Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2874: Biggest lie

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"Brother, are we going to leave now?"

Xiang Yang looked excitedly at the fairy king of the Dark Lord's Three Heavens in the Dark Demon. He sighed in this heart. This guy is a good person. He is looking for someone to ask for directions to find the Dark Lord. As a result, the little brother was very polite and he was going to take himself into the Dark Lord.

"You are such a good person."

At the same time, Xiang Yang patted the guy's shoulder and said.

"Haha, the younger brother is polite."

This guy laughed happily. Although he felt that Xiang Yang was slap on his shoulder, he felt that something was wrong. However, he felt that there could be nothing wrong with it. After all, Xiang Yang is just a true fairy. Moreover, it is still a person who admires the lord of the lord. As long as he enters the sect, he will complete the task. He can go to the Zongmen to receive the award, and the rest will have nothing to do with himself.

"We will leave now."

Ever since, the fairy king of this big Luo Santian is very happy to say.


Xiang Yang is very happy, and the heart is secret, this guy is very good, knowing that his time is very precious and can not be wasted, so he thought about taking him to the Dark Devils immediately, um, good people.

"Right, buddy, can I go to the Dark Lords to bring my family?"

Then Xiang Yang asked again.


This Xianjun stayed and heard that Xiang Yang actually called him a 'buddy', and it was still so smooth, as if Xiang Yang became a big brother, and he became the younger brother of Xiang Yang, making him at this moment. I felt very wrong, and I couldn’t help but see Xiang Yang’s eyes.

However, when I think of Xiangyang Xiu as so weak, I can't lift any storms. If I can send Xiang Yang to the Dark Demon, I can complete the task, and the rest will not matter.

So, although this guy was a little confused in his heart, he replied with a bite. "Yes, you can take her with you."

While talking, he glanced at the soul seventy-seven, and found that the soul seventy-seven seems to be the cultivation of the true fairy peak, he suddenly exposed the color of surprise, only feel that he has a kind of shopping, buy one The feeling of sending one, he couldn’t help but smile and said, "Well, your husband and wife are the same as the peaks of the true fairy. You can completely join the Dark Lords together and become the Dark Lord." Disciple, I will make a legend in the future."

The more he said, the more excited he was, the more it was to buy one get one free.

Every true disciple asked to find 18 disciples to go back to Zongmen. However, if you add one more, you can increase the contribution value by ten. The contribution value of these ten points is already very much, and you can value one of the best. Now.

At this moment, this guy looks at the eyes of the soul seventy-seven, is watching a rare fairy.

"Oh, this is good."

Xiang Yanghehe smiled, and did not feel that the other party described himself and the soul seventy-seven as a husband and wife. As for the cultivation of the real fairy peak of the soul seventy-seven, it is natural that Xiangyang let her disguise, otherwise At this moment, the soul of the seven seven is a half-step of the soul of the soul of the soul of the strong, if the repair is all exposed, then the goal is too big, it is easy to cause a strong counterattack of the black magic.

Therefore, Xiang Yang directly disguised the soul seventy-seven as himself, and it was the cultivation of the true fairy peak.

The soul seventy-seven is pretty and blushing. When I think of it, I kissed Xiangyang about it. At the moment, I was told that she and Xiangyang are both husband and wife. She only thinks that the more she thinks, the more she is shy, the heartbeat Speeded up.

"Let's go, hahaha."

The sinjun of the big Luo’s triple heavens only felt that he was so happy. He couldn’t help but laugh, and left the restaurant directly with everyone. Then, after going outside, he waved a magic weapon. It is a flying boat, a magic weapon of the top grade.

"This is the flying magic weapon of Benjun's top grade. It can travel thousands of miles a day, through the void without limits, haha, we only need one day to get to the Dark Lord."

This guy laughed and said.

"The brothers have such magic weapons, it is really amazing."

"Yeah, the brothers' flying boat knows that it is not a product. Other people's flying boats can be very powerful in a million miles. I didn't expect the magic weapon of my brother to be able to travel thousands of miles a day. The true disciple is not a big Luo Xianjun."

"Senior brother, you are really the object of my study. After the Zongmen, I will follow your example and practice well."


After the voice of this guy fell, the other dozens of young people all found the opportunity to flatter this guy, and looked at the flying boat with amazement.

Although this flying boat is only the top grade, but in the mouth of these dozens of guys, it seems to have become the supreme existence.

After the guy listened, his face showed a happy laugh, and he said with a smile, "Haha, after you join the Zongmen, as long as you practice well, you will be as good as I am in the morning and evening."

"Yes, I will definitely work hard to practice, and I will not live up to my brother's expectations."

These dozens of people are all awe-inspiring, looking at this guy with respect.

Xiang Yang and Soul Seven Seven held hands and stood on one side, seeing the look of these flatterers. They couldn’t help but sigh in their hearts. Everyone has his own living method, and he is a weak person. Naturally, he also has a life of being a weak person. Law, for the practitioners of the true fairy peaks, the disciples of the Dark Mozong who have reached the peak of the Great Luo Xianjun are already terrible. They are naturally exhausted in order to join the Dark Lord. Everything helps the other person, just thinking about joining the Dark Demon, you can get the shelter of this guy.

When the guy saw that more than a dozen people looked at themselves with such a adoring look, he felt very happy. Then he looked at Xiangyang and found that Xiang Yang and the soul seven or seven people had been laughing and talking. At that time, he suddenly felt unhappy, but when he remembered that he had not brought the two to the Dark Demon, he could not show any arrogant appearance, or he would scare off the two, it would be a pity when he It is just to record the performance of Xiang Yang and the soul of Qi Qi in the heart, but not specifically to target the two.

"Walk, go to the boat, and have prepared some drinks for the brothers. After everyone goes to the boat, they can have a drink together and they will be able to go to the Dark Enemy."

This guy pressed his heart to the disappointment of Xiang Yang and the soul of Qi Qi, and greeted everyone on the boat.

Xiang Yang and the soul of seven or seven people holding hands together on the flying boat, when everyone went up, this guy was holding the law to start the flying boat, making the flying boat into a streamer and quickly flew forward.

"It’s so fast, it’s a magic weapon for the brothers. It’s really amazing.”

"I feel as if I am moving in an instant. This flying boat is probably the best space to be treasured."

"It must be the space to treasure. The meaning of this flying boat is heaven and earth. You see, the surface does not look very big, but the interior space is so spacious, let alone the people who accommodate us, even millions. Can accommodate it."


The other youths on the flying boat started a new round of flattery, which made the Xianjun very satisfied. He enjoyed this feeling very much.

However, every time he saw Xiang Yang and the soul of seven or seven people, he felt very uncomfortable, but he felt that he would let Xiang Yang and soul seven seven willingly join the Dark Devils. He felt that I still can't disturb Xiang Yang and the soul of Qi Qi, still can only suppress the unhappiness in my heart.

"After you enter the Zongmen, it is easy for you to kill you with two small and famous disciples."

This guy sneered in his heart, made up his mind, and rushed to Xiangyang and the soul of seven or seven people so "not on the road", after the sect, as long as Xiangyang and soul seven or seven joined the Zongmen, It was just a small registered disciple. By the time, with the strict rules of the Dark Mozong and the hierarchical system of Senran, he wanted to know how to knead the two.

"Come on, brothers and sisters, let's have a drink."

Then, the guy took out a variety of fine wines and food on the table, and greeted everyone to drink together. After listening to others, they ran over and watched the sensation very excitedly, as if they had never tasted the scent. .

After Xiang Yang and Soul Seven Seven saw it, they felt a bit tired. They sighed that these people were too flattering. No matter what, as long as they were caught, they could not be flattered.

"Two younger brothers and sisters, come over too."

At this time, seeing Xiang Yang and the soul seven or seven people did not pass, the fairy king of the big Luo three heavens greeted the two, although he looked at Xiang Yang and the soul seventy-seven, but did not wait for two He promised that he would not offend the two before he joined the Dark Devil. After all, Xiang Yang is a total of eighteen, and the Seven Seven is the superfluous one.

"No, we don't like drinking too much, you are free."

Xiang Yang waved his hand. If he was sitting there listening to the seventeen flattering slaps of this guy's flattering, he felt that he might not be able to stand suffocating.

These guys are really too flattering and drinking a glass of wine. They can all blow the fairy king of this big three heavens to the sky.

Xiang Yang is afraid that if he is sitting with them, he will not be able to open his mouth and drink them. After a while, everyone will not be able to smoothly reach the black magic sect.

"Not coming?"

After the fairy singer of the Three Kingdoms of Dalu, he heard his eyes slightly, and he couldn’t help but punch his fist toward Xiangyang’s face. However, he was finally held back by him. Shaking his head and sighing, "This young man has a personality."

"Haha, brothers don't care about him. Such people don't know how to be human. They don't understand the good guys of the brothers. Even if they enter the Dark Lord, they will definitely be just a registered disciple."

Immediately, a young man laughed and said.

"Hey, don't talk about it. In the Dark Devils, whether you can become a disciple's pro-disciple, relying on your own efforts, the so-called aspiring things happen, everyone is the same, as long as you practice well, practice in the future to Da Luo The fairy goddess of the Jiuzhong Tianfeng peak is possible. At that time, the greatness of the heavens and the world will let you swim." Xianjun, who is in the triple heaven of Da Luo, said with a smile.

"Yes, the brothers said that it is too reasonable. I must wait for the teachings of my brothers." After listening to others, they suddenly became awe-inspiring, and each one showed a respectful color.

The Xianjun had a satisfied smile on his face. He felt that he had come out this time and made him feel more than a dozen younger brothers in the Zongmen.


However, at this time, an untimely laughter sounded loudly, and in this complimenting voice, it was very prominent, so that everyone listened to it and revealed a strange color.

The fairy king of the three heavens was furious, turned his head and looked at Xiang Yang, Shen Shen, "I don’t think it’s wrong for my brother?"

"No, you are right, right."

Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"Then why are you laughing?"

This guy is mad, especially, I can't help you two, but I don't want to pay attention to you. Why do you want to jump out and play the face of Laozi at this time? You waited until the Dark Emperor, and after agreeing to the teacher, isn’t it good to let Laozi’s meal be a good one?

Originally, he really didn't want to pay attention to Xiang Yang, but at the moment he really couldn't help it.

"Does the brothers say that there is a willingness to succeed?"

Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"Or else?"

The guy was stunned. I didn’t expect Xiang Yang to laugh at himself. Is this wrong? Yes, from small to large, all the teachers and even the lords of Zongmen taught themselves this way. This is a famous saying, what is wrong?

"Man, you were cheated."

I saw Xiang Yang’s first look of distress and sigh, saying, “The so-called aspiring people’s things are all the words of your teacher’s elders to lie to you. This is the biggest lie you have ever heard in your life. You may not be able to become a singer. You have wanted to make yourself a sub-sacred strongman. Have you ever thought about holding yourself in a world of chaos and chaos? What many things you are determined to do, but they have not succeeded in the end?"


After listening to this guy, he tried to refute Xiangyang. However, he found that he couldn’t say a rebuttal. He could only open his mouth and didn’t know what to say.

"This seems to make sense."

"The things that we are determined to do, in fact, have almost no success. If there is really a will, then how can I be just a real fairy?"


The other people are also stunned, only to feel the same feeling, can not help but sigh.

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