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Zhong Ling was shocked and turned to look at his mother. "Is he not a true immortal?"

"Maybe, maybe it is." The beautiful city owner Zhong Yushuang also stared at Xiangyang, which was incredible. She finally understood the true strength of Xiangyang.

Although Xiang Yang is indeed only the realm of the true fairy peak, but the real strength, the power of the flesh and blood is so majestic, a screaming power can burst out of such a horrible power, even a punch, it can be blasted A head of the broken black-winged snake, such a terrible fighting power, even the beauty city owner Zhong Yushuang also recognized himself.

"It's no wonder that the younger brother is so confident that everything he encounters is very calm. It turns out that his physical strength has reached such a terrible level."

Zhong Yushuang, the beauty city owner, whispered to herself, her pretty face with a happy color, and when she saw Xiang Yang blocking her figure in front, she only felt that there was a feeling of being protected.

"Linger, you are waiting here, remember to sacrifice your magic weapon to protect yourself, and the mother and the Xiangyang teamed up to kill the black-winged snake." Then, the beautiful city owner Zhong Yushuang looked at Zhong Ling and told him. After a sigh, he was ready to rush out and join Xiang Yang to kill the Black Winged Snake.


However, when Zhong Yushuang was preparing to shoot, he saw a louder roaring sound from Xiang Yang. At this moment, Xiang Yang’s whole person seemed to be transformed into a demon god, and his black hair fluttered. The more horrible blood of the stock spread out from him, and at the same time, his body once again showed a rule of Da Luo, which is the rule of power.

Although there is no change in his body shape at this moment, the whole person seems to be in the sky, as if he could open up the earth.

This is the ultimate pole of power. With the horror of the body of Xiangyang, the power of the rules of Dalu is displayed. At this moment, he is a narrow-opened saint.

Although he simply stood in the void, but he made the face of Zhong Yu’s face, which was already ready to rush to the front, change, and she stopped the action, and also the big Luo who formed her scorpion He shouted, "all returned to the battleship and drove the warship back."


At this moment, the tens of thousands of Luo Luoqiang have already damaged a thousand people, but they are still unswervingly carrying out the order of the beautiful city owner Zhong Yushuang, and immediately returned.

The black-winged snake, which was originally squatting with them and wanted to destroy the tens of thousands of people, was not moving at this time. It was watching the Xiangyang with great vigilance, and the three heads were accompanied by horror. look.

"this is..."

At the same time, the three heads of the head sucked the cold air and sank. "You are the saint of the immortal, no, impossible, among the heavens, the sanctification, and only the stinky The monkey, and the three eyes, other than that, no one can reach this level, you are not a stinky monkey, not three eyes, who are you?"

"My name is Xiang Yang."

Xiang Yang grinned and smiled. The whole rule of his body was extremely strong. He was full of tens of thousands of feet. He was flying around him, setting off him, making him look like a real chaos. .

His whole body is full of blood, and the murderousness is already boiling.

This black-winged snake is a strong man of the Holy Land. At the same time, he is also the first sacred strongman who is truly confrontational. Moreover, this time, he has not used the Devil's Blade and the Demon Warship.

What he has to do is to use this power to explode the black-winged snake. Even if it is impossible to blow the old demon of this sacred powerhouse, he will also test his own body. Where is the limit?


At this moment, Xiang Yang closed his eyes, and a light and shadow appeared slowly in his mind. It was not long ago that he was in the battlefield of the fairy, the Pangu Sheng seen in the axe of the ancient axe. Respect the situation of the world.

In his mind, a terrible giant who stood in chaos and shoved the whole chaos was waving his axe, and an axe slid toward the front.

At the same time, his right hand also moved. At this moment, his right hand seems to have turned into a heavenly axe, and he also squats forward. His frequency, his speed is exactly the same as the image appearing in his brain.


With Xiang Yang's shot, he was filled with clouds, as if he were in chaos. The axe slammed down and the void exploded instantly. However, the infinite chaos was turned into the most powerful force. In the hit of Xiang Yang, this attack made time open, annihilated the space, and destroyed chaos and everything.


Under the attack of Xiangyang, the Black Winged snake only felt the breath of death approaching, it roared, and the strongest magical power burst into the Xiangyang. At the same time, the figure quickly retreated toward the rear, but it was useless. Its magical power, under the axe of Xiangyang, is like a bubble that is instantly shattered.

Then, Xiang Yang’s attack instantly fell on its head. At about the same time, the Black Winged Frightened, its two heads exploded at the same time, but the third head was because of the space. Supernatural powers, at the most critical moment, the abrupt movement of the abrupt, turning the tail to face the hit of Xiangyang, making the huge tail of the black-winged snake instantly explode into a blood fog, but its head is saved.


"Oh, ah, ah..."

"Human, ants, do you dare to hurt this holy?"

"you wanna die."


The power of Xiang Yang’s attack was also exhausted. His whole person was holding his hands and standing. All the portals in the body were opened. The power of Dong Tian Xian Wang was flowing, and the powerful force constantly rushed out, supplementing his internal loss. the power of.

This blow, lost all the strength of his body, not only the blood is dry, but even the energy is also drained, although he can still stand, but at the moment he is really strong outside.

However, it is only a breathing effort, the energy in his body is filled in an instant, the power of the cave is turned on, and the incomparable energy of the invaders floods into it, making his recovery speed too fast.


At the same time, although the Winged Snake knows that Xiangyang is recovering energy, its injury is heavier than Xiangyang. It can even be said that it is a whole body injury. At this moment, it is really miserable. Two heads are being At the same time of the explosion, the tails of the second half were all killed. It can be said that there is only one head and one body in the middle.

Its strength can be said that only one-tenth of the rest is not there. It screams crazy and rushes toward the far-away Black Forest.

"Don't let it run."

Later, after Zhong Ling met, he quickly shouted.

"Reassured, it can't run."

While Xiang Yang responded, he still stood in the same place to restore his strength. His body was full of power. Every breath has infinite energy to supplement his consumption. In the blink of an eye, he has recovered eighty-nine percent of his strength.

However, at the same time, the Black Wings, with the power of a powerful space, have disappeared without a shadow.

"I went to marry it."

Seeing that the Black Wings escaped, the beautiful city owner Zhong Yushuang said quickly, and his body shape flashed, he must catch up.

"Sister doesn't have to worry, let me come."

At this time, Xiang Yang was a flash of body shape, in front of Zhong Yushuang, he whispered. "Although the poor, but this black winged snake apparently fled back to the old nest, I need some treasure, my sister. Give me the task of killing it."

"Let's go together, the black-winged snakes are scheming, and maybe there are endless killings in the nest."

Zhong Yushuang, the beauty city owner, said with a hesitant color on his face.

"It's fine, I have my own size, my sister just needs to protect Linger, and everything on the battleship will be fine. As for those who go to the Holy Family, it is not a good thing, and my sister can ignore them."

At the same time as Xiang Yang said, he reminded the other party that the so-called Tianjiao was not a good thing. Then, his body shape flashed, and the whole person walked straight into the void and disappeared.

"Be careful."

The beauty city owner said quickly, at the same time, she originally wanted to follow the Xiangyang to chase the black-winged snake. She knew that the black-winged snake was very sinister. Although she was seriously injured, it was definitely not good to let it escape to the old nest. .

However, as Xiang Yang said, she must stay to protect Zhong Ling. Otherwise, there is danger in this black forest. From time to time, there is a danger of being difficult to resist.

"Mother, what do we do?"

Zhong Ling whispered.

"First return to the battleship, take a rest, wait for Xiangyang."

The colleague Zhong Yushuang, who was answered by the beauty city owner, returned to the battleship with Zhong Ling. The men who saw her own had more than one thousand casualties. Her eyes were unbearable.

"The city owner."

At this time, the deity who was headed by the big Luo Eight Heavens came to her, and looked at Zhong Yushuang with a dignified color on his face.

"Take a good treatment."

Zhong Yushuang, the beauty city sigh, sighed and patted the shoulders of the sacred sage of the sacred sacred heaven. After taking out the healing medicinal herbs, he personally healed everyone.

At this moment, those days of arrogance on the battleships were gone, and obviously, when they saw the danger, they all fled.

In this regard, Zhong Yushuang did not care, but on the battleship waiting for Xiang Yang to return.

At this moment, after Xiang Yang stepped into the void, his whole body was flashing, and he immediately put on the magic suit. He held the magic sword and chased it in the direction of the black-winged snake. The head left by the Black Wings is itself good at space magic. When it runs away, it is directly torn away from the void. The speed is too fast. It is not easy to catch up with Xiangyang’s current speed.

"I don't believe that I can't catch you, follow the line of cause and effect between you and me. As long as you stop, I can catch up." Xiang Yang was worried and sneer, while the whole person was the fastest. Speed ​​catches up.

It is a pity that his chaos wears the cloud shuttle and can't be used. Otherwise, with the effect of chaos wearing the cloud shuttle, it is absolutely possible to chase the black-winged snake in an instant.

"Oh... the abominable human being is actually a sanctified person. His strength is too strong. Its strength is too strong. The power contained in that blow is like the power of the black king. He I will definitely catch up, no, I can never go back this time, go directly to the Black King refuge area."

While the black-winged snake ran away from the space while flying fast, while recovering its other two heads, it relied on its own talents, and soon the head and tail were all recovered, but the body was repaired. It has also dropped a lot.

As a result, its speed is much slower, so that Xiang Yang has been hanging behind it.

"Strange, will the **** snake's nest be so far away? How can I feel that it is not quite right?" Xiang Yang chased him, he had already chased him far enough, but he still did not see the Black Wings stop. The next two, he could not help but frowned.

Not enough, Xiang Yang, the most important thing is patience. He originally intended to kill this black-winged snake. Even if the black-winged snake escaped far away, he could not let go of the other side.

"Also let the beauty city sister and sister go to Shengzong with Zhong Ling first. At that time, I will go to Shengzong to meet her, and chaotic wear Yunsuo is already melting. I will control the chaos and wear the cloud shuttle. Still faster than them."

At the same time, Xiang Yang thought, with the power of a powerful and unparalleled soul, directly sent a message to the beauty city owner Zhong Yushuang. Fortunately, when he helped the beauty to expel the curse, there was on her body. Leave a mark, otherwise, it is not a simple matter to contact Zhong Yushuang on a warship that does not know how far away.

After sending out a message, Xiang Yang concentrated on killing the Black Wings. In the process, his mind was immersed in the insight into the fascinating world.

Although this magical power was created only when he was in the world of the world, it was realized from the ancient law of 'shrinking into the inch', but later, with his cultivation and the enhancement of the realm, this The door magical power is also unconsciously enhanced, although his understanding of the space law has not reached a very strong degree, but when he stands at different heights, he can see too much that he could not see before. Something is gone.

In the past, he could not comprehend this magical power, and he was able to make this magical power faster than ordinary martial arts. At the same time, he fully realized the martial arts he knew, and at the same time, In the meantime, although he is still walking in the depths of chaos, his speed is getting faster and faster, and his understanding of space is getting stronger and stronger.


Every step he takes out can cross the infinity, and his own body is surrounded by space, making his whole person full of mystery.

And his speed is also getting closer and closer to the Black Winged Snake.

Despite the dangers in the Black Forest, the Winged Snake rushed through the void, and it itself was far-fetched, but no strong ones collided.

Xiang Yang’s heart is comprehending the magical power of ‘the world’s feet.’ When he’s fast enough, every step is a thousand times faster.

"Damn, how the **** is getting faster and faster."

The black-winged snake ran away desperately, and it became more and more anxious when it sensed that the back of Xiangyang’s breath was getting closer and closer.

"Fortunately, it's coming, deep in the Black Forest, where the Black King is, absolutely does not allow any living things to do. If you dare to do it, you don't need to open it. The Black King will destroy him."

When he saw that he had entered the core of the Black Forest, the Black Wings had finally breathed a sigh of relief, but he still rushed to the place where the Black King was.

Only when he saw the Black King and got the protection of the Black King, can he really feel at ease.

"Come on, I will be there soon."


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