Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2903: Little Lord? (Five more flowers)

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"The speed is faster. After taking this chaotic black ore mine, I will leave quickly. Otherwise, if the monster is found, we will not be able to run."

In the Black Forest, in addition to a mysterious iron mine that flows with chaos, a group of strong men in black and carrying a blood sword are secretly excavating this iron ore mine.

This group of people are the strongest of the Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak, and there are 18 of them. At this moment, they hold different treasures in their hands, and after the sacrifice of the different treasures, they will be the fastest. The black iron in a chaotic black iron mine is sucked away.

They are the people who kill the way.


However, at this time, suddenly, there was a loud noise coming from a distance, followed by a shadow of the shadows covering the eighteen centuries.

"Oops, the monster is coming, run fast."

This is the 18-year-old sage, and his face changed greatly. Even if they sacrificed to collect the treasures of the chaotic black iron ore, they would not turn any more. They turned and ran.


However, when they were mad to escape, there were two horrible breaths of eruption, and the mighty energy flowed, and the space here was sealed with great mana.

These eighteen sages rushed into the void, but they were not able to step into the chaos, and they were bounced back in an instant. They wanted to run away, but they were too late, and they were in the breath of the two horrible holy places. Underneath, it is impossible to move.

"It’s over, it brings out the monster, and there is more than one breath."

Although these 18 sects are very powerful, even they have reached the peak of the big Luo Jiuzhongtian, but at the moment there is no way, because the power gap is really too big.

Above the Chaos Xuan Tie ancient mine, the big old black and the small gold are instantly appearing. On the top of their heads, they stand with Xiner and Xiangyang respectively. The two look at the eighteen big Luo Jiuzhong with a strange color. The goddess of heaven.

"The smell of the sword of killing."

When they saw the blood swords carried by the eighteen great Luoqiangs, both the mentor and the teacher changed their faces at the same time.

"Xiangyang brother, is this ours?" Xiner looked at Xiangyang with curiosity.


After hearing the words of Xiner, it was already ready to start the black king who had destroyed the 18th Daluo’s nine heavens, and quickly stopped, even taking the initiative to let go. The imprisonment of Xianzun in the realm of Zunda Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng.

Although Xiang Yang did not plant the magic species in the black king's body, but not long ago, Xiang Yang's blow to the small gold shocked the black king, and at the same time gave it a stronger practice. The law makes the big old black heart respectful and fearful to Xiangyang.

If these 18 strong men are Xiang Yang’s men, even if these 18 guys secretly ran over to give the black king’s old nest, it would not dare to have any objections.

After all, before this, it was to take Xiangyang to its nest to take this chaotic Xuan Tie ancient mine to Xiangyang.

"Not my men, they are among the immortals, a very mysterious organization that kills people."

As Xiangyang said, he saw that these people had to rush into the void after the black king released their imprisonment. Xiang Yang’s expression did not change. He said directly, “big old black, imprisoned, Don't let them move."

"Yes, hehe..."

The black king has already understood that these people are not their own people. After listening to Xiang Yang’s words at the moment, they use their strongest force to seal all the surrounding voids.

Although Black King has no special understanding of the law of space, its strength is too strong, only need to release its strongest power, its powerful power is enough to seal the space, so that no power can move.


At this moment, the original face has already shown excitement, and the 18 emperors who have to rush into the void have just rushed into the void, and they have been bounced back and bounced back. They fell down on the ground. Looking at the two behemoths with a sorrowful color on his face, seeing the huge size of these two big guys, they are desperate.

Xiang Yang’s body flutters in front of these powerful people, with a light color on his face. “Killing people?”

"I have seen a few masters."

However, what makes Xiang Yang feel shocked is that the eighteen killings of the Xianzun strong, when they saw Xiangyang's moment, they even showed excitement on their faces, and all of them immediately squatted toward him.


Xiang Yang was stunned. At the same time, the Xiner who fell with Xiang Yang also looked at the 18 killings of the fairy with an incomprehensible color. The black king was even a shackle and almost fell. What's special, Lao Tzu has tried his best to avoid hurting his own people. How did these 18 cents become their own?

"Xiangyang brother, they are still your own people." Xiner looked strangely at Xiangyang. She just heard that Xiangyang said that these 18 cents are not their own, but at the moment these eighteen Xian Zun was respectful and confronted with Xiang Yang, and the enthusiasm in her eyes made her have no doubt that the 18 centuries were pretending.

"I don't know them."

Xiang Yang frowned, looking at the emperor of the 18th Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak, and did not let the other person arbitrarily call his life ‘small master’ to let them go.

I remembered that when I was participating in the Women's War of Wanzhou, there were people who killed the people and pretended to have a good relationship with those who were destined. Xiang Yang felt as if he was caught in a conspiracy.

"Killing the road, what are you going to do?"

While Xiang Yang’s heart was talking to himself, his eyes fixed on the 18 emperors and whispered. “Let’s say why you call me a young master. If you don’t explain it clearly, you will be more uncomfortable than death.”

"Less master, killing the road, this is what the old master created, just to wait for you to become the organization of a knife in your hands."

One of them said Shen Sheng.

"Old master?"

Xiang Yang once again frowned. Was it a time when his master was bored and created such a killing organization?

It feels a bit too normal.

In his view, it is impossible for his own master to create an organization like Killing the Road. However, the killing sword contained in the killing sword is not fake.


The Xianzun is obviously the leader among these people. He nodded and looked at Xiangyang with a maddening look. "The killing of the Eighteen Swordsmen has seen the Lord."

"Don't, you didn't tell me clearly, killing the way and having enmity with me, don't do anything close to me, I don't have time." Xiang Yang snorted, not figuring out the killings and his own master. Before there is any connection between them, he will not be deceived by these guys with a 'less master'.

"This matter, at least the main contact with the Taoist, will know." Then, eighteen Xianzun looked at each other, the leader continued to say to Xiangyang.

"If I knew where the so-called Taoist lord of the killing is, I have already had a good chat with him. What's special, I used my name last time to hook up those who are destined, and dare to appear in it. In front of me, is this not looking for death?"

Xiang Yangbai took a look at the 18 centuries, and his heart was thinking about how he should deal with these eighteen people.

Although he feels that the eighteen sects of the 18th Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng are deceiving themselves, but if they say it is true, the killing is really the creation of their own master, if It’s a pity that the 18 people have been killed.

"Less master, I am free to contact the Taoist," said the singer Shen Zun.


Xiang Yang’s eyes condensed, and his face said with a smile like a smile. “Is it right now that I will leave you, and you will be able to contact your so-called Taoist leader later, let him explain it to me?”

"No, the little master misunderstands the small, this is the lord's contact sword, as long as you input the mana, you can contact the Taoist." The headed Xianzun took out a small little sword with only a inch of blood color. Respectfully raised to the head.

After Xiang Yang met, it was a smile on his face. "How do I know if you want this sword to come to me?"


After listening to this guy, he only felt a headache. He was really difficult to understand. The rumor was bold and bold, and why Xiangyang, who dared to do anything, became so timid at this time.

"Nothing to say?"

Xiang Yanghe sneered, the organization of killing the human being is really mysterious. Xiang Yang came to the fairyland and consciously realized that many organizations in the fairy world have seen the power that has existed since ancient times. However, it is still not really seen the true face of killing.

"Less master, we don't know what to do to make you believe." The leader, Xianzun said with a smile.

Although his cultivation is very weak, he did not know what to do when facing Xiangyang.

"I have a way."

Xiang Yanghe smiled and looked at the eighteen centuries. "As long as you are happy, let me leave a ban in your body. By the time, I am sure that you 18 people can't take me, I can I have detailed you."

"Of course, you can refuse me to leave a ban in your body. I am very kind. It is definitely easier for you. But, you come to steal the old black nest. This kind of thing is for the Black Forest. Say, what do you think it will do to you?"


With the voice of Xiang Yang falling, in the rear, the body shape does not know how big, even a big old black with an eye that is comparable to a mountain is a loud scream, making these 18 celestial faces change greatly.

"We are willing."

These eighteen sages are very clear. If they don't want to, they will become the mouth of the Black Forest's overlord in the next moment.

Moreover, they grew up in the killing path, and they lived in order to kill the faith of life. Killing the way that Xiangyang is their young master, they should naturally comply with all the requirements of Xiangyang.

"So simple?"

Xiang Yang looked at the 18 fairy gods with amazement. He felt that this thing was a bit too simple. However, after thinking about it, he began to condense the magic species directly.

Regardless of whether these eighteen sages have no hatred for themselves, anyway, as long as they control them with the genie, they will become their own people. In any case, they will not lose.

At this moment, Xiang Yang directly entered 981 pieces of magic in each body of Xianzun.

"the host."

Then, the 18 centuries were all respectfully respected by Xiang Yang, although they also looked at Xiang Yang’s eyes with respectful colors, but they were completely different from the present, and they looked at the moment. Yang’s eyes are the kind of blind worship. Even if the killings pass the order to ask them to deal with Xiangyang, they dare not deal with Xiangyang, and even don’t need Xiangyang to say that they will take the initiative to kill the killing.

"What did you just say is true or not?"

Xiang Yang asked quietly.

"Returning to the master is true. Just thirty years ago, in the killing path, the Taoist adults who had not appeared for hundreds of thousands of years personally appeared, and passed orders, saying that there was a person who practiced killing swords. The name is Xiangyang, which is the news of our young master. However, at that time, I didn’t know what the reason was. The elders did not really let me wait for the traces of the lesser masters. Until about three years ago, the elders re-transmitted the news and will The Taoist sects the identity of the lord to pass on all the members of the murderer, and gives the core personnel in the killing path some swords, just to be able to reach the Taoist."

The one who is headed said respectfully.

“Is it really what the old man is doing?”

Xiang Yang was a bit stunned. Thirty years ago, wasn’t the old man teaching himself for a while, just leaving himself? At that time, I was in my teens, and even the innate world was not reached. I was still rolling in the secular world. The killing of the fairyland wanted to find myself naturally.

And about three years ago, when he came to the fairy world, the so-called elders who killed the human race discovered their existence, and they sent messages to all members of the killing road to say that they are their young masters. They are all just as good.

"You said that this blood sword is what the elders gave to the core disciples of the killings?"

Xiang Yang confirmed again and again.


The head of the singer respectfully responded.

After Xiang Yang listened, he took the token directly and carefully sensed the breath of the killing sword contained in the one-inch-long blood sword. Although it is not pure, it does kill. The sword is related.

After hesitating for a while, he directly entered his energy and activated the blood sword.


Author Meng Yu said: Today, five more, ask for flowers...

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