Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2876: Strongly pick the black magic

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"Actually, I came to the Black Devils to rob."


When Xiang Yang said this sentence seriously, the imaginary situation of the people of this group of black geniuses did not appear, but they all looked at Xiang Yang with a sly color.

"Young man, what are you talking about?"

The fairy king couldn’t help but smile and said, "It’s normal for young people to have fun, but you have to remember that some words can’t be said indiscriminately. Although you haven’t joined the Zongmen yet, you don’t know the gate rules of the Zongmen. However, since you have already arrived here, you are already a half disciple of the Black Demon. If you say this again, then, under the gates of the Zongmen, you are not so lucky."

Having said that, this Xianwang has been too lazy to pay attention to Xiangyang. In his view, Xiangyang must have just joined the Zongmen, thinking about making a big splash in the Zongmen, and because he didn’t know what to use. The way, I used such a silly approach and wanted to let the people of Zongmen remember him.

However, this approach is really stupid.

You are a disciple who has just joined Zongmen. He even said that he is coming to robbery. Is this to let the strongmen of Zongmen kill you?

At this moment, the black kings of these fairy kings have shaken their heads one by one, and have already regarded Xiangyang as a synonym for exaggeration.

The child encounter is a dull looking at Xiang Yang, always feel that Xiang Yang at this moment is not trying to show the limelight and arbitrarily say this sentence.

Even the king of the king is too lazy to check the talents of Xiang Yang and the soul of the seven seven, directly telling the child, "Take them to the sect of the sect, your mission is completed."

After that, the fairy king turned and left, and did not want to look at Xiang Yang at a glance, although they would not care about Xiang Yang's ‘senior’, but they were too lazy to pay attention to Xiang Yang.

"Now young people..."

These fairy kings shook their heads helplessly and flew together inside the Dark Lord.


However, when they were going to leave, they heard Xiang Yang screaming and passing, a group of immortals stopped, and their faces became extremely ugly.

As a strong king, the status in the Dark Devils is not as good as the fairy, but it is also high. In addition to the strong above the Xianzun, who dares to drink them?

Xiang Yang is a junior in the real fairyland, or just want to join the Dark Devils as a disciple of the Dark Devils, even dare to drink them like this, is this looking for death?

"Junior, are you looking for death?"

Then, a group of immortal kings turned their faces with murderousness and looked at Xiang Yang.

The murder of the celestial king, is it true that the true fairy can bear it?

Not to mention that the seventeen real fairy around Xiang Yang were all scared and white, shaking and swaying and quickly retreating toward the distance. Even the child had a big change in his face, and his body quickly retreated toward one side.

"God, this guy is absolutely crazy, he is killing me."

The child's face was a bit pale. He felt that he must be crazy. He even took Xiangyang to the Dark Demon. At this point, Xiangyang turned out to be so loud and shouting the Emperor Wang. Isn't this the key?

After the Xiangyang was destroyed by the sinister kings under these anger, it was time for these elders of the elders to find their own troubles.

Zizi seems to see his dark life in the future, but he knows that he must do something now, so he quickly yelled loudly, "Boy, what are you talking about? You dare to drink the elders of the emperor, Are you looking for death?"

"The person who is looking for death is you."

Xiang Yanghehe smiled and looked at the child. "However, if you show me the way to the Dark Devils, I will not care about you. You will retreat and look at the people you brought back. How to get the entire black magic rob."

"you you..."

After the child has heard it, it is awkward. This guy is actually playing really. Is it a problem with his head? Or else a little true fairy, why dare to say such a big reversal in the Dark Lord?

You must know that even if Xianzun does not dare to swear in the Dark Demon, the Dark Demon is the overlord of the Black Devils, and the Sect of the Dark Demon is the master of the Black Devils, who dares to be in front of the Dark Lord. presumptuous?

And those kings all looked at Xiangyang with their eyes open, especially the fairy king who had opened the mouth to check the roots. He looked coldly at Xiangyang, cold voice, "Primary, what do you want to do?" ?"

"Is there a problem with your head? Or is your ear broken? I didn't even hear what I said. I said that I came to rob."

Xiang Yang looked at the fairy king with a sly color on his face, and sighed and said, "It’s no wonder that you are a young man, and that you are still so weak. It’s just a big five-day world."

"What, can you see the cultivation of this fairy king?"

Then, after listening to this guy, his face changed. He suddenly felt that Xiangyang might not be as simple as it was on the surface. Before, he didn’t tell everyone that he was the realm of Luo Luo’s five heavens. Well, even if other people know their own cultivation, they can't tell Xiang Yang this new person at will.

However, Xiang Yang did not break his own cultivation, which made Da Luo a five-day world. As a result, there was only one explanation. Xiang Yang’s cultivation was not just a real fairy, but Xiang Yang was hidden.

"Be careful, this kid is weird."

Other Xian Wang also saw that Xiang Yang was definitely a problem, and all of them looked at Xiang Yang with a serious look.

And the fairy king is cold, "Kid, no matter what you are doing, no matter what kind of strength you hide, you have to understand that the Dark Lord is the overlord of the Black Magic Island, absolutely not blown out, if You want to come to the Dark Devils, even if you are a Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng peak, it is not enough."

"Just, is your Sovereign enough to die in front of me?"

Xiang Yang said with a smile.


"Let's go, juniors, you dare to talk nonsense, you are dead."

"Great courage, do you want to fly away?"


After listening to Xiang Yang’s words, these celestial kings were shocked and stunned. They all screamed and screamed. Xiang Yang said that they would robbery. They could not do it right away. However, Xiang Yang dared to say that their lord was dead. This is really too big. .

In the eyes of the Dark Enemy, their lord, the one who is a sacred place, is the true peak of the supreme being, the supreme power that no one can compare.

That is their idol, the saint who worships them.

Whoever dares to insult their sovereigns is simply looking for death.

"you wanna die."


The child encounter is also very angry. He is also the iron powder of the lord. After thinking about the future, he will be able to get the call of the lord of the lord after he has broken through to the king of the celestial king. He can see the legendary sacred powerhouse.

Xiang Yang even dared to say that the lord died, which is simply too much.

He instantly punched a punch and he was about to explode Xiang Yang.

"Don't make trouble, stand up."

Xiang Yang was a gentle smile on the child. His eyes were condensed, and a sword light flew out of his eyes. This sword light glimpsed and instantly flew out the child, although it was not killed. However, the child was covered in blood, and the whole person was almost split in half.

"Ah... this is this... how is this possible?"

When the child was stunned, he brought back a junior in the real fairyland, a newcomer, and even just looking at himself with his own eyes, he directly flew himself out, which is really incredible.

He was staring at Xiang Yang's face with a shocking look, and even his injuries could not be painful.

Of course, there is more shock than the encounter, that is, a group of powerful kings, when they shot in Xiangyang, did not sense the terrible strength of Xiangyang.

In their view, Xiang Yang really just looked at it at random, but the sword light, but the power is endless, almost killed the fairy king of this big Luo Santian, so The strength is definitely not weaker than the fairy king is, and even stronger.

"This guy is coming to trouble. He is not a real fairy, but a real person who has the strength to come to the shackles."

"Transfer the sect, guard."

Then, everyone changed their face. Several fairy kings were directly sent to the other strongmen of Zongmen. At the same time as the Zongmen formation was opened, countless strong men flew out, not only Xianjun, Xianwang, and even There are countless immortals, although there is no fairy goddess in the realm of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng, but there is a fairy statue of the great Luo Eight Heavens.

In the blink of an eye, the dense and strong man surrounded Xiang Yang and others, and all of them were murderous and looked at Xiang Yang.

"What happened? A true fairy?"

Then, among the crowd, a group of immortals set their postures, ready to meet the strong enemies, but found that their enemies turned out to be only true immortals, suddenly stayed.

"Are you kidding? So so arrogantly let Zongmen start the defensive formation, and I am all alarmed, because the two true immortals are here, are you crazy?"


These rushing Xianwang and Xianzun have not figured out what happened, but when they saw Xiangyang and the soul seventy-seven, and the seventeen youths who stood on one side and shivered, all were just true, they all wrinkled. I frowned, thinking that I was being played.

"He is not just a true immortal, it is definitely a hidden cultivation." The fairy kings who passed the orders of Zongmen said quickly and loudly.

"I am really just the cultivation of the real world." Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"You have a gaze flying out of a sword light to fly out of the big tribute of the big three heavens." A fairy king quickly screamed.

They felt that they were definitely being Xiangyangkeng. They just said that the lord died in front of him. At this time, he was pretending to be a real fairy. This is simply too much.

"Yeah, I have been very eager to see him with this kind of miscellaneous fish. If it is not for him to take me to the Dark Devils, I can make him fly away." "Yang Yanghe said with a smile.

"Then you still said that you are a true fairy?" The fairy king is mad, special, too shameless, obviously a strong, even said that he is only a true immortal, there are such shameless people? Are you treating everyone as a fool?

Really immortal, is there such a powerful true fairy?

"My realm is just the cultivation of the true fairy peak. It is worthy of the name. There is no disguise. I have never lied to you."

Xiang Yang said seriously.

"Then you..." At this moment, everyone is paralyzed.

What is going on here, you have just come to make trouble, but now it has become a very honest look.

"I came to rob, this is what your lord owes to me. Although the **** has been killed by me, but he is dead, I don't feel addicted. Therefore, I have to evacuate the treasure house of the Dark Lord. I can feel comfortable in my heart."

Xiang Yang said very honestly to everyone.


Xiang Yang’s words seem to be a kind of desolation and thunder in the hearts of the people, making everyone’s faces change, especially the ones who are strong and dear, they finally understand why these fairy kings will summon everyone out. Xiang Yang even dared to say that the sovereign died.

This is simply a big mistake, it is really a crime to die.

"Senior, you dare to disrespect the Lord Sovereign, and you will sin for death."

A sacred celestial celestial celestial face looked at Xiang Yang with a look of anger, and he screamed with anger. "You are looking for death."


At the same time, he directly directed Xiang Yang to Xiang Xiang to catch the past.

He is not trying to shoot the dead, but to seize Xiang Yang and interrogate Xiang Yang. He believes that there is absolutely other people behind the daring of the Dark Lord, and they must not let Xiang Yang and behind. The people are better, you must seize the Xiangyang, refining the soul of Xiangyang, and know the people behind Xiangyang. When the time comes, the black magic strongmen are dispatched, all of them are destroyed, let the whole fairy world look, dare What is the end of the offense of the Dark Lord.

"Don't make trouble, let the eighteen elders of your sect. Come out, I want to congratulate them. Your lord is dead. The eighteen elders are the leaders of the Dark Emperor. Hey, from the second to the top, this feeling It must be very refreshing."

Xiang Yanghehe smiled and watched this guy take his hand and grab him. He will start. However, this time, the soul seven-7 around him is more active than him.

"I come."

After listening to the soul seventy-seven, after a sigh of relief, a direct point out, a dark soul broke out, and instantly penetrated the palm of the fairy of the big eight heavens.


"No, how is this possible?"

The fairy who was in the world of Da Luo’s heaven and earth saw his face changed greatly. What he did not think of in any way was that someone could actually wear his own hand.

Moreover, the other party is only a woman who is a true peak, no, no, the other party's repair?

His hand quickly retracted, but he did not really see the situation of Xiang Yang. However, when he carefully explored the repair of the soul seventy-seven, he suddenly became stunned and pale, and the soul of the seven seven was repaired. He couldn't understand, and the soul in his eyes was seven and seven, chaotic, just as he looked at the eighteen elders in the sect.

"Da Luo Xianzun peak, even a half-step sacred strong, this, this... how is this possible?"

This sacred and sacred heavenly celestial singer bites the bitter mouth.


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