Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2875: I am coming to robbery.

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In the void, the flying boat flew in the direction of the Dark Mozong, although the seventeen young people in the real world were still drinking with the guys in the big three heavens, but their compliments The sound is obviously much smaller.

Ever since being exposed by Xiang Yang, the big lie of 'the aspiring person has become a success', everyone’s mood is a bit heavy, even if it is the fairy king of the big Luo Santian, it is also helpless, although he looks at Xiang Yang. Very unhappy, but did not say anything against the words of Xiang Yang.

In the end, everyone just wants to go all the way, and it will be better to get to the Dark Lord.

In the cabin, Xiang Yang and the soul of seven or seven people sit side by side, they are really idle and bored, so they close their eyes and raise their spirits while practicing, while waiting to reach the Dark Lord.

However, the speed of this flying boat is really too slow in Xiangyang. It takes a day to reach the Dark Demon. For Xiangyang, it is a waste of time.

Ever since, he couldn't help but stimulate the flying boat with his own power. The power of the burning of the top of the flying boat made the speed of the flying boat faster and faster, even surpassing the previous limit several times, just like moving in an instant. Disappeared in the sky.

"Hurry, the speed of the flying boat has increased. My God, the magic weapon of the brother is really amazing, and the speed can still be constantly improved."

"Brother, you are really our idol."

"Great, this boat is definitely the most magic weapon I have ever seen."


After the seventeen young people met, they began to flatter. After the fairy singer of the big Luo’s three heavens, he was very suspicious. He was very clear about his magic weapon. It is reasonable to say that it is impossible to achieve this. Speed, but, in fact, his magic weapon is very fast, beyond his imagination, has suddenly surpassed the fastest speed in the past, and is still increasing speed, which makes him feel too Strange.

"Is it because my heart feels that this speed is a bit slow, I am afraid that the guy will repent in the middle, thinking about making the speed of the boat faster, my magic weapon obeys my mind, and then I will fly to the Dark Demon at a faster speed. ?"

Then, this guy guessed that he only felt that he was really a talent. His own flying boat was really extraordinary. He even took the initiative to listen to his own voice and speed up to fly forward.

After thinking about this, this guy didn't care about his fairy magic weapon. Why is it flying so fast? He enjoys the sound of the worship of seventeen young men and women, and then looks at his own fairy. After burning the source, a little increase in speed eventually reached an incredible degree.

"It's too fast, no, so if you increase the speed, the fly boat may be destroyed."

Then, when he saw that the speed of the flying boat reached a limit beyond the limit, he couldn’t sit still. He trembled and stood up, and he urged the law to let the speed of the boat drop, but there was no Use, no matter how he motivated the law, the flying boat is still flying at a faster and faster speed.

In this way, even the people in the cabin actually felt a fiery feeling. Obviously, it was the speed of the flying boat that had been lifted, and it had already burned its own source to the extreme, making the flying boat catch fire.

If you look closely from the outside, you will find that the place where the tail of this flying boat has actually appeared a little fireworks.

"How could this be?"

The guy stared at the scenery outside and disappeared. No, no, at this time, he could not see what was going on outside. The speed of the flying boat was too fast. Even if he used to use the big scorpion It can't be compared to the void, but it's too abnormal.

This is just a top-quality fairy, even if it is so powerful, it is impossible to have such a fast speed, and he can not control the flying boat.

"What is going on here? Is it someone who secretly deals with me?"

At the thought of this, this guy suddenly became a big man. If someone really wants to deal with him, he can control his flying boat silently and make his speed of the flying boat reach a limit. It is very scary, not what he can compare.

He wanted to abandon the flying boat to escape, and even did it. He flashed and rushed straight out. However, when he rushed out, he found that the speed of the flying boat slowed down.

"This, this is..."

What appeared in front of him was a familiar scene. After he met, he was shocked. Isn’t it the Dark Emperor?

In this blink of an eye, even directly to the Dark Devils?

You know, he was supposed to spend a day, and that day is not just a day, but a day and night.

The gap is really too big.

"This is this..."

He looked at the situation in front of him, his eyes widened and he felt overwhelmed. He only thought it was incredible. If someone wanted to deal with him, it would never be possible to get him back to black at such a fast speed. Mozong, he is already in the dark magic of the battle of the law, it must be nothing, but what is all this?

"The child meets the brother."

"Brother, leave your magic weapon, your magic weapon is burning."

"Brother, what is your magic weapon?"


At this time, a group of disciples of the Black Mozong guarding the Zongmen below shouted loudly with a shocked color on their faces.


After listening to this guy, his face changed greatly, and his gaze suddenly found that his boat had burned directly from the tail.

"Quick, run, it's going to burn."

"It's so hot, I feel like I'm getting cooked."


The people in the boat rushed out quickly, and then stood up with the guy volley, watching the flying boat '砰' turn into a huge fireball, and then toward the black magic sect. Fall down.


Below, the black magic sect's formation opened, blocking the power of this flying boat explosion, but it also alarmed the strong among the black magic sect. In the blink of an eye, some strong people flew out and yelled, "Who Dare to come to my black demon riot?"

"Let's go, do you want to find death?"


I saw a group of black magic sects flying up from below, bursting out a strong breath, turned out to be the great Luo Xianxian strong.

"You are the uncle, it is me, the child meets."

The guy in the big three heavens said, "I just had an accident, I don't know how. My magic weapon flying on the road suddenly accelerated for no reason, and then after the Zongmen, I actually burned myself. I really didn't mean it. I also ask the uncles to forgive me."

"It turned out to be a child, how could your magic weapon be like this?"

After seeing this guy, the strong black sects showed a faint smile, and then they looked at the guy with a puzzled color. I don’t know why this guy’s magic weapon burned itself.

"I do not know either."

This guy looked at these fairy kings very embarrassedly, and groaned in his heart. "Maybe the masters of Zongmen have cut corners, so that my magic weapon has not reached the standard state and I will use it directly. Those guys are too odious." ""

"But it's all right, it's okay, these are the people you brought back to prepare for the teacher?"

Then the strong black sects arbitrarily waved their hands and did not care about the explosion of the flying boat. Instead, they looked at the nineteen people, including Xiangyang. When they saw that these 19 people were actually true. When the peak was repaired, these Xian Wang suddenly showed satisfaction.

"I don't think it's a true disciple of my black demon. I even brought back 19 disciples at once. It's not bad. This time, Zongmen can add a bunch of fresh power."

"Yeah, the elders' approach is really good."

"My Black Demon has not had a new disciple for a while. This time, these disciples seem to have good talents one by one, and they will certainly be able to open the door."


These Xianwang strong people all praised, and their faces showed a satisfied smile.

"Little guys, come here, come over and let the fairy king see how your bones are. If the roots are good, then the king of the king will accept you as a pro-disciple."

There is also a fairy king who laughs and says


"Xian Wang pro-disciples, my goodness, this is the glory of heaven."

"I hope that I can be chosen. I must become a disciple of Xian Wang. When I was a child, I once told me that I can definitely become a disciple of a big man. Is it a disciple of Xian Wang?"


The seventeen young people of Zhenxian Peak were all excited and shivering after listening. In their view, if they could become disciples of Xianwang, it would be the most glorious thing in their life.

Then they went forward one by one and took the initiative to accept the view of the fairy king. However, they went with excitement, but came back with disappointment. One by one, they could only sigh.

Because their roots did not meet the requirements of the king.

In the blink of an eye, the seventeen people all stood down on one side, leaving only Xiang Yang and the soul of seven or seven people holding hands and smiling at this scene.

"How can you not both of you come?" The King of the King saw that seventeen people did not meet his wishes. He was not angry because the disciples he wanted were very talented. It was too difficult to find a pro-disciple. It is.

He looked at Xiangyang and the soul seventy-seven. When he found that the two men were indifferent, they felt that the two men were a bit weird, but they did not blame the two, but he smiled and said, "Come, come over and let Look at this fairy king, if your talent is right, you are the disciple of the king."

The immortal disciple of the fairy king, for the true immortal, this is a name that tempts people, from the performance of the seventeen true immortals can be seen.

However, at this time, Xiang Yang said with a smile, "No, I will not be a pro-disciple of Xian Wang."


Xiang Yang did not say that he was not qualified to be a pro-disciple of Xian Wang, but that he was not a disciple of Xian Wang. The words in it were a bit different. At this moment, some people in the place had strange faces on their faces. The color.

In particular, the singer Xiang Yang and the soul seventy-seven past, the fairy king who prepared to accept the apprentice felt that his face was a little hanged, but he did not turn his face at this time, but frowned with an incomprehensible color. Looking at Xiang Yang and the soul of seven or seven, "others are vying to rush to the pro-disciple who wants to be the king of Xian, why don't you refuse? Do you look down on the king of Xian?"

"Uncle Shi, the younger brother's heart is relatively big. The ultimate goal of his joining the Dark Enemy is to think of becoming a pro-disciple of the Sovereign." The one with Xiang Yang and others came to the Dark Demon, named The fairy of the Three Kingdoms of Da Luo is laughing and laughing.

At the same time, his face with a sly smile, at this moment, has come to the Dark Devils anyway, his task can be said to be completely completed, he does not have to bear tolerance for Xiangyang.

However, in the face of so many powerful black magic sects, he naturally can't do anything about Xiang Yang and soul seven, but Xiang Yang offended the sect of the sect, how to die in the future. I don't know, he thinks Xiang Yang is really stupid.

"To be the pro-disciple of the lord?" All the emperors stayed in the room after they heard it. I didn't expect Xiangyang's purpose to be like this.

And the fairy king said to Xiang Yang with a smile. "Young people, do you know what kind of conditions do you need to be a pro-disciple of the Sovereign?"

The pro-disciples of the lords, even if they are the princes, want to be the pro-disciples of the lords, but the pro-disciples of the lords have always had only eighteen elders, and no one else has that qualification.

Xiang Yanghe smiled and looked at these fairy kings. "Actually, I don't want to be a pro-disciple of your lord."

"Then you said that you want to be a pro-disciple of the lord?" The child on the side couldn't help but anger.

He felt that he was deceived by Xiang Yang and felt very uncomfortable.

"Hey, child encounter, he is your younger brother, not everyone else, don't talk to him in this tone." The fairy king is very maintenance on Xiang Yang, and after swinging his hand to stop the child, he looks at him. Xiang Yang, hehe smiled and said, "Young people, why do you want to join the Dark Lord?"

"This one..."

After Xiang Yang listened, he couldn't help but touch his head and was embarrassed. "I am afraid that after you say it, you can't stand here and talk to me."

"Nothing, you said, what kind of storms we have not seen, no matter what you say, will not be scared to death." In this fairy king's view, Xiang Yang said that they can't stand here and talk to him. It must be because Xiangyang’s goal is too great.

A little rookie who just wanted to join the Zongmen, no matter how big the ambition is normal, even if you want to become the sovereign in the future, this is human nature.

As the strongest of the Dark Mozong, they saw too many gimmicks. At first, they broke into the infinite dreams and entered the Dark Devils. However, after the Dark Devils, they really accepted the education of the Dark Devils. Understand how naive their dreams are.

Even the other kings did not want to hear Xiang Yang tell his ambitions, but shook his head and turned away.

"In this case, then I said Ha."

Xiang Yanghehe smiled. "Actually, I came to the Dark Devils and came to rob."


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