Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2897: Wives, you are great...

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"Sister is coming."

"Haha, there is such a big momentum. Every time you come to carry all kinds of supplies, you will be the only one. You have just sent a large amount of supplies some time ago, this time again."

"See the sister."


Among the holy sects, there were more than a dozen strong men rushing out from the inside, and they smiled and greeted Zhong Yushuang.

Among these people, there is a young man who is handsome and handsome. He has been trained to reach the peak. He is the strongest of the Yasheng class. It is the master among the pro-disciples of Zhong Yushuang.

There are also some elders of the saints and other saints.

Zhong Yushuang is very famous among the saints, and she is very friendly, making the saints very good for her.

"Zhong Yushuang has seen the elders and met the masters, the younger brothers and sisters."

Zhong Yushuang’s face was full of seriousness and he was polite to the people.

"Zhong Yushuang?"

The masters of Zhong Yushuang and the elders listened to their eyes, and they glanced at Zhong Ling, with a quirky color. Obviously, I did not expect the beauty city owner to change a name at this time.

"Since then, Zhong Ling is my daughter, and I am called Zhong Yushuang. I also ask the masters and elders not to leak my previous name."

Zhong Yushuang, the beauty city master, also said to the people of the saints.

"Sister, can you think about it?"

The master of the beautiful city, Zhong Yushuang, asked Shen Sheng.

The master of Zhong Yushuang is named Ning Yu Dao. His talent is among the disciples of Guang Chengzi. It can be said to be the best. Nowadays, it has reached the peak of Yasheng, not even weaker than Guangchengzi.

However, he is very good, has a strong personality, and does not like to fight in itself, so he stayed within the Holy Family to become an elder of the Holy Family, and usually teaches things like the disciples of the Holy Family.

He is very aware of Zhong Yushuang's affairs. Moreover, Ning Yu Dao can say that he grew up with Zhong Yushuang in the Shengzong from an early age. He has a special affection for Zhong Yushuang.

At that time, when Zhong Yushuang, the beauty city owner, had an accident, he rushed into the Black Forest and pulled the beautiful city owner Zhong Yushuang out of danger.

Later, because the beauty city master Zhong Yu doubled the curse, he almost went crazy.

At this moment, he knew that when the beauty city owner gave up the name of Zhong Ling, his eyes flashed. He suddenly understood that this younger sister who was a childhood friend from childhood had given up the plan of the year and no longer won the singularity of Zhong Ling. .

"I have already decided that in the future, Linger will practice in the Holy Family, and ask the brothers and elders and the teachers and brothers to take care of Linger." The beauty city owner whispered.

"Well, rest assured, your daughter, I can definitely get the best care in my holy house." Master Ning Yudao nodded heavily, and at this moment he did not find that the curse of the beauty city owner is good. However, it is true that the beauty city owner has cultivated a field that has not broken through into the sacred world, but she is already a strong strategist. Even if the cultivation of Ningyu Dao is so strong, it is impossible to discover her situation.

"Thank you brother."

Zhong Yushuang, the beauty city owner, thanked him gently.

"Between you and me, why do you have to say these polite words?" Ning Yudao's eyes looked at the beauty of the city with a resentful color.

"Does he like my mother?"

After seeing it, Zhong Ling was very curious. Her face was full of shock and darkness. "Or, is this mother's master is my biological father?"

Zhong Ling didn't know who his father was from childhood, and every time he asked his mother, he not only did not get any results, but even angered his mother.

However, the more she does not know who her father is, the more she wants to know her father's identity. At this moment, it is obvious that Ning Yudao’s eyes are very wrong when she looks at her mother’s resentful eyes. I am very curious in my heart and make up my mind. In the future, I must find out whether Ning Yu Dao is my father.

"Linger, you will follow your teacher to arrange the place where you live in the Holy Family. The mother is going to find some of your uncles."

Zhong Yushuang, the beauty city master, did not know that her daughter had thought of Ning Yu Dao as a possibility of her father. At this moment, when she told Zhong Ling, she looked at Ning Yu Dao, "Sister, but also troubled. You have to arrange with Linger, right, the brothers can know where are the few younger sisters?

At this moment, the beautiful city owner Zhong Yushuang only wants to find Lu Xinran and other women, and tells her about the things she saw in Xiangyang.


After listening to the Ning Yu Dao people, there was a strange color on his face. "You are coming late, they should be in the Qing Xue universe group now."

"Ah, how did they go to the Qingxue Universe Group?" After the beauty city master Zhong Yushuang listened, the face was shocked.

"Because their husbands are coming, and the priests of several younger sisters seem to have a deep relationship with the people of the Qing Xue universe group."

At the same time, Rao was a Ning Yu Taoist. He remembered that Xiang Yang had killed and killed the Black Winged Snake at that time. He couldn’t help but sigh and said, "It’s a pity that the sister is coming late, or else I can see it. The young man named Xiang Yang smashed the situation of the Black Winged Snake. He is not the descendant of that pulse. Although the realm is only the cultivation of the true fairy peak, the real strength is very terrible. To the extent, even if I face that open-air blow, there is no grasp of any odds..."

"What, Xiang Yang? Is he coming?"

Ning Yu Dao’s words have not been finished yet. I saw Zhong Yushuang’s face with an unparalleled shocking color. Zhong Ling also exclaimed, “Shi Bo, have you really seen Xiang Yang?”

"Do you know him?"

Ning Yudao’s face looked at the beautiful city owner Zhong Yushuang and Zhong Ling’s mother and daughter with a strange color. His face was full of incomprehensible color. He originally thought that his sister and sister only knew the practice, and certainly did not know who Xiang Yang was. However, I was trying to show Xiang Yang’s image to the two women. Unexpectedly, both Zhong Yushuang and Zhong Ling were very shocked.

"is it him?"

The beauty city owner’s face was full of excitement, and Xiang Xiang’s appearance was revealed to them directly. I saw that Xiang Yang’s figure in her image was handsome, carrying her hands and face. With a sly smile on his face, he will undoubtedly set his breath. Obviously, this is the appearance of Xiang Yang in the heart of the beautiful city owner Zhong Yushuang.

"Yes, it is him."

When Ning Yudao answered the question, he looked at his little sister with an incomprehensible color. He always felt that the little sister who he admired seemed to have a special feeling for Xiang Yang.

"Does Xiaoshimei have a different relationship with Xiangyang?" Ning Yudao thought of such a result, suddenly his heart trembled, the whole person's feelings became very bad, and even, his heart was inexplicable at the moment. Xiang Yang gave birth to hostility.

"He's fine, great." When the beautiful city owner Zhong Yushuang heard that Ning Yudao had confirmed that she was Xiang Yang, she finally breathed a sigh of relief. She whispered and her face smiled.

Zhong Ling is also very excited to pull the hand of the beautiful city owner. "Mother, Xiang Yang, he is fine, then we can rest assured."

"What is this situation? Sister, how did you know him? And, as if he would have an accident?" Ning Yudao finally couldn't help himself, he asked directly to the two.

"Oh, this is the case. Originally, this time I not only escorted Linger, but also escorted a dozen of Tianjiao who wanted to come to the teacher to come to the Holy Family. As a result, I encountered an attack by the Black Winged Snake on the road. At that time, I was Sustaining serious injuries and losing to the Black Winged Snake, Xiang Yang shot and wounded the Black Winged Snake and chased the Black Winged Snake. He told us that he wanted to come to the Holy Family. We are afraid that he will have an accident. Now he is Since it’s safe to come to the Holy Family, that’s fine.”

Zhong Yushuang said with a smile.

After knowing that Xiang Yang was fine, her whole person was happy, and the smile on her face was so bright.

After seeing the cheerful smile on the face of the beautiful city owner Zhong Yushuang, Ning Yu Dao looked a little obsessed and looked straight at the beauty city owner.

When the beauty city owner saw it, he suddenly felt a headache. He quickly said, "Senior brother, I went to the teacher to go, you can help me arrange everything for Linger."

At the same time, she was the first to enter the Holy Family.

"My sister, oh..."

After the Ning Yu Dao met, he shook his head helplessly. He knew that he was a bit wishful. However, when they grew up together, his heart never changed. He is so stubborn, otherwise, It is also impossible to cultivate his master's respect.

"Sister, you are not willing to accept as a brother now, you can wait for you, my practitioners, have unlimited life, and wait for the brothers to wait."

Ning Yudao’s heart whispered to himself, and then he looked at Zhong Ling and said with a soft voice, “Linger comes with me, I will take you to handle the formalities of entering the Zongmen.”

"Okay." Zhong Ling's well-behaved, following the Ning Yu Dao people, curiously asked, "Shi Bo, when do we start the entry assessment?"

"Stupid girl, the assessment is for other people, you naturally do not have to scream for assessment, since you were born, you are already a disciple of the Holy Family."

Ning Yudao turned his head and said to Zhong Ling with a soft voice.

"Ah.. this, is this okay?" Zhong Ling stared at Ning Yudao and felt a little unbelievable. She always knew very well that the sacred door rules were very strict and could not be entered by relationship. The disciples of the sect must pass the assessment of Zongmen.

Those who fail to pass the assessment, unless all the elders of the Zongmen agree, otherwise, as long as there is an elder opposition, it is impossible to enter the Holy Family.

She didn't even have to check, it was simply unbelievable.

Even if her mother-in-law is a pro-disciple of the lord, how can she be so honored, and she is destined to be a disciple of the saints at birth, which is too abnormal.

"Of course, others can't, but you have your mother, of course, you don't have to take the test." Ning Yudao smiled.

In fact, they are very clear that the reason why Zhong Ling does not need to participate in the assessment is mainly because Zhong Ling was originally a avatar of the beauty city owner. Although the consciousness is now independent, and the beauty city owner has made up his mind to make Zhong Ling become her daughter, no longer She does things like winning the house, but she is essentially the avatar of the beauty city owner, and their lives are connected.

Otherwise, if Zhong Ling is really the biological daughter of the beautiful city owner, she wants to enter the holy sect, and it is also necessary to participate in the assessment. Only by successfully receiving the assessment can the sage be entered.

Zhong Ling did not know the circumstances of her birth. At this moment, she was very happy to go with the Ning Yu Dao people to the Shengzong.

At this time, Xiang Yang is the interior of the huge space battleship that has entered the Qingxue Universe Group. The place where he entered is the core area of ​​the real warship. This is the only true of the Qingxue Universe Group. Core members can come in, and the rest of the members can only work in other worlds.

You know, this time, the Qingxue Universe Group has placed the entire headquarters on this huge and unparalleled spaceship, and within the stars of the space that surrounds it, it is the Qingxue Universe Group. each department.

Among these departments, some are human beings, human beings are practitioners, or they use high technology to make themselves change their genes. Although they have no cultivation, they can have very permanent lives, and some are biochemical robots. Their division of labor and cooperation is very reasonable and they are responsible for the work of this word.

However, on the spaceships, more are the robots, all kinds of robots, and they are dedicated to the space warships of the Qingxue Space Group.

Rao is Xiangyang standing in the real core high-rise building. Looking at the constant conversion of the virtual screen, it is the scene of the world on the spaceship ship that appears in front of him. After he met, the mood was shaken, and it was sunny. The cosmic group has been greatly shocked by the development over the years.

"I have previously seized some space warships in the fairy world, and I have specially stayed here. I want to give some of the above scientific and technological methods to you for research. As a result, at this time, I discovered that the technology of Qing Xue Universe Group has already surpassed. The fairyland has become the first powerful technological civilization in the world."

Xiang Yang said with a deep breath.

If we say that the technology level of the Qingxue Universe Group only a few years ago can only dominate the lower bounds, the level of scientific and technological civilization of the Qingxue Universe Group has now surpassed the fairyland.

Although Xiang Yang is not clear about the development of the scientific and technological level of the fairy world, he understands that the level and size of this space warship of the Qingxue Space Group is definitely beyond the boundaries of the heavens. A space warship that can be created by technological civilization can be called the first.

"All this is due to Suzaku's sister who has walked through the heavens and the world with her powerful strength over the years, and even in the chaos, has got the core of all kinds of scientific and technological civilization, and even got a few powerful in chaos. The remains of the technological civilization have made the science and technology of Qingxue Universe Group soar."

Zhao Qingxue and Liu Yaqian and other women said with a smile.

"Wife, you are so great."

Xiang Yang couldn't help but admire the women.

"Who is your wife?"

Among them, several women who have not officially had a relationship with Xiang Yang are taking a sip. Their pretty faces are flushed, and their eyes are on Xiangyang, with a look of hope.

"You are not all my wife?" Xiang Yanghehe smiled, this moment of reunion, he has understood too much, the women are affectionate to him, he naturally can not be unrequited, the road to practice is long, to him In the future, it is destined to be sanctified in the future, with infinite life, and naturally has the ability to guard the women.

Do not let people who like you feel sad, this is the only thing he has to do now.

"What about me?"

On the one hand, the sweet little girl is coming in and looking forward to Xiangyang.

Xiaotou’s heartbeat speeds up, but on the surface it’s a shameful little face, as if it’s a joke, and it’s like a serious look. “Xiangyang’s brother, do you say that your wife includes others?”

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