Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2918: This is a misunderstanding...

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In the Black Forest, accompanied by a huge roar, at the same time, there was a space magic weapon hidden in the void in the black forest. Others could not see it, but at this moment it was an instant explosion. Come.

Then, when the space magic weapon burst, the space seal is broken in an instant. In the meantime, both the beastmaster and the Suzaku girl in the holy sacred or the clear snow universe group discovered the terrible battle here. .

"There is a big battle in the Black Forest, and it is still sealed by the power of space. It is impossible for Xiangyang to deal with the Beastmasters. All the Beastmasters of the Black Forest have been surrendered by Xiangyang. Then, there must be other strongmen. ""

At the same time, among the saints, the saints and the elders all appeared in the void. Their eyes were faint, and they did not care at first. They just sighed and said, "It is the autumn of many things."


However, the voice of the Sovereign has just fallen, and a sigh of anger is erupting. This sword contains the artistic conception of killing, king, and invincibility. The horrible power of chaos smashing the sky and sweeping the Black Forest. It seems as if the entire Black Forest is to be destroyed.

Moreover, this is only the aftermath.

"This is the sword of the pulse."

The sages and the elders all changed their faces.

Especially Guang Chengzi, he used to follow his master and the original saint to see the sword in the chaos. At that time, his sentiment was the clearest. The one sword was exactly the same as the sword that he saw now. Generally no.

The difference is that the sword of that one is stronger than this one. I don’t know how many times it is. It is a sword that can’t be described as a horrible sword that can destroy the whole chaos.

You must know that the legend about the vein that has been circulated among the fairy tales, the reason why everyone in the heavens and the world can know the characteristics of the kendo of that vein, can recognize Xiangyang, a large part of it is from the sage Widely spread in the mouth of Guang Chengzi.

When Guangchengzi saw that sword, he immediately understood that the person who was fighting in the depths of the Black Forest was Xiangyang. Moreover, Xiangyang did not know what method he had used to improve his strength and upgrade his strength to Asia. Holy Land.

"Sovereign, let's go and see, if the kid has an accident, we can't get away with it."

The elders said quietly.

"it is good."

Guangchengzi nodded and had a helpless color on his face. Although the Qingxue Universe Group came to the side of the holy sect, it really brought some convenience to the sage, especially after the two sides just started to form an alliance, a few days ago. I also specially entered the world of the Qingxue universe and found that it is indeed different from the Shengzong, and is absolutely useful for the experience of the Shengzong disciples.

However, Xiang Yang is in the surrounding area, and he is arrogant with people. The people of Shengzong are afraid of it. If there is something wrong with the sun, the people of Shengzong also saw it. They didn’t help, even if everyone knew it was definitely not them. Hands-on, but they can't say it.

"How do I feel like we are the nanny of that kid?"

The three elders said with a sigh.

"Go, go see."

Everyone else shared the same feelings, but they did not say much, but went with the lords going deep into the Black Forest.

At the same time, among the Qing Xue universe group, the Suzaku woman frowned at the Black Forest and whispered. "Who is the little guy fighting with?"

"No, the rhythm of the other party is different from that of the fairy world. Is it the avenue of the Western gods?"

Then, when I carefully sensed the Xiangyang War, the rhythm of the other party broke out, and the Suzaku woman couldn’t sit still. She stepped out and disappeared instantly.

"Big old black, small gold, go with this girl, let's see who dares to bully my Xiangyang brother, we have killed him."

Xiner also has the deepest feelings. She clearly feels that her Xiangyang brother is fighting in the depths of the Black Forest, and her opponent's strength is still very strong. She directly greets Da Laohei and Xiaojin to start.

"Little master, bring us."

"Oh... we went to eat him together, dare to fight the master, and get tired."


As Xiner appeared on the head of Da Laohei, when she was going to rush out with big old black and small gold, the other dozens of beast kings who were entrenched around the Qingxue universe group all screamed.

They pleaded with the children to go with them to help their master Xiang Yang.

"No, Suzaku's sister also left the Qingxue Universe Group. You must stay here to watch, most, you, you, you three, walk with us, others are left to protect the Qingxue universe group, if there is a strong If you are guilty, you will eat them directly."

Xiner gave a command and pointed to the king of the three beasts, and then took the five beasts directly, and went to the depths of the Black Forest.


In the depths of the Black Forest, Xiang Yang swept through a sword light. This time, the face of the flame **** opposite him was dignified, but roared. "Kid, don't think that your sword's sword will be invincible." The world, and seeing the Lord God inspires all divine power, destroys you."


At this moment, he burst out of the horrible power of the whole body, and a powerful and unmatched breath erupted. The mighty energy flowed, and the flames around him were even stronger.

At the moment, behind him, there is a **** who is burning with flames appearing behind him. The other is full of majesty, with a horrible rhyme, holding a flame spear directly, wearing a void, facing the item Yang bombarded.

At the same time, the guy also integrated all the power into it, and at the same time blasted the flame spear in his hand and slammed it toward Xiangyang’s sword.

"Is it interesting, the avatar of your body has reached such a strong degree that it should be comparable to your deity?"

Xiang Yang’s face was smiling, and when he saw that the other side’s blow had not really collided with his second sword of killing sword, he whispered, “Three swords are dead.”


With the third sword of Xiangyang going out, a secluded sword is very slender, and it looks like a silk thread generally scratches the void, and instantly appears in front of them. Then, this sword bursts out, and the sword is with a light. The incomparable light is flowing, and there is a vast expanse of energy bursting, as if it can penetrate into the nine secluded hell, and annihilate the entire nine secluded.


Although Xiang Yang’s third sword was much later than the second sword, but after the first move, he also followed his second sword, the sword of the heavenly spirit, and the two swords took a look at the same time. The Lord of Fires killed the past.

斩天灵, killing is the one of the flame gods behind the other side, that is the real god, the power of the main **** of the West.

The killing of the nine secluded, killing is the reincarnation of this guy, this guy reincarnation for countless years, became the three disciples of Guangchengzi, itself also cultivated the sub-holy environment, the strength is not the same, the flame in the hand The spear is even more precious, and its power is endless.

However, in the case of Xiangyang's two swords, even if this guy is so powerful, it is useless.

Ning Yu Dao people in the back of Xiangyang and Zhong Yushuang, the master of the beautiful city, only saw two swords and light smashing the void chaos, as if they were eternal, with an invincible atmosphere, killing and the meaning of the king, and the two The flame spears slammed into each other, and then everything was annihilated, the void was broken, and everything became nothing.

At the same time, the flame spear in the hand of the Vulcan was broken in an instant, and a slender sword light passed by, and the fire **** was opened from the moment.


Not only that, but in the void, there is a **** stove that appears out of thin air, directly on the top of Vulcan, and instantly will be included in the Vulcan.

"Do not..."

In the midst of it, there was a roar of anger, with anger and unwillingness, but it was useless. This vulcan was unable to resist when faced with the ‘Heaven and Earth oven’.

The ‘Heaven and Earth Oven’ seems to be born specifically for the purpose of engulfing. As a **** talent of Xiangyang, it grows with the growth of Xiangyang. Now, the strongman who deals with the situation of Yasheng is no longer a problem.


At the same time, although the flame spear in the hands of the three disciples of Guangchengzi blocked this sword, but Xiang Yang was like a shadow, the figure was instantaneous, and the sword was directly displayed, and the sword in his hand became open. The axe, squatting toward him in an instant.

His pupils were enlarged and his face was incredibly colored. He did not expect him to be a strong saint, and he was still the main **** of flames. Even Ning Yudao was not his opponent. In the end, he would fall in Xiangyang. This is just the hands of the juniors in the real world.

The ‘God’ of the Lord God has been swallowed up. Although he is still the Lord God, he has no God, just a shell, and can no longer borrow the power of the Lord God. It can be said to be half-waste.

He is helpless, smiles bitterly, but he does his best to display the flame spear in his hand to block the sword of Xiangyang.

However, the force of Wanfa Avenue on the top of Xiangyang’s head broke out into the body of Xiangyang. His whole body was surrounded by swordsmanship, and the Tongdaojianqi burst out, forming a world of swords. Unmatched force to kneel down to this guy.

Moreover, the blood of Xiang Yang’s body boiled up, and the strength of the body repair of the Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak completely broke out, and the power was shocking.

Everything is all integrated into this one-day blow, making this attack powerful and boundless, even if his opponent is the three disciples of Guangchengzi, it also shows the color of despair.

"The sage disciple, but this is the case." Xiang Yang's face with a light color, this shot in the past, the other party has already died.


However, at this time, suddenly, there was a figure in front of Xiangyang, and a Taiji figure broke out on the other side. With a strong defense force, it immediately blocked the hit of Xiangyang, making all of Xiangyang’s Nothing can attack the three disciples of Guangchengzi.

"Is it blocked?"

Xiang Yang stunned, and then, when he saw who the person was, it was relieved, and the famous sage, Guang Chengzi, personally shot, if it could not stop his attack, it would be interesting.

He smiled and did not continue to shoot, but said to Guang Chengzi with a smile, "Sanctuary, why do I get rid of it?"

At this moment, Guangchengzi is indifferent, but his heart is over the sea. The Taiji figure in front of him is constantly being squeezed, and it may be destroyed at any time. It seems that the next moment will be directly smashed.

However, when Xiang Yang received his work, he was relaxed. As the shadow of the ancient axe disappeared, his almost annihilated Taiji figure also retracted.

At the same time, Guangchengzi sighed. "The power of small friendship is strong, but it is only a real fairyland. However, you have already embarked on a unique path that belongs to you. Your strength has reached a holy place."

"No, the Holy Teacher misunderstood, I am just a fairy. The reason why I can exert such strength is to use the power of the treasure."

Xiang Yang is a serious saying.


If others get the praise of Guangchengzi, it is too late to be happy. However, Xiangyang is so different from others, and he is not happy. Guangchengzi shook his head with a smile.

At this time, all the elders of the saints have appeared. Some of them are surrounded by the three disciples of Guangchengzi, while others are busy to see the injuries of Ningyu Dao and Zhong Yushuang.

"The sovereign, Ning Yu's fruit is broken."

At this time, the elders passed on with a shocking voice.


Guang Chengzi’s face changed greatly. He didn’t go to see his three disciples, but he appeared directly at the Ning Yu Dao’s side. After checking it, his face showed anger. “Who is this?”

"The teacher respects, breaks and stands behind, does not break or stand, I use the fairy world as the fruit. Although I practiced the Tao, it is not a good thing for me. Therefore, the brothers suggested that I should break and stand, I will start from the beginning. I can't be worried, it's the third division. No, it should be said that he is the flame **** of the Western gods who helped me and helped me to destroy the fruit."

Ning Yudao said softly.

His look has no sorrow.

For the destruction of the fruit, for him, it is a blessing or a curse is an unknown. After all, if he can break through and stand up, he will be able to gather stronger results in the future, and he will definitely be a good one. Harmful, but if he can't condense a stronger result, then the road to practice will be broken from then on, and repairing can only barely maintain the current situation.

"The third child?"

All the strong men of the Holy Family changed their faces, and their eyes looked at the three disciples of Guangchengzi behind Xiangyang with horror.

However, Xiang Yang stood in front of the guy and looked far away. Their eyes with horror seemed to be the same as Xiangyang. Xiangyang did not feel anything, but the newly arrived Suzaku and Xinxin Children are different.


Suzaku woman stepped out of the void, her eyes with a fierce murderous, cold voice, "Guang Chengzi, you dare to bully my brother?"


With the voice of the Suzaku woman falling, there was a black flame Suzaku behind her. This flame Suzaku screamed and shouted as if it could burn the heavens, and burned the entire fairy world. The horrible atmosphere of the horror burst out. So that all the saints who are present at the scene have changed their faces.

"no no..."

"Misunderstanding, fairy..."


"Who dares to bully my Xiangyang brother, the little ones, give me out of them." However, when these strong men of the saints want to explain, Xiner is rushing with the five beasts Wang Haohao She stood on the head of the big old black and screamed loudly. At the same time, the five behemoths all burst into a terrifying noise, and with the horror of the atmosphere, they pressed against all the holy people in the field.

"Oh... ate it."

"Dare to bully the master and destroy you."


Among the five behemoths, even the strengths of both the **** and the small gold have reached a very terrible level. Each one is not weaker than any of the strong people of the saints. Now, they are outraged and furious. The breath that came out made the face of the strong man of the Holy Family a bit bitter.


Not only that, in the distance, around the space warships of the Qingxue Space Group, the beastmasters who were originally guarding them also screamed with a strong breath.

"....I...we didn't do anything..."

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding..."

Even if there are only a dozen of holy people in the Holy Land, not to mention the horrible power of the Suzaku woman, they have already frightened them. Later, Xiner took the five-headed beast Wang with big old black and small gold. Come here, the five beastmasters are super strong, and the beastmasters in the distance also burst into roars, and when they can rush at any time, even the strong men of the saints are almost one by one. shocked.


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