Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2899: Beauty City Lord Visits

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Among the battleships of the Qingxue Space Group, the women are coming together. They are all in different moods, but they are laughing and talking.

"Report, there are guests visiting, want to see the chairman."

However, at this time, there was a light and shadow in front of the Russian women. It was the intelligent light brain flowers on the battleship of the Qingxue Space Group that became a well-dressed female secretary.

"who is it?"

Zhao Qingxue frowned, asked first.

"It is the disciple of the holy sect, Zhong Yushuang."

After the voice of the light-brain secretary came out, Zhong Yushuang appeared in the light and shadow, only to see that Zhong Yushuang at the moment still looks like a peerless city, and the whole person carries an unimaginable rhyme.

"The person who was just sanctified is her."

The Suzaku woman is also here. When she saw the first shadow of Zhong Yushuang’s illusion, she saw that it was sanctified not long ago. The person who caused the change of heaven and earth was Zhong Yushuang.

"What did he come to find Xiangyang?"

The faces of the women all showed doubts and incomprehensible colors.

Although the light brain secretary said to find the chairman, but the chairman of the Qing Xue universe group has always had only one person, that is, never appeared, very mysterious Xiang Yang.

Although many employees of Qingxue Cosmos Group are very puzzled, they don’t know much about their chairman who has never appeared before, but the light brain is different. It can only be light brain, after inputting Xiang Yang is the chairman. It was determined that Xiang Yang was the chairman of the Qing Xue Universe Group.

"It didn't take long for this guy to come to the fairy world. He could even soak up a sub-strong man. He was really a long-term man." At this moment, even the Suzaku woman showed a shocking color.

Any woman, especially a very beautiful woman who comes to Xiangyang, can there be any good things?

It is nothing more than the inseparable relationship with Xiangyang. It is to recognize the ancestors and return to the clan, cough, no, actually to find Xiangyang, but it is officially to meet them.

"Sister Suzaku, is she really just sanctified?"

The other women are looking at the Suzaku woman with a curious look. Except for Mu Yunping, no one else can sense the change of heaven and earth brought by Zhong Yushuang.

"It was sanctified not long ago."

Suzaku said softly.


The women have long been in the lower bounds, and they don’t understand anything about spiritual practice. Under the leadership of Suzaku, their cultivation has reached the realm of Da Luo, and they all understand and go up again. What is the existence of the holy and chaotic saints.

We must know that the Suzaku women who are regarded as gods have not broken into the sub-saints for a few years. However, she has found some inheritance in the chaos. After the breakthrough, she has made rapid progress. Now she has truly reached the peak. Even Chaos Warcraft, which is already in the chaos of the unopened world, is not her opponent.

However, no matter what, a sub-saint is a big shock to the women.

"Please come in."

Then, the women were indulging, and the Gongsun sword dance was directly speaking.


The light brain secretary should have a voice and his body shape disappeared.


At the same time, outside the battleship of the Qingxue Space Group, a small flying saucer suddenly appeared in front of Zhong Yu’s body waiting quietly. The light brain secretary stood on the top and said with a smile, "Guest please."

"Thank you."

After Zhong Yushuang went to the UFO, he only felt that the flying saucer suddenly flashed, and the power of the surrounding space was filled. In the blink of an eye, it penetrated the infinite space and then stopped.

"Well, you are already waiting for you, please come with me."

Then, when the UFO door was opened, Zhong Yushuang came out and saw that they were on the roof of a high-rise building. The surrounding construction was very brilliant. At the same time, it was full of rich scent, and the level of these energies was even the slightest. Not less than the interior of the Holy Family.

“Is this inside the space battleship?”

Although Zhong Yushuang did not use God's knowledge to watch the surrounding situation, but before, standing outside the space battleship, she already felt the grandeur of this space battleship.

At this moment, the real entry into the space battleship, Zhong Yu double heart trembled, I feel that this is really shocking.

"It is the inner space world of the battleship."

At this time, I heard a voice with a smile, and I saw that there were more than a dozen beautiful women who were standing in front of them.

Although Zhong Yushuang is also used to a variety of beautiful women, even most of her city's defenders are women, but at the moment when she sees the women, she also trembles, only feels like a dream Same as in the middle.

These women, even one by one, are peerless arrogance, the unparalleled beauty of the world, and even, no matter whether it is in appearance or temperament, no one is weaker than her.

In particular, the woman in black standing in the back looks like a noble and elegant atmosphere, as if it is the only nobleman among the heavens, even if Zhong Yushuang stood before her, there is also a kind of self-defeating a feeling of.

"The sacred place is strong, and it is still the peak, even the strongest than the master is not weak, Qing Xue universe group, is to ask her mainly, it is because she surrendered the black king, so that the master feels Taboo, I finally had to promise to cooperate with Qingxue Space Group, which made Qingxue Universe Group completely established in this central Tianyu, and in a short time, there have been countless commercial squares established in various continents. stand up."

Zhong Yushuang’s heart trembled, her face could not help but reveal a cautious color, and she performed a courtesy to the women. “Zhong Yushuang has seen friends.”

"Girls don't have to pay more, since they are all friends of Xiangyang, there is no need to be bound by the Qingxue Universe Group."

Gongsun Jianwu said softly.

"Yeah, Xiang Yang is busy now. After he is finished, we will tell him about your girl's visit. Let's go have something to drink."

Then, Zhao Qingxue and other women also greeted Zhong Yushuang.

Suzaku does not like to talk to unfamiliar people. She is just quietly behind. However, other women are different. As the super-high-level of Qingxue Cosmos Group, they control the various departments of Qingxue Universe Group. They are very sociable in themselves. After they entered the living room with Zhong Yushuang, they talked with Zhong Yushuang.

"Dao friends... Hey, everyone is a woman, don't call a friend who is not a friend, anyway, all friends, it is better to be a sister."

"Okay, my name is Zhong Yushuang. If you call me directly, you can do it."

"How did Yu Shuang girl and Xiang Yang know? I must have known you for a long time?"

"I also met Xiang Yang before this short time..."


Afterwards, although the ladies chatted with Zhong Yushuang, they were testing the relationship between Zhong Yushuang and Xiang Yang. Because of the existence of Suzaku, Zhong Yushuang felt a pressure on himself, and when he looked at the women, he felt The women have a indistinguishable relationship with Xiang Yang. After chatting with the women, they are sure that the women are the women of Xiangyang.

This is like the tension that Xiaosan saw after seeing the main room, which made Zhong Yushuang, the beautiful city owner who had become a master of sacredness, become very eager in front of the women.

However, letting Yu Yushuang feel helpless, they talked for a long time, Xiang Yang did not appear, she wanted to leave, but after becoming a sub-holy, her temper has changed, the whole person suddenly opened up, thinking Since the heart is interesting to Xiang Yang, you can never give up.

Ever since, she continued to stay with the women, but Xiang Yang has not appeared, of course, they can not always chat, the women arranged her place to live, slowly waiting for Xiang Yang.

Finally, after three or four days, Xiang Yang finally appeared.

"Beauty sister, how come you?"

When Xiang Yang’s face with a satisfying smile and Lu Xinran’s four women came out, he found that when Zhong Yushuang was here, his face was a strange color.

"Xiangyang brother, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

The beautiful city owner Zhong Yushuang looked at Xiang Yang and the four women who followed Xiang Yang. When they saw the four women’s faces with red eyes, they looked like spring. She knew a word and knew four children. It should have been completed, so that she had a sour vinegar in her heart, but she did not show it, but her face was firm.

"Hey, sister, how come you?"

At this moment, the four women were originally ashamed of what happened during the time in the Promise Immortal. After being afraid of coming out, they would be laughed at by other women. Unexpectedly, they actually saw it very much. The little sister who came, they suddenly stayed.

Of course, while they were still alive, their hearts trembled, but at the same time they felt that the beauty city owners should come to them, and they all went forward.

"I, I came to Xiangyang." The beauty city owner was embarrassed with a smile on her face. She was surrounded by a few younger sisters. She was thinking about coming to Xiangyang. She felt a little bit in her heart. A sense of guilt, but after she became Yasheng, her mind was universally motivated. Since she decided not to give up, naturally she could not give up looking for Xiangyang because of several women.

"Ah, my sister knows Xiangyang?"

The four women have a strange color, but they did not expect their little sister to know Xiang Yang.

You must know that before this, the beauty city owner knew that Xiangyang was still talking about talking to them. What he did not expect was that it was only after a while that it seemed that the two were already familiar with each other.

"Yeah, Xiang Yang has a life-saving grace for me." The beauty city owner whispered.

"This way, the sister will talk to Xiang Yang, and remember to come to us later."

Although the four girls are very surprised, they think that their sisters are very good to them. In their hearts, when they almost made the beauty city owners their sisters, they didn’t think much, but let go of Xiangyang. Let Xiang Yang stay with the beauty city owner.

"Jade Sister, how come you came to me?"

After Xiangyang left the four women, he looked at Zhong Yushuang with a strange look on his face. He did not expect that the beauty city owner would find himself after he arrived at the Holy Family.

However, when he thinks that the beauty city owner is a pro-disciple of the saints, he will not be surprised.

"You are trapped in the gentle township, you have forgotten your sister, can't your sister come to you by yourself?" Zhong Yushuang's face with a resentful color, white Xiangyang said.


After Xiang Yang listened, he coughed a few times. He knew that the beauty city owner had already seen something that he had just done with his daughter.

However, he has always been cheeky. After listening to it, he said with a smile. "How come, I have been worried about this sister, just because I don’t know when my sister came to the saint, it feels a bit Strange, however, I saw my sister again, I feel that I haven’t seen it for a long time, I miss it, this should be the legendary day that I’m not seen.

"I really don't know if you said these words are true or fake to make your sister happy."

After Zhong Yushuang heard Xiang Yang’s words, he felt sweet and sweet, but he gave him a glance.

"Of course it is true."

Xiang Yang quickly patted his chest and said.

"Well, it’s good to see people, you are not sincere, and my sister will naturally know." Zhong Yushuang said with a smile.

"Do not worry, I will definitely feel my true heart in the future."

Xiang Yang didn't even think about it, but he answered it at the same time, and he reacted with an incredible look at Zhong Yushuang. "What does your sister mean?"

"I decided, I want to be with you, repay you to help me to remove the curse of love." Zhong Yu double smiled and said.


Xiang Yang lived, "Sister, don't do this, although I have helped you to remove the curse, but there is no kindness, and I don't want to ask you to repay."

"I know, but I just want to find an excuse to stay with you." While Zhong Yushuang said, his eyes looked at Xiang Yang with a firm color.


Xiang Yang really stayed. This kind of deja vu tone made him a little scared. The beauty city owner is very beautiful and not wrong. If he is a former person, he has already been very happy that the beauty city owner can see himself, but now He has just reunited with the women. If he is screaming at this time, isn’t he looking for death?

"Are you worried that those women will be angry?"

When the beauty city owner saw that Xiang Yang was still alive, he did not get angry, but asked.

"Yes...hey, not..." Xiang Yang nodded and shook his head. His heart was a little messy. Is such a beautiful woman like a beautiful city owner really fancy herself? This makes him feel as if he is in a dream.

Although he feels that his charm is unparalleled, but he should not have reached that kind of thing, it will make the beautiful city owner such a peerless person fall in love with himself in a few days.

"Do not worry, your women, I will fix it. I am coming to you today, not to accept me at once, but to tell you my heart."

The beauty city owner whispered softly, and she had already realized that it might happen.

At this moment, when she smiled and said, she turned and left. After Xiang Yang’s swearing, she found that the beautiful city owner had talked to other women. He knew that it was definitely something to stay with.

He was a little bit flustered in his heart, and he was afraid of all the girls, so he ran to the various worlds of the Qingxue Space Group battleship. While watching the world in the battleship of the Qingxue Space Group, he looked more and more sunny. The Snow Universe Group is really amazing.

At the same time as his heart was shocked, he was a little forgotten about Zhong Yushuang.

However, the coming will still come after all. When he has not gone through the world above the Qingxue Space Group battleship, he has received the voice of Zhong Yushuang. "Your wifes have accepted me. It’s by your side.”

"Oh... the means of the beauty city sister is too great."

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