Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2880: can I help you?

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"Call..." Seeing that Xiangyang was finally left, the 18 elders of the Dark Enemy were all relieved.

"Master, the sect is ruined."

At this time, among the Dark Enemy, those who were robbed dared to encircle them, and they screamed and stunned face to the eighteen elders.

"Elder, what should we do?"

"When it is over, the Zongmen is over, the treasure house has been stolen, the Zongmen formation has been destroyed, and everything is gone."


For the Dark Mozong, this is an innocent disaster. Xiang Yang came too suddenly. He killed some people, and then they left after they robbed them. However, they left a lot of mess, so they didn’t know what to do. do.

Even the 18th elders who are as mythical in their hearts have to admit defeat to Xiang Yang. They know that this feud cannot be reported.

"It's fine, as long as people are still there, what our Dark Lords lack is not a treasure. As long as we are there, we can regain everything we have lost from other forces."

Then, the eighteen elders were sullen.

Although they are also very wrong in their hearts, they also know that in this practice, there are many things that are not right or wrong. It is very merciful that Xiang Yang does not kill them.

As for why Xiangyang is going to deal with the Dark Devils, either because of their sovereigns or because of Xiangyang’s greed is not important.

This is a cruel practice. Now that you have embarked on this path, it is the era of the strong, unless you can surpass anyone, you will always be in danger.

Even if the Dark Demon is the hegemon of the Black Devils, there is also such a day.

Even if their lord is a sacred place, even a master in the holy world, there is also a day of death.

All this made the eighteen elders shake their hearts, but their eyes looked at the broken sect, but their eyes were cold and sighed. "God to the order, the lords of all the sects within the scope of the Dark Enem." On the same day, the black demon tribute, the tribute is half of their collection of sects, otherwise, I will wait for the eighteen elders to personally remove these sects."


The other people of the Dark Mozong replied with respect and respect, and the Dark Devils were the lords of the Hegemonic level in the Black Devils. Now, as long as the Eighteen Elders are still there, they can be in the hands of other sects. Regain all the treasures that have been lost.

For all of this, Xiang Yang did not know that he took the soul seventy-seven to the transmission array, directly opened the transmission array, went to the next continent, and their purpose this time is the central Tianyu.



In the central Tianyu, a transmission array called Zhongning City, where Zhongningzhou is located, accompanied by a bright flash of light, Xiang Yang and the soul of seven or seven figures appeared.

"This should be the scope of the Central Tianyu?"

Xiang Yang and the soul seventy-seven eyes looked around, and saw that not far from the transmission array, a group of guards guarded, he took the soul seven seven toward the guards to go.

"I have seen two cents."

The strength of the guards of the transmission array is not very strong. It is only a real fairy. At the same time, they are very good at facing Xiangyang. They are not very arrogant, but they have done a rigorous ceremony and then asked, " Two, but want to continue to transmit?"

"We are going to the Holy Family."

Xiang Yang said with a soft smile.

"The original two were to go to Shengzong. Recently, many of the friends passed through this place and wanted to go to the holy worship. Our city owners also organized some batches of **** apprentices to go to the saints. The latest group will be in two. After the day, if the Taoist friends are willing to wait, how can they follow the big team?"

The guard said quickly.

“Is the sacred sect far from here?” Xiang Yang was inexplicable.

This city owner even organized a team to protect the people who went to the holy worship, which is a bit of a meaning.

If the distance is long, the direct transmission will be fine. He will not believe it. The place leading to the holy sect will not be transmitted. If the distance is close, everyone will go to the sacred sect. Why bother?

At this moment, Xiang Yang felt very puzzled and did not know what the so-called city owner was going to do.

"It is not very far. If it is a flight, it will take about one month to use the power of the immortal. However, if you follow the team and **** it with the battleship equipped by the city owner, you can arrive within three days, and there will be no road on the road. Danger," the guard said.

"Since it takes a month to arrive, is there a transmission array?" Xiang Yang asked.

"What you don't know is that there are no transmissions in the 100 cities within the scope of the Holy Sepulchre, because the Holy Family is adjacent to the Black Forest in the first Jedi, the central forest, and the space in the Black Forest. If it is used, If the transmission array is transmitted, it may fall into the turbulence of space. Unless it is a strong sacred place, even Da Luo Xianzun will not dare to tear the empty road," said the guard.

"There is such a thing, it is interesting."

Xiang Yanghe smiled and said, "If this is the case, then join the big team, how many stones do you have to pay?"

"You don't need Xianshi. This is the welfare that our city owners are preparing for the young talents who go to the saints. At the same time, every night, the masters of the city personally greet you at the city government, I hope you can attend."

The guard said with a smile on his face.

"Oh, this is good. It seems that your city owner will be a good person."

Xiang Yang haha ​​smiled and was very interested in the city's city owners.

The other party is so aware of being a man, the purpose is very obvious, that is, to make the future disciples of the saints, not only escorted to the saints for free, but also to the priests of the saints every day, so that those who can join the saints will definitely Remember him, as a city owner, if you encounter something in the future and find a holy disciple, the other party will certainly not refuse.

"Our city owners are the best." When the guards heard that Xiangyang said that they were the owners of the city, his face showed a sense of pride.

Xiang Yang haha ​​said with a smile, "I would like to see this powerful city owner."


The guard smiled happily and said to Xiang Yang, "Please come with me, I will take you to the city seat. The city master has prepared a small courtyard for each guest."


Xiang Yang whispered softly, and followed the soul seventy-one with this guard on a special rut, this car 辇 is a horse-drawn horse with a real dragon, luxury, sit in, after the comfort Born spontaneously.

Even Xiang Yang and the soul of the seven seven can not help but sigh, this city owner is really a person, so I would like to be very impressed by those who want to go to the holy sect to participate in the assessment, in the future, his city owner must be known Countless saints of the strong, even if there are offensive characters, his opponents must also measure whether they can hold the strong.

"This is the exclusive treasure of the city owner. This time, the lord of the city specially asked this rut ​​to **** you to the patriot of the saints." The guard drove in front and said with a smile.

Listening to what the guard said, Xiang Yang had a strong curiosity about the city's city owners, and sighed, "It seems that this city owner is really interesting."

"That is of course, I told you, our city owner..."

The guards opened their voices and talked about the various deeds of their city owners. Xiang Yang did not care. He listened with a smile and inserted a few words from time to time, making this guard more and more interested. But the soul of the seven seven is very boring, she yawned on one side, it is very boring.

"Shantou, do you think that going to the holy sect will be very boring, don't want to go?"

Xiang Yang smiled and looked at the soul seventy-seven.

"No, I want to be with you, but I found that my cultivation is still too weak. Every time you encounter a strong enemy, I can only hide aside. I am really weak."

The face of the soul seven or seven with a helpless color, whisper.

"Your cultivation is already very strong, but you have not fully utilized all your strength. After you really take control of yourself as your own strength, the only ones in the fairy world can compare with you. The strong man." Xiang Yang said softly.

"However, how can I enhance my control? I feel that my strength seems to be subject to any restrictions, but, in the end, what restrictions are imposed, but I can not find the reason." Soul seven seven whispers.

"It should be that your body is too weak."

Xiang Yang looked at the soul seventy-seven, took her hand, and sent out an energy into the body of the soul seventy-seven, only to find that the body of the soul seventy-seven is really not a general weakness.

Even at this moment, the physical strength of the soul of the seventy-seventh is similar to that of Xiang Yangxiu when it reached the Yuan Ying period, and even worse.

He frowned and looked at the soul seventy-seven, Shen Sheng, "Your body is too weak, this can't be done, so, you enter the Promise Xianfu, I let Xiaoling take you to practice, waiting for you to be physically The strength is raised to the big Luo Jiu Tiantian and come out again."

"When I am a soul, can I practice the flesh to the realm of Dalu Jiuzhong?" After listening to the soul seventy-seven, he was wide-eyed with an incredible color.

"Others can't do it naturally, but if I am there, nothing can't be done."

Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"Okay, then I want to improve my physical body. When I am going to improve my body to the top of the Dalu Jiuzhong Peak, when I can really control my physical strength, I will come out again, wait for that time, no matter what. What danger, I have to face with you, and, when you find your wife, you must not forget me."

The eyes of the soul seven seven are looking at Xiang Yang, with a firm color on his face.

"Good, rest assured, you will not forget yours."

Xiang Yanghehe smiled and sent the soul seventy-seven into the Promise Immortal. At the same time, he divided a consciousness into it, let Xiaoling and Laowan help to guide the soul to improve the physical strength.

The physical strength of the soul seventy-seven is too weak, plus the speciality of the soul family's physique, unless the practice of cultivating and cultivating the body, otherwise, if you want to enhance the strength of the body, only use the project Yang Xianglian The quenching spirit liquid can only be made. After she raises the strength of the body to the Daluo, she can enter the tower of the body repair and accept the quenching of the tower of the body repair. At that time, there is no need to be restricted by the soul family. , can really be promoted to the Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng peak.

A soul of the body that reaches the heights of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng, coupled with the soul of a half-step sacred place, will definitely have the same strength as the ordinary first-time sacred place.

Such strength, although the soul of the seven seven is not the saint of the soul, but the strength of strength, can definitely become the weaker than the soul of the saint.

During this period of time, Xiang Yang has already regarded the soul seventy-seven as his own person. The relationship between the two has a tender feeling, which makes him completely open the secret of the tower of the body to the soul seventy-seven.

At this time, Xiang Yang was originally a two-person in Baodi. At this moment, he suddenly lost one. He felt a little bored. Fortunately, Baodi soon arrived at the city government. Then, there was a city government office. Come over with Xiang Yang and enter his small courtyard.

"Guests please take a break, and then a few more hours, when the evening, the slaves will invite guests to the feast, and please be sure to have a light."

The reception of Xiang Yang is a maid and glamorous maid. She is courteous and courteous, and she is facing the Xiangyang. When she is ready to retire, she can’t help but ask softly. “What else do you have to tell? The master of the city explained, no matter what the requirements of the guests, the slaves will unconditionally agree."

"The hint of such a red fruit?"

After Xiang Yang listened, she couldn’t help but widen her eyes. This woman is really beautiful, even on the face, it’s not worse than the soul, and the temperament and cultivation are not weak. The peak of the situation.

It’s not very old, it’s estimated to be hundreds of thousands of years old. Although it’s really very old for Xiang Yang, it’s very young for the normal age of cents. It is.

Such a big beautiful woman, so obviously hinted that he can do anything, Xiang Yang could not help but sigh, and said, "This city owner is really willing to pay the cost."

"Respected guests, do you need a slave service?"

This woman sees Xiang Yang only sighing at the side, with a strange color, but she just doesn't look at herself. She suddenly wonders if her face is not beautiful enough, and her temperament is not good enough?

Think about your identity, think about your own cultivation, plus the natural charm of the body, the average man is absolutely unable to stop himself, even if the big Luo Qiang sees his own eyes is also the kind to swallow himself, I am so obvious that I can do anything about the other side. The other party should be like other people, and can’t help but rush it up. Why don’t you even look at yourself?

However, this maid does not know that the woman around Xiang Yang is not weaker than her. Even if she wants to say the body of charm, Mei Ao Xue is the only descendant of the nine-tailed fox, she It is a natural body, and it is the strongest charm in the world. Xiang Yang has long been used to it. How could it be attracted to such a human woman with a charming body.

"No, you go on."

Xiangyang haha ​​smiled and waved at the woman, and in the heart, there are still four or five hours. I should be able to use this time to enter the Promise, and the rest of the body will be in the magic. Let's go.

During this time, although he was on the road, Xiang Yang almost took a little time every day to enter the Promise Xianfu, and summoned the millions of body repairs of the Promise Immortal in batches to bring the magic species into their bodies. They make them become their most loyal men, and then teach them the exercises, let them go to practice, and when they break through to the physical environment, let them enter the tower of physical repair.

Nowadays, there is only one last person, and about 10,000 people have not been planted into the magic species. As long as there is a little more time, that million body repairs will become a person of Xiangyang.

However, Xiangyang's quenching body fluid is not enough for these physical repairs to break through to the state of Da Luo at the same time. After all, this is not one or two, not tens of thousands, but the real million.

Although the power of the quenching spirit is very strong, everyone can break through to the Da Luo situation with only a dozen drops, but last time let hundreds of thousands of order guards break through to the state of Da Luo and let them enter the tower of physical repair. It has already consumed too much quenching spirit liquid, which is definitely not enough for these millions of body repairs.

However, it is still good that these physical exercises can be cultivated in accordance with the practice places that Xiangyang has arranged in the Promise Immortal. It is enough to cause qualitative changes with quantitative changes, and finally break through to the state of Da Luo. All this is only a matter of time. Only.

"Respected guests, do you really want to serve slaves?"

At this time, the maid saw that Xiangyang’s head did not lift, and she did not look at her. She said that when she did not need her service, she asked with reluctance and biting her teeth.


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