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Time is long, three months of time is blinking. In the past three months, Xiang Yang has been staying in the battleship world of Qing Xue Universe Group to accompany the women.

After Zhong Yushuang got the consent of the women, he officially stayed in the Qingxue Universe Group and became a part of the Qingxue Universe Group. Of course, she did not manage anything, but because of this, it made her even more More time is spent with Xiangyang every day.

Xiang Yang’s life was so refreshing. In his opinion, this is definitely the most comfortable time in his life.

In three months, he can say that he has almost no special cultivation. Of course, at his level, he is not special to practice, and his cultivation has also been growing, and his true power. It has reached a very terrible level, and his understanding of Heaven is also increasing all the time.

During this time, he tried to find ways for all the women to take down the quenching spirit, and lifted all the physical strength to the state of Da Luo, but when he wanted the ladies to enter the tower of the body to quench When the body was refining, it was the rejection of the women.

Because during this time, there are already thousands of order guards coming out of the tower of physical repair, becoming the strongest of the Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak. However, most people are stuck in the tower of physical repair. Can't come out.

The girls are afraid that they will spend too much time after entering the tower of physical rehabilitation. At this time, the Qingxue Universe Group has just come to the fairyland. It is the time of rapid development that most women are needed, making it impossible for them to waste too much time. On the practice.

Ever since, he had to give up.

During this time, he enjoyed the gentleness, and it can be said that the whole person has reached the peak.

I usually talk to the women about love, and then teach the practice of the younger and sweeter disciple. At the same time, he is the order of the thousands of heavens and peaks that have come out of the tower of physical repair. Wei sent them out to find the stronghold of the Black Iron Auction.

He has never forgotten the idea that he wants to destroy the black iron auction.

One day after three months, Xiang Yangzheng was playing with Xiner in the Black Forest. They didn’t use any cultivation, and Xiner was smiling in front of him, and Xiang Yang’s face was The smile followed.

"Xiangyang brother is coming, I know that there is a nest of wild and old dragons in front of us. Are we going to marry their old nest today?"

Then, Xiner smiled and came to Xiangyang's side, holding his arm and said.

"Hey... what did you do with the old man of the ancient wild dragon? Do you still want to kill a few wild ancient dragons? Not that I said you, little girl, your physical strength has reached the Da Luozhi Compared with the ancient wild dragons, it is still a lot weaker. The blood of those wild and lonely dragons is too strong. After the adulthood, the ancient wild dragons have the strength equivalent to the peak of the Great Luoxian Wang After practicing, you can reach the realm of Xianzun. I am a true immortal. You are a big Luoxianjun, just to die." Xiang Yang said with a sigh.

This gimmick, in the past three months, because of following the Xiangyang side, the lawlessness of the whole day, coupled with the strength of her body to reach the Da Luo situation, it is all day thinking about going everywhere to play .

For the strong people of the Central Tianyu, it can be said that it is the first Jedi in the Central Tianyu. The Black Forest in the most dangerous place can be said to have been played by this girl, as if it has become her back garden. .

Of course, the Black Forest is indeed very dangerous. The drama is that Xiang Yang goes deep into it. He can't guarantee that he can come back safely.

However, Xiner is followed by the most powerful **** king of the Black Forest. Although the size of the Black King can not be changed very small, but since it cultivated the practice of Xiner to it, the cultivation speed is thousands of miles. The body is no longer as big as it used to be. It almost provides Xiner as its little ancestor. As long as Xiner has a look, it will follow the Xiner into the depths of the Black Forest.

Not to mention, during this time, Xiner really found some inheritance in the Black Forest, and there are some treasures, and even got two magic weapons of the level of treasure.

Later, Xiang Yang also felt that this Black Forest was really a treasure. He also followed Xiner into the Black Forest once. He just encountered a nest of the Dragon Dragon Nest and found some dragon eggs inside, so he stole a roast with Xiner. After eating, the taste, Xiner has never been forgotten, so every time Xinxin thinks about pulling Xiangyang to go to the dragon egg.

"Xiangyang brother, don't you want to eat roast dragon eggs?" Xiner smiled and looked at Xiangyang.

"Do not want to."

Recalling the delicious taste of the roast dragon egg, Xiang Yang may not want to eat it. For a food like him, eating something delicious is definitely one of his lifelong pursuits.

However, Xiner is his only true disciple, and he is still a girl. He even wants to lick himself to pick up the dragon egg. He feels that he can't promise it.

"Really boring."

When Xiner saw that Xiang Yang was shaking his head firmly, he suddenly felt that he didn't mean anything.

Then, her eyes turned and ran over and held Xiang Yang’s arm and said, “Xiang Yang’s brother, let’s take the big old black to explore. I believe there will be a lot of babies waiting in the Black Forest. Let's dig it."

"This is fine."

Xiang Yang thinks that Xiner’s proposal is very good. After all, the Black Forest is indeed a natural treasure for him. In particular, there are some special ores. After he got it, he gave it to Xiaoling and even refined it. Produce the treasure.

With the success of thousands of order guards to the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak, Xiangyang almost exhausted the fairy kingdom demon treasures, which made Xiaoling have thousands of sets of super fairy suits. Give them a use.

Nowadays, almost one or two or more order guards from the towers of the body repairs come out almost every day. After these successful breakthroughs, for Xiang Yang, they are like vampires. When the treasures.

In particular, he personally designed a set of order, mainly based on the order of the blade, with the order of armor, he made up his mind to make such a two-piece set as the standard of the order of the future, this is definitely a big day. The consumption, even if Xiang Yang is mining everywhere, can not get so many treasures to refine Xiaoling.

Nowadays, this Black Forest is definitely a timely rain given to him by God. He can even sense that there are several veins in it. After getting it, he can definitely produce at least thousands of order suits.

"Walk, take the big old black, let's go together."

Xiang Yang smiled and said to Xiner.

It’s also a bad thing. Although the big old black guy knows the identity of Xiang Yang, although he is very afraid of Xiang Yang in his heart, it does not listen to Xiang Yang’s words. Even among the women, except for the Suzaku woman, it For Xiner, bow down to the ear.

Xiang Yang wants to bring a big old black, and he can only let Xiner order.


Xiner smiled and promised, and made a snap to the sky, and said, "Big old, have you heard it?"


Her voice just fell, and she heard a low-pitched sound. Then, there was a darkness on the top of their heads, blocking all the light. The huge old black body flew carefully, "Little master, kneeling This is it."

Big old black passed with a pleased voice.

After this period of practice, the size of the big old black has shrunk by nearly half, but the breath on it is more and more powerful, even, Xiang Yang suspects, if the Suzaku woman waved with the big old black, It’s really not necessary to surrender the big old black in this state.

Da Laohei was very happy with Xin’s words. While watching the Xiner carefully, the two big eyes also saw Xiangyang. In his heart, Xiangyang had a sense of fear, but it was not respect, but Shrinking your eyes, whispering, "The big master is also..."

Although Xiangyang’s strength is definitely not comparable to that of Da Laohe, it was not long before Xiang Yang’s death of the Black Winged Snake, which reminded Da Laohe that when it was still in chaos, the world When it was not opened, it was only the case that the Pangu Respect was seen by the ambiguous consciousness.

That kind of power, deep into the heart of the big old black, that is the fear that time can not be erased, is the shock of the power of a hit.

Until now, the cultivation of Da Laohe was so powerful. After seeing the hit by Xiang Yang, he felt a sense of fear in Xiang Yang.

In addition, Suzaku and Xiner have repeatedly warned it. If they dare to disrespect Xiangyang, it can almost be served on the table.

When he saw Xiang Yang, although he did not have the heartfelt words of Xiner, he did not dare to disregard any of Xiangyang’s words.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, let's go."

Xiang Yang waved his hand and appeared directly on the head of the big old black with a sweet child. He said with a smile, "Big old black, take us to hunt for treasure, you have dominated the Black Forest for so long, you should know where there is in the Black Forest." What kind of veins? I want to find out those veins. If I can find some minerals that I am satisfied with, I can help you create a set of treasures that are suitable for your use."

"Yes, the master is assured that the place where Da Laohe used to sleep before is actually a chaotic black iron vein. I will take two masters."

The big old black nature is not very concerned about Xiangyang’s treasure. In its view, its cultivation has reached an earth-shattering level. Unless the Suzaku woman is so perverted, who can hurt it?

With its physical defense, there is no need for any treasure.

However, Xiang Yang’s order had to be promised, and he could only rush to Xiangyang and Xiner’s whistling to the deepest part of the Black Forest. It’s from the beginning of the world to the present, countless years, even the world of the wild. The fairy world is still flowing, and there is still no change, it is its former home.

Although in ancient times, there were no heavens and bounds, and even today's fairyland is only part of the broken world of the year.

However, many Jedi are well preserved. For example, this Black Forest has not changed at all.

For the others, the Black Forest is not afraid to go deep into the Black Forest, even if it is the sect of the saints. Not only because the strength of the **** is too horrible, but also because there are countless others in this black forest. Super Yasheng behemoth at the hegemon level.

Although their strength is not comparable to that of the old black, they are arrogant and become the hegemon of the Black Forest. They use the best of time and place to exert super-powerful power on their own sites. Many holy people encounter After that, there is a situation in which there is no life.


This is not the case, when Da Laohe took Xiang Yang and Xin Er to whistle and flew past, he heard a roaring sound, and there was a giant beast in front of him who looked up and practiced and raised his head to make a roar.

"What are you doing, are you looking for death?"

It has not yet fallen, and I heard the old black with a bad voice.

"It's the black king, what is your body shape?" This giant beast is an octagonal monster with an eight-footed and six-winged faucet. It has a golden light and looks like a golden mountain. Xiangyang can't call it. The name, to be sure, is that the strength of this monster is terrible. This is only a little bit smaller than the previous black king from the size of this golden monster.

At this moment, this golden monster is much larger than the black king. Of course, it knows that the power of the black king is absolutely terrifying. When the original body can crush its black king, it is half the time. This monster is a bit bit. shocked.

"This king has already seen the hope of practicing, and it will take a long time to transform it, hahaha."

The black king laughed very proudly.

It is a joy from the depths of the heart. It was born in the chaotic period. Although it was only a little will, it was a period of obscurity. However, this does not prevent it from being a living fossil level in the world today. Super strong, it is a congenital restriction, the body can not be reduced, making it impossible to break through. Now, compared with other murderers, it has begun to shrink and start to break through. How can it not be uncomfortable?


After the golden monster heard the words of the black king, he suddenly changed his mind and exclaimed, "How is this possible?"

"Cut, little gold without knowledge."

The black king looked at the golden monster with disdainful eyes.

Then, it swayed its tail proudly and continued to fly forward. For it, it would be enough to show off this golden monster. Then it will go with the little master to mine.


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