Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2888: Come to my room (five more flowers)

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Xiang Yang took a sigh of relief and took back his energy and blood. He only felt that although he helped the beauty of the city to refine this curse with blood and energy, but because the power of curse was refining him into the source of life. After being integrated into the energy of him and the beauty city owner, he not only did not have the slightest sense of fatigue, but instead became mentally awkward and became more ambitious.

"Get it... oh..."

Xiang Yang just said a word to the beauty city owner. Suddenly, he was shocked. The beautiful city owner who appeared in front of his eyes, after expelling the curse, had a truly perfect appearance.

White condensed jade, agar wins snow, the curve is distinct, the golden ratio...

Any words that can be used to describe the shape of a beautiful woman can't prove the beauty of the city's lord at this moment. For a time, Xiang Yang only felt that a blood rushed to the heart, and could not help but have a hot nose, and there was a blood directly sprayed out.


Xiang Yang was shocked, and quickly closed his eyes and gasped. "Sister, you can put on your clothes quickly, or I can't stand it."


However, when Xiang Yang’s voice just fell, he felt that his body was heavy and that a soft body had entered his arms. Even with his eyes closed, he could sense that the beautiful city owner was holding tightly. Your own look.

"Don't, I, I can't help it."

Xiang Yang bit his teeth, although his nosebleeds were restrained, but he felt that his body was hot and bloody, and somewhere had already been intolerable.

This is really an unparalleled torture.

If it is not Xiangyang’s willpower that is strong enough, how can he endure this moment?

"Brother, thank you."


Then, with a surprise, with a tender voice in Xiang Yang's ears, Xiang Yang only felt that his mouth had a warm pass.

It was actually sneaked.

"No, it can't be tolerated, it's already like this, I still have to bear something..."

At this moment, Xiang Yang’s head roared, and he decided that he could not bear it anymore.

Xiang Yang opened his eyes and forced his hands with his hands. He wanted to hold the beautiful city owner in his arms. At this moment, he didn’t think about anything. He just wanted to follow his own nature and have a good lesson to 'learn' this fairy. '.


However, when Xiang Yang’s hands were about to embrace the beauty city owner, he was holding an empty space. He only heard a pleasing laughter in his ear. I don’t know when the beautiful city owner had disappeared into his arms, and The shape flashed in the room, and a skirt was put on the body.

Her delicate body is shrouded in a looming veil, but with a fascinating temptation.

After Xiang Yang met, he couldn't help but dry his mouth, wiped a nose, wiped out the already dried nosebleeds, and looked at the beautiful city owner with a sad face. "Sister, you must have deliberately, provoked my fire, myself. I ran away."

"Or else, do you really think that your sister is a casual person?"

The beauty city owner looked at Xiang Yang with a smile.

Her mouth was slightly raised, and she did not hide her happiness in her heart.

She reached out and gently stroked her hand, condensed into a water mirror in front of her body, and took care of her white skin like jade, such as creamy skin, only to feel that the whole person is too happy.

"This is me, I haven't seen you for a long time."

The beauty city owner whispers to himself in the mirror.

Countless years ago, she was so beautiful. Later, in order to leave the Holy Family, she was walking alone on the way to the outside world because she was young and frivolous. As a result, she fell into the cursed land and was cursed. The whole person was almost They have all been ruined. Even though her strength has been enhanced, she still can't get rid of the curse.

As a woman, or a real super beauty, even if it is the immortality of the realm of the road, she has been crying and desperate after such a sudden change.

Everything is fine now.

At this moment, the beauty city owner looked at Xiang Yang, only felt that a heart had to be turned, her eyes, with a strong gentleness, made Xiang Yang's heart tremble.

"Hey, sister, I know that you are very grateful to me, but if you really want to thank me, let me kiss you. If you don't, don't wear it like this. Don't you know, you don't know. Wearing a looming veil, is it more moving than when you are not wearing it?"

Xiang Yangxiao said with a smile.

Of course, although the discourse is said this way, he has not moved.

He is not the kind of person who is in danger. Although he was almost provoked by the beauty city master, he knew what he should do and what he should not do.

At this moment, he is just a smile, but in fact he has forced himself to calm down.

His gaze returned to clarity, and the beautiful city owner never looked as full of flames before.


However, the next moment, Xiang Yang was wide-eyed, only to see the figure of the beauty city owner did not know when it had appeared in front of him, his mouth was actually bet.

Xiang Yang is dumbfounded. He really just talks about it. It’s just a joke. My sister, I’ve been able to suppress my own flames. You’re doing it. Are you irritating the upper body, or let I sin.

However, in the eyes of Xiang Yang, the eyes of the beautiful city owner took a shy color, but she left Xiang Yang after a while, her face was blushing, her mind was moving, and a set of fairy clothes was worn on her body. Covering her beautiful and incomparable figure.

"Cough, how come again, sister, you are too tormented."

Xiang Yang’s face sighed with a sly color, and looked at the beauty city owner. At this moment, after she put on the fairy costume, the whole person once again returned to the look of the domineering queen, if not just experienced the gentleness of this woman. With a shy look, killing Xiang Yang would not believe that this domineering queen would have such a gentle and shy scene.

"Little guy, do you really think that after you lifted the curse for me, will I give everything to you?"

The beauty city owner looks at Xiang Yang with a smile and a smile, but his eyes are infinitely soft.

"No, no, I didn't think about what I wanted."

Xiang Yang shook his head quickly. He really didn't think about getting anything from the beauty city owner. He just couldn't help but see the poison of the curse in the beauty city.

As for the others, he really didn't dare to come.


The beauty city owner smiled and walked to Xiangyang’s face. He gently reached out and clicked on Xiangyang’s head. “You are still too tender. After helping people, you don’t understand the conditions of the other party. You should know that you are A woman, in order to be able to recover her face, can pay anything to be able to drive out the curse."

“Do you also include your sister?” Xiang Yang asked with a smile.

"Of course." The beauty city owner replied with no disguise. "If you told me at the outset that you can help me to remove the curse, I will promise you no matter what conditions you propose. Even if you can't do it, I will do it." Go all out to finish."

"God, why don't you say that early, I missed such a good opportunity."

Xiang Yang looked stunned at the beauty city owner. He knew that the beauty city owner was absolutely deliberate, just to make himself so disappointed.

Of course, his so-called disappointment is fake. How can he not understand what he is doing for a beautiful woman?

If he really wants to make a request, he has already raised it directly. However, he is not the kind of person. He does things, everything is based on his heart, and he can never do that despicable thing.

"Then, then, do I still have time to come up?"

At this moment, I heard the beauty city owner say this, Xiang Yang looked at her pitifully.

"I missed it, I still want to come back again, no way." The beauty city owner ate and smiled at Xiangyang.

"Oh, it's a pity, I actually missed such a good opportunity."

Xiang Yang sighs, but his face has a happy smile. He is not a savior, nor a super good person. However, he will do whatever he wants and should do at the right time. .

"Okay, don't pretend, let's go, they should be ready, we are the time to go to the holy house."

The beauty city owner smiled and looked at Xiang Yang. With her ingenuity, how could she not see that all of Xiangyang’s work was pretending?

At the moment, her heart has a different feeling for Xiang Yang, but it does not show it, but the mood is a bit complicated.

"I used to swear, if someone can save me, I am willing to pay for my life. However, the age of the little guy is too small to say, or a few younger sisters, do you want me to be a sister and a few younger sisters together? ?"

She thought in her heart, her eyes with a faint color.

However, she did not show it, but smiled and took advantage of Xiang Yang to go out outside the room.

"Mother, everyone is ready, hey, Xiang Yang, why are you here too?"

When they just walked out of the yard, they just met Zhong Ling and came over. When Shantou saw Xiang Yang actually behind his mother, he suddenly jumped.

"What does this guy follow with my mother to enter the room? It won't be... no, the mother will definitely not do anything."

At the same time she thought about it, she shook her head. "Mother has always been annoyed by men. Although it is special for Xiangyang, the difference between the two is too much."

When she thought of it, she laughed out and held the arm of the beautiful city owner. She said, "Mother, the family will go to the saint, and can't accompany the mother in the future."

"Don't be nervous. After the mother sent you to the Holy Family, I will not leave immediately. I will stay in the Holy Family for a while."

However, the beauty city owner said with a smile.

"Oh, great."

After Zhong Ling listened to him without doubt, he smiled happily.

"Then let's go."

Then, the mother and the daughter walked in front, Xiang Yang followed behind, but when Xiang Yang’s eyes looked at the beauty city owner and Zhong Ling, they frowned and had an incomprehensible color.

"How do I feel that their mother and daughter seem to be one, the atmosphere is connected, everything is blended together, it seems that the relationship between the deity and the avatar is general, no..."

Before, Xiang Yang did not look carefully, nor did he have a deep understanding of the atmosphere of the beauty city owner. However, at this moment, when he truly understood the atmosphere of the beauty city owner, he was no stranger to the beauty city owner. Goodbye. When the beauty city owner and Zhong Ling stand together, he creates a relationship between the mother and the daughter, the relationship between the deity and the avatar, not the feeling of the mother and the daughter.

However, he thought about it and always thought it was impossible.

"Zhong Ling is clearly an independent consciousness. It should not be the avatar of the beauty city sister. It should be that I am wrong."

Xiang Yang said to himself, followed the two women and walked forward. After arriving at the performance of the city's main battlefield, they found that there was already a huge spaceship volley floating. This spaceship warship is at least a million feet long, but because The space was compressed by the great mana, making it not very large.

This is the case, this warship also fills the entire city of the city.

"You, go to the battleship."

Next, everyone has no nonsense. The beautiful city owner waved his hand and first went to the battleship, and everyone else followed.

When they went up, they discovered that there was still a variety of supplies on the spaceship. It was obvious that the beauty of the city was not only to **** them to the saints, but also to **** some supplies to the sanctuary.

The saints are powerful and endless, and the resources are endless, but they are definitely not born out of thin air. After the disciples of the saints, they will take the initiative to send all kinds of supplies to the saints.

On both sides of the deck of the battleship, there is a row of strong people standing in the tens of thousands of Da Luo, and what makes Xiang Yang feel shocked is that these are obviously the private soldiers of the beautiful city, all of them It is a woman.

"The beauty of the city's main sister is actually a woman, she should be so uncomfortable for men."

While Xiang Yang sighed, he was very fortunate in his heart. Fortunately, he was different from others, and he was able to treat the beauty city sisters with special treatment.

"You, the room above the warship, you choose, you can practice for a while, and you will arrive at the Holy Family in about half a month."

"In the process, there may be some danger along the way, but you do not need to take your shots. You should not understand these dangers, and don't be curious, because some dangers are the horrors that you will see when you look at it." After the existence of each room, I will not come out."

The beauty city owner is telling all the glory, her expression with a dignified color, obviously not a joke.


Everyone has a look, even if the Tianjiao of the king of the fairy king is very proud, at this moment is also careful, not dare to careless.

"Well, is everything ready?"

After the beauty city owner explained the good people, he looked at the leader of the tens of thousands of female guards, a peerless sage of the world.

"Ready." The sage was wearing the best armor-level armor, wrapped her face and figure, and the sound was loud and sound, obviously trained.

"Okay, let's go." The beauty city owner nodded.

"set sail."

The woman accompanied by this sacred and ugly world snorted. After the battleship was started, everyone went to find a room to live in. Even Zhong Ling also found a room for himself, and the beauty city owner was Xiang Yang. The voice said, "Come to my room."


After Xiang Yang listened, he blinked and looked at the back of the beautiful city owner into the room with an incredible color. In the heart, "The beautiful city sister is because the journey is boring, what are you going to do with me?"

When I thought of it, he suddenly felt awkward, and he couldn't help but boil. After seeing other people enter the room, he would like to be a thief and follow the beauty city owner into the room.

Author Meng Yu said: Recently, six more time, a bit imaginary, cough, let me rest for a few days, first five days and a few days, everyone will give me flowers, the last ten days of 2018, we This book is also getting to the end, I hope to keep the flower list first to last, thank you all...

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