Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2894: Reunion, tears of love

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At this moment, when the eyes of the ladies and Xiang Yang meet in the air, they are like a catastrophe, and there is an amazing shock.

Xiang Yang’s eyes widened, and the incredible eyes kept looking at the women in front. His eyes were not blind, as if he was afraid of his eyes moving, the women in his eyes would disappear.

At the same time, the girls were equally astonished. If they were not the Suzaku women who took them to Xiangyang, they had already been shaking and they were shocked by Tianda and could not fly.

Their eyes have been watching Xiangyang, watching and watching, and the eyes of several women have been wet.

"Hey... bastard, you don't want to hand over your magic weapon, my little ancestors have already come out." The black king did not know the relationship between Xiangyang and the women, and he was thinking about going to Xiangyang. The treasures on the body were taken away and given to Xiner. At this moment, when the girls appeared, and Xiang Yang was still happy to stand, it suddenly became angry.


However, at this moment, there are only women in Xiang Yang’s eyes. How can he listen to it? He simply couldn’t even pay attention to the Black King. After the Black King met, he was even more angry, and his body was moving toward the item. Yang rushed to the past, at the same time, the mouth yelled, "You still don't speak, you are looking for death."


However, when the Black King had not had time to bombard him in front of Xiangyang, there was a loud roar that fell on him. Only in the distance, the Suzaku woman broke out an energy and instantly stopped in front of the Black King. At the same time, the Suzaku woman took the women to move away from the black king. Her eyes coldly said to the black king, "If you dare to move him, then you don't have to live."


After the black king listened, he suddenly became dumbfounded. The reason why he wanted to deal with Xiangyang was to take away the treasures of Xiangyang and give them to Xiner. Now, his master is murderous and tells himself that if he dares to move This man, he is dead.

Can it be said that this human being is also a friend of his own master?

At the thought of this, it suddenly came out with a cold sweat. It is very clear that the words spoken by his master are definitely not a joke, but they can be said to be true. As long as their owners are not happy, they will definitely die. .

It quickly showed a pleasing color. "Master, big old black, this is not to know that it is his own person. I just scared him. You don't mind, I don't dare to be old."

"This is the master of the Black King?"

At the same time, the Winged Snake was shocked when he saw this scene. It looked at the Suzaku woman, although he could feel the power of the Suzaku woman, but he did not feel the Suzaku woman. It will be stronger than the Black King. However, it is incredible that the Suzaku woman is the master of the Black King.

"The chaos of chaos, from the ancient times to the end, the black king who has not met the enemy has been surrendered by an Asian saint. This Yasheng woman is absolutely terrible."

The black-winged snake keeps chilling, and it knows that if he continues to stay, he will definitely not end well. After all, Xiang Yang will not let it go, and Xiang Yang is also related to the owner of the Black King. At that time, he was alone, and his strength was weak. However, when he wanted to move, he felt that he was locked by the Black King, and a powerful murderous effect on it made it The heart trembled and no longer dared to move.

At this time, Suzaku and several other people did not go to see the Black King and the Black Winged Snake, but immediately arrived in front of Xiangyang, Xiner exclaimed, "Xie brother..."

Her whole person rushed directly into Xiang Yang’s arms, holding Xiang Yang tightly, holding her, tears and crying. “Hey, my brother, you finally came to find a happy child. You are good or bad. Ah, I have been running into the fairy world for so long, and I don’t go back to see people."

"Bad brother, hehe..."

The little girl was spoiled, crying, and laughing at the same time, holding Xiangyang tightly, she refused to let go, and all kinds of feelings were brewing in it.

Fortunately, when Xiang Yang saw Xiner rushing over, he had already collected all the magical armor and the demon battle blade. At this moment, when he was held by Xiner, he looked at the girls. His eyes were swept among the ladies. For the women of the Qingxue Universe Group, he did not separate for a long time. At this moment, he did not think too much, but Lu Xinran, Chen Mengqing, Ye Yiyi, Gongsun Mingyue and other women, they really did not meet for too long.

Xiang Yang’s eyes looked at a few women with deep thoughts and whispered, “I finally found you.”

"Hey, do you still know to come to us? We thought that someone had already forgotten us." Lu Xinran said coldly.

Although she said this, she looked at Xiang Yang’s eyes and shivered gently, and the body was shaking.

"That is, Xiang Yang, you bastard, said good at the time, we should come to us as soon as possible. As a result, when we are in the realm of cultivation, you will not come. When we come to the fairy world, you still have not found us, you are sure I forgot about us." Chen Mengqing also glared at Xiang Yang.

Chen Mengqing is also the same, while at the same time, the eyes of this female tyrannosaurus are also shaking, and the eyes are already moist.

"Little husband..." Ye Yiyi whispered, the leader of the blood rose organization that year, the decisive virgin female emperor, at this moment, only the eyes of Xiang Yang, with a soft voice, and that Eternal thoughts.


The relationship between Gong Sunmingyue and Xiangyang can be said to be the least profound. However, her love for Xiangyang has not been reduced at all. In this way, her eyes are tearful and she is excited to look at Xiangyang.

"Wife, I am coming."

Xiang Yang gently released Xiner, volleyed, step by step to the front of a few women, the first one to appear in front of him is Lu Xinran, and then he whole people will Lu Xinran into the arms, Tightly, as if exhausted all the strength of the whole body, breathing the breath of Lu Xinran, his eyes are already wet, whispered, "I miss, think about it, miss you."

"me too..."

The beauty principal was originally a trembling figure, and wanted to pretend to be angry and pushed Xiang Yang away. However, when he felt that Xiang Yang’s voice was sobbing, her whole person softened instantly, and she backhanded Xiang Yang, whispered in a low voice, "We have always missed you, thinking of you all the time."

"Xiang Yang, you are the big bad guy, finally come to us."

Chen Mengqing also came up. When she snorted, she took the initiative to hold Xiangyang, and then she was Ye Haoyi and Gongsun Mingyue.

At this moment, they have the joy of reunion in their eyes. Although they have tears, it is a happy tear.

For more than a decade, for nearly two decades, this may not be a good thing for immortals who have eternal life, but know that when they were separated, the women were just ordinary people.

If it is an ordinary person, how many 20 years have they spent in their lives?

Even if you can live to a hundred years old, it is only five or twenty years.

At this moment, Xiang Yang trembled, his voice was hoarse, and he choked and said, "I miss you, but my mother did not tell me where you are. I came to the fairyland, in the eastern Tianyu, I used various methods. Looking for you, I found Yale and Monica in Daomen, but I still don't know where you are. Later, I still look for it. I even participated in the Battle of Million Island. I thought I must get the first place. I was in contact with the Emperor of the East and asked him to help you. Fortunately, I saw Xu Wei some time ago and asked him to help. Through the Five Emperors, I finally knew that you were in the Holy Family."

"I finally found you."

Xiang Yang sighed, tears in his eyes rolled down.

Who said that men are bleeding and not crying?

That is because the love is not deep, his love for the women is from the heart, the deep soul of the bone marrow, respectively, more than a dozen, but there is no way to find the women, for him, has always been the biggest regret.

He really tried his best and tried everything to find the women. However, his cultivation was limited. His time of practice was too short. His strength was too weak, and the fairy world was too big.

It is too difficult for him to find the women.

Fortunately, it was a reunion.

"Xiang Yang, no matter what, we all reunite, and will not be separated again in the future." A few women whispered, they were excited and incomparable.

All the thoughts, more than a decade of love and affection all broke out at this moment.

Yes, it’s a reunion. I used to miss countless days and nights, whether it’s practice or eating, or even thinking about each other while walking. Now I’ve finally seen it, and the sudden surprise makes them happy and crying. Come.

At the rear, when the girls of the Qingxue Universe Group saw this scene, they also had the same color with their eyes, their tears and tears, and the tears were brewing.

Although they are not in the arms of Xiangyang, they are not angry, because they are very clear. At this time, it is Lu Xinran, Chen Mengqing, Ye Yiyi and Gongsun Mingyue who are more in need of Xiangyang than they are. Four women.

Xiang Yang left the Qingxue Cosmos Group in less than a few years. However, for Lu Xinran and other women, it is more than ten or twenty years. How long has this been?

"this is..."

At this time, the saints and other sects also arrived not far away. When they saw this scene, they all showed strange colors, especially the sect of the saints. He stared at Xiangyang and himself four times. The newly recruited female disciple does not know what to say.

"This kid is Xiang Yang!"

The high-ranking members of the Holy Family knew the true identity of Xiang Yang. When they remembered the pro-disciples of the patriarchs of the saints, they were all women of Xiangyang. They only felt that they did not know what to think.


Then, the Black King saw the approach of the people of the Holy Family, and screamed very faithfully, "You are far away."

Although the Suzaku woman is here, the Black King feels that he should also perform the task of guarding all of this very loyally. In its eyes, the sages and other people are absolutely very dangerous. Only a few people can leave quickly. .

"Don't misunderstand, we just sensed the breath of the Black Winged Snake, thinking that something happened to the Qingxue Cosmos Group, so we took a special look. If it's okay, let's go back first."

The sect of the saints, Guangcheng, whispered softly. He is the sage and the first person under the saint. Although the combat power may not be the strongest, his tolerance and recuperation have even reached the understanding of the avenue. Very incredible degree.

It is naturally impossible for him to be angry with the roar of the Black King, but to turn away with the master of the Holy Family.

"I count your interest." The black king is proud of the tail like Optimus Prime, and he feels that he is too powerful. Frightened them all, um, sure enough, after following the master, they are really getting more and more fierce.

The black-winged snake on one side was frightened when he saw the arrival of a group of holy people with a group of holy people. Fortunately, the sect of the saints left.

While it was a sigh of relief, it became more and more that I could not stay here.

"No, you must find a way to leave. Otherwise, after the human boy has returned to God, he must definitely deal with me. Moreover, the Black King will stand with them. At that time, I will die. Just, now that I have been locked by the Black King, what should I do now?"

The black-winged snake keeps thinking about the way, it really does not want to stay here, it is very clear, if you continue to stay here, it is absolutely dead.

However, the powerful atmosphere of the Black King has always locked it, making it dare not move.

"Hey, big old black, is this big snake your relative?"

At this time, after the heart trembled, Xiner was released by Xiang Yang, and she turned her eyes and looked at the Black Winged Snake, and the figure flew over, wanting to take a good look at the Black Winged Snake.

"Good opportunity."

When the black-winged snake saw Xiner flying over to himself, he suddenly showed an excited expression in his eyes. At this moment, his figure suddenly rioted.


A violent force broke out, and the power of space acted on Xin's body. In a moment, a space cage was formed, and Xiner was to be taken as a hostage to escape.

I have to say that the Black Winged Snake is really insidious. Although it is a snake, it is very clear that there are too few opportunities for it to escape. Only after the Xiner is seized can it threaten other people. Let the Black King and others not dare to move themselves, they can leave.

In fact, it has also succeeded. The magical power of the brain whose power of space has erupted, the space cage is shrouded in Xiner, and the Xiner will be taken away.


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