Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2912: Exit, retreat

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"Hey, this old grandfather, do you want to eat roast cranes? Come on, it’s delicious, but this is a good time for Xin’s to burn, although it’s not as good as the brother’s roast, but also Very delicious, I promise, I will never lie to you."

After hearing the words of Xiner, the disciples of the three elders all showed strange colors on their faces. They had a thought in their hearts. I am afraid that no one in the world is more mad than the beauty in front of them.

It’s too much. If you steal someone’s house and cook it, you can eat it. If the real lenses come to your door, do you still greet the other party with great enthusiasm?

Is there such an excessive person?


Zhong Yushuang is also a bit tolerant, and he coughed a few times. He said to Xiner, "Xin Er, this is the three elders of the Holy Family. It is the master of this crane. You are not hurrying. Thank you, the three elders have not blamed you for baking. The thing of the crane."

"Yes, thank you to the three elders, I, I don't know if these cranes can't be eaten, because I feel hungry when I go to the saints, and I see that these cranes are very fat, they grab one, but fortunately. The elders did not blame me."

After Xiner listened, her face suddenly showed a happy color and said to the three elders.


The three elders had a smoldering fire. When they heard that Xiner had to eat it, he almost exploded. However, when Zhong Yushuang was found, he stunned and later heard Zhong Yu Shuang Jiaoxin. In the words of his son, there is no help in his face.

"Three elders, Xiner is the only true disciple who got the accredited Xiang Yang. Before Xiang Yang came to see the master, Xiang Yang took the sovereign token into the Tibetan Classics. When I go shopping, no matter what requirements she has, she must satisfy her. Therefore, when Xiner says that she is hungry, I will make a self-proclaimed roast of the cranes raised by the three elders. I hope the elders don’t mind."

Then, Zhong Yushuang stood up and said that he was generous.

"This..." After listening to the words of Zhong Yushuang, the eyes of the three elders flashed, and there was no anger in the imagination of his disciples, but a smile. "Since it is the only true disciple of Xiang Yang, then, don't Said that it is just roasting a crane, even if all the cranes are baked?"

"Wow, really, I still think that there is only a little crane. If the three elders say this, then I will be relieved." After listening to Xiner, she climbed up the fence and said happily.


Xiner said that this sentence is a bit too much, even if the beauty city owner feels that the singer is a bit sloppy, not to mention the three elders and his disciples, they are speechless, especially three The disciples of the elders showed a helpless smile on their faces.

The three elders stunned, and he regretted that he was so refreshed that he didn’t care about the other’s beloved crane. Even the pro-centre of the one who was in that vein could not really Are the cranes baked?

However, the words have already been spoken, and he feels that if he regrets, he will be laughed.

He was helpless, and his heart sighed again and again. On the surface, he did not know how to answer Xiner. If he agreed, his loss would be great. If he disagreed, he would not be able to go.

"Xiner don't make trouble, Xianhe is the most beloved thing of the three elders. This time, because of the pain, you didn't care about the crane." Remember to remember any thoughts about the three elders' cranes?"

Fortunately, Zhong Yushuang, the beauty city master, stood up and taught at this time.

"I know, I don't dare to think about those cranes anymore." When Xiner said very well, she turned her head and thanked the three elders. "Thank you for the three elders who don't care about it." ”

"Oh, little things, nothing polite, good, you can continue, what are the requirements, even though they say to them, the old man still has something to do, then go."

The three elders smiled gratifiedly. Although they felt uncomfortable in their hearts, they always felt that they were in the calculation of each other when they faced the two gimmicks of the beauty city owner and Xiner. However, they saw the well-behaved of Xiner. When he looks like, he has no way to give birth to any feeling of anger, and he has to turn and leave.

"It's amazing, the sister is not a sister, it's really amazing."

After the three elders left, all of their disciples looked at the beautiful city owner Zhong Yushuang with a look of incomparable eyes. They saw it very clearly. The three elders appeared in the control of Zhong Yushuang, no matter what the sentence. Zhong Yushuang allowed the three elders to refute.

In the end, they still saw the confusion in their eyes, and apparently they did not understand why they were so generous.

"Hey, a few brothers and sisters, come over and have something to eat."

Then, Xiner is a smile and a few people come together to eat roasted crane meat.

"This, not good..."

To be honest, the disciples of these three elders did not know how many years they had taken care of the cranes. Some of them had carefully thought about secretly roasting one head, but they did not dare. At this moment, it is rare to have such a good opportunity. They are really I want to take a sip, just because the beauty city owner Zhong Yushuang is around, so that they are a bit afraid to move.

"Come on."

The beauty city owner greeted and said, "The elders have already given this crane to Xiner anyway. She invites you, you are welcome."

"Well, thank you sister, thank you fairy."

Ever since, the disciples of the three elders originally came to pick up the thief. The result turned out to be a smattering with the thief. It was so refreshing to sit and sip together.

For the rest of the time, Xiner was wandering around in this holy sect. Because of the experience of the three elders, this gimmick understands that when you want to do something, you can’t do it yourself. You must first drag the other person's 'own person' into the water.

Ever since, under the beautiful face of Xiner, the disciples of the entire Shengzong have been known by her almost. Wherever she goes, there are holy disciples who greet her, and all of them are very happy. See her.

Some of the elders of the saints are only seeing Xiner. This little cute is very famous among the saints. He is a favorite of countless disciples of the saints. However, they do not know all the spiritual spies they have in their own homes. Slowly decreasing.

The thief is good defense, but the thief is the most difficult to deal with.

After Xiner’s relationship with the disciples of the Holy Family, as long as she wants to eat something, she only slightly reveals her meaning in front of the holy disciples. Suddenly, there are a bunch of holy disciples rushing to send her, as for Where did those who came from, she didn't know, and it didn't matter to her anyway.

Not enough, this girl is greatly embarrassed, and there is a tendency to become a master sister among the disciples in the Holy Family. For a time, within the Holy Family, not to mention the elders have been alarmed by her actions, even The sovereigns are equally shocked. .

However, for the sage of the saints, no matter what Xiner is doing, it is just a smile. Other elders also sigh the extraordinaryness of the true disciple of the pulse. From the character aspect, it can be seen that Xiner At the same time, they did not know that the disciples under their own doors had already stunned the various beasts that had been hidden by them, and gave them to Xiner.

After half a month, Xiang Yang finally came out of the Shengzong Pavilion of the Holy Family. After more than half a month, he read all the handbooks in the Tibetan Classical Court. Xiang Yang only felt in his mind. There is a looming road to himself that makes him feel excited.

"As long as I follow my ideas and integrate all my exercises, I can completely open up a path that belongs to me. This road may be different from all the practice systems in the world. However, I can fully understand the runes in the Devil's Battlegear, and then incorporate the practice of the exotic, and the exercises of the former Elven Lord God can also learn from one or two. If you can really figure this out If anything else, maybe I can make a way that contains the magic of the exotic world."

Standing outside the Tibetan Classics Hall, Xiang Yang’s thoughts in his heart are only a thousand, and he only feels that curiosity has risen. The whole person can’t help but reveal the excitement. “No, I have to go back to retreat.”


However, Xiang Yang has not left, he feels that in his Promise Xianfu, there is a figure in the tower of the body repair suddenly burst out, it is his original demon avatar.

At the moment, the beginning of the devil has been tempered to the true ultimate, combined with the body of the first demon, the body of the body can be said to be the real peak.

"From today on, the strength of my body of the first demon is no more than weak."

Xiang Yang understands that his own power of the first demon is now truly capable of facing the superiors of the Upper Asia. Although he has not become an Azov, he has not even a chemical road, but it is enough to really go on. The peak is over.

"Well, in this case, let the first demon detached in the Promise of the Promise, and at the same time, my deity is accompanying the women in the outside world."

This time, Xiang Yang can't stay in the central Tianyu for too long. He wants to spend every day with the women. As for practicing the new practice, just let the first demon get to comprehend. It is.

"Mei Xiaoniu have not even broken through."

Then, Xiangyang’s first demon stood outside the tower of physical repair, and looked at the tower of physical repair. He found that since the women entered the tower of physical repair, no one broke through. He frowned and his eyes were dignified. Color, whisper, "The practice of the tower of the body repair is painful, but it is not dangerous. If so, let them temper the body. Just wait for them to thoroughly cultivate the body and then they will have a certain Self-protection."

Although his heart is very distressed by the women, his own deity and avatar have been tempered by the tower of physical repair, and it is very clear how painful it is to practice in the tower of physical repair. However, at this time, you should be jealous of yourself. However, he will never be merciless.

The quickest way for the women to cultivate is to raise the strength of the flesh to the peak. At that time, even the sanctuary can not easily kill a physical repair of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak.

At the thought of this, Xiang Yang hardened his heart and did not forcefully enter the tower of physical repair to rescue the women.


Then, Xiangyang's first demon avatar was in the place where the retreat in the Promise of the Promise was ready to begin to enter the deep-level comprehension, but he did not really start, and he saw Xiaoling and Lao Wan.

"what happened?"

Xiang Yang frowned and looked at the two great spirits. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for the two great spirits to influence themselves like this. However, they suddenly came together at this time, which made him feel a little puzzled. It is.

"The boss is going to open up a road of his own?" Lao Wan said directly.

"Yeah, when my old man appeared, did you not feel it?" At that time, although Xiangyang’s master came down, it blocked most people’s viewing, but Xiaoyang and Laowan in Xiangyang’s body were Not affected.

Xiaoling and Laowan nodded at the same time, and then Laowan said, "If the boss really wants to open up his own path, the best way is to first understand the practice system of the world in the chaos, and wait for himself to really After being integrated into it, we can learn the advantages of the various systems of practice and open up the real path of our own."

"I have understood a lot by watching the saints in the Shengzong Tibetan Pavilion." Xiang Yang said.

"No, those saints are just the hands of the saints in this ancient world. They are just the pioneers of the system of this world. You can't get rid of the influence of this world."

Lao Wan shook his head and said.

"What should I do?" Xiang Yang stunned.

"Wan Zunzun has a heritage temple in the depths of Chaos. It is called the Wanjue Temple. The collections of all aspects of the classics contain different systems of various aspects of the world in chaos. If the boss can enter 10,000 Watching the spiritual system of each world in the temple of the robbery, you will be able to find the one that suits you best." Lao Wan said quickly.

"Do you want to lie to me into the chaotic world?" Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"No, I dare to lie to the boss, just want to tell the boss, let the boss can enter the depths of chaos to understand more." Lao Wan quickly shook his head and said.

"After I have participated in the Battle of Immortals, I can consider entering the depths of chaos. However, before this, my practice can't stop. I must first set a direction for myself."

Xiang Yang said.

He knows that the story that Lao Wan will give you will not harm himself. Since the robbing man really left what is called the sacred temple in chaos, then if you can get everything in it, maybe it’s true to yourself. Has a strong role.

However, he can't leave now. He can only use his own strength to promote a road of his own, so that he can continue to practice.

After all, I have already integrated all the rules of the Da Luo into the power of Wanfa Avenue. If I don't study it well, I am afraid I will be beaten by myself.

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