Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2908: Ning Yu visits (five more flowers)

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"I am back."

"Ha ha ha, from now on, these big guys are the guardians of our Qing Xue universe group. Everyone comes to know them. If you want to do it, just tell them."

Xiang Yang returned to the Qing Xue Universe Group with a group of fierce beasts, and said very happy to the women, then greeted the king of the beasts. "Come here, have seen your hostess, remember Their words are my words. If anyone dares not follow them, you will think about it yourself, er..."

"I have seen the hostess."

The kings of these beasts are all respectfully squatting on the ground. For a time, around the Qingxue universe group, as if there are many infinite mountains, it is not always possible for the women to get used to it in a short time.

"And he, in the future, he is the hitter of our Qingxue universe group. He is a sub-sacred strong man. You can call him if you want to do it."

Then, Xiang Yang called out the newly-received Yasheng Youth, and said faintly, "Call."

"I have seen the hostess."

After being entered into the magical species by Xiangyang, this young Yasheng, no matter what Xiangyang wants him to do, he has no regrets, and he is respectful and respectful to the women.

"You don't have to be polite, get up quickly." The ladies were very calm when they faced the salute of the king of the beasts in the realm of the Assumption of the Holy Ghost, but the salvation of the youth in the face of this sub-Holy , it is to greet each other quickly.

Obviously, in the consciousness of the women, this young man was surrendered by Xiang Yang, but his strength is very strong, and it is still the sub-saint of immortality. The status is completely different from the king of these beasts.

Xiang Yang said with a smile, "Well, with the guardianship of these kings of beasts, from then on, the headquarters of the Qing Xue Universe Group will not have to worry about any danger."

"Yes, with them, I can also enter the chaos for a while." Suzaku also nodded, Qing Xue universe group just came to the fairy world, she did not dare easily without standing on the heel. Leaving the Qingxue Universe Group, if there is a strong attack, if she is not there, the Qingxue Universe Group will be wiped out.

Nowadays, with this group of kings of beasts, it is enough to protect the Qingxue Universe Group. She can leave whatever she wants whatever she wants.

"The sect of the Holy Family, Ning Yu, came to visit the friends of the Qing Xue Universe Group."

At this time, Ning Yudao people followed a few disciples, these disciples held gifts in their hands, and their faces sternly flew in the direction of the Qing Xue universe group.


When I saw the arrival of Ningyu Dao, the kings of the beasts who had been kneeling on the ground all made a loud noise. For a time, more than a dozen powerful kings of fierce beasts broke out, making Ningyu Dao’s mind Trembling, the whole person almost stood still in the air.

However, Ning Yu Dao’s cultivation is profound. After all, he is the strongest person in the sub-holy environment. After he has only shaken a few times, he has nothing to do, and his disciples are not so powerful. They all face a big change. At the same time, when the heart trembled, although they were the cultivation of Xianzun's realm, they could not fly in the air, and they fell down one by one. Fortunately, Ningyu Dao responded quickly enough, and quickly sent an energy to shelter him. These disciples, otherwise, his disciples, the elite among the saints, will have a big ugly.

“What do Ningyu Dao people do?”

Xiang Yang’s face was inexplicable, and when the disciples of the saints who followed the Ning Yu Dao’s disciples were screamed by the kings of these beasts, he almost fell and he was happy.


Xiang Yang whispered softly, and then he waved his hand and let the king of the fierce beasts squat down. He looked at Zhong Yushuang himself. "Sister, is this coming to you?"

Zhong Yushuang frowned and looked at Ning Yu Dao. She was very clear about her own brother's thoughts. At this moment, she was really not sure whether Ning Yu Dao ran to the Qing Xue Universe Group to find her own.

"I will ask."

Then, Zhong Yu's double figure fluttered out, and in the blink of an eye, she came to the front of Ning Yu Dao. She frowned and whispered. "Is there a thing for the brothers to come to the Qing Xue Universe Group?"

"I want to see you." Ning Yudao whispered.

While talking, his eyes looked at Zhong Yushuang, with a soft affection in his eyes.

"Sister..." Zhong Yushuang suddenly felt a headache after seeing it. Even if she didn't have Xiangyang, she couldn't have any feelings for her brother. Although the two were young, the more familiar they were, the more she was in her heart. If you think of your brother as a brother, how can you feel the feelings between men and women?

She was helpless and could only sigh and said, "Senior brother, since I have already arrived at the Qingxue Universe Group, I naturally made some decisions. You should be clear about the thoughts in my heart. Why come to me?"

"Sister, I just want to see you, so when the Master proposed to form an alliance with the Clear Snow Universe Group, I volunteered to come forward."

Ning Yu Dao people continue to say.

"The Holy Family intends to form an alliance with the Qingxue Universe Group?" After Zhong Yushuang listened, he was stunned. She knew the origins of the Holy Family. The Holy Family could never be aligned with any forces. But how come this time? Decided to form an alliance with the Clear Snow Universe Group?

"Yes, the decision that Master has just made, from then on, if the principal of the Qingxue universe agrees, the disciples of the Shengzong can go to the Qingxue universe group, and the people of the Qingxue universe group can also enter the saints. "Ning Yu Dao said.

At the same time, he also lamented in his heart. In his view, it was a great thing for the Qingxue Universe Group to promise the Qingxue Universe Group to enter the Shengzong practice.

After all, the Holy Family is definitely the first holy place in the immortal world. Any force wants its own people to enter the sanctuary.

The Qingxue Universe Group is guarded by the king of more than a dozen beasts, and it is only a force that has risen up from the lower bounds. The Shengzong disciple has never learned anything useful in entering the Qingxue Universe Group.

This is equivalent to the benefit of the Shengzong in order to make a clear snow universe group, to the Qingxue universe group.

"Qingxue Universe Group, it is really good luck." Ning Yudao said with a soft sigh.

"Senior brother, Qingxue Universe Group does not necessarily agree to form an alliance with Shengzong." Zhong Yushuang reminded Ning Yudao that "everything in the Qingxue universe group is not weaker than the Shengzong. In fact, for the Qingxue Universe Group In fact, there is no need to go to the saints."


After listening to the Ning Yu Dao people, his face was unbelievable. He couldn’t believe that this sentence was actually spoken from the mouth of his sister.

Any disciple of the Holy Family is proud of the Holy Family and excites himself as a disciple of the Holy Family. In the hearts of the disciples of the Holy Family, there is no sect in the heavens and the world. However, his little sister, Zhong Yushuang, only went to the Qing Xue universe for three months, and even forgot the glory of the Holy Family.


At this moment, Ning Yu Dao people looked at Zhong Yushuang with a heartache, with a serious look on his face.

He wants to open a good education to Zhong Yushuang and let his younger sister understand that Shengzong is the most powerful. Any holy disciple should be proud of the Holy Family.

"Jade Sister, is this your brother?"

At this time, I heard a smile with a voice coming over. I saw Zhao Qingxue and the ladies came to Zhong Yushuang's side together. They looked at Ning Yu Dao with a smile on their faces.

Xiang Yang also followed.

However, among the women, Xiang Yang is very conspicuous, which makes Ning Yudao people stare at Xiang Yang at a glance. His eyes are very strange, with anger and hostility, it seems to be desperate with Xiangyang, but also with competition. It seems that he will not admit defeat anyway.

After Xiang Yang met, he felt very strange in his heart. He said, "Is this guy looking at me like this? I really don't want to offend him? No, I don't even know him."

"Sisters, this is my brother Ning Yudao, who is now the elder of the Holy Family. This time, I came to the Qingxue Universe Group, mainly to discuss with your sisters the alliance between Shengzong and Qingxue Cosmos. This is my master, the sect of the saints has just decided, and wants to have a deep alliance with the Qingxue universe group. I hope that the disciples of Shengzong can enter the Qingxue universe group, and the Qingxue universe group can also send people to Shengzong practiced." Zhong Yushuang said softly.


After the girls heard it, they showed a strange color on their faces and formed an alliance with the holy sect. If they were before, they would naturally be very happy. After all, the foundation of the Qingxue Universe Group is in any case inferior to the holy sect, but this Once, Xiang Yang suddenly conquered the king of more than a dozen of the beasts in the Black Forest, and they did not feel that the Qingxue universe group needed to form an alliance with the Holy Family.

The charcoal in the snow is the most sincere, and now the Qingxue universe group has enough power, the Shengzong is only to form an alliance, can only be said to be the icing on the cake, so that the women will have to think about it.

"Dear friends, Ning Yu came here this time, just to discuss with you the alliance, I don't know what you think?"

Ning Yu Dao people also turned their eyes to the women, especially to the Suzaku woman. In his heart, Suzaku is definitely the true principal of the Qing Xue Universe Group.

"Xiang Yang, you are the chairman of the Qingxue Universe Group. If you want to form an alliance, you decide for yourself." The women did not pay attention to Ning Yudao, but they turned their eyes to Xiangyang.

"He is the principal of the Qing Xue Universe Group?"

After listening to Ning Yu Dao, he was shocked. In his heart, Xiang Yang is his rival. He has always been unsatisfied with Xiang Yang. Unexpectedly, Xiang Yang turned into the principal of Qing Xue Cosmos Group. .


Xiang Yang’s heart is thinking about Ning Yu Dao’s being hostile to himself. After hearing the words of Zhao Qingxue, he coughed a few times and looked at the girls, whispering, “The Qing Xue Universe Group’s It’s fine for you to make your own ideas. I don’t understand...”

Xiang Yang has never participated in the Qingxue universe on the group. Compared with him, the women are the real professionals. He feels that he must not be able to participate at this time.

"You have to be the treasurer."

Zhao Qingxue and other women have a look at Xiangyang, but they did not force Xiangyang, but the chairman of the original Qingxue Cosmos Group, Zhao Qingxue, said directly, "In this case, please ask the Taoist to enter the Qingxue Universe Group for details. How to form an alliance."


With the voice of Zhao Qingxue falling, I saw a golden boulevard extending from the Qingxue universe group, and it was instantly in front of everyone.

Ning Yu Dao looked at this golden avenue and found that it was not a magical technique, but a simple combination of energy. It was the means of technology. He suddenly felt a glimpse of the fact that Qing Xue Universe Group has developed the level of science and technology. At the peak state.

"Thank you."

After he returned to the ceremony, he took a deep look at Xiang Yang and Zhong Yushuang, and then set foot on the Cotai Strip.

The daughters, as the principals of the Qingxue Universe Group, also went on this golden avenue, and then the Jinguang Avenue retracted, and all the women disappeared, leaving only Xiangyang and Xiner, and Zhong Yushuang stood outside. In the void.

"Yu Shuangjie, is this Ning Yu Dao person your brother? How do I feel that he looks at my eyes is weird, as if I want to pinch me, but I don't dare look like it." Xiang Yang looked at Zhong Yushuang strangely. Road.

"He regards you as a rival, and naturally does not want to make you comfortable."

Zhong Yu said in his heart, but on the surface, he said with a smile. "Don't think too much about my brother. I grew up with my brother when I was a child. He is very good, and he doesn't know you. How can he produce it for you?" Inside the hostility."

After Xiang Yang thought about it, he nodded. "Also, I am such a good person. I never take the initiative to provoke things. I have never offended him. He can't be hostile to me."

While talking, he smiled cheerfully. "If you want to form an alliance, then I should go to the Holy Family to have a look. So, let's go to the holy house to play now."

"Well, wow."

On the one hand, Xiner was so cute that she suddenly showed a happy color. She said with Xiang Yang’s arm. "Brother, Yu Shuangjie, let me go, go to Shengzong to see if there is any fun, if it is not fun. If you don't, you will not be aligned."

"Right, if you are not fun, you will not be aligned." Xiang Yang also pointed his head.


When Zhong Yushuang saw that the mentor and the apprentice were so casual, they decided whether or not to form an alliance. She suddenly felt very speechless. This is really a pro-teacher. What kind of disciple is there, what kind of disciple is there? .

However, since Xiang Yang asked to go to Shengzong to look at it, she would not refuse, but said with a smile. "Good, but there are many places in the Holy Family that you may not be able to enter. You must pass the consent of the lord. Just do it."

"Then we will go to see the saints, and the sages are widely grown, and they have been admired for a long time. If they can see one side, they will also see a blessing."

Xiang Yang said with a soft voice.

He can not care much about the other people of the Holy Family. However, for the sage of the Holy Family, the sage of the legendary Three Emperors, he is very curious and with admiration.

If you can see the legendary figure, it is also a very good thing.

Author Meng Yu said: Today, five more, more than 20,000 words, and ask flowers....

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