Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2887: Honestly see each other

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"Xiang Yang, do you think your sister is old?"

At this time, I heard the beauty city owner frowning at Xiangyang.

After Xiang Yang listened, he looked at the beautiful city owner with a strange color on his face. He finally suppressed all the shackles in his heart and thought about what he should do. What he did not expect was that the beauty city owner was at this time. Suddenly frowning at myself, this with a different style, so that he could not easily suppress his idiot with strong willpower, and a little bit can not hold back.

"No, I, I am leaving."

Xiang Yang bit his teeth, he knows that he can never be in the same room as the beauty city owner, no matter what the purpose of the beauty city owner, if he stays this way, he will really sin.

"Sister, don't tease me, I can't help it later, it's really not a human being."

"You, you play first, I go out first."

Xiang Yang said quickly, and then the whole person rushed straight out.


However, when Xiang Yang was ready to rush out of the door, he heard a scream from the back. His footsteps could not help but stop. He said in the heart, "But it is, this is the beauty of my sister, and I am not a big animal." Go back, Buddhism, all sentient beings are bitter, I am going to abandon this skin bag today to save the beauty city owner, I think, your wife will definitely not blame me."

At the same time, Xiang Yang turned around and looked like a go out. "Sister, since you insist on this, then I am coming... oh..."

However, when he had just finished speaking, he opened his eyes and revealed an incredible color.

I saw that the beautiful city owner had taken off his clothes at the moment, but what really appeared in front of him was not the exquisitely white body, but the twisted, full of green light, skin. Like the old tree roots, there seem to be a body of insects that are squirming under the skin.


After Xiang Yang saw it, he couldn't help but take a sip of cold air, with an unparalleled shock on his face.

Originally, he thought that the beauty city owner was so beautiful, and under the clothes, it must be a beautiful and moving body, and certainly has the most beautiful scenery in the world.

Who can imagine that it was such a situation that was covered under her clothes?

"Are you scared?"

The beauty city owner saw Xiang Yang sipping cold air, and his face showed a taunting color. "This is the price I used to be a teacher from the Holy Family."


Xiang Yang was like a thunder, and the whole person stood on the spot, and then he was furious. "What garbage saints dare to dare to be such a poisonous hand to my sister, I am going to destroy it."


At this moment, Xiang Yang was really angry, and his whole body broke out with an earth-shattering murderousness, which swept over nine days, as if he really wanted to kill.


The beauty city owner was shocked. I didn't expect that I was just a word, and it would lead to Xiangyang's so much murderousness.

She was moved with emotion. When she thought that Xiang Yang had seen the ugly side of her body, after being scared, she would definitely ignore her again. Unexpectedly, Xiang Yang did not have any disgusting color.

In the raging eyes of Xiang Yang, she only saw compassion and heartache for herself.

At this moment, the beauty city owner trembled. She only felt that the deepest part of her heart was touched by Xiang Yang, and could not help but whisper. "Xiang Yang, don't talk about it, this has nothing to do with the Holy Family." ”

While talking, she quickly suppressed the tremors in her heart and explained, "The saints are not so strict. All of this is because when I left the saints, I was young and I didn’t understand things. I thought I was alone. I was able to go from the saints to the outside world alone. The result was that on this road, I fell into a cursed swamp and cursed the power. These curses were already in the wild, and the most horrible in the world. The curse, even if I am repaired to heaven, can not be broken, even if my master is a teacher, Guangcheng can not lift such a curse, if you want to lift the curse, unless the chaos saints, but the chaos saint has left this world, do not know For many years, even the masters of Guangchengzi can't find the first ancestor."

"Not a saint."

After Xiang Yang listened, he was relieved. He thought that it was the persecution of the saints that made the beauty city owner look like this. If this is the case, the saints are really a land of filth, then, He didn't mind letting his order guards first sanctify the saints.

Fortunately, after listening to the words of the beauty city owner, he understood that all this has nothing to do with the holy sect. At the same time, he also wakes up, why the beauty city owner will suddenly pull himself into the room and take off his clothes. It turns out that it is not to do something, but to let myself see the tragic look of her, so as to warn her of the bitterness of this road, so that she must not go alone to the Holy Family.

"It is certainly not the holy sage. The Holy sage is founded by the saints. The sage is a lord. How could it be as bad as you think."

The beauty city owner couldn't help but whiten Xiangyang and said it.

As she spoke, she was ready to put on her clothes.

Taking off her clothes, her body was full of horror, but when she put on her clothes, she regained the beautiful beauty of the city.

Although she knew that all of this was only a superficial cover, she did not want Xiang Yang to see her ugly look. She wanted to leave the most beautiful side to Xiang Yang.

Fortunately, although she cursed in her body, the curse was suppressed by a part of it. However, under all efforts, it can only be pressed into the body, and it can not be seen when wearing clothes. The rest, clothes It is the extremely ugly side that is hidden underneath.

In such a scene, only she knows that even her daughter is not clear.

The beauty city owner even hates taking a bath and hates changing clothes. When she is afraid of changing clothes, she will see her ugly side.

This time, she didn't know why he would show it all to Xiangyang. When Xiangyang saw it all, her heart trembled. She only felt that she wanted to cover everything immediately and fled immediately. Don't let Xiang Yang see himself.


However, when the beauty city owner was ready to put on his clothes, he saw Xiang Yang reach out to block her.

"what happened?"

The beauty city owner looked at Xiang Yang and did not know why Xiang Yang did not let himself wear clothes.

"What is the power of cursing in my sister?"

Xiang Yang asked quietly.

"Yes." The beauty city owner bites his teeth and promises, and the heart is sighing. Looking at Xiang Yang’s concerned eyes, she only wants to escape Xiangyang, although the softest place in her heart has been shaking, but she knows that My body is too ugly.

She is strong on the surface, the master of a city, the character of the overbearing queen, but, in fact, who knows the softness and pain of her heart?

"That would be easy." Xiang Yang laughed after listening.

"Why are you laughing?"

When the beauty city owner saw Xiang Yang laughing out, he couldn't help but feel secretly angry. Xiang Yang was too much. When he saw himself, he could still laugh.

Originally because the softest place in my heart was touched by Xiang Yang, at the moment she was born with an angry color, but also self-pity, and my heart was dark. "I am too stupid, I am a look, anyone sees After that, I will be scared by me. How can she feel pity for me and how can I still like me?"

"And, the few priests around him have a beautiful face, and several younger sisters have different personalities. They are all loved by everyone. If I have no physical damage, I can compare them with them. What am I now? Not counted..."

When I think of it, the beauty city owner only feels disheartened between the moments, with a gray-smelling atmosphere.

"Come, sit down." At this time, Xiang Yang took the hand of the beautiful city owner and walked toward the bed.


The beauty city master is stunned, and he has already looked like this. Isn’t this guy still afraid, what else should he do for himself? No, it should be said that this guy is because after he has cursed, is a casual person who can make him mess?

"I see the wrong person."

The beauty city owner only felt that his heart was shaking, and her view of Xiang Yang was moved from the moment she was touched and turned into disappointment and despair.

However, although she was shaking in her heart, she did not say anything, but her eyes were disappointing, letting Xiang Yang sit on the bed, she sighed, although she was desperate, but she did not want to follow this time. Xiang Yang turned his face, but wanted to wait for the last moment. She was not reconciled to the last moment.

"I have been cursing the beginning of the devil a while ago. This is a curse that is very troublesome after the chaos sage. But I finally came over. From then on, I have produced antibodies against the curse, even if it is chaotic. The legendary curse of a race that specializes in cursing power is not necessarily valid for me. I believe that with my flesh and blood as a guide, and with the help of my strength, I will be able to drive away your curse."


However, when the beauty city owner sat on the bed with a disappointing color on his face, as if he was allowed to be cast by Xiang Yang, suddenly he heard the voice from Xiang Yang, and she suddenly stopped.

"You... you don't want to be with me..."

She was staring at Xiang Yang, and when she was wrong, she only felt that there was a ecstasy rising. This feeling of flying from **** to heaven and fairyland made her whole person seem to be searching for countless years in the dark. Finally, I found a bright light.

"Don't move, give me everything to you, let me guide the energy in your body, and drive away the curse together."

Xiang Yang did not pay attention to the beauty of the city owner, but Shen Sheng said at the same time, he thought of a move, directly pointing to his own heart, suddenly, there is a blood directly rushed out from his heart, and with At the same time, he also pointed to the heart of the beauty city owner, so that his blood is directly into the heart of the other party, and, not a **** direct completion, but this blood is constantly instilling between the two With.

This is the blood energy of Xiangyang.

Xiang Yang's whole person constantly injects his own blood to the beauty city owner.


When Xiang Yang’s blood entered the body of the beauty city, her body trembled, her face showed painful color, and she saw the curse power that was originally suppressed by her. When she met the blood of Xiang Yang, she actually turned Just like a nemesis, it instantly swayed, and after being touched by this blood, it instantly began to melt.

"it works."

Xiang Yang’s face showed a pleasant color. He knew that his body had formed a natural restraint on the curse. Even if the curse of the beauty city owner was terrible, it could not compete with his own blood.

However, Xiang Yang knows that although his blood can resist the power of these curses, it is not enough just by this.

"Let the gods be happy and integrate with everything I do."

Xiang Yang said, the sound was introduced into the body of the beauty city. At the same time, his body shape flowed, and the whole person directly broke out a strong energy that did not enter the body of the beauty city.


At this moment, the beauty city owner sensed that the curse in her body met the blood of Xiang Yang, and when the snow and ice met with the flames, she was shocked.

She stared at Xiang Yang, letting Xiang Yang's power be integrated into her body. With the power of Xiang Yang, she controlled all the power in her body and turned it into a huge oven to start the curse of the body. .

Xiang Yang’s physique was originally the body of the legendary Jiuyang Tianmai. It has a strong resistance to the general curse. As early as the lower bound, the curse in the depths of the silver carp is precisely because of Xiang Yang. Her own power can enter her body to help her solve the curse.

Nowadays, Xiang Yang is in the confrontation with the curse of the beginning of the devil, making his body truly become a curse insulator, no longer have to worry about not being able to fight the curse.

At this moment, everything in Xiang Yang's body, including his energy and his flesh and blood, has become a cursing nemesis.

After his energy and blood flowed into the body of the beauty city, he finally realized the horror of the strong man in the realm of the beauty city.

Although the energy of the beauty city owner can't resist the power of the curse, but it is boundless, this is the real power not weaker than the strong people of the Holy Land. Xiang Yang consciously has his own demon avatar to have the repair of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak. For example, the vastness of energy in the body is no less than that of any powerful person, but it is still slightly inferior to the beauty city owner.

"It is worthy of being a pro-disciple of the sect of the sect of the sect of the saints. This is the vastness of energy. I am afraid that even the Dojos are just like this?"

At the same time as Xiang Yang’s self-talking, he began the encirclement of the curse in the main body of the beauty city.

For the beauty city owners, these curses have plagued her infinite years, and for Xiang Yang, the power of these curses is nothing.

When Xiang Yang is light and easy, he can restrain these curses and directly melt one of them.

Then, in the void, the power of these curses is refining a little bit, and even the power of the source is integrated into the energy of the Xiangyang and the beauty city owners.

The body of the beautiful city owner returned to normal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, a pair of white jade is crystal clear, like a cow's milk gelatinous appearance finally appeared in front of Xiang Yang...

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