Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2913: Shock of the great elder

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"The normal practice system of the heavens and the kingdoms is that the Dalu rule is the main one. When the Daluo is in the realm, after comprehending the rule of the nine Dalu to reach the limit, it can directly break through to become the Yasheng, but the so-called Asia. St. is actually just a path of failure. In ancient times, the real idea of ​​the Taoist ancestor who created this road was to allow everyone to break through and become a true chaotic saint. However, many people cannot break through sanctification. If you don’t see hope, you will find another way to become Yasheng, so there are so many holy people today."

"And I have already broken the road that Daozu opened up in the past. What I want to go is another way of my own. Since there is only one force of Wanfa Avenue, then I have to let people understand that the rules of the Da Luo It’s not the limit of nine, nor is it necessary to have the rules of the Dala.

"Since then, for me, the power of this avenue is no longer the rule of the Daro, but the rule of the direct avenue, called the power of the avenue."

"For others to practice the rules of the Dala, I will practice such a avenue, and go straight to the holy place, even the power of the stronger sage."


In the Promise of Immortality, Xiangyang’s first demon platter sits, and the first demon body has powerful and unparalleled energy flow. Since you must enlighten the practice of the practice, then the demon avatar can’t continue to maintain nine big Luo’s rule of Dalu’s nine-day practice, otherwise, how can he find a path of his own?

"The power of Wanfa Avenue will show me out."


Then, as the voice of Xiang Yang fell, he heard a roaring sound. Then, there was a vast expanse of scent, and a very powerful force broke out. All the original rules of the whole body emerged. At the same time, the power of Wanfa Avenue also appeared.

It may not be possible to share the practice of all others between the avatars of the others and the deity, but Xiang Yang is different. Xiang Yang’s deity and avatar are all one, and the consciousness is the same. His deity and avatar comprehend. What rhyme can be displayed by another.

At this moment, after Xiang Yang’s first demon avatar exerted the power of Wanfa Avenue, his mind was moved, and all the rules of Dalu in the whole body were integrated into it. In the blink of an eye, his avatar became exactly the same as the deity, without any Da Luo ruled, leaving only one avenue.

"Taking the rules of the Dala as a nutrient to nourish my power of this road, this is the true force of the Dafa Avenue. However, I must enlighten the other rules of the Da Luo. If I can fully understand the Three Thousand Avenues. If you integrate it, the power of this road will be almost the same."

Xiang Yang’s first demon avatar closed his eyes, and there were countless rays of light jumping around him. He turned into countless villains, lying down, standing, or running...

They all share a common characteristic and are all enlightened in various methods.

And these people are not others, it is Xiang Yang.

This is a very big harvest that Xiang Yang received in the Holy Family. It is a method of practice, called dreaming.

This is a strong man in ancient times. He always felt that his method of practice was too slow. It was too much trouble to comprehend various laws. So, the strong man’s talent was outstanding. He successively entered the Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism, and studied each. The method of cultivation, in the end, combines the Taoist meditation method with the Buddhist method of dreaming, and later the Confucian method of judging, to study such a method of entering a dream.

This law will be displayed, and his whole person's consciousness will be turned into countless villains, and at the same time he will learn various different decisions.

This method can be said to be the most suitable for the current Xiangyang use. He displayed this method of dreaming and practicing, and there have been thousands of him, all of them are enlightened in various exercises, gradually, Various exercises have emerged on the villains, and various rules have begun to emerge.

For a time, among the Promise of Immortality, among the places of practice that Xiang Yang laid down, various kinds of roads began to emerge, and the atmosphere of a boulevard was pervasive.

However, it is so easy to get 3,000 to reach the understanding.

Even if it is Xiangyang's practice of dreaming and practicing, it is impossible to cultivate successfully in a short period of time.

At the same time, the first demon avatar in the Promise Xianfu is practicing, and Xiangyang, who is standing outside the Shengzong Tibetan Classical Court, has found Xiner, and found that Xinyi is sneaking with a group of disciples of the Holy Family. In the back garden of the great elders of the saints, they stared at a group of arowanas that were kept by the elders of the saints.

"Oh... don't make a noise. After a while, you rush in. One person catches a fish and runs. Today we have a whole fish dinner."

Just listening to Xin Er whispered to the saint disciple who was with her.

“Is the whole fish feast delicious?”

Xiang Yang appeared next to Xin Er, and asked with a smile on his face.

"Of course it's delicious. You don't know. This is the whole fish banquet of the arowana. With the superb cooking of this fairy, it is truly invincible. Unfortunately, my brother is still practicing, or else If it is, it will be more perfect. However, there are many kinds of treasures in this holy sect. Anyway, is the opportunity not?"

Xiner replied directly without thinking about it.


After Xiang Yang listened, the heart felt warm. This girl really thought about herself. Even if she was in the sanctuary, she did not forget herself. It was her true disciple.

However, if you really let this gimmick give the Ancestral Dragon's arowana a scourge, then it may be troublesome.

At this moment, Xiang Yang did not know what Xin Er had made in the ten days of his retreat. If he knew it, he would be more stunned.

However, in other words, most of these things that Xiner did were followed by him...

"Xiner Fairy..."

Xiang Yang appeared silently behind Xin's, and Xiner didn't feel it, but the group of young saints who followed her were very clearly seeing Xiangyang. While all of them were dumbfounded, they whispered. Happy child.

"Don't be noisy, so loud, if you scare the arowana away, are you responsible?" Xiner glanced very dissatisfiedly at the disciple of the saint.

However, from this point of view, she suddenly found a smiling smile standing in front of her Xiang Yang, she suddenly exclaimed, very happy to call up, "Xiang Yang brother, you finally clearance. ”

While shouting, Xiner’s little girl had jumped directly to Xiangyang’s body and held Xiangyang tightly, just like a koala bear hanging on Xiangyang.

After seeing these strong men of the saints, they have already been shocked. They have known each other through this time with Xiner. In their hearts, Xiner is a super-big girl but a very little devil. How can it be so dependent on people?

Looking at Xiner directly hanging on Xiang Yang's body, the male disciples of a group of Shengzong disciples are a bit sour in their hearts, while the female disciple looks at Xiang Yang, with a strange color in his eyes, not knowing Xiang Yang. What is so strange, it is possible to let Xin Er such a fascinating fairy tales treat him like this.

Xiang Yang whispered softly, holding the body of Xiner, looking at the arowana in front of him. Under this look, there was a feeling of dizziness. This girl is really bold. I want to know the most among these arowanas. Strong is already about to become a sub-saint, and even if it is the weakest, it is the realm of Da Luo Xian Wang, just because she brought this group of holy disciples, I want to take these arowanas to the sap. The whole fish banquet is really too bold.

The disciples of the saints who can follow the head of Xiner’s scorpion are obviously not too high. Among them, the strongest is just the realm of the great king, and the one who goes up will be taken by this pool. The arowana is gone, how can you steal the arowana?

"Who is coming to the backyard of the old man?"

At this time, with the sound of an old man full of anger, I saw a white-haired old man appearing in front of everyone, it is the great elder of the saint.

The other party is a strong man who is not weaker than the sect of the Holy Family. He stands here casually. Although it seems normal on the surface, it is very simple. However, Xiang Yang can clearly see that the other party is free to stop. The breath of the avenue on the body is extremely incomparable, no more than the sacred patriarch.

"It is another powerful and unmatched old monster."

Xiang Yang’s heart is self-talking. He knows very well that it has been a long time since the founding of the Holy Family. Both the lord and the elders of all parties are definitely the famous and powerful people in the wild world.

The prestige of the lord Guangchengzi is enough. How can the elders be a weak?

"Xiang Yang has seen the elders of the saints." Xiang Yang’s face was smiling, facing the saint’s great elders.

"Xiner has also seen the elders." Although Xiner’s little girl also followed the ceremony, she still hangs on Xiangyang and refuses to come down. It seems that she has been separated from Xiangyang for half a month.

Xiang Yang was helpless and could only show a smile to the elders. The latter was a strange color on his face. He quickly said to Xiang Yang, "You don't have to be a gift for the little friends. Is it important to have two husbands to live in the house?"

Seeing both Xiang Yang and Xin Er, both men and women, that is, the contemporary and the next generation of the descendants of the same vein are here, even the elders of the saints do not dare to slack off.

Although I know that there is absolutely no danger in Xiangyang and Xiner on my own site in this holy sect, the elders still feel that they must be cautious and cannot let any of Xiang Yang and Xin Er’s men and women have any danger. You must know that if there is any danger in these two divisions, the pulse is a real extinction. At that time, it is normal for the one sword to smash the entire saint.

"Nothing, I heard that the elders who raised a pool of elders are very beautiful. When they are curious, they come to see the scenery with their hoes. It’s a great elder. These dragon fish are so powerful that we all look at it. Xiang Yang said with a smile.

When he said this, the saints who were eager to bow their heads and bowed their heads and bowed their heads, all of them admire them in their hearts. They clearly came to trouble, and they came to harm the dragon fish of the great elders of the saints. Xiang Yang even lied. I don’t have a draft, and it’s really a master of Xin’s big sister. This is absolutely awesome.

"It turned out to be."

The elders breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it is not that there is anything important about Xiang Yang and Xin Er’s mentoring. So, he can be assured.

However, at this time, the most powerful dragon fish in the group of dragon fish in the pool is slightly open, and the old elders said, "Master, that group of people is coming to eat us. ..."


After listening to the elders, the look looked strangely at Xiangyang and Xiner, but he did not say anything, but said with a smile, "Since the two are coming, it is better to take a rest in the place where the old man practiced?"

"This time I was disturbed by the saints for too long, I will stay soon. Thank you, the great elders. I will visit again in the future, and I will not bother today."

With the power of the powerful and unparalleled spirit, Xiang Yang also heard the sound of the arowana to the elders. The things that Xiner’s gimmicks have already been revealed. If you still stay, this is not to give Does the other party send food?

Although he knew that the elders would not return to the male owner himself, he still refused the elders.

"Well, the door of the old man's Dongfu is open to the two friends at any time. I welcome the two to come and be at home." The elder said with a smile.

"Must be sure, thank you the great elders, we will leave."

Xiang Yanghe smiled, and after a gift to the elders with Xiner, he turned and left, while the other disciples of the Holy Family were all carefully watching the elders.

"The great elders, disciples, etc. also said goodbye."


At this moment, the disciples of these saints secretly screamed in their hearts. Xiang Yang left with a sweet child. The two of them were very refreshing. However, these holy disciples could be miserable. The elders could not care about Xiang Yang and Xin Er. The two things about the teacher and the apprentice are how the disciples of the saints may be merciful.

"Are your homework finished?" the elders said faintly.

"Do it, finish it." These disciples of the Holy Family knew that the elders were looking for them. They bit their teeth and could only whisper.

At the same time, they are fortunate that the work that Shengzong arranged for each disciple, they all came out to play before they finished, or else, in the face of the elders, they would be even more finished.

For these disciples, the saints have fixed homework every day, either as a matter of spiritual practice, or let them enlighten, or let them go to the alchemy, anyway, ways to enhance their practice, Every saint disciple can reach a certain level every day.

This is the homework that the disciples of the saints have to accomplish, unless they are able to reach the realm of the big and the nine heavens, otherwise, every disciple will not be spared.

"No, you haven't finished."

However, when these holy disciples all breathed a sigh of relief, they heard the elders faintly said, "From today, your homework is doubled on the basis of the original."


This group of sage disciples were dumbfounded after listening to them. Their homework was not too light. Now they have to double, and it’s not a day or two. It’s the next day, it’s like them. What?

"Why, do you have any opinions?" asked the elders of the saints.

"No, no opinion."

"Let's go on."


After leaving this group of holy disciples, the elders took their hands and looked at Xiangyang’s direction of departure. His face was surprised and whispered. “This kid is only half a month in the Tibetan Buddhist Scriptures. Time, when he appears, I can't see his realm. What is the situation?"

"And, he is surrounded by the atmosphere of the avenue, even if I can't see how much his understanding of the avenue is, it is really quirky."

"I don't think it's a descendant of that pulse. I really don't know what level he will go in the future."


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