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"So, I said buddy, you said you have to surrender, right?"

Xiang Yang holds the Excalibur, wearing a magical armor, and smiles at the golden monster with his eyes in horror.

At this moment, this guy is a bit miserable, almost stopped by the waist, the golden blood is constantly ejected, Xiang Yang feels a special substance in this golden blood, he feels a move, direct usage Come to a blood, feel it carefully, and suddenly change his face. "This blood can actually temper the body, similar to the Western Buddhism's Vajra Bodhi."

When he thought of it, he didn't hesitate. He took out the container directly and put all the golden blood that had spewed out like a small river. At the same time, he put the container directly under the wound of this guy, and kept the blood of this guy. The income of it.

"You... what are you doing?"

The golden monster was smashed, and its body was almost split in half. It was so tragic that it had already shouted to admit defeat. Xiang Yang was still watching the excitement and not treating himself. Moreover, he also collected his own. Golden blood, what does this mean?

However, when his big eyes looked at Xiangyang, he saw Xiangyang’s eyes glow green, and his eyes seemed to be the same as the prey when he was hungry and went out to find food.

This makes it panic.

"Don't worry, anyway, you haven't told me that you really want to surrender to me? I will collect some of your blood first, but your body is so large, the body blood must be very much, hey, your blood can be Enhance the power of the immortal body. This contains special substances. If you add a little smelting, you can definitely become a supreme treasure. Your meat may have a bigger effect."

Xiang Yang’s eyes looked at the monster with bright light, but his heart was thinking, should he add some swords to kill this guy, and then, with the flesh and blood of this big guy, he couldn’t move The physical training that can make your own millions of real fairy peaks break through to the state of Da Luo.

The more he thinks, the more he is tempted. Although the strength of this big guy is very weak, he is a master among the great people of the Holy Land. However, his own men are the physical training of millions of real fairy peaks, as long as they can After breaking through to the state of Da Luo, it is appropriate to physically repair the situation of Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng.

The strength of the body of the Million Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak can not be beaten by this golden monster, although it is difficult to say, but the role of this million people is absolutely more than this golden monster for Xiang Yang. Most of it.

Xiang Yang Lehe looked at this golden monster, originally thinking about letting the other party surrender to himself, but now it is no longer urgent.

"I surrender, I surrendered, let me heal."

The golden monster is screaming. It sees from the eyes of Xiang Yang that he wants to eat it, making it really afraid that at this moment it can only bark and ask for mercy.

In fact, it can also heal itself. However, Xiang Yang’s sword contains a very strange sword that is continually destroying its wounds, so that its wounds are not only unable to recover, but have been bleeding.

This guy is really panicked. Its blood is not flowing out bit by bit, but it is like a sluice of the big river.

If it wasn't for Xiangyang to take away its golden blood, perhaps at the moment it had already been gathered by golden blood into a river.

"Don't, what do you pretend to do so early, let me collect a little more of your blood and say it."

Xiang Yang Lehe said, the more blood he collects, the more he is happy. The blood of this big guy is indeed very much. At the moment, the blood he collects is comparable to a very wide lake.

Although it will not be able to use millions of people at the same time, it is quite a lot.

Of course, it is good to collect more. After all, this guy is still alive and kicking. It is absolutely impossible for any blood to die and you will die. Then don't worry.

"The little master, the big master is really awkward."

At this moment, the black king who was scared to escape from the rear because of the sword of Xiang Yang showed that Xiang Yang had been collecting the blood of the golden monster after he surrendered to the other party, and he felt that he was cold. Fortunately, the heart of the dark road is fortunate that he was taken over by his master earlier. Otherwise, if he encounters this item of Xiangyang, I am afraid that a blood loss of 80% will make the master succeed.

It is really terrible.

Even when Black King looked at the desperate look of the golden behemoth, he felt that this guy was very miserable and couldn’t help but shudder.

Xiner is with big eyes, a cute smile and patted the head of the black king, and then said fiercely, "I don't want you to say this brother, or I will hit you."

"Yes, I dare not dare."

The black king said quickly, it is really bad to say Xiangyang's bad words. Under this circumstance, whoever said Xiangyang's bad words, if it was heard by Xiangyang, it felt that it was definitely dead.

Although its strength is much stronger than the golden monster, it does not feel that it can block the impact of Xiangyang that contains the power of the earth.

"Master, I beg you, I have to surrender, hurry me."

"Oh... the blood of this body is the root of my cultivation. If it lapses, I will die."

"the host..."

At this time, when Xiang Yang still collected the blood of this guy, the golden behemoth couldn’t help it anymore. It looked at Xiangyang with tears and mourned, only feeling that he was too It’s miserable.

For the behemoths like them, the mana is still the second. The real power is their flesh. Every drop of blood on the body is from the ancient times to the endless years of tempering. Strength, if it is lost, it will take time to make up for it.

"Do you really have to surrender to me completely?"

Xiang Yang asked.

"Yes, in the future, you are my master. No matter what you want me to do, I dare not scorn." The golden monster has been frightened by Xiang Yang. After listening to Xiang Yang’s question, it It is constantly pointing his head.

The blood on it is constantly spurting out, only to feel that its power is constantly flowing. At this moment, it only wants to stop bleeding, but Xiang Yang does not drive away the swords and the heavenly mood left on it. It simply does not dare to move, and under the action, the blood will flow more.

"Well, then let's be happy and let me leave some restraints in your body."

Xiang Yang sighed, quite regrettable. "Unfortunately, I still want to collect enough blood for millions of people. I didn't expect you to surrender and admit defeat so quickly. After all, let me go."

Of course, letting it go now does not mean that you can't take blood from this guy in the future.

A living golden monster is always with you, and you can take blood from it anytime, anywhere. It seems that this is the best.


At this moment, this golden monster is almost mad. It has been screaming to surrender when Xiangyang’s sword has not been smashed. However, Xiang Yang only agrees now. Can this blame it?

However, in order to enable Xiangyang to heal it, it is not a word to say, can only be happy, no matter what Xiangyang wants to do with it, it does not matter, as long as Xiangyang can quickly let it It will be a cure.


Next, Xiang Yang stood upright and volleyed. He began to smash the magical species with his hands. This time, for the beast of the peak of this holy place, he had a total of nine thousand nine hundred and ninety. Nine, even with the strongest array, ensure that the monster can be controlled.


After the magical species was completely integrated into the body of this big guy, Xiang Yang still stared at the guy watching, fearing that there were not enough magic species to condense.

After all, this guy's size is too big, and Xiang Yang doesn't know if the magic can control each other.

"the host."

Fortunately, when the magical species entered the body of the golden monster, the golden monster looked at Xiangyang's eyes and began to become very respectful. He directly slammed into the ground.


Xiang Yanghehe smiled, and when he saw that the guy was throwing his body, there was a lot of blood squirting out. He quickly took it away, and then he waved his hand and put the swords attached to the guy’s wound. The mood of the heavens is all collected.


When Xiang Yang took all of this energy back, suddenly the wound of this golden monster was instantly restored, and no injuries were seen.

"the host."

Then, the monster looked at Xiang Yang with grateful eyes. "Thank you for your help."

"You don't have to thank you."

Xiang Yang waved his hand, but his heart was sighing that this monster was really extraordinary. Well, the recovery speed of the flesh is not slower than it is. Of course, this guy seems to be only a powerful body, and other insights into the heavens. In general, even his own swordsmanship and heavenly mood can not be expelled.

If this sword is on the immortal of the Azure, as long as the other party does not die, there are many ways to get rid of these energies, but for this golden monster, it does not understand anything. Only after waiting for the energy concept to be recovered, can the injury be restored.

"It seems that this guy should be well practiced."

Xiang Yang squats, searching for the exercises in his mind, and really let him find a different way to pass the Xiner to the Black King. The power of this method is very powerful, it is specially for these chaotic chaos. The use of giant beasts, as long as it cultivates its own body, does not need to understand the heavens. If the power of the flesh reaches the true peak, it may prove that it truly becomes a saint.

"This practice will be cultivated in the future."

Xiang Yang directly passed this practice to the golden monster, and at the same time, he said, "You will call gold in the future."

"Yes, Master." The golden monster replied very respectfully that there was no dissatisfaction with the name given to Xiangyang.


When Daheihe on the side saw this scene, he couldn’t help but laugh out.

"Big old black, don't laugh, don't take long, the strength of gold can definitely surpass you. At that time, you will laugh again." Xiang Yang glanced at the old black, sneered.

Although the practice of the big old black is very good, but it can not be compared with the practice of the gold that he passed to the gold, because this practice is obtained from the inheritance of the tens of thousands of robes, and Xiner gives The practice of Da Laohe is only the practice that he has given to Xiner’s own veins from his own master.

Although his own master is powerful and unmatched, it is quite normal for some of the collected exercises to be less than a million.

"The big master..."

After listening to the black king, he suddenly became a little panicked. In the past, it did not bully the little gold. If you want to make this guy's cultivation stronger than himself, what should he do?

It quickly looked at Xiang Yang with the eyes of praying, hoping to get the practice from Shen Yang.

"Give you."

Xiang Yanghe laughed and directly passed the exercises to the big old black. Anyway, the old black is conquered by the Suzaku woman. It is more powerful and good for himself. He naturally cannot be as good as this.

"This black forest is really my treasure."

After doing all this, Xiang Yang’s figure flashed, standing directly on the top of the gold, looking at the Black Forest, feeling the atmosphere of at least a dozen powerful and unparalleled sacred strong, he could not help but Sighed.

"Does your brother want to unite the Black Forest?"

Xiner looked at Xiangyang with a curious color on her face.

"No, I just want to turn the Black Forest into my back garden."

Xiang Yang said with a soft voice, "Big old black, gold, then your task is to surrender these strong men in the Black Forest, let them be your partners, can you do it?"

"The Lord is relieved, we are two horses, who are the little guys in the Black Forest who dare to resist? Certainly they will surrender to you." The Black King said very happily.

After getting the practice that Xiang Yang passed to it, it determined that Xiang Yang’s exercises were indeed stronger than it, and his impression of Xiang Yang was greatly changed, not only fearing Xiang Yang, but even being grateful. Yang.

Sometimes, beasts are much more straightforward than many people. As long as someone is good at it, it treats each other as their own and will treat each other wholeheartedly.

The big old black is just like this. Its mind is simple, and it doesn't understand what kind of tricks. After being conquered by the Suzaku woman, Xiner passed it a practice. It is grateful to the heart, even if the cultivation of Xiner is weaker. It also regards Xiner as a small master. Now Xiangyang has given it another trick, and it is equally grateful to Xiangyang...

"Okay, our goal is to go to mine first, and then in the process, we will surrender all the fierce beasts in the Black Forest."

Xiang Yang laughed and looked at the boundless Black Forest. He only felt that his heart was full of enthusiasm.

This is the first place in the Central Tianyu, really is your own blessed land.

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