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"So, my sister turned out to be a pro-disciple, it is really disrespectful and disrespectful." Xiang Yangyi looked at the beautiful city owner, the pro-disciple of the Taoist priest, this is the disciple of the chaos sage, this position can be so amazing.

However, Xiang Yang still feels a little confused. Since it is a pro-disciple of the Chaos Saints who are too ancestors, why are they still here as the city owner? Is it for the experience?

We must know that during the floods, the disciples of the chaotic saints of the heavens have all become supreme powers. Those who are now sanctified have entered the chaos and practiced, and some have become the most peak among the saints. Existence, as well as in practice, is almost impossible to appear in the world.

If the beauty city owner is a disciple of the sacred sage, but he is still a city lord in this celestial world, it is a bit puzzling.

"No, you are wrong."

However, when Xiang Yang looked at the beauty city master very shockedly, he listened to the beauty city owner and shook his head and said, "First, I am not a disciple of the Taoist prince. I have not had such a blessing to become a true disciple of the saint. Secondly, although the saints were founded under the leadership of the chaotic saints of the heavens, there has only one sect of the saints since ancient times, that is, the sage of the sage, the original sage of one of the Sanqing sages. The pro-transmission of the disciples, the Three Emperors in the wilderness period."


After Xiang Yang listened, although the heart was a bit unfortunate, the patriarch of the saint was not too ancestor, but when he heard that the sect of the sect of the sect was a sacred patriarch, his face could not help but reveal the shock. color.

The sage of the sage, the great disciple of the original sage, is the strongest of the disciples who are not the original sages, but his prestige is definitely the strongest.

In the ancient times, during the ancient floods, shortly after the floods were opened, when the Terran had just appeared between the heavens and the earth, he became a holy teacher and went to the human world. He brought enlightenment to mankind. He taught the ancient three emperors and became Holy division.

Later, after the retreat, the Three Emperors were sanctified and retired into chaos. However, the Shengshi Guangcheng was still not idle. Although he did not have enough talent to become a true chaotic saint, he has been committed to teaching. The true chaos saint, he is the only sovereign of the saint.

"You are very familiar with ancient things, who are you? Which one is the power of the people?" The beautiful city owner looked at Xiang Yang with amazement.


Xiang Yang smiled and looked at the beauty city owner. "Sister thinks that I am like a genius in the fairy world?"

"Not like."

The beauty city owner has not answered yet, Zhong Ling directly replied, "I see you like a bandit coming out from the country, not right, saying that you are a bandit, you know a lot of things, do you fly up from the lower bounds? ?"

"I am going, you are so powerful."

This time, it was really the turn of Xiangyang to be shocked. He looked at Zhong Ling with amazement. "Taro, I missed you. I didn't expect you to guess my identity. It's not simple."

"Hey, you really are flying up the lower bound. Isn't it possible?" Zhong Ling was also blinded. She just guessed it. I didn't expect to guess it. When she saw Xiang Yang, she knew she was really It is guessing.

However, how can you guess the origin of Xiangyang?

Instead, the beauty city owner looked at Xiang Yang, and she frowned. "Your identity can never be so simple. If it is raised from the lower bound, it can't be like you."

"How am I?" Xiang Yang Lehe looked at the beauty city owner.

"I don't understand." The beauty city owner said very honestly, "You are a young person who really can't understand me. You should be very young, even younger than my daughter." However, you are already in the realm of the real fairy peak. Your blood is strong, it is definitely not comparable to the real fairy. Even, even I may not be able to compare with you in the flesh and blood. Yes, I know who you are. It turned out to be you."

At the same time, even after the beauty city owner guessed the identity of Xiang Yang, she couldn't help but look at Xiang Yang, with an incredible color, "Xiang Yang, it is you!"

"Xiang Yang? You are Xiangyang." Zhong Ling also looked at Xiang Yang with the same strangeness.

"Who is Xiangyang? It is a bit unscientific to make the urban master so surprised."

"Who is he? Is Xiangyang famous?"


As for those young talents who have been paying attention to this, when they heard the words "Xiangyang", they were inexplicable.

Although Xiangyang is very famous in the Eastern Tianyu, but to the far away of the Central Tianyu, his reputation is not so conspicuous after all, many people do not know his purity.

As for the beauty city owner who knows the name Xiang Yang, it is normal to be a city owner.

"I don't think I was so famous, but I can still let my beautiful sister miss my heart. It is really my honor." Xiang Yanghe smiled and looked at the beauty city owner.

"Do you know why I know your existence?"

At this time, the beauty city owner glanced at Xiang Yang.

"Xu Wei told you?" Xiang Yang said.

"Oriental Emperor Xu Wei, although I have a certain relationship with him, but I have not seen it for tens of thousands of years." The beauty city owner shook his head and said.

“Is it Yang Wanjian? Or is it the Nine Avenues or the Fire?”

Xiang Yang guessed again.

"Nothing." The beauty city owner still shook his head.

"That is that I am too famous, and I have spread my reputation to the Central Tianyu."

Xiang Yang’s face was smug, and he said, “The so-called people are afraid that the famous pig is afraid of being strong. I have always avoided making myself famous. Unfortunately, excellent people can’t be covered wherever they are. Shining, hey, I am also very annoyed, why can I be so famous?"

When it comes to the latter, he is constantly sighing, with an angry color.

"You, this person, really shameless."

After Zhong Ling listened, he couldn’t help but say.

"No, I am telling the truth. I have an advantage. This is too honest. I have always felt very upset." Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"I don't think you are too honest, but you are too shameless." Zhong Ling said unceremoniously.

"Ah, haha, you don't talk, I'm afraid I won't be able to beat you later." Xiang Yang screamed at Zhong Ling, this girl, telling the truth, he couldn't help but want to beat people. The impulse, if not the beauty city owner is around, he really wants to teach Zhong Ling a good meal.

At this time, the beauty city owner looked at Xiangyang, and Meixi took a smile. "Xiang Yang, I know you, it is from my sisters."

At the same time, she said with a smile, "Not long ago, my teacher, Guangcheng Zisheng, in the Holy Family, received another nine, invited the strong parties to go to the ceremony, and several of them were very close to me. Appetite, although I have only been with them for less than a few days, but I have already liked a few younger sisters, your name is exactly from their mouth."

After all, her face looked at Xiang Yang with a smile. "So, you should know who they are."


Xiang Yang’s expression was extremely shocking. Until now, how could he not know who her sister is said by the beauty city owner?

Who is in the sanctuary and who can talk about himself, besides a few women, who else?

He only felt that a heart was shaking, and couldn't help but look up at the beautiful city owner and asked with a hoarse voice, "Sister, they, how are you?"

"What do you think?" asked the beauty city owner.

At this moment, she was also very shocked. She did not expect that Xiang Yang, who was known from the mouths of several younger sisters, was in front of her eyes.

As she said, some time ago, it was the days when the authentic lord Guangchengzi began to accept the apprentices. Several of them were the wife of Xiangyang, namely Lu Xinran, Chen Mengqing, Ye Yiyi, Qin Lan and Gong Sun Mingyue.

A few female talents do not say the top, all aspects are very excellent, and smart and moving, clever and strange, so that the beauty of the city at first glance like a few younger sisters.

Although she was surprised, she didn’t know why her master would suddenly open up nine people at this time. However, she talked with several younger sisters for a long time. During this period, she knew that several younger sisters had a common husband. For Xiang Yang.

At that time, she was so shocked that she did not expect that such a good little teacher and sister had a common husband, even a violent anger, and angry several younger sisters did not live up to expectations, and even served a man at the same time.

However, several younger sisters did not complain or regret, but instead said that Xiangyang’s good words, so that she was really curious about Xiangyang.

Although, it is still very disdainful to Xiang Yang of several younger sisters, and she is very uncomfortable with her heart. However, she is curious. In the end, what kind of skills does this Xiangyang have to make her little sisters feel so deep? Kind.

Of course, the beauty city master is usually practicing, and does not know that Xiang Yang is in the Eastern Tianyu. Otherwise, she will feel even more shocked.

This time I saw Xiang Yang. Fortunately, Xiang Yang did not say his name at the beginning. Otherwise, it is estimated that the beauty city owner would not speak so well, but instead slammed his face and slammed his face.

However, after getting along with Xiang Yang, she looked at Xiang Yang’s eyes differently. Although she was shocked that Xiang Yang was a man who had always felt very frustrated and wanted to teach a meal, but at the moment Yang Wei has a lot of curiosity.

"They miss me very much, and I miss them very much."

Xiang Yang whispered to himself, could not help but close his eyes, the face of several women floating in the eyes, the principal and wife Lu Xinran's noble and elegant, the elite queen's general temperament, Chen Mengqing's beautiful policeman's skill and straightforward, outside the leaves Genai Gang, Qin Yu and Ouyang Mingyue two gentlemen...

Everything seems to have emerged yesterday.

However, Xiang Yang knows that he has not met with a few women for a long time. He has not seen how many days he has not seen for a long time.

"If you want them, why are you going to the Holy Family to find them now?"

Zhong Ling looked at Xiang Yang curiously.

"Men are not good things, and they think about them in the mouth, but aren't they screaming?" The beauty city owner looked at Xiang Yang with a mocking tone.

Xiang Yang did not pay attention to the tone of the beauty city taunt, but sighed and said, "I don't know where my mother sent them. I came to the fairyland, just to find them. It was finally easy. Emperor Xu Wei helped me find it, and I just knew that they were in the Holy Family some time ago."

"There are so many excuses." The beauty city owner sneered a few times, no longer talking nonsense with Xiang Yang, but turned and left.

Instead, Zhong Ling looked at Xiang Yang curiously. "Xiang Yang, you are not bragging. You can let the Emperor of the East to help you find someone. What kind of skills do you have? I think you are just like me. A true fairy."

"Yeah, I am just a real fairy, because I have fixed the daughter of the Eastern Emperor." Xiang Yang hides his thoughts and restores the cynicism, hehe said with a smile.

"Really, this is impossible?"

Zhong Lingbai took a look at Xiang Yang and felt that Xiang Yang was definitely cheating on himself.

"What do you say?"

Xiang Yang huh, a smile, no longer talk nonsense with Zhong Ling, but sitting in the position, directly picking up the jug and drinking.

At this moment, his heart was in a hurry. He knew that when a few women were safe, he was relieved, but he even wanted to find a few women earlier.

"No, I can't follow the big team. The big team will only drag my speed. I will be faster than myself. After the banquet, I will leave."

Xiang Yang said while drinking wine, silently in his heart.

Zhong Ling saw that Xiang Yang was drinking a lot of wine while she was alone. She was very curious and always asked, "Xiang Yang, who are you, I am really curious about you, tell me, how are you? Can you let the Emperor of the East go to help you find someone? What magical place do you have in the end..."

Xiang Yang ignored the question of Zhong Ling, but raised his head and asked her, "Do you know the map to the holy house?"

"Know, but why tell you?" Zhong Ling snorted. "This girl asks you, you ignore me. Why do you ask me questions, I will answer you?"

"If you don't tell me, you think that although I don't know where the holy sage is, I can't find a place myself?" Xiang Yang snorted, and with his skill, he has already reached the central Tianyu, even if it is not Knowing where the Holy Spirit is, he believes that it is also possible to find a few women by the perception of a few women.

"What is the innate god, or is it the Ziwei count?"

Xiang Yang whispered in a low voice.


Zhong Ling looked at Xiang Yang with an incomprehensible color.

"I mean, which method should I use to determine which position my wife is in." Xiang Yang said faintly, sitting directly in the seat, holding his hands in the law, it was on the spot to calculate the number of women. local.

"Is this guy drunk?"

After Zhong Ling met, it was awkward. For the first time, she saw someone who was on the spot to calculate the place where the holy sect was. It said that the place where the sage is located, although not a top secret place, has a strong array of guardians. It is absolutely impossible to be easily calculated.

She did not believe that Xiang Yang, such a small fairy, could use the method of estimation to sense the place where several women in the Holy Family were located.

Above, the beautiful city owner who was sitting in the first place, after seeing the appearance of Xiang Yang, could not help but reveal a strange color.

"This kid, is it proficient in the innate god?"

As a pro-disciple of the sect of the sect of the saints, she learned not only ordinary practice, but all-encompassing, even the method of deduction is understood.

At this moment, as soon as I look at Xiang Yang's appearance, I know that Xiang Yang is performing the deduction.

"I want to figure out where the little sisters are in the Holy Family. He doesn't know the Holy Family too much." Then the beauty city owner shook his head and said to himself, "Well, wait until he has no fruit." I will announce that the team will start directly."

In the process, she has already thought about it. This time, in order to let Xiangyang let this team go directly to the Shengzong, it is only in the direction of Xiangyang’s use of deduction to calculate the direction of several women in the Holy Family. At that time, she made up her mind to let Xiang Yang try it first, and then declare her thoughts after Xiang Yang hit the wall.


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