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"Slow your sister."

When the young Yasheng heard the sigh of Xiang Yangzhu, he only thought that the whole person was not good. Whatever it is, you don’t have to say it. I have already felt the uncomfortable feeling. Can you not Say the wind is cool?

His heart is too uncomfortable and too tangled. When facing Xiang Yang, he really didn't know what to do.

The king of these beasts is not weaker than him. Even more than half of the beasts are stronger than him. Don’t say that they are surrounded by these beasts, even if they are just playing with these beasts. He can't be the opponent of these fierce beasts.

His heart is shaking, but he has already made a choice in his heart, but he has been insisting on it. He wants to see if there is a chance to survive and whether he can have the opportunity to escape.

He has been secretly searching for escape routes in the void, but, desperately discovering that among these beasts, there is a special space for practicing space, so that the space is blocked, so that he can't run at all.


Then the guy is ready to speak.

"What are you? You still don't want to surrender, right? Then swallow him directly."

This guy is low-faced and is preparing to tell Xiang Yang that he is willing to surrender Xiang Yang, but he sees Xiang Yang coldly screaming, and waved his hand, let the king of these beasts take the shot and swallow him.

"Don't stop, I surrendered, I surrendered."

Originally, he still thought about telling Xiangyang about the conditions and seeing if he could make an oath to follow Xiangyang. He could not be forced into the ban by Xiangyang. However, when he saw Xiangyang, he waved directly to make these beasts. When he started, he panicked and directly surrendered. No matter what Xiang Yang did to him, he accepted it.

"Well, let go of your mind and let me enter into a ban in your body, and you will have eternal life."

Xiang Yang said with a smile.

After listening to the Xinyi on the side, I looked at Xiangyang with the eyes of worship. This is the strongest person in the world of Yasheng. It was so easy to be conquered by his Xiangyang brother. It is really amazing.

Xiang Yang is the beginning of a smile, and this time, he is also very caring for this sub-sacred strongman, condensing 9990 parts of the magic species into the other's body, making this sub-sheng The strongest of the situation surrendered.

"the host."

The magical species is really a very magical thing, even though this guy is taking the initiative to let the gods accept the magic, but when the 9,999 magical species entered his body, this sub-Shengqiang When looking at Xiangyang, the mentality is no longer so uncomfortable, even if I feel that I want to kill Xiangyang, but loyalty.

He has only awe and loyalty to Xiang Yang.

At this moment, he only knows that for Xiangyang, he can give everything, even if his life is also at all.

"Well, pack all these things together and see if there are any treasures around you. They all take them away and can go home."

Xiang Yanghehe smiled, watching the fierce beasts of the Afro-Asian world of more than a dozen, and the strong man of this Yasheng, only felt refreshed.

With the guardian of these guys in the Qing Xue universe group, the security of the Qing Xue universe group is certainly no problem.

Next, what he has to do is to stay with the women and practice for a while. If you can integrate everything and make yourself out of a new path, that is the best thing.

Next, these fierce beasts began to overwhelm the sea, and all the surrounding veins and other miracle medicines were collected and given to Xiangyang. Even this young Yasheng was also very respectful. I found some good treasures for Xiang Yang.

"Go, go home."

Xiang Yang haha ​​smiled, standing with the Xiner on the head of the Black King, with more than a dozen beasts of the Assumption of the Holy Land, and a vast sacred man toward the clear snow The universe group goes away.


At this moment, the shock brought by the Qingxue universe group is absolutely unparalleled. No matter who sees this scene, it will also feel real shock.

All the women flew out of the battleships of the Qingxue Cosmos Group. Even when they saw Xiangyang and Xiner standing on the head of the big old black, they followed the mighty strength of the horrible Azov. When the beasts of the world are in the air, all of them have strange colors on their faces.

"I said, how can we not see the shadow of their mentoring in these days? The two went to the Black Forest and conquered the kings of these beasts."

Gongsun Jianwu said softly.

"Our little husband is really too arrogant, but he actually took the temper to take risks, this is not right."


"After waiting for him to come back, he must have a good talk about him."


Then, the girls began to criticize Xiangyang, and it is not correct to think that Xiangyang is taking a sweet and cute little adventure. In view of the fact that Xiner’s little cuteness is higher than that of Xiangyang, The women all agree with the criticism of Xiang Yang.

Only the most honest Gongsun Mingyue and other women looked at Xiangyang with a worried look, fearing that Xiangyang would not be able to bear the criticism of the women.


At this time, the Suzaku woman also appeared. Her eyes looked at Xiangyang. When she saw that Xiangyang had surrendered to the king of more than a dozen beasts, even the Suzaku woman’s supreme peak, Yasheng, also endured. Can't stay and stay.

"This kid, even in the blink of an eye, has conquered more than a dozen strong people in the sub-Sacred environment, and there is a real immortal Yasheng around?"

Suzaku whispered to herself, and with the shock of Xiang Yang in her eyes, her gaze also saw the Asian sage who was flying silently behind Xiang Yang. At first glance, she knew that the other party must be the subject. The person who received the yang suit, she couldn't help but feel the emotion again and again, and felt that Xiang Yang really grew up.

The beautiful city owner Zhong Yushuang stood beside the Suzaku woman. She smiled softly and had a gentle color in her eyes. "He is so unexpected. Although his realm seems to be only a real fairy, his strength has reached a holy place. ""

"Jade double, do you really decide to follow him?" Suzaku turned her head and looked at the beautiful city owner Zhong Yushuang, with a puzzled face on her face.

Suzaku was very lonely since she was a child, and she was attacked by the magical deity. She was attacked by the beginning of the magic, and turned the sacred until she became a fallen Suzaku, but her cultivation has also advanced by leaps and bounds in recent years. The supreme power of the world of Yasheng Peak.

Although she regards Xiang Yang and her daughters as her own family, her ultimate goal is to cultivate and sanctify. In her opinion, Zhong Yushuang’s talent is very good, and she can become a holy at this age. Qualifications impact the chaos of saints when the world changes.

At this time, what Zhong Yushuang needs to do, more is to cultivate well, instead of wasting time in talking with Xiangyang about love, no, it should be said to pursue Xiangyang.

However, after Zhong Yushuang became Yasheng, he was clear-minded. The first time he thought of it was not to practice as a chaotic saint. Instead, he wanted to follow Xiangyang, which made Suzaku feel very puzzled.

"Sister, although we have become a holy, but it is almost impossible to become a chaotic saint. Seeing **** clearly, seeing your own heart, like it is like, I can't help because Xiangyang's brother helped me to lift it. After the curse, the heart is grateful, but the heart is touched by him, and he really likes him. If so, why don’t I grasp the opportunity?”

Zhong Yushuang said in a positive color, "And, after my sister said that the world will change in the future, even if there is no sanctification, it is not necessarily true. Moreover, even if it is true, it does not prevent me from being with him. what."

"What I hope is that I can be sanctified with him, live with him forever, be able to see the chaotic world, be able to see the vast sea, and I will be with him no matter what the future."

"Of course, I also know that Xiang Yang’s achievements in the future are definitely not what we can imagine. I will practice well in the future."


After hearing the words of Zhong Yushuang, not only the Suzaku woman fell into meditation, but even the other women were equally trembled, and they were all in a state of consideration.

"We refused to do the project of Xiangyang's entry into the tower of the body repair."

"We want to stay with him forever. Only by really raising our own strength can we not be able to keep up with Xiang Yang and be able to keep up with his footsteps. He has already created a way for us to improve. How can we refuse?"

"Yeah, this way, let's put the things of the Qing Xue Universe Group first, then go into the tower of the body repair in batches."


Among the women, if there is no Suzaku woman, it is naturally led by the Gongsun sword dance. At this moment, the Gongsun sword dance has a positive color on his face and looks at the women. She said in a deep voice, "We need to have a good meeting." ""

"Everything is listening to my grandson."

Among other women, even Lu Xinran and Chen Mengqing, Ye Yiyi, and Gong Sunmingy, who had just met, looked at Gongsun Jianwu with a firm color.

"You really should have practiced it."

The Suzaku woman also whispered on one side.

Xiang Yang did not know what happened among the women. At this moment, he still rushed to the space battleship of the Qingxue Space Group with these powerful powers.

Even in order to make a bigger scene, he specially made the king of more than a dozen beasts scream at the same time. The scene was simply too hot.


I only listened to the loud noises of the past, and the sound of the king of these beasts stepping on the ground broke out. The roaring sound continued, making the voids tremble. For a time, the holy people around the Black Forest were Alarmed.

"This guy..."

At the same time, among the saints, the sages of the saints and the other great sanctuaries all appeared in the void above the saints. They widened their eyes and looked at the little hands holding the singer. They were standing in the black. Xiang Yang on the head of the king, especially the king of the beasts who saw the dozen or so holy people around the Xiangyang, they only felt the heart tremble.

"He is too much. The reason why the Black Forest can become the first Jedi, in addition to other places of adventure, is the reason why these kings of beasts guard the Black Forest, and he will all the beasts in the Black Forest. Wang Quan has surrendered, and the Black Forest will be misnamed in the future."

A saint's elder couldn't help but whisper.

"This kid."

The saints couldn’t help but smiled and shook their heads.

"Hey, why didn't we think about surrendering the kings of these beasts in the Black Forest?" Another sacred powerhouse whispered.

"Do you think there is the existence of the Black King, can we surrender to the other kings of the beasts in the Black Forest?"

The sect of the saints, Guangcheng, said with a soft voice, "It is not easy to surrender the kings of these beasts in the Black Forest, unless you can surrender the black king first, let the black king to suppress other fierce Beast, otherwise, only the chaos will be shot."

The sect of the saints, Guangchengzi, is a true disciple of the saints. He is not arrogant, and he is very clear about his own strength. He will not brag easily. He has tried to conquer the black king, but he can't.

He knows very well that if the Suzaku woman first surrendered the Black King, even if Xiang Yang is the descendant of that pulse, it is not necessary to have any powerful force to surrender the kings of these beasts in the Black Forest. Possible thing.

"The Qing Xue Universe Group has really risen in this fairy world."

Later, the sage of the saints sighed, although the former Qingxue universe group has already established a firm foothold, but after all, only the Suzaku woman is a strong sage, how strong she is also a lack of skills, now, with these dozens The king of the beasts of the head can completely suppress the Quartet, which makes the Qingxue universe truly become a superpower that cannot be ignored in the fairy world.

If anyone dares to deal with the Qingxue Cosmos Group, he only needs to send these dozen or so fierce beasts directly. Under the leadership of the Black King, who can resist?

Even if the sages estimate, if the Qingxue universe group is to deal with the saints, it is not easy to block the attack of the Qingxue universe group with the existing power of the saints.

"A subordinate organization, even in less than a few months before reaching the upper limit, it really stood on the heel. This is a miracle."

During this time, with the close communication between the Qingxue Universe Group and the Shengzong, the strongest of the Shengzong has already known that the Qingxue Universe Group has stepped up from the lower bounds, and they only marvel at it.

"The Great Elders, from then on, the Shengzong and Qingxue Cosmos Group exchanged and learned each other. The Qingxue Universe Group has a certain number of places each year to send the younger disciples to the Shengzong practice. At the same time, the Shengzong can also enter the Qingxue Universe Group. If the Qingxue Universe Group agrees, since then, Shengzong and Qingxue Universe Group are the best allies."

At this time, the saints of the saints resolutely made such a decision.


Among the saints, after the strong people listened, they all showed the shocking color. We must know that since the establishment of the saints, they have never formally formed an alliance with any forces and consequences, and the saints have said that they should let the saints and the snow It is simply unbelievable that the Cosmos Group formally formed an alliance.

"Lord, have you really decided?"

The elders looked at the sage of the saints, with a dignified color on their faces.

"Yes, you have to deal with the Qingxue universe group." After the sect of the saints, the figure flashed and the whole person disappeared into the void and disappeared.

"The elders, let me go and negotiate with the Qingxue Universe Group." At this time, the great disciple of the Sovereign, Ning Yu Dao took the initiative to stand up and say.

"it is good."

The elders nodded. Ning Yudao was a great disciple of the sacred sect. He was also a sacred sage. He asked him to negotiate with the Qingxue Universe Group.


Ning Yudao took a gift and took a deep look at the direction of the Qing Xue Universe Group. What he can see is that among the women, his little sister, Zhong Yushuang, is in it...

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