Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2906: Where does life not meet?

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In the chaos, a temple stands in the depths of this chaos. The temple stands like a **** sword. It seems that there is an infinite murderous outburst, blocking the chaos of all things.

This is the base camp for killing the people, killing the temple.

In the temple of the sand, there are one hundred and eight strong men sitting on the chaos to understand the chaotic heaven. If Xiang Yang sees it, it will definitely scare a big jump, because these one hundred and eight strong people are actually The supreme power of the sub-Holy.

One hundred and eight Aya, and also the characters of the elders who killed the sacred, can see how powerful this killing is.

If it is not that the killings do not all enter the fairy world, then it is enough to unite the whole fairyland with the one hundred and eighty of the holy saints.

"The Lord has already known the killings."

Only listen to a sub-sacred strongman and whispered softly.

As soon as he spoke, he suddenly had a chaotic airflow around him, making him look more chaotic and powerful.

"He has seen the old master."

Sitting on the first old man is a low-browed eye, and the original closed eyes opened at the moment, said faintly.


After the old man’s words fell, everyone else was shocked.

Although everyone is one hundred and eight strong people are the supreme existence of the sub-Sacred peaks, but they are not even the chaos of the saints, can only be said to be the strong among the sub-saints.

They know very well that their old master, the pioneer of the killing, is the horrible existence of the legend.

Now, Xiang Yang actually saw the old master, which made them feel scared.

Xiang Yang has been in the fairyland for several years, but the killing path has never been to see the little master of Xiangyang. Instead, he has been confronted with Xiang Yang, all of which are under the control of the one hundred and eightyas.

They also know that the future of killing is destined to belong to Xiangyang. However, as the strongest in the realm of Yasheng Peak, it is naturally impossible to surrender to a weak person, even if the other party is their minority.

However, if their old masters knew their minds, they worried that the supreme beings would have a gaze to destroy the entire killing.

Killing the way can be said to be the top force in the heavens and the world. Although they have always secretly secretly developed their strengths, how powerful is the killing of the 108 Saints, only they know .

If it is any chaotic saint, I am afraid I can't underestimate the power of killing, but their old masters are different.

Their old master, but the real legendary figure, not to mention the killing of the Tao is only a hundred and eighty, even if there is a hundred and eight chaotic true holy, it is not enough for the other side to smash.

"Since the old master has not contacted us, it is the default of our practice. As long as we do not betray the master, and do not deal with the master directly, we can set up various tests for the lesser."

There is a strong saint who speaks.

"It is precisely that the Lord is not a flower in the greenhouse. If he wants to take over the killing, he must have enough strength. At the same time, the person who bears the saffron is the one who wants to be a supreme being. too much."

"Everything doesn't have to change, let him come when the Lord has the confidence to challenge us."

"If he can challenge us, we can naturally control the killings through our tests. If it doesn't work, let him go back to practice for a few years."


Then, the one hundred and eighty of the sages of the Holy Spirit, you said in a word, all with a leisurely smile on their faces, they continued to close their eyes and enlighten the heavens, no longer pay attention to the things of Xiangyang. .



Among the Black Forest, Xiang Yang is standing on the faucet of the little gold. Behind him is followed by a dozen or so beasts. These are the super strongs of the sub-holy environment. It is black. Other hegemons in the forest.

With the presence of the Black King and the Little Gold in the Black Forest, the first and second existences are joined together. Every time they go to a place, they find a beast of the hegemonic level, and they don’t have to use the Sun to do it. The power of the king and the little gold, just a gentle stop, can let these guys surrender.

What Xiangyang has to do is wait until these guys surrender, then enter the magical species in their bodies, control these powerful beasts with the magical species, and then put all the veins in the fields around these beasts, and so on. After all the treasures have been searched, go to the place where the next beast is.

This speed is too fast for Xiang Yang, but these overlords in the Black Forest are all unlucky. They are all in danger. At the beginning, they still wondered if Xiang Yang would come to the door. Later, when they When the neighbors were shackled one by one, they were sure, they were finished.

Of course, there are also beasts who must first run away. In their view, as long as they ran first, the earth is big, and the old nest of the Black Forest is not there. There is always a place to be happy.

However, when the rest of the guys are ready to escape, Xiang Yang can use too many men. Every beast is sent by him to stare at other beasts. Whoever dares to run, he takes the black king and Small gold kills together.

As a result, more than a dozen headless beasts, the overlord in the Black Forest, was almost surrendered, leaving only the last beast.

"Go, go to the last guy's territory, presumably it has been waiting too long."

Xiang Yang’s big hand waved, very happy, with a dozen or so beasts rushing towards the place where the last beast of the Black Forest was.


However, they have not arrived yet, and they saw that the fierce beast smashed with the smoldering weather, and was standing in the air, looking at Xiang Yang and others.

Of course, all this is normal. After all, among the dozen or so beasts, there are also several arrogances. However, in the end, the more arrogant they are at first, the more docile they are.

However, what makes Xiang Yang feel strange is that there is a strong sage in the top of this beast.

Moreover, this guy is still an old acquaintance.

"Oh, huh..."

Xiang Yang looked at this old acquaintance, and suddenly his mouth sneered. "It turned out to be you."

At the moment, on the top of the beast, there was a young man standing, his body was handsome and handsome, and the whole person’s face had a faint smile, and his eyes looked forward, when he saw Xiangyang. His face changed, and then he saw that Xiang Yang’s beasts with stones were all other hegemons in the Black Forest. His expression suddenly became stiff.

"Xiang Yang, it is you."

The young man bit his teeth and looked at Xiang Yang. He and Xiang Yang really knew each other, and they were old rivals. Because at the time of Wan Tian’s fate, I was working with other Yashengs to prepare to kill Xiang Yang. I snatched Mei Aoxue. As a result, when Xiang Yang exhibited a catastrophe, and he planned to break all the worlds, this guy was the first to be frightened.

If it weren't for the ancestors of the nine-tailed fox, with the sage of the sage, the end of the sacred priests would be the end of the sacred priests, even if they were not themselves.

However, they know that they are completely confronted with Xiang Yang.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, I miss you very much."

Xiang Yanghe smiled and looked at the young saint. He naturally didn't know what the other's name was. After all, there were hundreds of Yashengs at that time, and he could not all know the names of these guys, but remembered With the breath and look of these Asian saints, if you have a chance in the future, you must find them to settle accounts.

At this moment, I saw another Asian holy man. Xiang Yang felt that the mood was too happy.

He looked cheerfully at the monster under his face. "Man, is this guy your master?"

"Oh..." The monster was trembled at this moment by the horror of this stunned voice. After hearing the words of Xiang Yang, it was barely brave and brave.

Then he looked at the sage of the sage who stood on his head and sighed. "He is not the master of the king, but he has signed an equal contract with the king."

"So, if I kill him, does it have any effect on you?"

Xiang Yang said with a smile.


The fierce beast answered very simply, seeing the squad of Xiangyang, and he already understood that he must be part of Xiangyang and become a part of the group of 'old acquaintances'.

As for the **** standing on top of his head, it is only an equal contract signed in anyway, and he will die if he dies.

"Then you can do it."

Xiang Yang said faintly.


This time, let alone the king of the beast, even the young Yasheng standing on top of his head looked at Xiangyang with an incomprehensible color.

"Since it is an equal contract, then I believe that you will be able to swallow this guy, destroy this guy, and then, just follow me."

At the same time as Xiang Yang said, he directly waved his hand. "Ada, two, two, three, you block the void, who dared to run, and directly shred the other side."

"Oh... yes, master."



Then among these fierce beasts, three beasts of millions of feet were taken out, directly to the side of the opposite person and one beast, and the void was blocked, making it impossible for this person to escape.


At this moment, the young Yasheng was short of breath, looking at Xiangyang with anger, and angered, "Dongyang, dare?"

"You also go up and surround the guy. If he dares to run, he will go out."

Xiang Yang rolled his eyes and pointed at the remaining beasts. All the beasts except the black king and the little gold waved their hands. Suddenly, the remaining beasts all moved forward, and the one will be one in a moment. Surrounded.

"Brother, what kind of hatred does this guy have with you?"

Xiner stood on the head of the black king, and she looked at Xiang Yang with curiosity.

Xiang Yang said with a smile, "This guy used to kill me with other Yasheng strong people. Hey, there were hundreds of Yasheng strongmen at the time. I almost went to the sky for this." Everything has been broken. Now, let me also feel the feeling of being trapped."

While talking, he looked at the opposite young Yasheng, "Buddy, cool?"


After listening to Xiang Yang’s words, this Ya Sheng almost vomited blood, your sister’s 'cool', especially, surrounded by more than a dozen powerful and fierce beasts, what this taste looks like, Do you come to appreciate it yourself?

Even if he is the strongest of the Aztec, he will not be the opponent of the other party when he faces the king of the ancient beasts of more than a dozen levels of the holy.

His heart trembled and he couldn't afford any resistance.

At this moment, he finally understood the feeling that Xiang Yang was surrounded by their hundreds of Yasheng strongmen.

You know, even if he was only surrounded by more than a dozen beasts, he felt so uncomfortable and almost scared.

"You, how are you going?"

Then, this guy took a deep breath, and he looked at Xiangyang, hoping that Xiangyang could give him a clear choice.

What he has to do at the moment is that he hopes that Xiang Yang can see him leaving everyone who is a strong person in the fairy world. After all, although he was besieging Xiang Yang with other Yasheng strong people, he Not the one that rushes to the front.

Xiang Yang Lehe smiled and looked at this guy. "What do you think?"

"I, I don't know." The guy shook his head. He didn't know if Xiangyang was going to kill him or something, but he knew that this time he must have planted it.

Under the siege of these dozen fierce beasts, plus three beasts besieged the void, even if his strength is so strong, it is impossible to escape.

"Oh, you don't even know, then I tell you, you either surrender or die, it's that simple." Xiang Yang Lehe looked at the statue of the saints.

"Brother, we will kill him directly. Why do you let him surrender? This guy dares to besiege you. It is really difficult to solve the hatred of my heart without killing him."

Xiner said it was a snoring.

"There is a good life in heaven, and I also have a good life. Just look at how this guy chooses."

Xiang Yang laughed, then, said to the beast under the guy, "Little guy, you should come out and surrender, give you ten breaths of time, if your performance does not satisfy me, then, You may have to be cold today."

"I am willing to surrender."

This fierce beast wisely chose to surrender. It is, when it saw the beasts around the dozen, it was already frightened, plus even the black king and the little gold. The overlord is here too. What reason does it not surrender to Xiangyang?

Unless it doesn't want to live.

However, as a surviving beastmaster who has existed since ancient times, how could he not think that he would not want to live.

"Very well, come over yourself, let go of your heart, let me leave a ban in your body."

Xiang Yang said with a smile.

The surrender of this beast was in his expectation. After all, the other beasts have already surrendered, and it is only that this big guy insists on resistance and has no effect.

"Yes." The fierce beast flew directly out of the young Yasheng, who stood on the top of his head. Then, it walked over with meekness, and then bowed down to Xiangyang.

In the face of this sacred strong man, Xiang Yang condensed 9,999 pieces of magical creatures into the body of this beast, and then looked at the ya with a very shocked color. The youth of the Holy Land, sighing and sighing, "Where is life really not meeting, when we met last time, it was the first time we met, I still don’t know your name, of course, I don’t want to know you. Who, if you are dead, knowing your name is useless. If you are not dead, you must have been surrendered by me. Your name is even more useless, because I will give you a new code. of.

When you were besieging me with those guys, did you ever think that you would end up like this? How, cool? Unhappy?

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