Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2893: That moment of encounter (five more flowers)

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"It’s the black king who has trouble, and a few sisters, Xiner, go see it."

Among the holy sects, Zhuque Girl, Gongsun Jianwu, Xiner, Su Jingrou, Liu Yaqian, Zhao Qingxue, Zhang Lingshuang, Sun Qingya, Monica, Mu Yunping, Alice, Zheng Yunqi, etc. Xin Ran, Chen Mengqing, Qin Yu, Ye Yiyi, Gong Sun Mingyue chat together.

After hearing the big scream of the black king, Xiner smiled and stood up. He smiled and went to have a look.

The Qingxue Cosmos Group appears in the Black Forest. It can be said that it is only adjacent to the Holy Family. Of course, the distance between the so-called adjacent ones is already equivalent to the distance between the continents.

However, some time ago, the sect of the sanctuary, Guangcheng, suddenly accepted the apprentice, and invited the principals of the Qingxue Universe Group to come to the saints.

As a result, under this ceremony, the women met.

The things in the world are so wonderful. The women have already known each other's existence. Of course, the daughters of the Qingxue Universe Group are familiar with Lu Xinran and other women.

When they really met, it was shocked by countless people. Even the holy sage, the sage of the sage, the sage of the three emperors, was stunned.

He really did not expect that because of the relationship between Xiang Yang, he specifically collected several women related to Xiang Yang as close disciples, and even made such a relationship.

Later, after the shock of the high-ranking saints, they were all excited. The pro-disciples of their sacred patriarchs were even good sisters with the Qing Xue universe group. From then on, the saints and the clear snow universe The group has become a firm ally.

That is to say, the Qingxue universe group is entrenched in the Black Forest, and the Black King guards the Qingxue Universe Group. In fact, it is equivalent to helping to protect the Holy Family.

You must know that although the saints can be called the first door of the heavens, it is not invincible, not without any enemies. Among the heavens, there are countless sects that want to replace the saints. Not to mention, there are still some enemies, those who have walked in the darkness and are not afraid of God.

After the establishment of the Holy Family, there have been several devastating blows. At that time, if the non-Guangchengzi lord was desperately guarded and invited his brothers and brothers to lay down the invincible formation, I am afraid that the Holy Family has already been Went out.

Nowadays, with the behemoth of the Qingxue universe, it is also around, and it may have turned from an enemy to an ally. This has made the top of the Shengzong all over the place.

Ever since, for the women of the Qingxue universe, each of them has received the tokens given by the saints, and they can walk anywhere in the saints, and even the saints of the saints can enter and exit at will.

Of course, they are still relatively low-key, their identity, in addition to the high-level know of the saints, the disciples of the saints do not know that the women are entrenched in the Black Forest, surrendering the black invincible overlord.

At this time, the women are gathering together, they are discussing to go to the East Tianyu to find Xiangyang.

Because during this time, the Qingxue Universe Group has discovered that Xiangyang is in the Eastern Tianyu, and the hearts of the women are excited and excited, thinking about what method to use in front of Xiangyang.

However, they will not think of it anyway, Xiang Yang has come, and it is Xiang Yang who caused the big scream of the Black King.

"Wait a minute, let's go and see."

Suzaku stood up and she whispered. "I sensed two other strong scent. One of them is also a sacred strongman, and the other one is a bit familiar. The other person seems to be the person I am most familiar with, but I was so curious that I was covered by the treasure. I was very curious about who came to the door."

She is aware that the familiar person is naturally the breath of Xiangyang. For Suzaku, the most familiar person in her life is Xiangyang who has signed a contract with her. Besides, it is the daughters. However, The women are a good sister relationship with her, and there is not much connection, and it is impossible for her to produce the feeling of the most familiar person.

She was a little confused in her heart, secretly pushing the secret plane, wanting to know who the other party is, but under this deduction, it made her really shocked.

"I don't even know who the other party is. The other person is covered up by the chaos of the chaos. If I insist on continuing to calculate the existence of the other party, there may be a big danger."

Suzaku’s heart is talking to herself, but she doesn’t say anything on the surface, but her face is calm. Since she broke through sanctification, she walked in the lower bounds, got countless inheritances, and even got some terrible inheritance in chaos. Her cultivation has been leaps and bounds, and now she has reached the level of the Yasheng Peak, even if the Shengzong sect is widely jealous of her.

She has really reached a state of fearlessness, no matter who the other party is, she can face it lightly.

"Then let's go and have a look together."

A few women, such as Gongsun Jianwu, also stood up, and they got together, it was a blossoming flower, and it was beautiful.

At this moment, all the women were laughing and standing up, and they were very happy to go out with the Suzaku women, and then they vacated, and under the guardianship of Suzaku, they flew in the direction of the Black King. go with.

"I don't have to worry about this matter, if I need us, I will shoot again."

"The one has already checked the situation, we don't have to worry about it."

At this moment, the saints and the high-rises all gathered together. When the sect saw the women flying forward under the shelter of the Suzaku woman, he felt a headache.

In particular, he saw several of his female disciples. After this time, after being accepted by himself, even the call of his master was not empty, but all the days followed by the women of the Qingxue universe group. When he was together, he felt very painful.

"But it is, after all, they are old friends, let them play for a while, wait for a few gimmicks to pass this excitement, they will be closed, and then teach them well."

The lord whispered softly, but his heart was a bit puzzled. The reason why he accepted women as a disciple was on the one hand the relationship between the women and Xiang Yang, and on the other hand because he had fancy the women themselves. Very extraordinary talent.

Otherwise, if it is to tie up with Xiang Yang, it is impossible for the sage to become a sage. You must know that he is a sacred teacher and a sage teacher. Among his disciples, the strongest three emperors are now early. It has been sanctified and has been sitting on the top of chaos.

If he is free to accept the apprentice, will it not ruin his reputation?

He really saw the hope of sanctification from the women. Every disciple he received wanted to make the other party break through as a saint.

"The lord, there are two very strong atmospheres, one of which should be a black-winged snake, and the other breath is shrouded in chaos, but the ability to chase the black-winged snake, the other side should also be a holy place The strong, it is better for us to go and see, the other party in the province has a conflict with that one."

At this time, the great elders of the saints suddenly said to the lord.

"Also, if it is the confession of the celestial beings, if you accidentally conflict with that one, then it is not good. If you are not sure, the celestial world will lose a strong sage."

After listening to the sect of the saints, he was helpless and smiled. He knew very well that even if it was a sacred place, no matter how much the other side had been repaired, if it was confronted with Suzaku, I would have been dead. of.

After all, the Suzaku woman himself is already very horrible, and the Black King is equally horrible. It can almost be said to be invincible in the Holy Land. Which Yasheng can stop the siege of the two powerful players?

Even if the old-fashioned strong man of Guangchengzi is right, he has no grasp of the slightest escape.

"Go, let's go see."

The saints of the saints also flew up, followed by the women to see who is chasing the black-winged snake, so that the black-winged snake ran over to find the black king for help.

At this time, Xiang Yang was facing the black king. When he heard that the black king had to **** his magic weapon, he couldn’t help but laugh and laughed. "Whenever the young master only snatches the treasures of others, no one is there. Dare to grab my things, although you are a little bigger, but you want to grab my baby, do you think you have that ability?"


The black king roared, "Don't make a noise, wait a minute to pick you up, and, the black-winged snake, you dare to run, the king will eat you."

While talking, it is very angry to look at the black-winged snake that is preparing to escape. It has already made up its mind. Since the Black-winged snake is sent to the door, he will surrender the other party and give it to him. At the same time, you can let the Black Wings instead of guarding the Qingxue Universe Group, and you will be able to practice with peace of mind.

When I think of it, it feels that I am too smart, roaring with the Black Winged Snake, and if there is a black-winged snake that dares to give birth to any heart that wants to leave, it will mean to destroy the other.


The black-winged snake smashed, it came for help, not to send food, how do you feel that this black king looked at his eyes a little bit wrong?

Could it be that the Winged Snake has recently been hungry and ready to eat?

Yes, but I have never heard of the Black King eating something to eat the Holy Land.

"Black King, I am your brother." The three-winged black-winged snake said at the same time.

"Shut up, don't let you talk, just wait there, if you move, you will die."

The black king’s roaring roar, its body is too big, a roar, suddenly shaking nine days and ten places, heard in countless continents near the Black Forest, for a moment, people are worried, do not know if this big monster wants What to do.

"Yes." The black-winged snake feared in his heart. The single needle did not dare to escape. He could only stand still in the same place. Although it was also a strong sacred place, in the face of such a terrible existence of the Black King, its strength There are too many differences, and it does not dare to resist at all, because it knows that even if the black king is angry, even if it is ten, it will be destroyed.

Seeing the black-winged snake is awkward, the black king nodded with satisfaction, and then he looked at Xiangyang. "Human ants, you still don't hand over your treasures, don't wait for the black king to swallow you. After that, will you digest it and take your treasure?"

"No, this king can't call human beings as ants. The ancestors of this king are also human beings. By the way, you bastard, don't hand it over, do you want the king to eat you before you are willing to hand it over?"

Then, the black king suddenly realized that he said that human beings are ants, and suddenly became furious. Under the guidance of several women, such as Xiner, they have already gone to civilized etiquette. They are thinking about the civilization values ​​of Qingxue Cosmos Group. The fear is that people who call human beings will be heard by the women.

However, it has lived for an endless period of time, and is used to it. How can it be changed within a short period of time?

Every time when Xiang Yang was called for human ants, the black king was a little bit flustered in his heart. He felt that he had promised to wait for a few women, and now he was violated by himself.

Then, he looked at Xiangyang with anger and anger. "Human, choose for you, don't you hand it over?"


Xiang Yanghe smiled and looked at the hacked king. Suddenly, he felt that the tone of this guy was a bit familiar. Well, it was a civilized politeness. It was a feeling of deja vu.

"Is it really they?"

Xiang Yang’s heart is talking to himself, his eyes are on the black king. He sees the traces of the lower bound from the black king, and it is also the trace of the secular world in the new world. Only the daughters of the Qingxue universe group, especially My little princess, Xiner, was so "excellent" in her own ten years of living with herself, knowing how to educate the black king.

"Is it because I haven’t been to the lower bounds for too long? I don’t know that the Qingxue Cosmos Group in the lower bounds is developing so fast that I can come to the fairy world. But why didn’t I feel your presence, no, they are Oh, my God...."

When Xiang Yang spoke to himself, he suddenly felt a sense of his heart and looked at the direction of the holy sect. From this point of view, his whole person suddenly stayed.

At the same time, the women are flying under the leadership of Suzaku, who are talking and laughing towards Xiangyang Black King.

"The black king is in front. This guy has begun to talk to the civilized tree with a new and lovely teaching. It is not bad. This guy really should teach well, or else he will not speak." ”

Just listening to Su Jingrou said softly.

"Xin's little cute, you are awesome."

On the one hand, Lu Xinran and Chen Mengqing and other women suddenly smiled and said that although they had just met with Xiner, they knew that this little cute is a true disciple of Xiangyang. When everyone is a little princess, several women also like it. Got her up.

"Oh, these are the ones that Xiangyang’s brother gave me. However, people haven’t seen their brothers for several years. I miss him, if he can appear here now, how good.”

Xiner muttered with a small mouth.

"He is in front."

At this time, the Suzaku woman with the daughters slowly said.


"God... Xiang Yang!"

Author Meng Yu said: Today, five more, ask for flowers...

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