Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2866: Devil's Treasure

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"A strong space magical power, admire admire..."


Seeing that Xiang Yang still has nothing to stand there, and while sighing that his space is very powerful, the face of the great sage has finally changed, he exclaimed, his eyes staring tightly. Xiang Yang, angry, "You can actually block the space of this holy frozen magic, you have a space magic weapon?"

In his view, the reason why Xiang Yang can block him is definitely because he has a space magic weapon to compete with him. Otherwise, Xiang Yang’s strength can never reach the level comparable to him, especially in space magic. On the aspect, he is the space **** to enter the road to become the sub-sacred strong, how could it be more than a small real fairy of Xiangyang?

"This is the best, only in the hands of the Holy Spirit can exert the strongest power. If I get it, then, in the time of Yasheng, I will be invincible."

Then, this sacred strongman looked at Xiang Yang with a burning gaze, and his eyes were full of excitement. He understood that as long as he could get the space magic weapon of Xiang Yang, he would definitely be invincible in Yasheng.

"However, even if you have a space magic weapon, the outer space and the inner space are sealed by the Holy Spirit with great power. Unless your strength can reach the level compared with the original, you can only be shackled. This holy sleep is here."

He looked at Xiang Yang with a sneer, even if he knew that Xiang Yang had space for his treasure, and he could not fear his magical power, he did not worry that Xiang Yang had the ability to escape.

He was fully prepared to fully control Xiang Yang in his hands.


However, when he looked up, he heard Xiao Xiangyang sigh softly.

This sub-Supreme Strongman frowned at Xiang Yang, did not understand what Xiang Yang suddenly said at this time, is it because he saw the escape hopeless, and sigh?


However, the next scene suddenly changed the face of this sage of the saints, only in front of him, Xiang Yang whispered, an invisible wave was transmitted from the big pit below Xiang Yang, and then At the same time as the volatility passed over, Xiang Yang even reached out and waved at him.

"Thank you for using your space magic to help me open the magic treasure, goodbye."

After Xiang Yang’s voice fell, his body flashed and the whole person was silent, so he disappeared in front of this sacred place, as if he had never seen it.

"how come?"

After seeing this sacred place, the face changed greatly. He finally understood why Xiangyang had nothing to do. Let’s not say whether Xiangyang had space for treasure, but in this magical treasure, There must be space for treasure. It is definitely the magic weapon used by the Devil's Treasure to suppress this treasure. It has only absorbed the power of its own space before it helped Xiangyang block its own attack.

"That bastard."

He was angry and angry, and angered. "Don't think that you can escape from the deity by entering the Devil's Treasure. Even the original Devil Resurrection of the year may not be the opponent of the deity, let alone you. You are dead."

At the same time, he was sneer and sneer, while his body was flashing, the whole person disappeared directly in the same place, apparently following the Xiangyang rush into the treasure of the treasure.

At this moment, in the treasure of the treasure, Xiang Yang is standing on a passage, although it is only a passage, but the four sides are like the light and shadow screen, can see the situation outside, in his gaze, this sacred place is strong The physique of the person has followed, and is appearing in the channel behind.

He smiled with satisfaction. "Perfect, the prey has entered the trap of digging. The next step is when the young master destroys the holy."

While talking, he leisurely carried his hands, and the magical battle blade was suspended on the top of his head, stepping into the passage step by step.

"Xiang Yang!"

At the same time, in the rear of Xiangyang, the sacred strongman saw Xiangyang, who was carrying his hands in front of him, and made a loud scream.

Then, his figure quickly caught up with Xiangyang. When he shot, he directly displayed the space magical power and sent Xiangyang to his side.

"Space is shrinking, come back to me."

The space magic of this sacred powerhouse has indeed reached the level of unparalleled world. As he said, few of the sub-saints can compare with him in space magic.

At this moment, with his big snoring falling, the space was distorted, and even Xiang Yang received interference. Xiang Yang obviously felt that the space around him was really ready to go back, so that he would walk more and more. The other side is the same.

He couldn't help but take a breath, "a strong space magical power."

The previous sigh was the sarcasm of Xiangyang, and this time the praise was that Xiangyang really praised the other's supernatural powers.

The extent to which this can be achieved is indeed not comparable to that of the average person.

If it is in the outside world, even if Xiangyang has any powerful strength, it can't block the space magical power of the other side. However, this is in the treasure of the treasure, Xiang Yang got the memory of the demon, and at this moment he is arranged. The treasures of all the traps and the magic of this battle, he can do whatever he wants, can mobilize all the magical powers here.


Along with Xiang Yang’s thoughts, he saw a small invisible space fluctuation flashing around him. Then, just in front of his empty space, there was a ray of light flowing, and the space retreating supernatural power was still being displayed. However, it has become the boost for Xiangyang to move forward, which makes Xiang Yang step out and disappear instantly.


After seeing this sacred strongman, he was furious. His body shape circulated. The whole person immediately painted a ray of light and chased him toward Xiangyang. At this moment, he could not attend to think about his space. What works?

He only wants to follow Xiangyang closely. He knows very well that Xiangyang must have been passed down to the magical treasure. If Xiangyang enters the core place to control the whole treasure, even if he is in this magical treasure. Among the arrays, it is not always possible to deal with Xiang Yang, and maybe he will be planted accidentally.

Only after Xiang Yang found the core of the formation, he directly controlled Xiang Yang at the most critical time. At that time, he could replace Xiang Yang’s direct refining and demon treasure. At that time, he could not only get the demon statue. Treasures, at the same time, can catch Xiang Yang and get everything from Xiang Yang, that is the real one-eyed double-carving.


However, when the guy quickly caught up with Xiangyang, he suddenly felt that he was not quite right. No matter how he chased it, it seemed to be still in the same place. No, his speed is very fast, however, The space is constantly shrinking, so that no matter how he catches up with Xiangyang, he can only stay in the same place. In fact, there is no progress at all.

He is very clear that this is exactly the space magical power that he showed to Xiang Yang before. However, his space magical power did not pose any danger to Xiang Yang, but it actually acted on him.

"Give me a break."

He roared, and as soon as the power of space broke out, he slammed his god, and then continued to rush forward.

Fortunately, he knows too much about his supernatural powers, and he can easily break his own magical powers and instantly catch up with Xiangyang.


However, when he just stepped out to the front, he changed his face, because in front of him, there is infinite power of destruction, and the horrible magical fire circulates, directly turning into a huge magical oven to trap him. In it.

"Do not..."

The guy roared, the space magical powers were displayed one after another, and he wanted to break the oven with space magic. However, what shocked him was that his space magical power had no effect, as if it was a ban on all space magical powers. .

"this is..."

A strong crisis of life and death has spread to the heart, making the face of this sacred placer become more and more ugly. He knows that this is the array of ancient magical deities who use the flames of the Dark Devils. In this oven, I am afraid All the magic fires that have been contained in the entire Black Devils are in it.

These magical fires have been brewing and fermenting for millions of years. The power they possess is absolutely terrible. Even if he is a sacred place, if he is tempered in this magic fire for a long time, he may be The magic fire refining.

"This holy is the space magical way to enter the road, no one can compete in the space supernatural powers, no one can be the opponent of this holy."

This sacred place is roaring. He simply does not believe in his own space. The magical powers have no effect. They can only madly roar. At the same time, the rhyming rules that follow one another appear in his body. The road of 1981 is surrounded by him, making him look like a god.

His body circulates, and the whole person carries a horrible atmosphere. Under this breath, an illusory space blade emerges on his head. It is his path to the treasure, the blade of space. .

He grabbed the blade of space with one hand and slammed forward.


The magic fire oven is still burning, and the force of the emptiness of the emptiness still exists, but there is a huge roaring sound that bursts out in this void. Although the naked eye can't see it, there is a huge collision in the space, as if there is The supreme power is in the duel.

This is the confrontation between the power of space in the Treasures of the Devil and the power of this sacred place. They are the confrontation between the forces of space.

For this strong Bible power, the refining power of the black fire oven has become secondary, and the most horrible thing is to pay attention to the power of space that limits the space of his magical powers.

Only by breaking through the power of these spaces can he truly display his strongest magical power without any scruples. Otherwise, even if he gets out of trouble, he will only fall into the trap of the law.

While the two are in the same amount, Xiang Yang has already appeared in the core position of the Devil's Treasure. He has a faint smile on his face, and there is a picture in front of him. It is the situation that this sacred strongman confronts the void. .

"This guy is worthy of the sacred powerhouse of space magical enthusiasm. The strength is too strong. However, the demon esteem of the year is the descendant of the first demon. His understanding of the formation has reached an unprecedented level. These formations are For the sake of the butcher's sanctuary, however, the demon respect yourself has not been slaughtered by the saints. Instead, it has just been slaughtered by the saints. Let me complete your wish today, and use your array of methods to show you a saint.

Xiang Yang chuckled softly, holding his hands in the law and whispering, "18 magic fires, millions of fires, thousands of days of fire, killing."


At this moment, as the voice of Xiang Yang fell, he heard a roaring sound, and saw that there was an infinite flame bursting out, the magic fire rushed, the skyfire fell from the sky, the ground fire spurted, and at this moment all were integrated into that. In the magic fire oven, a little bit of refinery is formed for the strong man of the Holy Land.


This sacred strongman was still fighting against the power of the space array, and wanted to break the space magical power in the magical treasure, but did not expect that the power of this flame oven became so strong. His face changed greatly, and he was accidentally burned by the flame, which made his clothes burn out in an instant. Fortunately, there was a piece of sacred sacred sacred on his body, blocking the burning of the flame, otherwise it would deteriorate. Maybe he has been burned directly.

This is the case, the refining power of the surrounding flame is getting stronger and stronger, and it makes his face change greatly. He can no longer guard against the power of space array. He can only defend himself with his most powerful force, making himself Will not be refining.

"Bastard, this method exists for the sake of the butcher, and the kid has mastered the core of the entire magical treasure."

However, this sacred strongman roared again and again. He found that the power of these flames was too strong. Even if he could not fight, he could only continue to roar and do his best to display all kinds of things he would like. Shentong went to resist the refining of these flames.

At this moment, his heart was so horrified that he originally thought very well. Who could have thought that there was no effect at all, but instead he was overcast by Xiang Yang at this moment.

"Oh... kid, this holy knows that you can hear it. If you are interested, just put it out and go out. Otherwise, wait for this holy break to catch you, and you must be good-looking."

This sacred sage is crazy and roaring. In the blink of an eye, his hair is ignited by the flames, and he can only shed his hair. At this moment, the long hair that has been scattered by the previous shawl has become a head.

Not only that, but he has a variety of magic weapons, and there are several pieces of treasure, just to block the refining of these flames, he can say that he is doing his best.

He felt more and more uncomfortable in his heart. He felt the power of these arrays. He knew very well that if he could not leave, he might have to be ruined.

At this moment, this sacred place can only exert all efforts to display the power of refining and smashing all kinds of magical powers. If there is a slight slack, he may be ruined.

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