Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2917: You are too weak

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"I understand it, yes, you should understand that if your fruit is not broken, you must find a treasure to defend your fruit. Since it is all that I have promoted you, or you take you Give me the treasure to use to defend the fruit?"

Xiang Yang’s words turned, and he smiled and said to Ning Yu Dao.


Xiang Yang’s style of painting was too fast. After Ning Yu’s people listened, the original firmness and touch of the heart disappeared. He snorted. “You think too much.”

“Do you know what you know?” Xiang Yang turned his eyes and said.

"Oh..." Ning Yudao sneered, he naturally knows the graciousness of the newspaper, but when he sees Xiang Yang like this, he feels that he can never easily compromise.

Anyway, it’s not Xiangyang who is blocking the flames of the ‘Three Masters’, but the younger sister’s own report on the younger sister.

After making up his mind, he looked at Zhong Yushuang and shouted, "Sister is careful. He is too familiar with us. He must not follow the common sense. Otherwise, he will find flaws."

"I understand."

Zhong Yushuang's breath is getting stronger and stronger. At this moment, she seems to be a high-ranking queen. It is earth-shattering between shots. However, when she faces her 'three brothers', the flame god, she is obviously a little lacking. The other side has been at ease, but he did not use all his strength. While he was still shooting, he said with a smile. "Small teacher, I think that the three of us were the best. I once agreed to travel together in the future. Now, chasing chaos is not enough, but, For the brother to fulfill you and the master, let the two of you die together."


Then, the ten-foot-tall flame giant broke out, and the horror of the flames broke out. The flame spears penetrated the heavens and the earth, and even the avenues of the fairy world could not be compared with it. With terrible power, the moment Zhong Yushuang blew past.

At this moment, Zhong Yu's face changed greatly. She seemed to face the pressure of her own master. The strength of the other side was too strong, and she actually suppressed her own way.

Zhong Yushuang actually felt that his own fruit was not running smoothly. Even the sword in his own fruit could not be smashed and chaotic.

"this is..."

Her heart trembled, and the swords that were originally displayed appeared slowly at this moment. In an instant, they were seized by the other party and directly penetrated.

The strength of this flame spear is such that Zhong Yushuang has the feeling that he can't block the other's flame spear regardless of how he resists.

Her body trembled, and the whole person could only retreat, because she found that no matter what kind of magical power she used to attack each other, it was useless, and her own way was suppressed by the other side.

For immortals, especially the more immortal people who cultivated, the stronger the understanding of the avenue, when it comes to hand, to a certain extent, it is already the confrontation of the power of the avenue.

The road of oneself is suppressed by the other side. It can be said that most of the losses have been lost and it is impossible to fight.

"The road of the gods is even stronger than my own way?" Zhong Yu's heart trembled with an incredible look on her face. She has always been a very proud person, and she is very confident in her own strength. She originally had more I don't want to break through to become Aya, but I want to attack the realm of chaos and saints from the realm of the Tao.

However, after the last encounter with the Black Winged Snake, let her understand her own deficiencies, but in desperation, she had to retreat to the next best, and in the shortest time, she directly broke through to become Yasheng.

Rao is just becoming Yasheng, and her strength is not weaker than those of the old Yasheng who have broken through for many years. This is why she dared to rush directly to the front of the trilogy of the 'three brothers'. s reason.

However, even if she is so strong, in the face of the flame of the sacred brothers of the "three brothers", she found that her comprehensible Tao could not be compared with the other side, making her a little doubtful about life.

"The Tao of the Immortal World is a flawed avenue. How do you compare it with the Word of God?"

The ten-foot-tall flame giant shot out the strongest attack while the mouth was with a proud color. "The gods are only a small world in the foreign world, but they are directly bearing the complete world of the exotic world. To reach, and the fairyland, if it is the former wild world, it is naturally three thousand avenues, but after the world is broken, the three thousand avenues are also flawed, and it is impossible to compare with the avenues of the gods. The way, even if your path is stronger, you can't compare with me, 'Little Teacher'."

"Give you three people to go on the road together."


Although he called "Little Teacher" in his mouth, he did not have the slightest mercy in his hand. The flame spear in his hand broke out the horrible road and suppressed the road of Zhong Yushuang. At the same time, he bombarded the past with his strongest power. A single blow will kill Zhong Yushuang.

Although Zhong Yushuang is not willing to admit that his own way is not comparable to the other side, he finds that he really can't compete with each other. In the case that his own road is suppressed by the other side, she can only retreat.

"Damn." Zhong Yu double bite the lips, she wants to fight back, but there is no way to shoot, making her heart very angry.

"Jade Sister, let me come."

At this time, behind Zhong Yushuang came a sound with a gentle voice, only to see Xiang Yang's figure standing in front of her, directly blocking the flame of the other side against the suppression of Zhong Yushuang.

"My brother is careful, he is my third brother, but also the flame **** of the Western gods, the strength is very strong." Zhong Yushuang quickly shouted.

"It's no problem, just the path of the Western gods in the district, how can we compare with the road of our world?"

Xiang Yang whispered softly, and his figure stood in the same place, but he was not afraid of the suppression of the liberation of the other side. When he saw the flame spear bombarded, he directly put on the demon statue. Armor, at the same time, in the inside of the demon armor, it is the devil's armor turned into a thin, flap-like clothing tightly attached.

After the combination of the nine blood lotuses, the level of the demon **** armor has reached the level of chaos to the treasure, the strong defense, unless the saint personally shot, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to break the defense of the devil's armor.

Of course, it is still necessary to look at the strength of the people who use it.

Xiang Yang’s current strength, even if he wears the devil's armor, can't stop the saint's attack. Even if it is the strongest sub-sacred attacker, if it is a super strong person like Suzaku, it will also be Attacked.

Although Xiang Yang said that the other's way is just a trail, he is very cherished for his life and cannot easily take risks.

"Let you see what is the difference between the so-called avenue of the gods and the celestial world."

Xiang Yang whispered softly, and the power of a boulevard appeared on the top of his head. It was the power of Wanfa Avenue. The power of this avenue was originally the rule of Da Luo, but after devouring other rules of the Da Luo, it has changed. It has to be different from the rules of Da Luo.


At this moment, the power of a majestic boulevard broke out. Even though Xiangyang was not a strong sacred place, the power of the road that broke out of him was terrible.

In the hands of Xiang Yang, the Demon War Blade directly turned into a sword. He held the Excalibur, and a sword broke out. The incomparable sword light broke out. This sword seemed to be able to smash the eternity and destroy the law.

"Don't you think that the avenue of the fairyland is flawed? I will let you know that the avenue of the fairy world is much stronger than the avenue of the so-called **** world. Even if I am just a true fairy, I can also crush you with the power of the avenue. The power of the avenue of the gods."

When Xiang Yang smiled coldly, there appeared a sword of killing and a sword of the king on his head. Even the invincible sword that had just been realized for a long time appeared. Then, the three swords were combined and the sword directly integrated into the hand Among them, this Jianguang, with invincible force, instantly squats on the flame spear of the other side.


Jianguang collided with the flame spear, and the void solidified. When the two attacks collided together, they did not cause a big explosion, but the void immediately solidified, and the two also stagnated together.


Both Zhong Yushuang and Ning Yu Dao also frowned. The two attacks together can only prove that the strength of both sides is similar. However, Xiang Yang Ming Ming is just a true fairy, and can really block the realm of the gods. Flame Lord God?

We must know that their three younger brothers are able to be accepted as disciples by their teachers. Their talents are also superb. Since their practice, his strength has been earth-shattering and definitely not comparable to that of ordinary people.

However, Xiang Yang’s practice has not been in the past 100 years, and it has been able to block the attack of the other side. This is a bit unbelievable.

Even Xiang Yang’s opponent, the one-footed tall flame **** was shocked. “You, your strength?”

"My strength is just a fairy."

Xiang Yang sighed and said, "However, although I can't compare with you in the realm, after all, if you divide according to the cultivation of the immortal world, it is the sub-sacred strong, and if you divide it according to the divine world, it is the level of the main god. , much better than me."


At the same time, Xiang Yang’s face showed a disdainful color. “Your god’s way is too weak. The flame of a Lord God is not as good as my true fairy, even though I am the one. The passing of the pulse is special, but I am just a real fairy. Hey, seeing you so weak, I am relieved. I will definitely go to the gods to find a time later. When I am, I will kill some gods. It is also good."


With the voice of Xiang Yang falling, the virtual air around the sword and the other side's flame spear collided with each other like a mirror.

"A sword is alive."

At this moment, Xiang Yang did not hesitate, and immediately shot again, a sword smashed out, a **** sword appeared out of thin air, with the sword of the scorpion smashed out.

On the opposite side, the ten-foot-high flame **** is also shot. It is still a spear hole wearing a void, which is burned with a horrible flame. These flames are not ordinary flames, but the fire of the avenues of the Western gods, regardless of Whether it is Ning Yu Dao or Zhong Yushuang, they are all suppressed by the power of the other side.

However, when the other party's flame broke out, Xiang Yang's face was a faint smile. "I said, it depends on your path, it can't affect me at all. Pangu World's Three Thousand Avenues contain The endless chaos is definitely not what you call the path of the gods."


With the voice of Xiang Yang falling, the sword of Tu Yu Cangsheng bombarded the flame spear of the other side, and a vast sword broke out. This time, it was no longer tied with the other side, but the flame spear was directly attacked. Going out, and the **** swords and rivers with the swordsmanship of the slaughter are directly bombarded on the body of the ten-footed god.


The ten-foot-tall Lord God retreats toward the rear, his body's flames dissipated, his face revealing a shocking look, and the whole man stared at Xiang Yang, at this moment, in front of him. There is a sword wound, which contains the killing, the king, the invincible and other swords are destroying his body.

In his wounds, there is an infinite flame filled with flames, and he is refining the swords. However, what shocks him is that he has encountered the same situation as Ning Yudao, with his power of flames, even It is impossible to refine the swords that Xiang Yang left on his wounds.

At this moment, his face really changed.

"Is it true that the road to the so-called **** world is actually very weak. Yes, it is so weak. Even the sword of my true immortality cannot be expelled. Your main **** of the Western gods is too weak. Ugh."

Xiang Yang sighed, and the Excalibur in his hand cut through the void and once again went out.

"The second sword is a god."

This sword is still the sword of killing, and it is still the second sword. The second sword is the spirit of heaven and earth that kills each other with the sword of killing. The so-called spirit of heaven and earth is actually the other god’s **** and true. spirit.

After this time, I determined my own way. After the rule of Da Luo was abolished and the power of Wanfa Avenue was condensed, the sword of killing was again displayed. Xiang Yang found that the power of this sword was stronger than before. Tens of thousands more.

"It seems that my path in the past was indeed wrong. I practiced the three kendos, or I followed the practice of 'Happy 诀'. The kendo with it is very powerful. Since I don’t follow the practice of 'Happy 诀,' then, I It is necessary to create the most suitable way for oneself, in order to exert its strongest strength with the strongest posture."

Xiang Yang’s heart is self-talking. He understands that his master’s words are not wrong, and he is more determined to open up his own path.


Then, this sword carries an unparalleled sword meaning, killing, king, and invincible three swords are integrated into it, making the power of this sword earth-shattering, instantly breaking the blockade of the void, and then a sword of incomparable swords From the chaos, the moment is bombarded with the Lord of the Flame.

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