Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 62865: A strong space magical power... (six more flowers)

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"This kid is a descendant of that pulse, but it is still too tender in front of the true sanctuary."

In the rear void, the lord of the Dark Enemy, which is the sacred place, he followed Xiang Yang with a faint smile on his face, and a sense of triumph rose from his heart.

If it is a master of other real fairy tales, it will not be able to attract any attention from him. Even if he is not qualified for a glance, however, Xiang Yang is different. Xiang Yang is the descendant of that pulse. There is no treasure.

Last time, in the battle of the goddess of the Tiancheng outside the central Tiancheng, a group of people, hundreds of sacred strongmen, Xiang Yang actually used a supreme chaos to the treasure, almost to destroy all of them, When all the sacred worlds are broken, all the sacred places are understood, and the child of Xiangyang is absolutely super supreme.

Although everyone knows that the supreme magic weapon of Xiang Yang can never be obtained by Xiang Yang himself, it must be passed to Xiang Yang, which makes many holy people who dare not play the idea of ​​Xiangyang’s treasure. However, There are also some bold people who think that if they can get chaos and treasure, they can hide all the secrets. As long as they enter chaos, even the one who is the same pulse can't find him.

They thought, they must find a way to destroy Xiangyang, and all the treasures were taken away from Xiangyang. Even the inheritance of Xiangyang from that vein also wanted to be taken away.

The lord of the Dark Enemy is one of these daring people, and at this moment they are thinking about taking everything away from Xiang Yang.

Xiang Yang walked in front. This time, although he is still practicing the 'life and death', he has divided a part of the soul into the void, silently sensing the behavior of the sacred strong, seeing the other side When he was behind the void in his back, Xiang Yang’s mouth was filled with a satisfied smile.

Since the other party is ready to die, it is a good thing.

When Xiang Yang sighed, he said to the unlucky one who led the way. "Little guy, how did you find the treasure in the Dark Devils Desert?"

"Predecessors, I also mistakenly entered into it. The small one just wanted to enter the Dark Devils Desert. Can you find some black magic stones? What I didn't expect was the accidental escape from the black magic fire. In fact, he fell into a secret, although he could not enter it, but he felt that it was a super treasure."

The unlucky one was very scared of Xiang Yang. He did not dare to answer the words of Xiang Yang, but said quickly.

After Xiang Yang listened, his face had a faint smile. "Your luck is good, you have discovered the magic treasure."

"What, this, this is the Devil's Treasure?"

The face of the unlucky man changed greatly. He did not doubt that Xiang Yang knew what kind of treasure the treasure was. After listening to it, his heart was shaking and almost cried.

"When it's over, this predecessor is not giving me a chance to live. I told me what the treasure is. The more I know, the faster I die, I am going to die."

He was crying and looking at Xiang Yang. "Predecessors, I, I am wrong. Can you take my life around me?"

Anyway, in his opinion, he is already dead, but it is better to say good things to Xiangyang now. If Xiangyang can spare his life, that is the best thing.

If Xiang Yang refuses to spare his life, then he will not enter Xiangmo’s treasure with Xiang Yang. Anyway, he will also die, why bother to go with Xiang Yang.

"it is good."

Xiang Yang was very refreshed and immediately agreed. "Reassured, I will not kill you."


Xiang Yang promised so refreshingly, and made this guy feel wrong. He felt that Xiang Yang must deliberately deceive him, just to let him enter Xiangmo Treasure with Xiang Yang, and then he would destroy him.


The guy stood still and stood still.

"What's wrong, I have promised you not to kill your life, you still have a hard wing, don't plan to lead the way, right?"

After Xiang Yang met, he sneered and said.

"No, don't dare..."

The unlucky man shook his head and cautiously looked at Xiang Yang, whispering. "Can the seniors really let me live? I don't want to be able to get anything in the treasure, just ask the seniors to spare a small Before the offense, after you find the treasure, let the small leave?"

As he spoke, he said quickly, "The small guarantee will not spread the news of the treasure."

"I said that I want to spare you a life, you still have so much nonsense, do you think I will lie to you?"

Xiang Yang blinked and said coldly, "If you are still like this, then you don't have to lead the way."

"Yes, I am leading the way, just ahead."

This guy knows that Xiang Yang is angry and doesn't dare to say more. Instead, he quickly leads the way in front of him. He turns into a long rainbow and flies forward. Behind him, Xiang Yang and Soul Seven Seven are tight. Followed by.

After a while, after they crossed most of the desert, the guy finally stopped. He pointed to the vast desert in front of him. He saw a big pit appearing in front. Although there was nothing, he was careful. Said Xiangyang, "Predecessors, that is where the treasure is."


Xiang Yang nodded. In fact, he didn't need this guy to open his mouth. He already knew the location of this magical treasure, because the magical blade in his hand was shaking and he had already sensed the atmosphere of the magic treasure.

"Predecessors, then, can that small go?"

The unlucky ghost was watching Xiangyang carefully. He was afraid of angering Xiangyang and said quickly, "The little one did not enter it. I don't know how to enter it. I also asked the seniors to let go."


Xiang Yang waved his hand at random, and he was too lazy to take care of this guy. Instead, he appeared on the edge of this desert crater directly with the soul seventy-seven. He looked at the big pit with a faint smile on his face. The treasure is finally found."


However, when Xiang Yang’s voice just fell, he saw that the unlucky one who had fled in the distance and wanted to escape was suddenly suppressed by an invisible force. The whole person screamed. After that, it is directly used as a meal.

"You first enter the Promise Immortal."

Xiang Yang’s look changed, and he directly absorbed the soul of the seventy-seventh into the Promise of the Promise. He knew that the sacred master in the rear could not help but appear.

Sure enough, when he took the soul seventy-seven into the Promise, he felt a powerful force on his body, and even the surrounding voids were sealed. If he did not take the first step to reap the soul seventy-seven In the case of Promise Immortal, it would be a little trouble to get the soul seventy seven in the presence of the mighty power of this holy place.

However, now that he has earned the soul seventy-seven into the Promise, you don't have to worry about the safety of the soul.

In the face of this strong sacred place, Xiang Yang is not worried at all.

He smiled softly and looked at the void with a faint smile on his face. "You are finally coming out."

"You found out that the deity is following you?"

The sacred strongman stepped out of the void and frowned at Xiangyang. He did not expect that Xiang Yang had already discovered that he had followed him. This feeling of being beyond control made him feel a bit Not good.

"You are just a holy, not a chaotic saint. It is impossible to hide the figure in front of me." Xiang Yang chuckled softly and handed the magic sword to the body. At the same time, he smiled and looked at it. A strong sage, ask, "Why, what is your name?"

"The dead are not qualified to know the name of this holy."

The sacred strong man looked at Xiang Yang with a black face, and he was really mad at Xiangyang.

Xiang Yang actually said that he was not a true chaotic saint and looked down on him. Although Xiang Yang said that there is nothing wrong with him, he is only a sub-saint, not a chaotic saint, and he cannot compare with a chaotic saint, but he It is also the strongest of the Yasheng Peak. It is a truly supreme being among the heavens and the world. There are not many people who can compare with him.

If Xiang Yang is a master of the sacred world, he can still say this, but in fact, Xiang Yang is only the realm of the peak of the true fairy, even if there are more treasures on the body, even if the strength of the flesh is stronger, how? Still just a true fairy.

A little true fairy dared to look down on him.

At this moment, this sacred strong man is angry, and he looks at Xiang Yang with a cold face, and angers, "Little, you are dead."

"No, you are wrong."

Xiang Yang shook his head and said, "I won't die, I don't know, but you will not die, but I know very well."

"what did you say?"

The sacred strong man looked coldly at Xiang Yang, his eyes with cold colors, and since he had made up his mind to destroy Xiang Yang, he did not want to talk nonsense at the moment.

"Junior, let's come to life."

At this moment, this sacred strongman directly hands, his right hand opens, and suddenly the void circulates, the sun and the moon are reversed, and the horrible atmosphere bursts out, causing the void around Xiangyang to be distorted.

He entered the Tao with the power of space and became a strong person in the sub-Holy. His space technique is unparalleled in the world. Among the heavens and the world, few people can compare with him.

He applied the method of space folding, and used the power of space to crush the Xiangyang.

Moreover, at the moment of his hands, the surrounding void has been completely sealed by him, unless the chaos saint directly descends here, otherwise, he is sure that even the saint can not see what happened here.


Xiang Yang sighed and looked at the sacred sage. He sighed and said, "Your strength is very strong, especially the space magical power. It is too much for me to see."

"Are you okay?"

Xiang Yang's tone of speech is very dull, but it makes the face of this sacred placeer change greatly, because at this moment, he found that Xiang Yang was not affected by his space folding.

"This is impossible."

For the first time, this sacred sect has doubts about his own strength. He is the master of the sacred peak and is fully committed to the martial arts. It is to be able to seal everything around him, so that even a chaotic saint can’t see it happen here. In the case, he originally intended to crush Xiangyang directly with a single blow.

However, Xiang Yang at this moment is really too strange, and there is nothing wrong with it.

His method of folding the space was crushed on Xiang Yang, as if nothing had been crushed. It seems that Xiang Yang at this moment does not exist in this space.

"You are not in the world of this space?"

At this moment, the heart of this sacred strong man trembled, his eyes fixed on Xiang Yang, his face became extremely ugly.

He discovered at this time that he had looked down on Xiangyang. Just as he was outside the Central Xiancheng, hundreds of sacred strongmen all looked down on Xiangyang. At the moment, he was too too small to look at Xiangyang. Now, he understands that Xiang Yang’s strength is so strange that he can escape the way he folds into the space.

Xiang Yang said with a smile, "Sacred seniors, what do you say? What is called I am not in this space? I am not good at space techniques. I really don't understand what powerful space magic has." ""

While talking, he sighed and said, "The so-called ignorance is a blessing, maybe it is me, although I don't know anything, but it can also block your attack, so that you can not cause any harm to me. Or should it be said that your space magic is not really powerful, is it just in the stage of primary space spells?"

"The stage of the primary space spell?"

This sentence, if it is said to others, may still be normal, but it is the irony of the red fruit when he said this to the powerful person who made the space into the sub-saint.

At this moment, this great sanctuary is furious.

His eyes condensed, his hands together for the first time, holding a law and whispering, "Space solidified."


As his voice fell, the breath of a horrible sacred scene erupted from his body, and the vast energy flowed, and the originally distorted void, as if frozen by the ice at this moment, solidified directly.

At the same time, there is a glimpse of the sacred rhyme of this sacred place. This is the power of the avenues that can be mastered by the powerful and the holy sage. This is the rhyme rule.

When he faced Xiang Yang, he even used his own rhyme.

We must know that under normal circumstances, only when the sacred strongman is in the same stage, it will use the channel of the Taoist channel. However, when he faced Xiangyang, he also used this kind of Taoyun magical power. He attaches importance to Xiang Yang.

"The deity is a powerful sacred place with space and magic. In addition to the chaotic saints, no one can compare with the deity in space magic. Even if you are in another space, the province can also take you. Grab it directly from that space."

Then, this sacred stalwart sneered a sneer, he did not believe, he used the power of the rhyme rules to display the space supernatural powers, and even could not help Xiang Yang.

You know, even if you are a sacred master, you can't break open in a short time under the condensation of his space.


I saw that the space was solidified, as if there was an invisible ripple that spread out. Xiang Yang still stood in the same place, as if he had been frozen by him.

He suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and whispered. "Although it is a descendant of that pulse, it is not so evil."

Fortunately, this time I used the avenue of the entrance to the space, and finally got Xiangyang fixed. Otherwise, he lost his face as a saint in the space.

"A strong space magical power, admire admire..."

However, at this time, I heard a loud voice with excitement, just before the sound of Xiang Yang, which was suppressed by him.


Author Meng Yu said: Today is six more finished, ask for flowers...

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