runes to form an aperture to block all of this. What kind of rune power is this?

"If I can get the magical power of these runes, I will be invincible in the immortality by the strength of my greatness."

Thinking of this, Jin Duoming’s breathing suddenly rose, and he looked at Xiang Yang’s eyes with a greedy color, but he was immediately hidden by him.


Jin Duoming snorted and his opponent shouted. "Hurry and stop, the brothers are the descendants of that pulse. It is our hope of getting out of the West River boat. How can you shoot him?"

"Yes, but..." After the fairy king listened, it was awkward. Didn't you just let me shoot? Now that I am not an opponent, I will not let me do it. I still reprimand me. What do you mean?

Even if this fairy king is so loyal to Jin Duoming, at this moment, I feel that Jin Duoming, the young master, is too much.


Jin Duoming sneered a sneer, directly slap in the palm of his hand, after the fairy king hit the fly out, his body flashed, and instantly appeared next to the golden cage, shaking all the golden energy in one hand. The wall was composed and then said to Xiang Yang, "Sister, I am sorry, my man is not sensible, don't care about him, but you are fine."

"I think he is very cute."

Xiang Yang smiled happily. He did not say anything about Jin Duoming, who had the opposite attitude before and after. Instead, he sang a beckoning to Donghuang Yuxi. "Let's go."

Donghuang Yuxi nodded and followed Xiangyang toward the cabin, while Jin Duoming was a sullen face. He was very upset about Xiangyang’s disregard for him and even said that he did not talk to him. However, he was forced to hold back.

"Little Lord."

At this time, the fairy king who was flying out of him was back. He looked at Jin Duoming with a look of grief and anger, and felt that his heart was full of grievances.

"I want to get his magical powers, I can't offend him for the time being, I can only grieve you." Jin Duoming whispered to the fairy king.

Although there is no explanation, but after the fairy king listened, it was a quick ritual. "It turns out that the small is not wronged, as long as it can help to catch less, no matter how small it is."

Jin Duo Ming did not speak, but patted the fairy king under the clap, and then followed up with Xiang Yang, "Xiang brother, East Emperor, and so on, I have the best fairy, we drink together A few cups."

"No, I don't like to drink with you."

However, he has not caught up with Xiang Yang, and he heard Xiang Yang waved his hand and said.


Jin Duo Ming did not know what he should do, and he continued to catch up. It was not a stop. He could only stand in the same place.

"Less master, that guy is too ignorant, we directly refining him by the way, and no matter what he has, we can easily get it."

Jin Duoming’s men came together and whispered one by one.

"Not at the last minute, you can't do it."

Jin Duo Ming is the one who raised his hand and held him. He said with a dignified color on his face. "This guy's strength is very extraordinary, even if I didn't figure out his rune magical powers." I dare not say that I can win him before, and I must not act rashly."

"How is this possible? The young master is the fairy **** of the big heavens, and he is just a true fairy. Is there really such a powerful fairy?"

Jin Duoming’s group of immortal kings were shocked after listening to them.

"Other true fairy can't be so powerful, but he is different. He is the descendant of that pulse. You don't know how terrible the existence of the legendary one is. It is able to follow us. Compared with the existence of the sage of the Pantheon, do you think that the person who will be a disciple will be a simple person?"

Jin Duoming said quietly, "I used to think that the other side is so strong. It is very good to deal with the king of the king. But when I touched him close, I could sense the horror of the other person. Strength, that is the terrible power that can kill everything."


Jin Duoming’s group of fairy kings listened to them all and then they all sucked in the cold air. Their hearts were shocked. It must be known that Jin Duoming is the first day of the younger generation of the gold family, although it is a junior, but However, it has reached the peak of Da Luo Bazhong Tianzhu Peak. It is definitely not comparable to the average person. Even the old patriarch also praised Jin Duoming’s talent in the fairy world. However, Xiang Yang is still more terrible. How can we keep them from being shocked?

"Let's go, this person can only be wise, not capable of enemies, and even if we can easily destroy him? He is a descendant of that pulse."

Then, Jin Duoming said it was Shen Sheng.


Jin Duoming’s masters of these princes are all stunned. Although they seem to think that Xiangyang is general, but at the moment, if they think about it, no one will dare to destroy Xiangyang.

Who knows what kind of existence behind Xiang Yang?

"let's go."

Jin Duoming followed his men into the cabin, and the other onlookers had already followed in when Xiangyang entered the cabin. They only wanted to stare at Xiangyang. You must not let Xiang Yang leave the Xihe boat by himself.

In the blink of an eye, only the few kings who were on the deck and who were easily restrained by Xiang Yang were left on the deck and could not move on the ground.

After these few unlucky ghosts were sealed by Xiang Yang's runes, they could not only move, but they couldn't even speak. They were obviously strong, but they could only look at the people with despair in their eyes.

Fortunately, at this moment, the sky is just bright, and the strange events on the Xihe ship will not happen. If it is at night, they will fall on the deck with such a rebellious force, and a blink of an eye will be directly stunned.

You must know that although there are some immortals on the ship now, they are only the fairy goddess of the big seven heavens. In the original time, even Jin Duoming’s men also had two big Luo Jiuzhong’s peaks. The fairy goddess and the three or four great Luo’s celestial gods, but they thought that there were enemies attacking the Xihe boat because of the strange incident, so they bravely rushed onto the deck. As a result, they rushed out. I have never returned.

They can only hope that Xiang Yang's runes will take the initiative to disappear from their seals. Otherwise, they will die after dark.

At this time, Xiangyang was in the restaurant of the cabin with the Emperor Yuhuang, and the monkey wine was taken from the Promise Xianfu.

He sighed while drinking. "There are some stupid things on this boat, but we can't let them affect our mood. We should drink well when we drink."


Xiang Yang’s words were spoken in front of everyone, and everyone around them was furious after listening to them. However, when they remembered that Xiang Yang could easily control several kings, they would not be able to do it. Instead, they looked at Xiang Yang with a very bad look.

Jin Duoming had already come forward with the best scent of a jar, and wanted to drink with Xiang Yang and Dong Huang Yuxi, but after hearing Xiang Yang’s words, his figure stopped unconsciously. I think that Xiang Yang seems to be saying that he is the same, so that he is not returning, and it is not.

"The brothers, the Emperor of the East, I have a million years of the best, how about a few drinks together?"

In the end, Jin Duoming’s face was thicker, and the hard-pressed depression of the heart was coming, and he walked toward Xiangyang.

"Your wine is not as good as my monkey wine." Xiang Yang glanced at it and said directly.


Jin Duoming also thought about making a relationship with Xiang Yang through his good wine. As a result, Xiang Yang said that his wine is not as good as Xiangyang, which makes him very incomparable, and his heart is dark and angry. It’s just too much to play according to common sense.

On the one hand, Donghuang Yuxi couldn’t bear to watch Jin Duoming’s appearance in Xiangyang’s three or two sentences, but smiled and said, “It’s our fate to meet on this West River boat. Let’s drink together. Cup."

"Well." Jin Duoming was grateful and looked at the emperor's eyes. He was very touched. He was really a good girl. Although he didn't like himself, he was so understanding, and he was still a descendant of the ancient Emperor. Today's Donghuangshi has fallen, but the bloodlines are noble.

For a time, Jin Duoming thought about how good it would be if he could catch the East Emperor Yuxi.

Donghuang Yuxi did not think that one sentence made Jin Duoming have the kind of perseverance to pursue her heart. She sipped the monkey wine and said to Xiang Yang, "We have been on the ship for the eighth day. However, if the method of cracking has not been found in the West River boat, we will be taken by the ship to the unknown time and space after forty-nine days."

After listening to it, Jin Duoming suddenly looked awkward and looked at Xiangyang in a dangerous situation. He knew that no matter who said that Xiangyang had to leave, he couldn’t compare with Donghuang Yuxi. If there was Donghuang Yuxi, Xiangyang would definitely not Will refuse to take people away.

"Oh, really pitiful, I am only the next day, so I can hold more than six or seven days longer than you." Xiang Yang sighed while drinking the monkey wine.


This time, let alone Jin Duo Ming dumbfounded, even the East Emperor Yuxi is silent, she knows that Xiang Yang is deliberate, but, you say too bully?

This sentence is like a knife inserted into the hearts of everyone, it is simply worse.

Those who sit around and pretend to drink alcohol, actually staring at Xiang Yangsheng, fear that Xiang Yang suddenly ran away, and if they were not the opponents of Xiangyang, plus they still need Xiangyang, they I have already started to encircle Xiang Yang.

However, in order to be able to leave the West River boat, they can only resist the urge to pinch the Xiangyang and continue to stare at Xiangyang. Even Xiangyang can feel the air around him getting cold, which is full of The smell of killing.

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