Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2870: Treasure homing

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"Hey, think about the experience just now, even if I was scared."

After the happy, Xiang Yang could not help but sigh, looking at Lao Wan, with a smile like laughing, "Old Wan, if you don't know that you really are good for me, I really doubt that you want to change one." Master, when the fire of my life was extinguished, I only said that I was dead."

After listening to the old man, he jumped in his heart and thought that Xiang Yang was looking for him to settle the account. However, he did not dare to show that there was something wrong with it, but a serious saying. "The boss does not have to worry, after the congenital chaos to the treasure, I must be thinking about the main person. Before, I let the boss use the willpower to refine the curse as a vitality. Although it seems to be dead and born, we finally left a hand to ensure that the boss will not have any Dangerous."

At the same time, he pointed out that the old man said, "The source of life and death that the old master has mastered, as long as the boss has a life, you can let the boss die."

At the same time, he made a look at the old man, and the latter quickly said, "Yes boss, the power of the life and death of the magical battlefield is endless, certainly will not be a problem."

"is it?"

Xiang Yang had a doubtful color on his face and whispered. "I just felt that the last life was gone, but I didn't see you."


Lao Wan exclaimed, and then he said quickly, "Boss, that is because you will eventually have the means to rob the rest of your life. If you don't let you go to the final place of death, you can understand such a huge life." How can you understand the origin of life and death?"


The old man quickly said.

Only Xiao Ling laughed and said nothing, he was thinking, should he tell the boss, oh, it is too tangled.

"Well, anyway, my harvest this time is really too big." Xiang Yangxi smiled and did not continue to consider this issue.

"Ah... kid, you... no..."

However, at this time, after listening to the distant sacred screamer in the distance, he was already turned into a skeleton. Even the final skeleton was directly turned into a pus, only three pieces left. The treasure is also ragged, and others, nothing is left.

"I rely on it, it is a big loss."

Xiang Yang was shocked when he saw this scene. His eyes looked at this guy with an annoyed color on his face. "I shouldn’t pass the curse to this guy. Who knows this guy can’t resist it. what."

The power of Xiang Yang’s curse on this sacred powerhouse is only the last thing left in Xiangyang’s transformation. It’s probably less than one tenth of the curse in him. He originally thought about this guy. I wanted to attack myself. I first used the curse to give the other party a lesson. Whoever thought, this guy couldn’t resist, and eventually turned into a pus.

Originally Xiang Yang wanted to refine the other side and take away the other people's understanding of the space supernatural powers, but now there is nothing.

With a regretful color on his face, he said with a sad face. "It's a pity. How can I miss such a great opportunity?"

"Hey, why don't you remind me, although this guy has no strength, but the understanding of the power of space is indeed a very powerful degree, can be called the first person below the chaos saint, if I can grab him If you have the fruit, I can definitely cross the world, and I will be invincible. When the time comes, the heavens and the world will go wherever I want to go, oh..."

Xiang Yang wants to cry and tears, and only three pieces of broken treasures are left. Under the erosion of the incomparable curse of the overbearing power, all the treasures of the sacred strongman are all corroded, even, even to the treasure. It’s also corroded and it’s no longer useful.


Xiang Yang felt that he had suffered a big loss, and he sighed helplessly. When he stood in the same place, he didn’t cry.

After a long time, he only looked back, looking at the three spirits of Lao Wan, Xiao Ling and Lao Tzu, and sighed and said, "You three are not reminding me, it is a pity, this is the way of space magic. If you kill this guy, I am not a sacred strongman, but I can also use the magical powers."

"Boss, the method of taking the fruits of others is a convenient method of practice, but it is not good for you. You should not use this method to practice."

Xiaoling said on the side.

"Yeah boss, the fruit of Yasheng is only a secondary fruit. If you need it, you must go to chaos and rob the chaos of the chaos."

Lao Wan also said.

"The whole Pangu chaotic world, how many chaos saints, how do you let me take their fruit?"

Xiang Yang didn’t feel anything when he heard Xiaoling’s words, but after listening to Lao Wan’s words, he kept turning his eyes and looked at the old man like a fool. “I’m just thinking that you’re just not sure. Dead, now I am going to lie to me to deal with the chaos saint, this is the rhythm that wants me to die."


After listening to the old man, he coughed and cried, whispering, "Boss, you misunderstood me, the chaos is big, can not be a world opened up in Pangu, whether it is the Pangu world or the exotic world, it is just a glimpse of chaos. And, for the saints of every world, it is good for chaos, just as our immortals walk in the heavens and the world, the number of saints in chaos is beyond your imagination."


Lao Wan’s words are like a five-thunder bombardment on the top of Xiang Yang’s head, which makes Xiang Yang unable to hold his eyes wide. He used to think that there is no other world except the Pangu ancient world opened up by Pangu saints. The chaotic demon **** also controls the three thousand avenues in the legendary three thousand devils. Later, he knew the existence of the aliens and felt that there was another alien. In other two worlds, there are only a few chaotic saints in the Pangu world. It is also a chaotic saint who counts the foreign world again. There are not many people. I thought that in the chaos, the worlds are like the rivers, and the chaos saints are like the immortals in the sky. This is simply too Unbelievable.

Xiang Yang’s eyes widened and his face was infinitely shocking. He only thought that this scene was beyond his imagination, and Lao Wan and Xiao Ling nodded softly, especially Lao Wan, I continued to say, "Boss, in fact, the inheritance of the vein you got, can also be said to be the inheritance of the foreign world. When the looting of your lord was in your possession, it was encountered when the savage traveled to chaos. At that time, your master was still the master of the world. Later, it seems that the world was destroyed or embarrassed. Your master was invited to the Pangu world by the robbed."


Xiang Yang has not reacted from the chaos in an infinite world. He heard that Lao Wan gave him another crit, and he could not help but stay.

"This, is this impossible?"

Xiang Yang looked at Lao Wan in a dull moment. He felt that all this was definitely the old man who lied to himself. His master looked like an amiable old man. Well, although he was awful, he left himself at a very young age. In the middle of the desert, I threw myself on the battlefield at a very young age, but it was indeed a human being.

"All this, after the boss has solved all the things in the heavens and the world into chaos, there will be a conclusion. It is too early to say that."

Lao Wan said.

"Okay, you must want to seduce me into chaos and take you to chaos."

Xiang Yang waved his hand and said it in disapproval.

"Cough, boss, you misunderstood us."

Lao Wan and Xiao Ling said at the same time.

"Okay, come back, I will take away the treasures, and then it is time to hurry to the central sky."

When Xiang Yang said, he directly opened the Promise Xianfu and stuffed the three into it. However, he frowned. After thinking for a while, he shook his head and said, "No matter whether it is true or not. False, anyway, I will understand this after I have improved it. Now it is too early to know."

While talking, he looked at the magic treasures around him, whispering, "Chaos wears clouds, it is time to merge."

"Come out."

With the voice of Xiang Yang falling, his hands were pinched with a law, and his mind was moving, and a vast space treasure appeared in front of him.


With a roaring sound, I saw only the sky in front of him, the horrible atmosphere of the horror was flowing, the powerful and unparalleled light broke out, and a bubble appeared in front of him. This is the real demon. Treasure.

Although this bubble looks small, there are various streams of light flying from time to time. In fact, it is a vast and boundless space. It contains the magical deities in the world, abducted, burned and looted. Plus one third of the treasures inherited from the original demon.

No, it should be said that these treasures are almost half of the treasures of the demon. The treasures in the realm of comprehension are just some of the little means that the devils have left to prevent their reincarnation from rebuilding into the realm of comprehension. The real treasure is precisely him. Hidden in the two circles of the fairy magic.

Xiang Yang stepped out, and the whole person directly entered the bubble. Suddenly, he saw all kinds of streamer flowing around him, and countless treasures flew past him.

He did not pay attention to other treasures, but his eyes fixed on one of the chaotic air-shaped shuttle-shaped treasures. This is the other half of the legendary treasure chasing the cloud shuttle. After the integration with the broken moon boat It will really become a chaotic cloud shuttle.

Although this treasure is not a chaotic treasure, it is a congenital spiritual treasure. It is a treasure that the demon statue has obtained from the hands of the first demon. It can be said that the demon statue of the year can be invincible in the world, even the strong people of the sanctuary. There is no reason why he can't help him, because he has this chaos to wear clouds.

However, after the devil's chaos was broken, he could no longer shuttle around the world. It was not where he wanted to go. As a result, the defeat of the demon was destroyed.

Nowadays, chaos wears a cloud shuttle and will reappear ten pieces, appearing in the hands of Xiang Yang.

Xiang Yang’s face was full of excitement, grabbing the other half of Chaos’s Yunsuo, and the other hand took out the broken moon boat and whispered, “It’s finally able to merge.”


As his voice fell, the two babies suddenly merged together, bursting into the incomparable space of light, the chaotic air flow, the powerful atmosphere burst out, the vast energy fluctuations, making the voids twisted.

"not good."

Xiang Yang’s face changed, his hands were pinched with a law, and he screamed with anger. “After the integration, you dare not recognize the Lord, want to find death?”

"The mountains and rivers are shocking, and I am suppressed."


Xiang Yang exerted his efforts to display the 'Shanhe Earthquake', suppressing the world, and finally suppressing this space. At this time, Chaos and Yunsuo also returned to a complete state. It originally seemed to want to break through the space, but Seeing that the space was suppressed, and the brand of Xiangyang in the broken moon boat occupied the upper hand, it was finally controlled, making it completely a treasure of Xiangyang.

Xiang Yang grabbed it and said with a sneer. "Even if you are honest, you can't just forget it. Give me a good job and get back to it."

While talking about it, directly throw this chaotic thread into the Promise of the Promise, and tell the little spirit to hurry and re-refin it, and still wait to use it.

Then, he looked at other treasures. Among these treasures, although there are countless treasures, there is only one thing that really makes Xiang Yang look at the eye, that is, the demon armor.

I saw in the depths of this space, there is a black and white armor exudes a sense of scent, like the king, high above, and other magic weapons are different, this is the magic deity among the three sets of magic deities Battle armor.

Among the treasures that the demon statue relied on to survive, the strongest is the three-piece demon statue. This is the power of his poor life. Even when the devil is still there, he personally helped to create it. Zun Zhan Blade, Demon Warrior and Demon Boots.

These three treasures have now passed through an infinite number of years, and have formed a set of acquired treasures. If they are combined together to form a real suit, the power will be infinite, and it will be comparable to chaos.

Such a three-piece suit is exactly what Xiangyang’s original demon avatar needs.

Today's Xiang Yang has already had the Devil's Blade, and the Demon Warrior is here, and the Devil's Boots are in the treasure of the Devil. Just wait until he goes to the Devil to put that treasure. Also get the hand, the treasures of the first demon avatar will be together.

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