Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2896: Strong and beautiful snow universe

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"You have been willing to give the mountain river map to Xiner. In the past few years, you have gained a lot." Suzaku looked at Xiangyang with a strange color on her face.

In the past few years, Suzaku women have admitted that they have gone deep into chaos and discovered a few treasures. It can be said that the real harvest is very big. However, it seems that Xiangyang’s casualness can give the best of life to Xiner. Her arrogance makes her feel like she is not good enough.

"Hey, I think everyone cares about Xiao Xiner. I don't mean to express it quickly." Xiang Yang said with a smile.

Suzaku looked at Xiang Yang deeply and said with a soft voice. "Not bad, little guy, although it is only a dozen years, but you really grew up, very good."

With the connection between Suzaku and Xiangyang, she naturally hopes that the strength of Xiangyang is as strong as possible. After all, whoever has an accident between the two, the other party is not so good.

Moreover, not to mention the contract between them, it is already unusual for the feelings between them.

"Xiangyang brother..."

At this time, Xiner was surrounded by the women in front of Xiang Yang. Her big eyes were moving and curiously looked at Xiang Yang. "What about the mountain river?"

"Give you a self-defense, good sacrifice, as long as there is a mountain river map, no one can hurt you in the future." Xiang Yang said softly.

"But, what about your brother?" Xiner said with a frown.

"I don't need to use it. I have a lot of treasures on my body." Xiang Yang spent almost everything he recovered. He said with a soft smile and a small head.

He changed his course to practice Qiang Kun, which is equivalent to directly abandoning the practice of Xiaoyao, although he can practice the "living body" in the future, but he is not the purest descendant of his own pulse.

Only Xiner, after getting the inheritance of his own masters, has always practiced according to the practice of his own veins, and now it has reached...

"I rely on, Xiner is cute, how did you reach the situation of Da Luo?"

When Xiang Yang looked at Xiner carefully, he suddenly realized that the cultivation of Xiner had already reached the realm of Da Luo, and he was shocked.

"What is this? The repairs of several sisters have all reached the realm of Da Luo." Xiner said with a smile.

Xiang Yang looked at the women of the Qingxue Universe Group. It was discovered that the repairs of the women had already reached the Da Luo situation. Although it was not long before they first entered Da Luo, but they must know that Not long ago, their cultivation was not even achieved in the realm of immortals.

At that time, when Xiang Yang left the realm of cultivation to go to the fairyland, he was the real peak of the true fairy. Now, a few years have passed, his realm is still the realm of the true fairy, but the women have already reached the big Luo Zhijing, this is simply incredible.

Even if it is Xiangyang, when he sees that the women have reached the realm of Da Luo, he also feels that his heart is shaking.

On the contrary, Sun Qingya and Monica, who were brought to the fairyland by their mothers, and Lu Xinran and other women are just the real fairy, but even if they are just the real fairy, they have reached Xiangyang. The level of the same realm now.

"I was so backward." Xiang Yang said to himself that although he was surpassed by his own woman, he was very happy.

"Young Master."

At this time, among the women, Mu Yunping shouted softly. Although she did not come together, she looked at Xiang Yang with her eyes, and her eyes were tender.

The repair of Mu Yunping has completely consolidated the realm of Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng. ,

And over the years, under the guidance of Suzaku, she has become more and more powerful, and even the rhythm rules of her body are very rich, and there is a tendency to turn the road.

"Cloud screen, don't call him a young master, call his name on the line." After listening to Mu Yunping's name, Xiangyang was born and persuaded.

"Yeah, he doesn't like others as his maid. You have to know that you are part of us. Don't regard yourself as his maid."

"Mr. Mu, you will change it."


While several women have opened their mouths to persuade Mu Yunping, Xiang Yang also took the opportunity to say, "Yeah, I told you so many times, you ignored me. This time they advised you, you should always change. Let's go."

"Young Master, when Yunping once swears that you will be your maid in life and will never change." Mu Yunping said with a firm head.

"Oh, you..."

Xiang Yang was helpless. He knew that he couldn’t persuade Mu Yunping, and he could only go by her. In fact, she did not think of Mu Yunping as a maid.

The women are also very helpless and can only give up.

Then, the Suzaku woman greeted everyone and said, "Well, don't stay here, go back to the Qingxue Universe Group, and then you can tell the story."


With the emergence of the Black Winged Snake, everyone has no such feelings as before when they reunited. Although everyone is still very excited, it is much calmer.

Next, the group was very happy to fly towards the battleship of the Qing Xue Universe Group.

Although I have seen the vastness of this spaceship ship before, but when Xiang Yang really came to the side of this warship, he was really shocked.

His gaze was unparalleled. When he saw it from a distance, he could see that it was the outline of a huge spaceship, but after it was really close, it was not a warship, but a vast territory. Is the entire universe of comprehension

On this warship, the space is divided, there is a void, and there is a planet on top of it. It is hard to imagine. On top of a spaceship, there are countless stars in the world.

Even on this battleship, he saw eighteen suns surrounding the battleship, running on a special trajectory while providing enough energy for the battleship.


Xiang Yang took a breath, this warship is really terrible, beyond his imagination, this is not a warship, but the entire universe of comprehension has been moved to the battleship.

If it is not the territory of the fairyland, it is too vast and boundless. If it is not just that the vast and infinite place of the Black Forest can just let the warship stay here, I am afraid that this warship will appear anywhere else in the fairy world. There is no place to accommodate this warship.

"A terrible space battleship, is this really created by the Qing Xue Universe Group?" Xiang Yang took an incredible color and looked at Zhao Qingxue.

"of course."

Zhao Qingxue said, "This spaceship is the true core technology of the Qingxue Universe Group. Over the years, all the developments of the Qingxue Space Group have been on this, and there are many materials for this warship. It’s all Suzaku’s sister who came into chaos and found it.”

Even if Zhao Qingxue does not say, Xiang Yang can also see that the main skeleton of this warship is made from the fire of Suzaku. It is obviously made by Suzaku refining. It can create such a horrible battleship, not only the clear snow universe. The high-tech of the group is even more demanding for a high-end combat power of Suzaku.

"It's too powerful." Xiang Yang couldn't help but say.

"Of course."

At this time, Sun Qingya and Monica two little gimmicks came to Xiangyang, and they held Xiangyang’s arms, Sun Qingya said with a smile. “My brother, this is why we didn’t want to go to the lower bounds. The reason for returning to the fairy world is really that the Sunny Snow Universe Group is too fun."

"Yes, yes, but we all know that the goal of all of our sisters is the fairyland. So, we think, anyway, we have to go back to the fairy world. It’s better to wait with your sisters." Monica also followed. Said the little head.

"You two little girls, you know that you must be too playful, so I have been staying in the lower bound for so long, I don't want to be me." Xiang Yang sighed and said.

"No, no, we miss you too." The two little gimmicks explained quickly.

"Well, Xiang Yang don't bully the two sisters, let's go in."

At this time, Zhao Qingxue was a white eye of Xiangyang. I saw a halo directly under the feet of everyone. The halo flowed, and the power of space broke out, causing them to disappear instantly.


Seeing that Xiang Yang and others finally entered the interior of the space warship, it was always tight, and it was a sigh of relief when it was careful not to move.

"Oh my God, this guy is so powerful, and he is still the spouse of several little ancestors, it’s terrible. Fortunately, I didn’t do it. Otherwise, Daheihe has already gone to the table."

The black king sighed in his heart and only felt that he was too dangerous. He almost died.

You know, before, it was thinking about robbing those treasures of Xiangyang, even though it was to give Xiner, but look at the attitude of the women to Xiangyang, if they really are against Xiangyang. If you do it, Black King is very convinced that he will be killed immediately.

This point can be seen from the eyes of Suzaku before watching it.

The black king sighed, it is too difficult for himself. After seeing a person, he must be careful, not to do it casually. Well, when it comes to civility, it is a rule to learn.

Then, his gaze glanced at the flesh and blood of the black-winged snake, and exclaimed, "The black-winged snake is really unlucky, but it knows that it is smart to find the black king's shelter, but it is too mad. Even dare to start with the little ancestors, isn't this self-death? If it doesn't work, maybe it may be conquered, but unfortunately, it doesn't even understand this."

Although the Black King is very big, it is not stupid. It is very clear that if the Black Wings did not choose to catch the Xiner to threaten everyone, the final result of the Black Wings must have been surrendered and become as guarded as it is. Qing Xue Cosmos Group.

Of course, it is also afraid that when he is the guardian of the Qing Xue universe group, he is shaken by the other side. Fortunately, the black-winged snake is too stupid, and he is looking for a dead end.

While the Black King sighed, he continued to return to his position and looked down. He watched the large number of robots flying out of the Qingxue universe group and began to deal with the flesh and blood of the Black Wings. It was amazed.

After the death of the black-winged snake hall, all its flesh and blood can only become the research object of the research and development department of the Qing Xue Universe Group. It is really pitiful.

"Fortunately, this king is smarter."

The black king is so proud that he feels too smart, and he is the master of the Black Forest.

At the same time, it looked at the Qingxue Universe Group. It has already seen the mysterious warship of the Qingxue Universe Group. It has long been wanted to enter it and it is really curious, but Its size is too large, and it restricts its development so that it can't make it smaller at all. It can only strive to practice as soon as possible, to the extent that it can enter the battleship of the Qingxue Universe Group.



Shortly after Xiang Yang entered the Qingxue Space Group's battleship, a sacred warship flew over the holy sect. When the warship arrived outside the sacred sect, the beautiful city owner Zhong Yushuang flew down from the battleship with Zhong Ling. Then, it was her men who carried all the countless supplies on the battleship.

"Mother, is this the saint?"

Zhong Ling looked at the holy sect. He thought that the sage was a magnificent dojo. As a result, it was unexpected that the sage was only very ordinary. Even when the luxury of the building was not as good as that of the city government, she suddenly lost hope.

"This is the saint."

Zhong Yushuang originally had a very bad mood because of Xiang Yang’s departure. However, when she came to the Shengzong again at this moment, her expression was awe-inspiring. After hearing the words of Zhong Ling, she said softly, “The holy sect was established at the beginning to cultivate Chaos saint, although there is no splendid architecture in the sect, but it has the strongest masters among the celestial world, and has the most abundant learning resources. After you enter the Holy Family, you must practice well. If you can cultivate to the holy place, you will be relieved."

"Well, my mother is relieved, I will definitely work hard."

Zhong Ling nodded with a firm color on his face, and then remembered Xiang Yang, she whispered, "Mother, Xiang Yang, he does not know where, should there be no danger?"

"Do not worry, Xiang Yang will not be dangerous." Zhong Yushuang himself is also very worried about Xiang Yang, but when she saw Zhong Ling's worried eyes, she was softly comforted.

"Well, I think I should see Xiangyang soon." Zhong Ling nodded, but his heart was still very worried about Xiang Yang.

At the moment, they did not know that Xiangyang was in the huge spaceship of the dark forest next to them, and because they did not look carefully at the situation in the Black Forest, they just looked at it. Shengzong did not even find the space battleship of the Qingxue Universe Group.


Then, among the saints, there were countless figures flashing, and a group of strong men flew out from inside.

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