Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2869: The detachment of life!

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When the old man responded with great excitement, he had to pass on the source of his life and death to Xiangyang’s rescue of Xiangyang. Suddenly, there was only a skeleton of Xiangyang’s not far away, and the Yasheng Peak The figure of the strong man appeared.

At this moment, the strong man of this sacred peak is really terrible, and the whole person is close to being half-destroyed. He lacks one foot and one hand, and there is a burnt on it. Traces, at the same time, there is a strong sword and knife flowing around him, his body, densely covered with all kinds of wounds.

It is conceivable that during this time, the cruel process of this sacred Aya strongman experienced.

Otherwise, how can a space magical power become the strongest of the Yasheng Peak, how could it be so miserable.

It is also true that this sacred powerhouse will become so miserable.

The way he looks at this moment is really terrible. Even the person who is most familiar with him is estimated to see him and he can't believe that this is the invincible sanctuary of the space that was previously arrogant.

However, at the moment, his face is filled with an exhilarating smile. "Haha, finally let the sacred priests pass those killings. The first demon respect, you are the descendant of the first demon, even if you are a holy order What about the strong? The array you laid down can still not kill the deity, you are dead, Xiang Yang, you are the descendant of that pulse, today the deity must let you die..."

He laughed, the whole person seemed to be crazy, and he saw the disc sitting in front, leaving only a skeleton, and there was a horrible curse on the skeleton that was flowing.

He recognized at a glance that the owner of this skeleton was Xiang Yang, and he couldn’t help but stay after seeing it.

"This... this kid actually killed himself?"

This sacred strong man is really shocked. He originally thought that after finding Xiangyang, he would still fight against Xiangyang in the final desperate struggle. He even used the taboo method to upgrade his cultivation to the peak. The state, who ever thought, when he appeared, saw that Xiang Yang was almost dead.

At this moment, he is truly shocked.

"No, your deity is so miserable, even if you are dying, you can only die in the hands of the deity. This Holy Spirit will kill you personally. Even if you are dead, this Holy Spirit will also smash you." Ah..."

Then, after the stunned, this sacred strong man was furious, he screamed wildly, his body rushed toward Xiangyang, and a powerful and unmatched force broke out in his hand. The skeleton of Yang blasted.


He really hates Xiang Yang, the heavens and the world, the chaotic universe, and no one has ever made such an angry person feel so angry.

Xiang Yang is just a true immortal, even if it is the descendant of that pulse?

An ant ant almost killed him. In the end, if it was not his luck, because there was a problem with the operation of the array, so that he could finally break through the array, I am afraid he was already dead. bingo.

The strong anger made him swear to kill Xiangyang himself, and let Xiangyang form a god, and never live forever.

At this moment, even if I saw the fire of life in Xiangyang disappeared, even if I saw that Xiangyang’s whole person had become a skeleton, he could not hold back the anger in his heart, directly shot, madly attacking each other and vowed to destroy himself. Everything about Xiang Yang.


However, when he bombarded Xiangyang, he saw that all the cursing powers of Xiang Yang, which had been turned into skeletons, seemed to be dragged by an invisible force into the most terrible attack. His hand.

"this is not..."

The power of this curse turned into the most terrible force entangled in the body of this sacred sage, and instantly invaded into his body, making his face change greatly, although the energy of this fist is still moving toward the item. Yang bombarded the past, but his whole person quickly retreated toward the rear.


Seeing that this energy-made fist is about to bombard the skeleton, suddenly, the void trembles, two big and three small figures appear in front of the skeleton, it is Laowan, Laojiao and Xiaoling, three It’s easy to block this boxing.

At this moment, the old man still wrote the source of life and death in his hands. Obviously, before this, he had not had time to pass the birth and death to Xiangyang. He had not had time to help Xiangyang.

However, at this moment, Xiang Yang’s body has a vast and unimaginable vitality.


Xiang Yang's body seems to contain the origin of a chaotic world. The powerful energy is impacting everything on his skeleton. At this moment, with a heartbeat sounds.


A heart is quickly formed, followed by flesh and blood regeneration, internal organs, dantian, limbs, nails, and hair. Eventually, all the flesh and blood of the whole body are generated, and even a black hair grows to the waist and stops. .


At the same time, Xiang Yang's body has an incredible force to spread out. The powerful energy impacts the body of Xiang Yang. A strong and unimaginable fire of life burns on Xiang Yang, and even makes Xiang Yang the whole person. They all became stoves.

What the three devices can see is that the power of life contained in the body of Xiang Yang at the moment is too strong and powerful enough to shock them.

"this is..."

Whether it is Lao Wan or Xiao Ling and Dad, they are all shocked.

"I just copied the words of the robbery. In those days, even if it was a sacred sacred person, it would be invincible. In the end, it would be able to refine the power of the curse. The boss actually relied on the power of the immortal. The cultivation of the original, with the supreme will to refine the curse of the beginning of the devil, into the power of infinite vitality, my God, what kind of monster is he?"

The old man whispered, and the whole excited person was shaking.

It was really too unexpected. He thought that he would eventually let the old man shoot. Even, Xiaoling had already let the old man pass the birth and death to Xiangyang. However, it was the appearance of this sub-strong man who made them hesitate. In the end, in the end, Xiang Yang actually relied on his own willpower to truly reverse everything and turn the curse into the strongest vitality, making Xiang Yang truly broken and standing, and everything was born again.


At this moment, Xiang Yang’s body surface has a powerful and powerful Da Luo rule, which is different from the previous Da Luo rules. This Da Luo rule contains a strong vitality, which is the vitality of life. The rule of Da Luo formed by the force.

After this battle, he relied on his willpower to defeat the refining power of the curse and thoroughly grasp it as the source of vitality, which made him truly understand the true meaning of life, understand the origin of life, and make him realize a big Luo. Rules, no, this vitality is very powerful, and it can even be said that it has already entered the road and will soon be turned into a rhyme.

At this moment, Xiang Yang is full of vitality, and the fire of his life is burning. With this flame, it seems that the heavens and the world can be ignited.

Although he still has his eyes closed, at this moment, among his flesh, the tall and incomparable **** also burns the fire of life. The gods become stronger and stronger, and become more and more tough. Do not destroy the gods.

He has been ignited by the curse, and the sea of ​​consciousness that has become ruined is incomparably shining at this moment. With the sound of 'banging rumbling' constantly ringing, his sea of ​​consciousness continues to expand, in the original On the boundless scope, it is still expanding and expanding.

On top of his real spirit, the book of life and death bursts into a black and white flame, a little bit blended into the true spirit. At the same time, there is a powerful and lifeless fire burning in the body of the real spirit, which is in harmony with the black and white. As one.

The operation of ‘Life and Death’ is making the vitality of Xiangyang stronger and stronger. It seems to break through the sub-saint and reach the unimaginable incredible realm.

"Great, oh..."

At this moment, whether it is Lao Wan or Xiao Ling and the old man, they are shaking with excitement at the same time. They witnessed a miracle with their own eyes. They saw that Xiang Yang actually reversed a little bit of life and death. Only a strong person like Wan Zun Zun can do it. The thing that comes.

"Fast, pass the source of life and death to the boss, let the boss integrate the source of life and death and the source of vitality, and turn it into the power of creation."

At this time, Xiao Ling suddenly shouted to the old man.

"it is good."

Although the strength of the old man is not weaker than Xiaoling, he is very consciously acting as a younger brother in front of Xiaoling and Laowan. After listening to Xiaoling’s words, he directly enters the life and death source of the fairy magic battlefield into Xiangyang. In the body, at the same time, the maximum release of the infinite life and death of the magical battlefield, Xiangyang energy source continues to receive the power of the fairy magic battlefield.

At this moment, the origin of life and death is integrated with the vitality of Xiang Yang’s own comprehension, which makes the dead air filled in the original Xiangyang body all activated, and the vitality and death are integrated, and the origin of the battlefield of the fairy magic is completely transformed. It is a black and white Taiji diagram, branded in every inch of skin in Xiangyang's body.

His god, his dantian, his true spirit, and his sea of ​​consciousness also have a black and white taiji diagram, which is the most fundamental source of life and death.


Xiang Yangqi opened his eyes, and outside his body, the rule of the original Luo, which was originally surrounded by the origin of life, was directly transformed into the rule of life and death in the black and white.

This rule of the Ronaldo flowed around him, so that he was surrounded by a black and white Taiji figure. His whole person seemed to be non-death, as if he had never died, as if he had already died.

This is the real understanding of the achievements of the source of life and death.

The strength of Xiang Yang at this moment may not have changed much, but after he mastered the source of life and death, everything in his life will become different.

He obviously can feel that his life level has really detached. Although he is still in the world of these heavens, he does not have to be controlled by the heavens of the heavens and the world, as if he is already detached at this moment. Sanctified in general.

He knew that he was not sanctified, but he was detached because he understood the source of life and death.

From then on, the days are difficult to bury, the land is hard to destroy, not in the five elements, the control of the detachment of heaven is not a chaotic saint, but it is already detached.

"Although I almost died, I made a profit."

Xiang Yang’s long exhalation, he just thought that he was dead, but he did not expect that, at the last moment, with a will, after all, he really did what Lao Wan said. The power of refining and cursing, transforming life and death, transforming the curse into a vital force, and finally, after the old man passed over the source of life and death of the fairy magic battlefield, he realized the source of life and death and made himself detached.

"Congratulations to the boss, He Xi boss, in this real fairyland has been detached, chaos, the boss is the first person, between the world, no one can compare with the boss."

Lao Wan saw the moment when Xiang Yang opened his eyes. Although his heart was very excited, he was a little scared. He quickly smiled and said to Xiang Yang. "The boss is really invincible in the world. No one can compare with chaos." ”

This guy, happily touting Xiang Yang, sighed and said, "Even if it is a million robbery, it is impossible to have the boss's achievements in that year. The boss is really amazing."

After listening to the little spirit and the old man, they looked at Lao Wan with a contemptuous color. They knew very well that the more the guy was flattering, the more he proved the confusion in this guy's heart.

Hey, if Xiang Yang did not really create a miracle, at the final moment, refining the curse of the curse into a life of no surviving, comprehending the power of life, and making himself detached, what should Lao Wan do?

The old man was excited to see the life and death source surrounded by Xiang Yang. He felt that Xiang Yang at the moment had a sense of intimacy. He felt that Xiang Yang was the master of the real fairy battlefield at this time. Co-production.

Xiao Ling is looking at Lao Wan with a strange color on his face. He wondered if he should dismantle the old Wan, so that the boss knows that he is actually being used by the old man.

"Hahaha, your opinion is good, although the process is very painful and dangerous, but, okay, my person just likes to create a miracle, and finally he has come over."

Xiang Yang laughed and his face was happy.

Although in the process, he knew that he was only a line from life and death, but after all, he came over and became a truly supreme being, making his heart really exciting.

All the difficulties have passed, then what are those life and death? Compared with the present, I have gotten too much.

Xiang Yang looked at Lao Wan’s eyes with grateful colors, which made Lao Wan touch a sweat that didn’t exist. He became more guilty. He knew very well. If Xiang Yang knew the truth, now Xiang Yang is Grate yourself, and wait for the death of yourself in the future.

In his heart, he prayed that Xiang Yang would never know the truth. His face could only be flattered with Xiang Yang. "Since then, the boss will be sanctified."

"Ha ha ha, not bad, I didn't even find that Lao Wan became so talking, hahaha..."

"Yes, isn't it?... mainly the boss is really amazing, shocked me..."

Xiang Yang smiled, and the old Wanxin expressed a flustered one, only smiled awkwardly...

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