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In the distance, Xiang Yang has completed the process of restarting and receiving this magical treasure. His hand holds a black ball, which is full of brilliance and exudes a strong atmosphere. It is the core of the demon treasure. Control hub.

At the same time, Xiang Yang's Demon War Blade is a little lighter on this hub, causing the entire hub to explode, and a powerful energy poured into Xiang Yang's body, making Xiang Yang could not help but sigh. "Shuang..."

This energy is prepared for the future to be able to make a comeback. His treasure is for the future, if it is rebuilt after the reincarnation, it can quickly get the treasure and prepare for the rapid rise.

The core of the control of this core hub requires not only the law, but also the magical blade to unlock the energy.

This energy is precisely to quench the flesh, improve the cultivation, improve the roots, and use the incomparable energy to flood into the body of Xiangyang. Xiang Yang’s mind is moving, and he quickly uses the magic of the beginning. The practice of the 'initial body' in the beginning began to work.

What these energies are practicing is the physique of the supreme magic power, the beginning of the magic body.

Moreover, it was the energy that the demon statue got when it got the inheritance of the Supreme Master, and it was the Supreme Master who was preparing for his own inherited disciples, so that his disciples could embark on the practice of magic. The road can be condensed into the first magic body.

At this moment, after getting these energies, Xiang Yang did not think about it, and immediately began to practice the practice of the first magic body. Although his physical strength has reached a very terrible level, it does not hinder him. If you practice the original magic body, as long as the original magic body is successfully practiced, his body can be a variety of supreme physique. At that time, maybe all the physical strengths will be integrated, which will enable him to truly prove It is possible to sanctify the body.

Xiang Yangpan sat on the ground, on the top of his head, the black ball burst into a radiant glow, and a vast amount of energy was integrated into his body to help him run the magic power at the fastest speed. In his body, a little dark light appeared, with endless magic.

Xiang Yang at this moment seems to have become the same as the avatar, and has the breath of the magical Tao. He seems to be the ultimate magic.

"In the beginning of the magic, the strongest physical fitness is still the body of nine births and nine annihilation. However, it is too difficult to practice the body of nine births and nine annihilation. Even my deity may not be able to cultivate successfully in a short time. Moreover, my body is not weaker than the body of the nine births, and even a stronger one, then no matter what, first integrate these energy into the body, after the first magic body is successfully cultivated, then go That space is destroyed, and not only must the other party be destroyed, but also the other party’s fruit."

Perhaps it was because of the power of the beginning of the devil to enter the body, making Xiang Yang the whole person seems to become a bit evil, while he sneered, still practicing.


At this moment, Xiang Yang's body, the powerful energy is still flowing, the vastness of the breath burst out, the atmosphere of his entire outbreak is also stronger and stronger, the energy of the beginning of a magic path.

Xiang Yang became a magic in the devil.

In Xiangyang Dantian, Laowan and Laojiao and Xiaoling appeared at the same time. They looked at this scene and looked indifferent and did not speak much.

Xiangyang’s practice path is Xiangyang’s own choice. They will not give Xiangyang any opinion. Only Xiangyang will find out the most suitable road for himself, and finally he will be able to truly reach the peak.

Among the passages, the sacred strongman is still resisting the refining of the flame. He is madly roaring, his body is full of brilliance, and the strongest force is erupted to counter the refining of the flame.

Although this formation is for the sake of the butcher, but the strength of this guy is indeed very strong, even under such a flame can really persist, and, a little bit, these flames are forced to open.

In the end, I only heard the sound of 'Boom'. In the void, the boundless energy flowed, and the whole array exploded at this moment. The infinite flame spread out in all directions. This sacred place is strong. Hey, wearing a bit of broken sage to the treasure, the hair is short, the whole person is black, crazy and roaring, "Junior, Laozi wants to destroy you, ah ah ...."


His figure was flying fast and rushing toward the front.


However, before he even rushed out for a hundred meters, he suddenly turned to the ground and the whole person fell into a boundless hell. He saw that there was a horrible atmosphere around him, and the vast energy burst out. The holy power that destroyed the earth was suppressed to him.

"This is... the true power of the Holy Spirit, no, impossible..."

At this moment, this unlucky guy is desperate. He is Yasheng. His holy prestige is like a heavenly master to any master below the holy world. He can use his holy power to easily suppress any The strength and strength of the holy sacred place can even allow them to blew themselves directly.

However, in the face of Xiang Yang, he did not have such a way.

Of course, Xiang Yang is just an accident.

When Aztec faces the real time, even worse than the ordinary people facing the holy saint, because the chaos saint is the true saint who controls the heavens, the chaos saint and the heavenly road merge into one, the real terrible boundless, this holy Wei is the true power of heaven. It is the power of the road. Who can stop it?

Yasheng still did not detach from the heavens and did not control the heavens. As long as they were within the scope of this heavenly path, they would have to bear the true infinite force of suppression.

At this moment, when the guy felt the sacredness of his body, his face was desperate, and the whole person was shaking, and he could barely explode all the strength of his body to resist this holy power.

He is crazy and roaring. "Bastards... How can there be a true holy power here? The first demon, this is the power of the first demon, no..."

At this moment, is he finally understanding why Xiang Yang will let him follow the magic treasure, not because he is too strong to rush in, but because Xiang Yang intentionally let him in.

This so-called Demon Treasure is simply a big pit.

It is really interesting that his Yasheng strong man was very happy to jump into the pit.

He is not willing to roar, even if it is the true saint's prestige, he must resist, it is absolutely impossible to wait for death.

At the same time, Xiang Yang is accepting the tempering of the power of the beginning of the devil, the power of the magical path on his body is getting stronger and stronger, and even the void around him is distorted, and the power of time in the whole magical secret treasure is actually It has been changed, especially around Xiangyang, and the passage of time has accelerated, enabling him to practice the body of the Devil at a faster rate.

"This energy is too strong. The original preparation of the demon statue is to make him come back. After accepting this energy directly from scratch, he can practice the state of the peak demon, but my strength can only reach The realm of the true fairy peak cannot be broken at this time. As a result, I can only use it for quenching. Fortunately, the body of the first demon body is the strength of my physical body. ”

Xiang Yang whispered to himself. When he practiced at the peak, he saw his body continually flowing. All the cells in his whole body were shaking, his body breathing with breathing, horror. The energy burst out. If the surrounding space is repressed by the magical treasures, I am afraid that the power released by his own body at the moment has already destroyed the surrounding void.

"The boss of this body is to be refined into a non-magic non-sacred, more non-holy physique, but, a little bit, only the Pangu refining can really let the boss's body grow up. ”

At the moment, in the Dantian of Xiangyang, the old man whispered.

"But it is a bit difficult to get Pangu refining, unless you look at the axe in the battlefield of the fairy to see if you can get the inheritance of Pangu, otherwise, even in the hands of Sanqing. There is not necessarily a complete Pangu refining technique. After all, the body of Sanqing is not the same."

Xiaoling said.

After the old singer heard their words, it was a little scared, Sanqing sage, but the rare saint in today’s Pangu chaotic world is the Pangu authentic, which was after the Pangu saints opened up to the ground. The true spirit formed by the Yuanshen divided into three.

The physical strength of these horrible and powerful tycoons has become a general in the mouth of Xiaoling.

If it is said by others, the old man will definitely refute it. However, Xiaoling’s saying is different. The little spirit is the real spirit of supreme chaos and treasure. He is not taller than the old man. He does not know how many times. I can only listen silently and dare not interrupt.

"The boss is the descendant of that pulse. According to the reason, that one is chaotic and invincible. Even if it is a million robbery, it is just such a strength. It should be inherited from the refining body. But why does the boss seem to have no practice? ”

Lao Wan said with a deep heart.

Lao Wan did not see the chaotic and invincible sword **** of Xiang Yang. Even when he followed the chaos of the ravages, he was still a friend.

It made him very clear that the strength of that one is chaotic and invincible. It is not weaker than the tens of thousands of robbers. Its inheritance, will it be simple?

"All this is only the boss knows."

Xiaoling said with a sigh.

At the same time, he was also very curious in his heart. In the original inheritance of the pulse that Xiang Yang got, is there a supreme relic of inheritance?

If there is, does Xiang Yang do not practice?

Xiaoling was the first to follow Xiangyang. However, in the past few years, he has never seen the inheritance of Xiangyang’s own veins. Even later, Xiangyang even had the door of “Happy”. The practice method has also been abandoned, and it has been directly converted into the cultivation of 'Qunkun's martyrdom' as the basic practice.

"I don't want to practice the "small body" in the squatting law in ‘Happy 诀’, but because I didn’t have enough ability to practice before.”

At this time, the **** of Xiangyang, who was originally closing his eyes, opened his eyes at this time and sighed and said.


Xiaoling and Laowan and the old man looked at Xiangyang with an incomprehensible color.

Xiangyang’s Yuanshen said with a fascinating color, a faint opening said, “The happy body must be tempered by the power of chaos. It is the same as the immortal body. It needs to have a strong foundation to be able to practice, and the strength of its practice begins. The weakest is also the realm of Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng, and I can't practice it in my current realm. Only after my cultivation breaks through the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianzhu Peak, I can begin to cultivate the 'Happy Body'."

"Daluo Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak is the most fundamental, and this happy body is really a bit scary."

Whether it is Lao Wan or Xiao Ling, or even the old man, after listening to Xiang Yang's words, while sucking the cold air, Xiang Yang said that the shock brought to them is not small.

Even the practice of the tens of thousands of robbers is not simple, and it does not need to have a strong achievement at once, and the inheritance of Xiangyang itself is so strong.

"If you can practice in the realm of Dacheng, you can achieve true happiness. That is the real power of horror."

Xiang Yang sighed softly, with a look of hope in his eyes.

Although he got a lot of exercises, such as '乾坤造化诀', 'the annihilation of the body, 'the spirit of the Eucharist', etc., these exercises are all supreme, but in his mind, in fact, these exercises are It is impossible to compare with its own inheritance.

Over the years, although he has abandoned the practice of 'Happy', he has not forgotten this practice. He wants to take the essence of the shackles and practice the 'living body'. He knows very well that he is practicing in the past. In the end, it is also serving this 'living body', so he can abandon the practice of the happy, but can not give up the cultivation of the happy body.

As long as he waits for his cultivation to ascend to the heights of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng, he can really begin to cultivate this supreme bodywork.

As long as the cultivation is successful, at that time, he is truly capable of chaos.

The so-called happy, that is truly invincible, only invincible can be free and easy, only eternal life can not be truly happy, or else, if you have to face a powerful enemy, always face the threat of death, what is 'free '?

Therefore, although the law of Xiang Yang’s practice does not carry the words of “not killing” and “not dying”, this is the true invincible, boundless and far-reaching law.

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