Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2904: Goodbye Master!

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When Xiang Yang entered his mana and activated this blood sword, there was a colorful light flashing across it, and a figure appeared in front of Xiang Yang out of thin air.

"I rely on, old man, really you?"

When he saw this figure, Xiang Yang was shocked.

I saw that this person should be a kind-hearted old man. The other person simply stood up and looked like an ordinary person. However, if you look closely, only the real strong can sense the other person. The breath, that is the chaotic avenue of self-contained, is the chaos, all the avenues can not be close to his body.

Because the other party's own path has reached a level that is at least as strong as Chaotic Avenue, so that Chaos Avenue can not be applied to him.

Ordinary people practice, even if the chaos sage is the ultimate goal of Chaos Avenue, however, this old man has reached the level that makes Chaos Avenue not close.

Of course, all of this is only the black king and the small gold two chaos Warcraft can be sensed, they are scared to tremble, directly squatting on the ground and throwing the ground, eyes can not see this figure.

Xiner is a flash of body shape, and she instantly arrives at Xiangyang’s side. She exclaimed, “Yes, Grandpa.”

"Xiner, do you know him?"

Xiang Yang looked at Xiner with a strange look. This is his own master. Xiner has never seen each other. How does it look like he is very familiar?

"Bad boy, have you forgotten when you accepted the apprentice, have I passed down to the Xiner in the air?"

At this time, the old man in the shadow of the opening mouth, he looked at Xiang Yang smiled.

"It turned out to be the case."

Xiang Yang suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and then he looked at the old man, looked at him, his eyes could not help but wet, and the voice choked and said, "Old man, long time no see, I miss you..."


Xiang Yang’s master, the one who surpassed the Chaos saint’s supreme chaos sword **** in the heavens and the real world, when he saw the Xiangyang’s eyes wet, he also felt a bit touched, but he laughed. Said, "Little guy, this is not seen for decades, you are so twisted, if you don't see it in millions of years, don't you want to die?"

"I rely on, when you call you that year, if you don't agree, you will throw me alone in the secular world. Do you know how dangerous it is for me to be alone in the West? I am almost hundreds of times. The genius is gone, old man, you said, am I really a disciple of yours?"

After hearing the words of the old man, Xiang Yang was angry, and he snarled with his hands on his hips.

After listening to Xiang Yang’s words, the old man did not answer, but smiled at Xiang Yang.

"You still don't talk, you are guilty, old man, and ah, you are so arrogant, you don't even tell me, it hurts me to enter the practice world, I always thought that I had no background, no backing, if not me. Looking for my wife, I have been looking for a world to go to the world, where I need to work hard in this fairy world."

"Old man, don't talk, don't just come to a virtual shadow, hurry up to the deity, let the little master hit you, now I am amazing, hehe..."

Xiang Yang Yue said that the more angry he was, the more he couldn't help but hold his sleeves and be desperate to the other side.

"Little guy, since I know my identity, do you think you can beat me now?" The old man couldn’t help but smile and said

"Don't try to see who knows if I can get you." Xiang Yangxi's smile, I wanted to lie to the old man, who thought, this old guy is still as embarrassing as before.

However, to be honest, the former Xiang Yang did not know the strength of the old man, because his age at that time was too small, and even his knowledge in the secular world was very small. He thought that the old man was the congenital peak. It’s already the limit. Later, with the growth of his cultivation, more and more legends about the old man have been heard, and the limits of his cognition have been refreshed again and again. Now, even if he doesn’t know what the old man is like. The existence of, at least compared to the tens of thousands of robbers, right?

Want to beat people of this level, Xiang Yang really does not have that skill...

However, he really wants to think about the old man.

When Xiang Yang was young, he was three years old and left with the old man. Although the training given by the old man was very harsh, he never enjoyed a half-day childhood, but in his heart, the old man was even better than his. Parents still have to kiss.

I haven't seen it for decades, but now it's just a projection that appears in front of myself. Xiang Yang is not enough.

On the one side, Xiner stood there, watching the dialogue between her master and the ancestors quietly. Her eyes looked at Xiangyang with a soft color, especially when she saw the color of thoughts in Xiangyang’s eyes. At the time, she was able to understand the feelings of Xiang Yang.

The eighteen sages on the side of the ground are with a faint color on their faces, and it seems that they have not seen the appearance of the old man.

In the fairy world, according to the truth, the strongest of the world of the sacred peaks of Aya, can certainly sense the appearance of the old man, but at this moment, everyone is quiet, and there is no change before.

Obviously, although the old man came to the front of Xiangyang, but no one knew his coming. He covered all the heavenly feelings.

"My avatar has returned to the deity, and the deity can't fall to the fairy world." The old man sighed and shook his head and said.


Xiang Yang stayed and stayed, but did not expect the old man to say so.

He looked at the old man with an incomprehensible color on his face. "Why is your deity unable to come to the fairy world?"

"The fairy world is too weak. If my deity comes, the heavens of the fairy world will be broken by my path. At that time, it will cause the heavens to become extinct and unstable."

The old man sighed and said, "When the wild world was still there, the old man was bored and went to the wild world to walk around and see the traces left by Pangu. Unfortunately, the floods broke down now. Tianwanjie has also been refining by the few little guys. The old man’s deity wants to come down, and he can only come with a glimpse."

"Then your avatar is coming, I don't mind being a avatar." Xiang Yang said.

"No, I have something to do now, and I can't be distracted in a short time." The old man shook his head and said.

"whats the matter?"

Although the old man's face is very calm, but Xiang Yang is a shocking color, with the old man's cultivation, he must be so cautious, even the power of a avatar can not be spent, it can be seen that this thing is too horrible .

"Repress those guys."

The old man said with a dignified face. "You don't need to understand this now. After you become the realm of chaos, you will know."


After Xiang Yang listened, he couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. “Is there such a strong opponent? The old man, I have the tens of thousands of robbery and the vicissitudes of the vicissitudes of the martial arts. Are you busy?"

He knows that his current strength is very weak, and he does not know how long it will take to become a chaotic saint, let alone a chaotic sanctuary.

If he wants to help the old man, only these treasures are on his body. The power of the tens of thousands of robes is endless. It is the treasure of the tens of thousands of robes. The sacred dynasty is also the innate chaos to the treasure. These two pieces of treasure can surely play in the hands of the old man. The strongest power, maybe it can help the old man.

Although he can't bear these two treasures in his heart, but the other is his own master, is his own relatives, if necessary, Xiangyang will definitely give Wanjuan and Qiankun to the old man.

"While the tyrannical clock and the Qiankun dynasty dynasty is a chaotic treasure, but it does not work for me. Moreover, if I need these two treasures, do you think they can reach your hands?"

The old man said Xiangyang with a glance.


Xiang Yang stayed and couldn't help but ask, "Do you know that Wanjue and Qiankun are in my hands?"

"Crap, you are the disciple of the deity, how can I not know what is in your body?" The old man glanced at him, coldly sighing. "Don't think that there are some treasures on your body that are very powerful. Tell you, although the magic weapon is powerful, But it also needs the self-cultivation to set off. It is most useful to practice well. Since you have chosen your own path, I will not interfere with you. However, the rules of your understanding of the Dalu are so messy, you still want to be sanctified. ?"

At the same time, the old man’s face was filled with hate and iron, and he screamed with anger. “The so-called Da Luo rules in your body are just like a **** in Laozi’s view. If you are like this, you can only become You are a dream, you can't be a saint, you want to be a saint, you are a dream."


Xiang Yang was stunned.

He always felt that he was too arrogant. Even when the real fairyland was at its peak, the rules of the Da Luo that he had learned had already reached eleven. If you count the rules of the Dafa Road, there are ten. The two rules of the Da Luo are simply beyond the fairy gods of the immortal world, and even those who are not able to compare with themselves.

However, in the eyes of the old man, nothing can be considered?

He touched his head and said awkwardly, "Yes, but the practice of the immortal world is not to say that you have to understand the nine Dalu rules to become the realm of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng? And everyone is like this."

"Everyone else goes to eat, do you follow?"

The old man yelled.

"Cough... the old man, calm and calm, your grandson is still here." Xiang Yang said quickly.

He knows very well that the old man usually looks amiable, but if he is really angry and can't see anything, he will dare to come out. He didn't think there was anything before, but he knew that the old man was a legendary chaos. When he was invincible, he felt that this was a bit wrong. Is there such a chaotic sword god?

Of course, the main thing is to erect a good image to the old man in front of Xin’s little cute. Xiangyang himself doesn’t matter anyway. With this old guy for more than ten years, he has already known his temper, but, Xin The girl’s head is the most authentic descendant of her own vein. If she is left with a bad impression, she will follow other people’s rules and practice other laws. At that time, the old man will not be able to cry.


After listening to the old man, he coughed a few times, a little better, but he shouted to Xiang Yangshuo. "Boy, you have to remember that there are 3,000 chaotic avenues in the chaotic world, though Saying that every article can be sanctified, but in the context of the Dalu, it is very important for you to understand how many rules of the Da Luo, and what kind of rules are used for you. This is related to your ability in the future. Can not break through to the Holy Spirit, or even reach a stronger realm.

What is the mess of your rules, except for a rule that has not yet been born, is still a bit of a use, and the road of Pangu is also barely able to be outside, the rest can only be regarded as a trail, if you use these If the Da Luo rule becomes the realm of Da Luo, please contact me when you remember. ”

While talking, the old man snorted a few times, with a smile in his eyes.

"Contact you to do it?" Xiang Yang looked at the old man inexplicably, although he knew that the old man was definitely not good, but he could not help but ask.

"Let the deity clean up the portal." The old man said with a faint hand.


Xiang Yang was silent and did not continue to speak, but was groaning in his heart. It seems that he is indeed wrong, but how can he change? How can I pull my repairs back?

Can you say that you must abolish the current rules of the Da Luo and re-understand the practice?

This seems to be different from this possible thing.

"Kid, do you know that you are afraid? Anyway, the deity has already passed on, and it doesn't matter if you are." The old man smiled and looked at Xiangyang. At the same time, he said that he was looking at the loving color. Said, "The sinister grandson is relieved, the old man is very good for the sun, and you are so cute and lovely, definitely not comparable to some people."

"Ah... Grandpa of the grandfather, what should the Yang brother do?" Xiner Xiaoyou was watching the conversation between the master and the teacher. In fact, she almost couldn’t help but laugh, she naturally looked very much. It is clear that although the old man hates iron and does not become steel, he is teaching Xiang Yang to reverse the practice of Xiang Yang.

However, the old man did not tell Xiang Yang how to cultivate, but pointed out that Xiangyang’s mistakes were so that Xiang Yang could find a way to correct it.

Xiner couldn't bear to look at Xiang Yang's thoughts and thoughts, and couldn't help but ask.

"Xiao Xiner don't worry about him. All this is his life. If he can walk out of his own path, he can naturally surpass any creature in the future, but if he is trapped in the practice of Da Luo, then he It is also impossible to break through sanctification." The old man said with a smile.

"Xiangyang brother, I am not helping you, but the grandfather's expectations for you are too great, Xiner can't help." Xiner understands that the reason why the old man does not help Xiangyang is because he is against Xiangyang. The expectation is very high. Let Xiang Yang go out of a path beyond him. Now, she will not speak anymore.

Xiang Yang was indulged for a while, then looked up and asked the old man, "Old man, you said that I should abolish everything from scratch?"

"What do you say?" The old man did not pay attention to Xiangyang, but said directly, "Killing the way is the creation of one of my avatars, but if you can control the killing, you must look at your own skills, well, I have to go, remember, although your practice is very good, but it is only along the road of others. Whether it is the martial arts or the practice of the martial arts, it is not your own, if you really If you want to get out of your own path, you must create your own law, not just follow the path of others. So, even if you can become another savage, how do you believe? The spirit of the clock also tells you that the claim of his ancestor is that he wants his descendants to surpass him, and if you can't surpass the tens of thousands of robes, it will disappoint me too much..."

While talking, the old man pointed to Xiner, leaving an energy in the body of Xiner, his body shape disappeared directly, as if it had never appeared.

"Get out of your own path..."

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