Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2886: No, I am not a casual person.

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Just as the beauty city owner made up his mind to let Xiang Yang hit the wall, suddenly, Xiang Yang's body shape trembled, and there was a mysterious atmosphere that broke out. With him as the center, the Taiji gossip figure slowly emerged.


Then, Xiang Yang directly pointed to his own heart, a heart of blood directly sprayed out, turned into a blood sword, pointing to the southeast direction.

"I finally found it, southeast, I am coming."

Xiang Yangchang sighed, his figure grew up, and the Taiji gossip figure that appeared in the whole body did not enter the body. The whole person took a dusty atmosphere, making everyone in the entire feast room stunned.

"Isn't this kid really a fairy? The momentum that broke out in the moment he just broke out, even I felt shocked. Is he a tiger and a tiger? Is it a super strong?"

The Tianjiao of the king of the fairy king is staring at Xiangyang. When Xiangyang was showing the Taiji gossip figure, the atmosphere that broke out made everyone know that the strength of Xiangyang is definitely not just superficial. Immortal is so simple.

Even, even the beauty city owner frowned at Xiang Yang. "This is a very weird child. Although the realm is definitely the peak of the true fairy, but the sigh of excitement that he really deduced, even I am shocked. Can he threaten me?"

When I think of it, the beauty city owner is shocked.

Her cultivation is extremely powerful. At the same time, as a strong strategist, her inductive power is also extraordinary. At this moment, she obviously senses that the explosive atmosphere of Xiangyang is so vast that even she can't relate to it. A breath of breath.

Moreover, not only is the power of blood gas strong, but the real level of horror in the realm of the realm, even if the strength of the beauty city owner has reached the realm of the road, she felt trembling before the interface of Xiangyang .

"The realm of this kid has already reached a very terrible level. This is that his understanding of the Tao has surpassed me, but he has not yet broken through to the state of Da Luo. Why?"

The beauty city owner said to himself, watching Xiang Yang’s eyes have a strong sense of shock.

At this time, Xiang Yang's face showed a faint smile, looking at the southeast direction, whispered, "I finally found it, then I can go to the Holy Family."

"You, have you found the place where the holy sect is?" Zhong Ling squinted at Xiang Yang, and Xiang Yang at this moment has returned to normal, but even the beauty city owner never dared to look down on Xiang Yang. Not to mention Zhong Ling and others, they have long been shocked by Xiang Yang.

"Yeah, found it."

Xiang Yang chuckled and continued to sit down and drink, although he couldn’t wait to go to the holy house to find the women, but he did not forget that he was attending the banquet, he was leaving, not so bad. After a while, after the banquet is over, leave the beauty city owner.

"You, today, there are already 19 Tianjiao going to the Holy Family. The city owner decided to go to the Holy Family immediately after the banquet. I wonder if you think what?"

At this time, the beauty city owner stood up and smiled and said.

"What, suddenly I have to go to the Holy Family immediately. What is the situation?"

"Don't you say good three days?"

"Is it because of him?"


The Tianyao who were present were all shocked after listening to the words of the beautiful city owner. At the same time, they also understood that this matter may have something to do with Xiangyang.

However, they did not object to it. First, the identity of the benevolent disciple of the saints of the saints was scared to them. Not to mention that they have not yet become disciples of the saints, even if they are already holy disciples, facing the beauty of the city. Master sister, they did not dare to object to it.

Of course, their shock is still not as good as Xiang Yang. At this moment, Xiang Yang opened his mouth and suddenly felt that if he wanted to say that he left alone, he was a bit too much.

"This is intentional. I definitely don't want me to leave." Xiang Yang muttered in his heart, but in fact, he knew that the beauty city owner did this in fact, knowing that he was eager to go to the saints, so it was so urgent. I told everyone that I was about to leave for the Holy Family.

However, in his opinion, he has found the place where the women are located. He can go to the saints as quickly as he can, and the big troops will certainly be dragged for a while.

However, he did not know how he should open his mouth to the beauty city.

"This time I will go to the Holy Family and I will personally **** you to the city. I hope that you will be able to compete in the assessment. When we see you again next time, we can match the brothers and sisters."

At this time, the beauty city owner also said something that made everyone boil.

"Oh my God, I have not misunderstood, the urban master must actually **** us to the Holy Family? This is incredible."

"God, how is this possible?"

"He is this..."

"How do I feel that the reason why the main lord of the city wants to **** us is precisely because of Xiangyang's reason, yes, I always think that the name Xiangyang is a bit familiar, that is, I always wonder if there is anything strange about this name. The place is really strange."


Many people communicated in private, one by one shocked the beauty city owners to personally **** them to the Holy Family, but at the same time, they are also very excited.

The passage of the holy sect to the outside world is not as safe as it is on the surface. Everyone knows very well that the sages in order to assess the disciples under the door, but those who want to be teachers, not only need to pass the assessment of the sect, but must also You can safely leave the scope of the Holy Family.

Within the scope of the holy sect, there is no transmission array between these continents. Every city has a wall guarding it. Outside the city, it is full of danger. All kinds of beasts and even monsters have .

It is really the most dangerous assessment for those who want to go to the holy sects to participate in the assessment of the Shengzong future disciples.

With the personal **** of the beauty city owner, such a pro-disciple of the saints, everyone's safety is guaranteed.

"In this case, then we are ready to go."

The beauty city owner is very vigorous and vigorous. At this moment, since she has decided to **** everyone to leave, she has not dragged, but has a smile on her face. She directly orders, let people prepare everything needed for the trip, and then let everyone prepare. It is.

"This, what is this special thing?"

Xiang Yang stared at it all, and always felt a little bit wrong. So, it would be a little impossible for him to go to the holy house alone. He could only go with the big forces, just hope Don't drag time too long.

"But it, not rushing for half a month."

Xiang Yang whispered to himself and comforted himself. The beauty city owner treated him very well. Moreover, the beauty city owner is also kind and kind. He wants to **** himself to the saints in advance, and he has something to blame the other party.

"Hey, wait for me, don't run away first. When the girl goes back to prepare something, she will come back." Zhong Ling said to Xiang Yang and quickly ran away.

She also wants to go to Shengzong to worship, this time, naturally, it is necessary to prepare. After all, once you enter the Holy Family, you don’t know when you will be able to come back.

Other Tianjiao also quickly prepared for it. Although they only lived in the city government for a few days, after all, there are still some things to bring, and some even have a maid, what needs to be included in the funeral house.

For a time, everyone actually left, leaving only Xiang Yang and the beauty city owners, with big eyes and small eyes.

"Do you feel very angry?"

At this time, the beauty city owner suddenly asked.

"Oh, my sister is laughing, but my sister has to **** us to the holy house, how can I be angry?" Xiang Yang said with a smile.

This is his true heart, although he was going to go to the Holy Family because of the temporary decision of the beauty city owner, so that Xiang Yang could not go alone. As a result, his calculations had no effect, and he was a bit puzzled. However, it is certainly impossible to have any angry words.

The beauty city owner said with a soft voice, "You can't be angry, but you know that the road to the holy sect is dangerous, even if I don't dare to go in and out of the sage."

“Is it so dangerous?” Xiang Yang’s face was unbelievable. The holy sect seemed to be a huge cell. The surrounding area was a dangerous place. He really did not believe it.

"Do you not believe it?"

The beauty city owner smiled and smiled at Xiang Yang.

"I want to believe my sister in my heart. I think every sentence that the beautiful sister said is true. However, I really can't believe why this road is so dangerous?"

Xiang Yang said seriously.

"follow me."

The beauty city owner took a look at Xiangyang, so he walked with Xiangyang toward the interior of the city's main government. On the way, she did not speak, but took Xiangyang through the lobby and into the backyard, and came to a delicate place. In the other courtyard, and then opened the defensive array of the yard, so Xiang Xiang brought into the room.

"Cough, I said sister, are we going to do this?"

Xiang Yang felt a little bit wrong, coughing a few times, looking at the beauty city with a curious look.

"What do you think?"

The beauty city owner looked at Xiang Yang with a smile, and then, in Xiang Yang’s eyes, she saw that she slowly began to take off her clothes.

"I rely on..."

At this moment, Xiang Yang was shocked by the whole person. He only felt that his heartbeat was accelerating, his mouth was dry, and his heart was dark. "It turned out that this beautiful city owner is so open. It is no wonder that the father of Zhongling Shantou does not know, no. I can't do this. I can see my wife right away. I can't play at this time, but the beauty of the beautiful city owner really makes me a little bit ugly..."

Seeing Xiang Yang's appearance, the beautiful city owner's mouth showed a smile, and then she took off her coat a little bit.

Then, it turned out that she did not hide her clothes and began to take off her clothes.

"Sister, don't don't!"

With the bursting of the fragrance, this time, Xiang Yang finally couldn't help it. He held down the hand of the beauty city to take off the clothes inside. The voice said with a dry voice, "I, I am not a casual person. ”


I saw that Xiang Yang was very painful and patient. He obviously wanted to see his next move. However, he held his own appearance, and the beautiful city owner couldn’t help but scream.

For a time, the flowers in the room were open and sturdy, making the whole person of Xiangyang look at it.

"Little guy, what do you want?"

Then, the delicate hand of the beauty city owner clicked on Xiangyang's head, and a scent hit him, making Xiangyang the whole person fascinated.

The wine is not intoxicating, and the real fascination is such a beautiful beauty. The beauty smiles enough to make anyone feel intoxicated.

Xiang Yang really felt the greatness of Xia Guo's ancient people. He sighed at the same time, but he quickly said to the beauty city owner, "Sister, you should put on your clothes first, or else you stand in front of me, I am afraid I will not bear it." What will happen to the residence."

"Even if you are given the opportunity, what do you dare to do?"

The beauty city owner looked at Xiang Yang and said with a smile.


Xiang Yang coughed and couldn’t help but groaned. "This, I, in fact, I can’t say it. I am not a casual person, but if I can’t help it, I think it’s possible. I will be free to use it. I can’t use people to describe it at that time. I was scared when I was brave at that time."

"Okay, you are so bold, even my sister dared to play."

After the beauty city owner heard the words of Xiang Yang, he first smashed it, and then he couldn’t help but sigh. "Little guy, you are getting bolder."

"No, sister, you misunderstood, I am just afraid that I will not be able to do anything for you, so you should wear it quickly, let's go out and say, or else, I am really afraid... ”

Xiang Yang swallowed a sip of water. His heart is too much to worship himself. His willpower must be the strongest in the world. No one is in the face of such a super beauty who is a beautiful woman in front of his own. With the belt, you can bear it yourself. Can you compare yourself to the whole world?

There was a little pride in his heart, and a sense of pride came to life. The beauty of the city was shocked at the moment. She really didn’t understand what Xiang Yang was thinking, even at this time. A sense of self satisfaction.


She opened her mouth and forgot everything she wanted to say. Even if she didn't know how to talk to Xiang Yang, she felt that Xiang Yang's brain hole changed too fast, so she couldn't keep up with the rhythm.

"Is it really old?"

At this moment, the beauty city owner could not help but produce such an idea. For a time, her whole person was a little uncomfortable. Xiang Yang’s performance really made her feel old.

If it is not old, why did Xiang Yang stop himself after seeing his **** behavior?

If it is not old, why can't my own thinking rhythm keep up with Xiangyang?

For a time, the beauty city owner only felt that a sadness rose from his heart.

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