Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2857: you misunderstood

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"Oh, I forgot seven or seven gimmicks."

Just when everyone was half-dead by Xiang Yang, and almost couldn't help but besiege Xiang Yang, he listened to Xiang Yang suddenly shot his thigh, his face showing a nervous color.

While talking, he quickly released the soul seventy-seven from the Promise.

"Xiang Yang, are you okay?"

When the soul appeared on July 7th, she looked at Xiangyang with a nervous look. She stayed in the Promise of Immortality, but she was very nervous. Although she knew that Xiangyang’s soul was strong and powerful, she still worried that the West River boat was too strange. I am afraid that Xiangyang will have an accident.

"Nothing is ok, I am fine."

Xiang Yang quickly took a shot of the seven-seventh hand of the soul, while softly comforting, at the same time, the heart was a bit embarrassed, and he accidentally forgot the soul seventy-seven.

In the past, he rushed out of the deck for himself. On the one hand, he was afraid that the sky would cause harm to the soul of the seventy-seven. On the other hand, he was afraid that the soul would not be able to stop the strange force, so she would close her up. Only later, after he entered the world of Thunder, the power of Thunder was quenched for too long. For a moment, he forgot that the soul of the Seven Seven is still in the Promise, but fortunately, at this moment, otherwise, the soul seven seven It may be suffocated by him in the Promise Immortal.

Of course, suffocation is impossible. In the Promise of Immortality, there are countless creatures. For the soul of seventy-seven, it has been in it for a long time. Only when it is cultivated to the extent of reinforcement, it is impossible to have an accident.

Just, looking at the fear of the soul seventy-seven, Xiang Yang is a bit awkward, knowing that this girl must have been frightened in the Promise.

"It's okay, you haven't let me go out for so long, I thought you had an accident, scared me." The soul sighed with a sigh of relief, looking around and finding that it was still on the West River, she was I couldn’t help but widen my eyes. "How are we still here?"

"Haha, yeah, we are still here, my time in Xianfu is a little faster than outside." Xiangyang said with a smile.

In fact, the time when he let the soul go in after the seventy-seventh entry is not faster than the outside world, mainly after he entered the Thunder world, the time of the Thunder world has passed too fast, making the soul seventy-seven feeling in the Promise I have spent a long time in it.

"How long have you been on the West River?" Soul asked seventy-seven.

"This is not, just dawn." Xiang Yang said while laughing, it is to hand the soul to the seventy-one pot of monkey wine, said with a smile, "come, drink alcohol and pressure."

The soul seventy-seven frowned and looked at Xiangyang deeply, and then Yan Yan smiled. "Well, I must have been wonderful last night, Xiang Yang, don't you want to tell me?"

At the same time, she is looking at the side of the East Emperor Yuxi, how can not see her eyes, the relationship between Xiangyang and Donghuang Yuxi at this moment seems to have become different from before. It looks like it.

The soul of the seven seven is really too curious, she would like to know what happened between Xiangyang and Donghuang Yuxi in the night?

Could it be that the two of them have completed the last step?

Thinking of this, the nausea of ​​the soul seventy-seven is shaking, just feel that he has lost a great opportunity, and can not help but exclaimed, "Xiang Yang, promise me, don't easily put me in the future when you are in danger." I sent it to Xianfu."


Xiang Yang stunned, I don’t know why Sohu Qiqi suddenly said this, but he also quickly agreed to it. After all, he could not refuse to ask for the requirements of the soul seventy-seven.

At the same time, Xiang Yang tells the soul seventy-seven ways that the things he encounters at night are directly transmitted by the soul.

After listening to the soul seventy-seven, the face looked at Xiangyang with amazement, because Xiang Yang even told him to accept the Thunder's power in the world behind the crack of the void.

The soul did not expect that the others were so feared that it was the last day of the Xihe boat incident that turned out to be a great opportunity for Xiang Yang.

Sure enough, the opportunity of this kind of thing is to be obtained by courage. If it is the average person, even if there is the existence of Xianzun on the ship, they can’t have the courage to rush into the world behind the crack of the void, naturally not. May get the tempering of the Thunder world.

"Brother, I will respect you."

At this time, Jin Duoming was laughing and joking against Xiang Yang, and wanted to get closer to Xiangyang and have a good relationship with Xiang Yang.

I have to say that the city of Jin Duoming is indeed not weak. Even if it is rejected by Xiang Yang again and again, he will not give up.

"Well, I respect you."

Anyway, no time to think about it, Xiang Yang did not refuse Jin Duoming again, but smiled and touched the other party.

"Haha, good, thank you brothers for their faces." After listening to Jin Duoming, he suddenly laughed with excitement, as if Xiangyang promised to have a drink with him.

Xiang Yang chuckled. "I have a habit, that is, others are good to me. I am a hundred times more. Others are not good to me. I give back to the other party in a million times. If Jin Brothers treats each other with sincerity, I naturally will not forget."

After Jin Duoming listened, his eyes flickered, and his heart felt very disdainful about Xiang Yang’s words. However, on the surface, he was patted on his chest. He said very happily, “I’m right to say that my brother is right. For the friendship between us, we are not drunk today."

"Yes? If you are drunk, maybe I am going to hell." Xiang Yang said with a sly color on his face.

"Cough, this rest assured, there is me, no matter how the brothers will not have an accident." Jin Duoming said after a few coughs.

Xiang Yang did not answer, just drinking wine, looking at him with a faint smile on his face.

As a result, Jin Duoming only felt a little embarrassed and couldn’t help but say, "Xiang brother, in fact, everyone is not malicious, just because it is too strange on this West River boat, since the brother has a way to leave the Xihe boat, so Everyone wants to catch your life-saving straw."

"Can I leave the West River boat?"

Xiang Yang looked at Jin Duoming with a strange look on his face.

"Can't you?"

Jin Duoming’s heart is dark, and Xiang Yang is actually disguised as a disguise. On the surface, it’s a smile. “Brothers, we are also friends who have had a few drinks together. This kind of thing says that everyone will only You are more respectful, why bother to lie to me."

"I want to leave too."

Xiang Yang said with a sigh. "It is a pity that not to mention the strangeness of this ship makes us unable to leave. Even if I leave the West River boat, I have countless enemies. I am afraid that I will be killed by a strong enemy when I leave the West River."

While talking, he was embarrassed and looked at Jin Duoming with a look of discomfort. "Golden brother, do you know what kind of situation is when a person has too many enemies?"

"This one..."

Jin Duo Ming looked at Xiang Yang silly, don't know what the **** said to himself at this time? Is it really because of the reasons for three or two glasses of wine, I have regarded myself as a brother who can tell the truth?

Thinking of this, even Jin Duoming could not help but raise a very strange feeling.

However, on the surface, he showed a very loyal look. He patted his chest and said, "The brothers are relieved, and the brothers are sincere to me. Kim will certainly not live up to the trust of the brothers, not if we worship the brothers, The enemy of Xiang Xi is my enemy, and my brother's friend is my friend of Jin."

At the same time, Jin Duo Ming is also a little heart-warming. If he can marry a brother with Xiang Yang, it is not a very good thing for him.

At that time, if you can see the one behind Xiangyang, Jin Duoming feels that with his own talent, it can be said that it is possible to let Xiangyang’s teacher look at it and accept himself as a disciple. Things.

Jin Duoming is the young master of the Jin nationality, the patriarch of the future Jin nationality, his status has reached its peak, and it is already difficult to make progress, but if you can put on that pulse, The identity of a descendant, it is simply a icing on the cake, whether it is for him to have a great advantage to the Jin.

At this moment, Jin Duoming’s heart trembled, and looked at Xiang Yang with a sincere look. “Xiang brother, we are worshipping brothers and sisters. After that, how can you and me not be the same?”


Xiang Yang was shocked. He just yelled at this guy with his mouth. Who ever thought that this guy actually took it seriously, thought he was very good, and prepared to worship himself as a life and death brother. Is there such a simple life and death brother? ?

However, when Xiang Yang was shocked, Jin Duoming felt a little proud. He said that he was moved. He even reached out and grabbed Xiang Yang’s hand. He said excitedly, “Brother, you are my future. Life and death brothers, no matter what difficulties you have in the future, Jin Duo Ming will do my best to help each other, we live and die together."

"Oh..." Xiang Yang stared at Jin Duoming, and even he even forgot to take it back.


Donghuang Yuxi and Soul Seven Seven are also stunned. The other onlookers next to them are also shocked to see Jin Duoming. This Jinzu’s young master will not be a fool.

At this moment, everyone feels this kind of feeling in their hearts.

Even, even the men of Jin Duoming’s immortal kings felt that their own masters had a little bit of performance.

"What's wrong? You didn't even have a single reaction. Are you looking down on me?" When Jin Duoming saw Xiang Yang still staring at himself, he suddenly showed dissatisfaction on his face.

"No no."

Xiang Yang finally reacted. He smiled and shook his head. There were not many people who could make him look down. At least Jin Duoming did not have this qualification to make him look down.

Jin Duoming saw Xiang Yang shake his head, his face was much better, and then Shen Sheng said, "So, do you think that my sincerity is not enough?"

"Hey, this..." Xiang Yang sank for a few seconds, wondering if he should tell Jin Duoming the cruel truth.

"I don't think you will doubt that my sincerity is not enough. In this case, I will now make a vow to let you understand my sincerity."

Jin Duoming thought that Xiang Yang felt that he was not sincere. When he was excited, he immediately began to swear, "I Jin Duoming, the lord of the Jin family, one of the five great celestial sins, swears to Heaven, and since then, Regarding Xiangyang as a brother of life and death, regardless of any crisis in Xiangyang, I will do my best to help, and I will never disappoint Xiangyang from then on."

After the oath, Jin Duoming’s face was full of excitement and turned to look at Xiang Yang. “How about brother, this time you should always believe in my sincerity.”

"Yeah, I believe in your sincerity." Xiang Yang nodded and thought that Jin Duoming seemed to be a bit interesting. As one of the five great tribes, the minority of the Jin family was so easy to send a Oath, does he have no brain?

This is really a cute and stupid person.

Xiang Yang felt with emotion and quietly drank wine.

His expression made Jin Duoming dissatisfied. Jin Duoming felt that he had already vowed to show his attitude. Xiang Yang should at least make a statement. Then shouldn't the two be brothers?

"Xing brother, it's your turn." Then Jin Duoming reminded Xiang Yang.

"Hey, what is my turn?" Xiang Yang looked at Jin Duoming strangely.


After Jin Duoming squatted for a while, he suddenly realized that it was a little bad. He couldn’t help but say, "Nature is that you swear, we are married to life and death."

"I think you misunderstood. I didn't think about the reason why I want to tell you why my brother." Xiang Yang looked at Jin Duoming with a sly look. I can imagine that this sentence is definitely like a knife. The same sly insertion of Jin Duoming’s heart made the heart of this simple guy hurt.


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