Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2892: The king's little cute ancestors...

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"Come on, I will be there soon."

The black-winged snake can obviously feel the breath of the black king in front of him. Although he feels a bit strange in his heart, it is reasonable to say that the black king should be at the core of the place. At this moment, although he has entered the core of the Black Forest, However, it has not been normal to go to the place where Black King retreats. However, it is too late to think about it. As long as he can find the Black King, his life can be saved.


At this time, when the Black Wings thought that they could see the Black King soon, suddenly, in his induction, Xiang Yang, who was far away from it, actually smashed the void and walked behind it. come out.

"Black snake, you run very fast." Xiang Yang whispered softly. At this moment, he was very happy. In the process, he constantly realized the power of space, but made him carry out the magical power of 'the world of the world'. The deep level of transformation, incorporating some other space skills in it, makes this magical power has really formed.

His speed has reached the level that can match the strength of his physical body. In this way, even if Xiang Yang does not use the chaos of Yunsuo, it is in the level of Xianzun. There are not many who surpass him.

"How are you so fast?"

The black-winged snake looked at Xiang Yang with a horror color. It must be known that before this, it also specially sensed the position of Xiang Yang. In its induction, Xiang Yang is getting closer and closer to it, but There is still a long distance, it can completely use the gap between the two to find the black king, when there is the shelter of the black king, it will not be any danger.

However, how did Xiang Yang suddenly appear?

This is not scientific.

It trembled, and when he remembered that Xiangyang’s two explosions of his head and tail were all blasted, his heart trembled, and suddenly he shouted loudly. “Black King, old friend visits, Help me..."

At the end of the day, I saw Xiang Yang’s face with a sly smile and walked toward it step by step. It was already making a loud scream.


Xiang Yang smiled softly, looking at the mountains in front of him, suddenly screaming, "This is..."

At this moment, Xiang Yang’s breathing was rushed, and he saw a huge forest in front of him. He was proud of the vast expanse of spaceships on a continent. The spaceship was familiar. How can he forget the breath?

That is the breath of the battleship of the Qing Xue Universe Group.

"This this......"

"How can this be?"

Xiang Yang was stunned. He whispered and looked at the vast and boundless spaceship. He found that countless buildings around the battleship had been built. The entire ship had already formed a super-large city. Everything is obviously not comparable to a qualified spaceship.

However, because of this, this is what really shocked him.

This space warship is really too big, and it is as big as a continent. It is conceivable that the upper bound is one continent, and it is already comparable to the lower bound of the comprehension. If it is really a battleship of the Qingxue universe group, then it is really a battleship. How is the lower bound created?

Xiang Yang sucked the cold air, and his heart trembled incomparably. He whispered in a low voice. "Is it you? Are you here?"



In the incomparable Xiangyang, the big snoring of the black-winged snake caused the attention of the black king. The black king who was practicing in the space battleship of the Qingxue universe group heard the sound and it made a big noise. The snoring, very angry, stood up, his eyes looked like, and thought of the black electric light directly.

"Who is it to dare to disturb the great king's cultivation?"

The Black King was very angry. After this time, after being conquered by his master, it got a practice and was working hard to become a very good chaotic saint as soon as possible, except for the ancestors of the Qingxue Universe Group. Besides, who dares to influence it?

You know, its roots are very deep.

The black king was originally Chaos Warcraft. Its existence time is too long. The body has accumulated the horrible energy of the horror. This is no less than the power of the chaos sage. However, it is bound by the innate and cannot break through in the realm. To the chaos of the saints.

However, among the ancestors of Qingxue Space Group, it is suitable for its practice. For it, if it is used well, it can completely break through the road and achieve chaotic saints. At that time It is no longer the black king, but the black holy.

As the Black King stood up, he heard a burst of roaring sounds coming from the ground. The ground under his feet was shaking, as if he could not support the weight of it to collapse.

"No, it will be embarrassed by the little ancestors."

Although the Black King is angry, but when he thinks about the little ancestors of the Qingxue Universe Group, it scares his heart, and the Qingxue Space Group is letting it see the door, instead of letting it be destroyed, if it will be nearby If the ground is collapsed, then it will be finished.

So, it consciously set up a dark cloud, the huge body flew toward the side of the black-winged snake, while flying, while roaring, "The **** thing, dare to influence the king, is Want to let this king eat you?"

"Black King, it is me."

After the black-winged snake saw the appearance of the black king, he suddenly overjoyed and hurriedly greeted him. "The king, I am a black-winged snake. We have seen it hundreds of thousands of years ago. You said, if I have You can come to you when your life is in danger."

"It turned out to be you, smashed? Was it chased? I rely on, such a human cockroach ant... cough, the little guy can also chase you into this way, how do you live more and more backward?"

The black king saw the black-winged snake and Xiangyang from afar. When he saw the appearance of the black-winged snake, he couldn’t help but laugh, and when he saw Xiangyang, he even had the holy saint. When it was not, it showed a ridiculous color.

However, the Black King is now a small ancestor who has already invested in the Qingxue Universe Group. Among the ancestors, especially the little cute ancestors, it is not allowed to look down on humans. Well, it is not an ant, it can only be said that it is a little guy. .

"How does this guy feel like there are any jealous places?"

Xiang Yang looked at the scene with his hands on his face, and his face was a strange color.

The strength of the Black King is indeed very powerful and not wrong. However, Xiang Yang was scared by the huge and unparalleled spaceship of the Qing Xue Universe Group in the first time, and this did not pay much attention to the Black King.

At this moment, when he really looked at the black king, his heart trembled and exclaimed, "This guy is not yet sanctified? Its power is so powerful that it definitely surpasses the limits that the Yasheng can reach. Why haven’t you tried to prove it?”

"Oh, I can't think of you, this little guy has such a vision. It can be seen that the strength of the king is comparable to that of the saint. As for why he has not proved his strength, it is natural that the king does not want to prove it. Hey, what is the saint? As long as the king wants to be sanctified, it has already been sanctified, but the king is not sanctified."

Xiang Yang’s exclamation was heard by the black king. The guy smiled smugly and even knew to lie.

Of course, it dreams of sanctification, but it feels absolutely impossible to lose face in front of Xiang Yang, the human little guy and the black-winged snake, so Zhangkou will brag.

"Great." Xiang Yang looked at the super monster with a weird color, and when he was shocked, he thought about how he should cope with this big guy.

In the face of such a huge size, there is a semi-continental size, even if Xiang Yang can't see the margin of the black king at a glance, even if the black-winged snake is only an ant-like body in front of the black king, Xiang Yang also Without any chance of winning, he couldn't give any idea of ​​dealing with the Black King.

This is the existence of horror that can cause desperation by the body. Xiang Yang is even more confident about his own strength. Even when he faces the Black Winged snake, he is sure that he can hold the magic suit. The Black Winged Snake, but when faced with the Black King, he did not have any courage to fight with each other.

This big guy is terrible.

"Dawang, this **** is too strong. He has a treasure on his body. I wanted to introduce him to my spiritual place and want to kill him. But I remembered that the black king once said that he wanted a set of treasures, so I brought him." The Black Wings were very shameless to go forward and said to the Black King, "Great King, this is the treasure that the Black Wings dedicated to you."

At the same time, it is directly looking at Xiangyang, I saw that the Xiangyang body is still wearing the magic suit, but this is the two-piece suit of the day after tomorrow, even when the black king looked over, he was scared. Big jump, "I rely on this human cockroach ant, actually have two pieces of treasure, and still set, black-winged snake, you have made meritorious deeds this time."

"Don't dare, as long as the king likes it." After listening to the black-winged snake, he suddenly showed the color of surprise. As long as the black king is happy, everything else has no problem.

The black king said, haha, laughing. "Human little guy, you should feel very fortunate. Now come to see the king. If it is before, the king will meet you like a small ant, and you will definitely swallow you directly, but The king has recently abandoned the dark speculation. Following the practice of the ancestors, he will not kill himself. As long as you do not have any dangerous actions against the people on the Qingxue universe group, the king will let you go, but you The magic weapon is going to stay, this is the treasure of the little ancestors that the great king dedicated to me."

While talking, he felt that he was not enough to say this. He continued, "The little cute little ancestors told me to talk about civilization. Well, now, the king wants to rob, give up your treasure, and then you can leave. It is."

"In this way, my family ancestors are very happy to hear it?"

The black king also said to himself, is the black winged snake on the side stunned, is this still the black king? When is there a little ancestor? Is it surrendered?

How is this possible?

However, what is the huge and unparalleled spaceship next to it, the black king is impossible to get such a big battleship, and then he is kept outside, the only possibility is that the owner of the battleship surrendered the black king.

At this moment, the black-winged snake trembled in the heart, could not help but sneak and then retreat.


The Black King had not waited for Xiang Yang to answer. He saw the Black Wings ran. It suddenly screamed and the sound shook for nine days and ten days, making the entire Black Forest echo its echo.

Not to mention that the people of the Qingxue Universe Group heard the roar of the Black King, and even the strongest of the Holy Family heard the voice of the Black King.

"What else does the Black King have to do? It has been silent for a while? Is it going to turn to the so-called Sunny Snow Universe Group?"

"This is obviously impossible. It is said that the owner of the Qing Xue Universe Group is a true chaotic saint. The saint took the shot, surrendered the black king, and let it guard the warship. This has a big purpose. ”

"No, how do I hear that the owner of the Qingxue Space Group is a group of beautiful women?"


At the moment, within the Holy Family, countless disciples are all discussing. Some of them even flew directly. They looked at the huge size of the Black King from the air, and of course the largest one was the battleship of the Qingxue Space Group.

During this time, since the Qingxue universe group’s warships appeared in the Black Forest, the Shengzong disciples did not adapt at first. Later, the saints personally ordered them to explain these situations and let the holy disciples have a short time. Do not enter the Black Forest, do not offend to the Clear Snow Universe Group.

As a result, the Holy Family was shocked.

This is the sacred sect. It is the sect of the legend that was founded by the saints of the heavens and is the lord of the sage of the sage.

The Holy Family can be said to be the first door of the heavens and the world.

However, nowadays, the Shengzong is also very good at bowing, it is incredible.

However, what shocked everyone is that after the stabilization of the Qingxue Universe Group, a series of actions began, and gradually began to establish some shopping malls within the Holy Family, so that the Shengzong disciples could shop in the mall. To all kinds of magic weapons, and even a variety of classics, as well as eating, drinking, and playing, almost only the sacred disciples can not imagine, there is no Sanctuary disciples can not see.

Not only that, Qingxue Space Group began to spread all over the malls in various nearby continents. With the Shengzong as the center, it began a wide-scale expansion, and various shopping malls appeared in various continents.

As for why the owners of various cities in the continents promised to let the Qingxue Universe Group build a shopping mall, the Qingxue Universe Group’s approach is very simple, that is, taking the black king to each continent to take a trip, making the owners of the continents and the cities The host has promised.

Although the reputation of Qingxue Cosmos Group has not really spread throughout the central Tianyu, there are already many shopping malls in the vicinity of many continents and cities.

Moreover, the name of the black king is too big. Later, the people of the Qingxue universe group do not have to go around with the black king, as long as there are people from the Qingxue universe group who want to build a shopping mall, everywhere The principals will agree immediately and do their best to help.

The Qingxue Cosmos Group has expanded very fast, and among the saints, no one has known it.

At the same time, when the people are watching the situation of the Black King, there are a group of beautiful women in the Holy Family.

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