Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2911: Bold thief

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Xiang Yang held the sovereign token and went directly into the Tibetan Classical Pavilion. Suddenly, there was a magnificent hall in front of him. In this hall, there was a piece of jade volley floating in the air. And, in this light, there are still some handwritings that come out, which is the content of these jade slips.

The entire Tibetan Buddhist Scriptures was inclusive, and Xiang Yang only took a cursory look. He found that there were millions of jade simplifications. He first read a jade slip, took it and saw it, and found it to be a fairy law. Power is very powerful, but it does not have much effect on Xiang Yang.

"These are all exercises in the front, and some are behind the handwriting."

After Xiang Yang looked at the past, he immediately understood all of this.

However, there is no time limit for the token in his hand. He wants to see how long it will take to see it. As a result, although he knows that the latter part is very likely to have a saint hand, he still does not directly rush. Going to the back, he started his big sweeping directly and read every jade.

Xiang Yang is the inheritance of his own master and the inheritance of the tens of thousands of robes, as well as the ancestor of the blood family and the ancient demon statues. The various inheritances he knows are among the heavens, although they may not be able to follow the example of Guangchengzi. The sage is a true disciple, but it definitely surpasses the knowledge reserve of most of the sages.

However, since he realized that he was on the road to ask for a path in the state of Da Luo, it was only when he practiced the rule of Dafa, and he had already profoundly understood that the amount of work he had to spend definitely exceeded most of the majority. people.

We must learn countless legal decisions, comprehend all kinds of different ways, and integrate them into the power of Wanfa Avenue, so that we can truly grow our own strength.

As for the limit, he is not clear.

"The so-called Wanfa is just a title. What I want is to learn all the worlds, even the Western world, even the exotic world, and even the numerous social systems in the chaos. Only one of the forces of Wanfa Avenue can achieve a true path, which is a true road that suits oneself."

Xiang Yang said to himself, he did not hesitate, but looked at the jade at the fastest speed.

"The method of practicing Qi, Wan Xianzhen, this is a well-known immortal method in ancient times. Even if it is a demon statue, it has not been obtained. In the legend, the success of cultivation can directly reach the state of Yasheng, which is good."

"This is the change of the stars, the heavens as the stars, the strength of the stars to practice, and to build yourself into a unique star, great."

"This is the essence of the refining body. In the ancient times, the nine gods who practiced the sanctification of the body were the nine-turned Xuan Gong, and the practice was nine turns. The flesh can be sanctified. It is understood from the practice of Pangu Shengzun. Come, this method is very useful, you can combine my other exercises to see if you can create a perfect match for yourself."


Xiangyang discovered that Shengzong really gathered countless exercises from the time of the flood, and each method is truly supreme. Even if he has received so many inheritances, many of them are themselves. Have not seen it.

In particular, the nine-turn Xuan Gong and other methods of sanctification of the body, let Xiang Yang very happy.

The more I look at it, the more Xiang Yang feels that he has gained a lot. He has branded all the exercises in his mind, and only needs to understand it in the future. Even if he does not practice, he can enhance his knowledge by comprehending these exercises. So that they can open up a road of their own.

As the so-called reading of thousands of books and thousands of miles, many exercises are created by the strong, but any one of the exercises is the saga's supreme wisdom, which is the experience of each creator. You must not underestimate any exercises.

Although I only learned these exercises, it is also very intoxicating to Xiang Yang.

In the end, when he remembered all the exercises, after he came back, he finally saw some real handwritten notes, because these handwritten notes were not recorded by the jade slips, but were recorded in the most original bamboo slips, and the quantity was Not much, compared to the tens of thousands of units in front of the exercises, these bamboo slips are pitiful, only less than a thousand on the shelf.

"These handwritten notes are the handwritings of the ancient strongmen, including the chaos saints and the holy saints, and even the various handwritten notes recorded by the strong practitioners of various spiritual systems in ancient times, must not be easily destroyed, otherwise, Judgment."

At this time, when Xiang Yang walked into the place where these bamboo slips were placed, he saw a figure in front of him, which is the image of the sacred patriarch Guangcheng.

Even Guang Chengzi personally left the image here, showing the importance of these bamboo slips.

Xiang Yang’s face was full of serious color, carefully picking up a bamboo slip by himself, and carefully studying the above. This bamboo slip was written by an Asian saint in ancient times. Although it was not his practice. The practice method, but it is the experience of his practice in various realms, and even detailed how to condense the rules of the Daro.

"This is the real treasure."

Xiang Yang was so fascinated that the whole person was completely immersed in the contents of various bamboo slips. He only felt that the facts recorded on these bamboo slips were too useful for himself.

At the same time, Zhong Yushuang played with Xin Er in the Holy Family. Zhong Yushuang was in the Qing Xue Universe Group during this time. It is very clear that Xin Er’s status among the women is high, and definitely not comparable to the average person.

She was responsive to Xiner. Later, when Xiner saw a group of fat and beautiful cranes that were raised by an elder of the Holy Family, she couldn’t help but touch her stomach and said, "Hungry, these cranes are Not used to slaughter and eat?"

"Is Xiner wanting to eat these cranes?" The beautiful city owner was shocked to see Xiner, and was shocked by the idea of ​​this little girl.

She is very clear, this little girl is already a master of the Da Luo situation, to absorb the immortality and survive, how could it really feel hungry?

Just greedy.

However, at this moment, Xiner is looking at Zhong Yushuang with pity. "Jade double sister, let's eat roasted cranes?"

"This is not good. These are the most favorite cranes that the three elders have cultivated. Although they are usually taken care of by the disciples of the three elders, the three elders often use these cranes. If they are baked, I am afraid that the three elders will be angry." Zhong Yushuang smiled and looked at Xiner.

"It only takes one or two cranes to travel. But the cranes here are only twenty or thirty. We secretly beat one and baked, and certainly no one knows."

Xiner smiled and sneaked in the past, pulling out a big hammer in his hand and knocking directly on the head of one of the cranes.


This hammer is the Thor hammer. During this time, Xiang Yang took the Xiner in the black forest and played around with it. He used the Thunder hammer to knock the sap and eat it. Later, Xiner liked it and gave it directly to Xiner. .

Xiner’s worship of Xiang Yang’s master can be said to be at the extreme. Her movements are exactly the same as Xiang Yang’s usual manners. When she hammers down, she will stun the crane, and then other cranes shout Come over to deal with Xiner, but Zhong Yushuang is standing there, and the breath of a sacred strong man erupts, making these cranes no longer dare to come over, only to watch the Xiner holding that one foot is tall. The cranes swayed and left.

"How do I feel that the little cuteness of Qingxue Cosmos Group has become a little demon?" Zhong Yushuang followed Xiner and walked toward the distance. When he saw this scene, he widened his eyes and felt that such a painting The wind happened to be so awkward to the cute little girl like Xiner.

At this time, after the two left, the other cranes were all rioted. A group of three elders ran out, counted one by one, and found that when the crane was missing one, they all collapsed.

"Someone stole the crane? In this holy sect, there are thieves?"

"This, what is going on?"

"Are we in the Holy Family? How do I feel like something is not right?"


The disciples of the three elders of the saints are the strongest of the kings of the immortal kings. Even one of them has reached the realm of the chemistry. After discovering that these cranes are missing, they all feel too Unbelievable.

"The thief has not run far, we have to catch up with the breath of the crane, and we will be able to catch up with each other. Right, we must quickly inform the master. These cranes are all treasures of the master, and they have been stolen. And the other party is definitely not weak, we are not necessarily opponents, so let the masters catch up quickly."

Then, after the group of disciples were summoned to the three elders, they were chased one by one with the breath of the crane.

Soon after, the disciples of the three elders of the saints found their cranes under the stream of water under a small waterfall in the back of the holy mountain. However, it was only after a short while that they found that the three elders loved each other. The crane has been grilled on the fire.

Moreover, there are two peerless beauty who sit face to face, one of the little beautiful women is very excited to turn the crane, so that it is evenly heated, and very skilled to come up with some condiments, from time to time to brush some spices.

All of this is like a demon in the eyes of these three elder disciples. They only feel dizzy and have a feeling of being inferior to death.

"When it is over, the other party will actually bake the favorite cranes of the masters. They will definitely die, and we will be obeyed by the guards."

"Master, what should we do now?"

"Senior brother, I don't want to be confined. You are here. You are a master. You should be alone. You are punished by yourself. It is better to be punished than all our younger brothers and sisters." ”

"Yeah, brother, this thing, you must kneel down."


At the same time, the disciples of the three elders were very sad. One by one, they looked pitifully at their masters, hoping that their masters would be able to guard the unfavorable fault of the crane.

"You, you...oh..."

The master is about to vomit blood, although he knows that this is a guilty duty for himself as a master. However, these younger brothers and sisters have to push everything to themselves, and in such a pitiful tone of negotiation, It is too much.

He couldn't help but look at the two thieves who stole the crane. Then, under this look, he suddenly stunned. "Master, sister?"

The beautiful city owner Zhong Yu is a disciple of the lord. She is definitely famous in the sacred sect, and everyone is the same person. How can he not know the beauty city owner?

However, when he saw the beauty city owner, he was even more awkward. If he was an outsider who did not know, he would be easy to do. He would directly rush to fight with the other side, regardless of the win or lose. There will always be his own masters, that is, the three elders of the Holy Family come out to save themselves.

However, nowadays, the thief who steals the crane is actually the disciple's disciple, the beauty of the city, which makes him feel overwhelmed and does not know what to do.

"Is there something wrong with my younger brother?"

The beauty city owner and Xiner naturally saw these sneaky followers, and she felt a headache, but the surface was a faint opening.

"Sister, me, we..."

The master had to stand up with his scalp, but he didn't know what to say. What can he say when he faced the disciple's disciple and the goddess in the hearts of many disciples? What dare he say?

He really can't say anything, even if he pointed to the fast-cooked crane that had been baked, told the two women that the crane was their home, and he didn't dare.

"You are hungry, and you are attracted by the fragrance of this girl's barbecue. It's okay, this crane is very big, enough for many people to eat, you wait, eat it after a while."

Xiner is very generous and waved her hand.


After listening to the masters and other three elders' disciples, they all felt a little dizzy. How big is this woman's heart, and I have to follow the trace of the crane to catch up with it. The result has not been settled. Will you call us to eat together?

Even if you are so enthusiastic, please do not dare to eat.

These guys were very embarrassed and their faces were not good. They wanted to refute, but when they saw the beautiful city owner Zhong Yushuang sitting there and nodded to the crowd, they seemed to agree with the words of Xiner, they would not dare to speak. It is.

Ever since, this group of people stood like this, watching Xiner show her cooking very cheerfully. Finally, after a while, Xiner will fix a tall crane, and smiled and greeted everyone. "Come on, eat together, anyway, this crane is big enough. If it is not enough, let's get one and bake it."

"Ah... no, no..."

If this crane is not full, even in the presence of their host, they say that they have to get another crane to roast, and they have never seen such a mad thief.

However, when the disciples of the three elders saw Zhong Yushuang, the beautiful city owner who was sitting on one side and facing them, they dared not say anything, and they could only keep shaking their heads.


At this time, with the sound of a scream, the three elders finally arrived. He was thinking about the elders. If they were allied with the Qingxue Cosmos Group, what should be given to the people of the Qingxue Universe Group? At that time, I received a letter from my disciple who said that the baby crane that I had raised was actually stolen by one person. He quickly caught up. As a result, the road met another elder who was preparing to take the residence of the sovereign. When I rebuilt it, I asked him about it. What he didn't expect was that when he saw his crane, he was already eaten in his hand.

"Hey, this old grandfather, do you want to eat roast cranes? Come on, it’s delicious, but this is a good time for Xin’s to burn, although it’s not as good as the brother’s roast, but also Very delicious, I promise, I will never lie to you."

After seeing the three elders, Xiner felt that things were a little bad, but she turned her eyes and shouted cutely.


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