Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2881: Mother and daughter

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"Respected guests, do you really want to serve slaves?"

When Xiang Yang heard the waitress again with an unwilling tone, he finally looked up and looked at the maid carefully, with a smile on his face, staring at each other, making the maid When he was blushing and couldn’t help but bow his head and didn’t dare to yell at him, he spoke.

"Are you not a real maid?"

Xiang Yang smiled and asked.


After listening to this maid, he was stunned and looked at Xiang Yang with an incomprehensible color. "How do you know?"

"No, who said that I am not a maid, now I am a little maid of the city government. Although you are a guest, you can make any request to the little girl, I will satisfy you, but you can not deny the identity of my maid. ”

She was so shocked that she did not expect Xiang Yang to see her identity differently. However, since she pretended to be a maid, she naturally could not admit it but shook her head and denied it.

Xiang Yanghe smiled and looked at each other. "The city seat is really a good place. Even a little maid is a natural body. There are not many fairies with such a physique. You are either a maid or a city owner. The little man’s little sister, hey, the city owner is really too big. I sent the little sister out specially. When I see him in the evening, I must thank the city owner."

"What, me, I am a small sister?"

The maid was stunned after listening to Xiang Yang’s words. The first time she heard someone say that she was a small lord of the city, this is a big joke. How could she be the capital of the city’s lord? Moreover, the city owner is not a man, how can he need a small beggar?

She sighed, looking at Xiangyang, with a deep curiosity, what kind of man is actually able to block his natural charm?

"Don't you be a small lord of the city, it is interesting. The city owner has searched for a woman who is a natural charm of the woman. This is the elite who wants to seduce these future saints, and then control it, 啧啧I am not afraid of it. I will say, how can a city owner have such a good heart, and even organize a team to **** the people who go to the Holy Family to reach the Holy Family. It is interesting."

Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"You, you... you are nonsense."

For Xiang Yang's words, the woman was shocked first, and then she looked at Xiang Yang with a smile. "You, this person, is a bit different, and dare to say bad things about the city owner in the city government."

"Of course I dare to say, but, did anyone hear it?" Xiang Yanghe smiled and looked at the maid. "You are my person right away. Do you want to betray me?"


After the maid listened, his face changed greatly and his figure was going backwards.

However, it is too late.


At this moment, Xiang Yang’s body shape flashed directly to the other side, and the speed was fast. Even when the woman did not react, she directly reached out and grabbed the other’s small waist. She smiled and said, “ Don't move, or I won't be able to guarantee that your body is still intact."


When the maid felt the big hand on her waist, she changed her face and couldn’t help but exclaimed, "How can your speed be so fast?"

"Do not worry, I am fast, but the speed is not fast, and it is very long-lasting."

Xiang Yanghe smiled and looked at this little maid. "Beauty, I know that you are a natural charm. The demand in that area is definitely great. I understand this, but you can rest assured that my physical strength is super strong. The long-lasting aspect of it will definitely make you very comfortable."

"What, you, are this color embryo."

"Get out, don't touch me..."


Xiang Yang’s deliberately revealing look was finally frightening the woman, making the little maid stunned and screaming. The strongest force broke out and the figure was directly toward the rear. Lie away.

Xiang Yang did not control the other party, but smiled at the woman.

Although this woman's cultivation is the arrogance of the true fairy, it can burst out of the strength of the Da Luo, but it is still too weak compared with Xiang Yang.

If Xiang Yang doesn't want to let her go, even if her strength is a million times stronger, it is equally impossible to leave.

Xiang Yanghe smiled and watched the little maid escape and shook his head. "This city government is a bit interesting. It is obviously not a maid, but it is pretending to be a maid to test me. Oh, if I have not loosened it, I guess. The fairy king hidden behind is about to start, it should be the daughter of the city government, but it is so fun..."

Xiang Yang was very aware of the fact that when the maid appeared, there was a strong king behind her. At the beginning, he thought that this was only the guard of the city government. Later, after passing this maid, he was three When asked if she wanted her service, Xiang Yang knew that something was wrong. After the temptations later, he affirmed that it was definitely a lady of the city’s capital, just because of fun, she would be the maid. .

For Xiang Yang, this woman’s thing is just a small episode. He laughs and walks into the small courtyard. Then, he directly opens the small court’s formation to prevent others from disturbing. He just leaves an image. On the outside, the real body enters the Promise of the Promise, and begins to enter the magical species for those who are in the realm of the true fairy.

At this time, in the place not far from Xiangyang’s small yard, the maid’s straight foot, “Damn, the bastard, I thought he was a good person. I didn’t expect that he was a super big bastard. After the color embryo, after leaving the city government, Miss Ben must make you look good."

As soon as I remembered that Xiang Yang’s hand was holding his own waist, the anger in her heart, I didn’t expect to go to the Xiangyang, but it was actually cheaper by Xiangyang’s stinky bastard, and she was so angry that she could grind her teeth.


At this time, the woman was twisted in front of the void, and an old man came out of it. She looked at the woman with a smile on her face.

"Yu, I am being bullied. You don't help me, but laugh at me."

When the woman saw the smile on the old man’s face, she couldn’t help but go forward, holding the old man’s arm and spoiled.

"The kid is very extraordinary. Although it seems to be the real peak of the fairy, but his true strength has surpassed the real fairy too much, even, the moment he shot, I was shocked." The old man, called Yupo, patted the woman’s shoulder and sighed softly. “It’s a hero. I really didn’t want to care about you at first. Even, I didn’t even put you in the eye, but you didn’t Rao's to tease the other party, making the other party impatient, deliberately whole you, scared you away, and when you leave, he directly opened the yard's formation."

"What? That bastard, he turned out to be intentional."

After listening to the old man's words, the woman remembered a series of behaviors of Xiangyang. She also reacted. She wanted to deliberately test Xiangyang. Instead, she was cheated by the other party. She was furious. "Bastard, this lady is like this in the world." For many years, the so-called Tianjiao VIPs who came to the city's main government did not have a thousand or eight hundred. Which one was not deceived by this lady. This guy actually turned me over. No, I must retaliate back."

While talking, she hurriedly rushed toward the small courtyard where Xiangyang was located. However, Xiang Yang had already opened the defensive array of the small courtyard, and isolated all connections from the outside world. She could only enter a message, requesting Yang opened the array method, and the result was that Xiangyang was not inside, so she waited for a long time, and there was still no movement. She was so angry that she was thunderous.

"Damn, who the **** is, this is the first time Miss Ben has eaten, can't do it, I must find a way to retaliate back."

This woman, named Zhong Ling, is the daughter of the city. She is also the patriot of the sect of the saints. This time, the reason why the lord is so privileged to go to the saints is not what Xiang Yang imagined in the future. I have a hope. In fact, the main reason is that I want to pave my daughter to the holy village.

Zhong Ling, as the name suggests, is very strange, likes to play, is a natural charm, and everyone who came to the city government was almost tested by her. As a result, almost no man can resist her charm when she Say 'Do you need my service? At the time of this sentence, almost every man nodded. Then, she turned and left, and it was impossible to give the other party any service. If the other party was entangled, it was time for the old lady to come forward.

Under normal circumstances, these Tianjiao, who came to the city's main government, did not dare to let go after seeing the king's shot.

Who ever thought that she had encountered a freak like Xiangyang.

At this moment, she was so angry that she stood in the courtyard of Xiangyang for a long time, and suddenly she smiled. "Interesting, this guy is the most interesting person I have seen. I am looking forward to meeting him at night. What it looks like."

At the same time, she turned and left, and returned to her place of residence, she was a rare representative of her maid. "Hurry, take out all the good clothes of this lady, and give me all kinds of cosmetics." Ready, I have to make up my makeup."

"My God, Miss, what's wrong with this. In the past, she mainly made up her makeup. She didn't want to customize her various good-looking clothes. Why did she want to make up the makeup this time? It's incredible."

"Miss, wouldn't it be that people who liked it from those days of arrogance?"

"I heard that when a girl is facing someone she likes, she will dress herself up beautifully. Although the lady is already the first beauty in the world, she will dress up again. No one can compare it." ""

"Let's go find the city owner."

After listening to the news that Zhong Ling wants to dress up, Zhong Ling’s group of maids are all very excited. They only think that their own lady is simply a ruin. When a group of people go looking for clothes and cosmetics, there is also a special ran to tell the city owner.

"Linger wants to dress up and dress up, it’s interesting. It seems that this is really the young talent who came here this time. It really makes Linger look at it."

The city owner is a beautiful woman. Her face is similar to Zhong Ling. It is just different in momentum. The momentum on her body is more of a hegemony, which makes her whole person look more attractive. Breath.

At this moment, after she heard the words of the maid, she stayed the same, and then she laughed. "Small girl, pick and choose these years, finally there is a young man who can make you fancy, if the good character is good, then I can think about it."


For the city owner, the maid took a breath, and then quickly left.

The city owner is still in the room. After a long time, there is a wave of volatility. After a while, the old man Yuma came to the city owner and "had seen the city owner."

"Who is Linger who saw this time?"

The city owner asked softly.

"I don't know who it is, I didn't say the origins, but it was very good. It was a smart and eccentric young man." Yu Po said softly.


The city owner looked at the grandmother with a puzzled color.

"Yes, it’s weird, his speed is very fast, even before I reacted, I took the lady’s waist.”

Yu Po recalled the situation of Xiang Yang and told the city owner the whole story.

After the city owner indulged for a moment, he said, "He found your existence."

"What, this, this is impossible." Yu Po’s face was shocked. She was shocked. “One of my six rules of Dalu is a space rule. When it comes into the void, unless it is The goddess of this level of the city master, otherwise, the general fairy can not find me."

"It's possible to find you. It's a funny person, just don't know how he came from."

The owner of the city had a beautiful smile and whispered. "Let the city owners feel a little curious. At night, they must see this boy."


After listening to the old man Yu, he took a breath and didn't expect Xiang Yang to attract the attention of the city owner and the lady at the same time. This is a bit of awesome.

It should be known that the reason why Xiang Yang can attract the attention of Miss Zhong Ling is precisely because Zhong Ling personally contacted Xiang Yang and was also put together by Xiang Yang. However, the city owner did not have any connection with Xiang Yang, but by virtue of it. I only spoke a word, and said the whole process, I have already paid attention to Xiangyang, which is really not easy.

As the master of the city, and still from childhood, the grandmother who grew up with this beautiful city owner, it is very difficult to understand the origin of the city owner and make her feel incredible.

"Give me clothes, cosmetics, and the city is mainly bathing and changing clothes."

Then, the city owner smiled and said.

"Ah... yes..."

The maids of the city and the grandmother of the old man were all shocked after listening to them, and then they quickly prepared, and they did not dare to say anything.

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