Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2919: Lose me baby

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"You have surrounded my Xiangyang brothers before and after, too much. Isn't this girl going to your holy house for a few days? Are you all pouring all your anger on my Xiangyang brother?"

Xiner angered the strong people of the Holy Family.

She didn't know the specific situation, but she saw it very clearly. It was too much for the strong people of the holy sect to look at their brother with fierce eyes.

Although Xiner is very clever and clever, but it is for her own people, she is everyone's little princess, is everyone's big baby.

However, when it comes to outsiders, she is very overbearing. Whoever dares to move her brother will be subject to her suppression, and she will never be merciless.

"Destroy them."

Then, Xiao Shantou waved his hand and took the murderous gas directly to the king of the five beasts.


It is impossible for the kings of the five beasts to listen to the words of Xiner. At this moment, they are all roaring and will rush out.

"Don't, don't do it."

Xiang Yang also looked at this scene with a stunned look. First, the Suzaku woman appeared. It must be started when it first appeared. Even if there are more strong saints, the Suzaku woman is also stunned and makes his heart tremble. The warm current flowed, and then, the younger disciple Xiner also appeared. With the five-headed beastmaster murderous, the Xiangyang only felt that this life was not a problem.

However, he is here, naturally it is impossible for them to really shoot. After all, this is just a misunderstanding. The saints are not directed at themselves, but look at the third disciple of Guangchengzi behind him. .

Xiang Yang sighed and said quickly, "They are not aimed at me, but the avatar of the flame **** of the Western gods behind me, that is, the three disciples of the sage."

"Ah... my brother is fine." Xiner flies directly to Xiangyang, carefully watching the situation of Xiangyang.

Although the Suzaku woman did not do it, but she also had a horrible atmosphere in her body. She took a step and went to Xiangyang in an instant. After looking at Xiangyang, she found that Xiangyang was indeed not injured. I breathe a sigh of relief. "It's okay."

When I heard the words of Suzaku, the strong people of the Sanzong and other Shengzong also breathed a sigh of relief. It was really that they found that the cultivation of the Suzaku woman seemed to grow with each other. Every few days, the Suzaku woman continued to appear. Their feelings are different.

"This fallen Suzaku woman is a bit strange. Her strength has grown too fast. It is reasonable to say that she has really reached the peak of Yasheng. It is very difficult to improve again, but she has been growing. Is she going to go all the way and be sanctified directly?"

Guang Chengzi and others are talking to each other, and each one has a shocking look.

Everyone is also a sacred, and others have been trapped in this realm for countless years. It is very difficult to repair a little bit of a desire to break through. However, Suzaku’s cultivation is stronger than himself and others, not to mention combat effectiveness. Strong and outrageous, but it is actually being increased every day.

This made everyone feel very shocked.

However, when they saw the Suzaku woman's powerful momentum, they all breathed a sigh of relief. Although there are many strong saints, if they really confront the Qingxue Universe Group, the Holy Family will definitely win, but I know, behind the Qingxue universe group is the one of Xiangyang, there is Xiangyang, who dares to move the Qingxue universe group?

Moreover, there is no conflict between them. Everyone is an ally. If you fight again, then there is no meaning.

Of course, the strong men of the saints are relieved. At the same time, the three disciples of the Guangchengzi who have been trapped in it are very sorry to sigh. He originally wanted to watch the Shengzong and Qingxue Universe Group. What he really wants to do is to see that Xiang Yang was directly destroyed by the Holy Family during the war. At that time, the Holy Family was definitely finished.

It is a pity that Xiang Yang’s screams stopped the battle between the two sides. He was helpless, and he stunned Xiang Yang’s eyes. “What’s special, all this is the ghost of this kid, making his calculations for infinite years. It turned out to be all gone."

"Oh, you still stare at me. If it wasn't for the Holy Master, I have already cut you. You are still arrogant? The main **** of the fire in the Western realm is, wait for me to go to the Western gods, the first one. Take your knife."

When Xiang Yang felt that this guy was glaring at himself, he snorted and said his face was not good.

"You dare to enter the Western realm, you will die." The three disciples of Guangchengzi are sinister and look at Xiangyang.

"Unfortunately, you can't see it. Otherwise, I really want to make a bet with you. Is the Western **** world destroyed by me, or will I die? No doubt, it must be my sword. It has destroyed the entire Western realm, but you can't see it, no, you are just a glimpse of the main **** of fire. Your deity will become the soul of the first sword that I stepped into the Western realm."

Xiang Yang said with a smile.


The three disciples of Guangchengzi snorted and stopped talking non-nonsense with Xiangyang. Instead, they looked at the strong people of the Shengzong. Especially when they saw Guangchengzi, his eyes were a little dodging. Looking at Guangchengzi.

Obviously, this guy does not know how many years he has learned with Guangchengzi. How much is still a bit afraid of Guangchengzi, a little emotional.

"Are you really the avatar of the Western Lord God?"

Guang Chengzi came to the face of his three disciples, with a complex look on his face, sighing and saying, "When I was a disciple, I had already explored your first three lives. It is reasonable to say that you are not. It may be a spy, but what I did not expect is that you have prepared so much in order to be able to invade the Holy Family."

"Yes, among the saints, how many people are the reincarnation of the gods?"

At this time, the guy who didn’t dare to look at Guangchengzi suddenly smiled. He smiled and looked at Guangchengzi. “Master, Master, you are too confident about yourself, you think If you explore the three students, can you find out whether it is a spy? Do you think the **** of the gods will be so stupid? Perhaps the elders around you are the reincarnation of the gods of the gods, but what can you do? Can you be one by one now? Exploring the past? Hey, the realm of the gods is the orthodoxy of heaven and earth. The realm of the realm is the real avenue. Even if the exotic world does not come, the realm of the gods is enough to destroy the whole celestial world, hahaha..."

After listening to his words, all the strong people of the Holy Family were very heavy-faced. As he said, since the Lord of Fire will reincarnate as the three disciples of Guangchengzi, and have forbeared for so many years, they have already cultivated to become Yasheng. Hands-on, then, who can guarantee that there are no other devotees of the gods in the Holy Family?

Not to mention that they are not sure whether there is a sect of the gods in the Holy Family. Even if they know that there is a strong person among the saints, what about Guangchengzi as a holy teacher? Can he really empty everything?

Can Guangchengzi be able to destroy all the strong people who have been cultivated in the past few years?

This is obviously impossible.

The other elders of the saints also had a dignified color on their faces. The Western gods have never given up on invading the oriental fairy world. Let’s not say that on both sides of the chaotic battlefield, the two sides have always been rubbed. Most of the sacred priests in Tianwanjie are stationed on the border, but there has never been any real war. Now it seems that the Western gods have begun to take action.

"In the autumn of trouble, the amount of robbery will start again."

Guang Chengzi sighed and looked at the three disciples surrounded by a group of strong people. His eyes were cold and cold. "Since it is the main **** of the Western gods, then you can't let you die so easily."

"what are you going to do?"

The three disciples of Guangchengzi sighed coldly. "The gods are in the realm of the gods. Although they are now in your hands, even if you can't escape, do you think that God wants to break the self, and the soul does not go to the realm of the gods?"


While talking about it, there is a powerful and unrelenting force of destruction on his body, which is obviously ready to blew himself.

"In the past few years, the **** has been practicing a law, just to directly destroy itself at the most critical time, just because you want to deal with me, even if you are a sage, you can't do it."

"Ha ha ha..."

He laughed happily, with an unparalleled triumphant color.

"not good."

Guang Chengzi's face changed, and a Taiji figure blew over the other side. At the same time, he took Ning Yudao and others to quickly retreat toward the rear.

The other elders also retire rapidly, and the Suzaku woman is directly carrying Xiner, and said to Xiang Yang, "Go away."

At the same time, he will leave with Xiang Yang.

"Don't worry."

However, Xiang Yang is laughing and laughing. His mind is moving. The original ‘Tiandi Oven’ that broke into the void directly appeared, and the three disciples of Guangchengzi were instantly included.


Then everything was calm, and the voice that the other party wanted to blew did not come out. Only the **** ‘Heavenly Oven’ slid in the void, and then did not enter the body of Xiangyang.

Xiang Yang squinted his eyes and looked at the Taiji figure that Guang Chengzi displayed. It was a treasure, but it did not reach the level of the day after tomorrow.

Of course, this is just a copy of the imitation. If the real Taiji figure appears, it is the innate treasure. It is the treasure of the three great saints.

However, Rao is a replica, and the power of this Taiji map at the level of the treasure is already very strong, and it has blocked the power of the previous project.

You must know that Xiang Yang’s blow, but with the magic statue set, the magic suits are treasures of the level of the day after tomorrow, when the real explosion, the power is endless, few people can compare.

"It's a good baby, but it's a pity, I can't get it for me."

Xiang Yang squats, with a regret on his face.

Guang Chengzi, who had already retreated to a distant place, and the strong ones of the Shengzong, reappeared. Guangchengzi took away his Taiji figure and looked at Xiangyang with vigilance on his face, fearing that Xiangyang suddenly shot. Grab your own baby.

He already knows that Xiang Yang has a good bud, that is, he especially likes all kinds of treasures. From the time he came to the fairyland to the present, countless people have been robbed of treasures by Xiang Yang. He does not want his baby to be eye-catching by Xiang Yang. .


When Xiang Yang saw Guang Chengzi’s eyes, he was dissatisfied. He couldn’t help but glance at him. “The sage master, I helped you solve your traitor. You are not grateful to me. I am still so wary. Look at me, I am jealous?"

"Ah haha..." Guang Chengzi laughed, but the heart was a dark road. "What's wrong with you, do you have no point to force yourself? What's special, your eyes, whoever sees it, feels terrified what."

On the surface, Guang Chengzi said, he smiled and said to Xiang Yang. "The hero is a young boy. The strength of the little friend is extraordinary. The treasure is also very extraordinary. It can be directly used to collect the gangster. It is really powerful. ""

"That is not a treasure, it is my talent."

Xiang Yang corrected the road.


After listening to it, Guangchengzi was a little embarrassed and said quickly, "It’s amazing. Xiaoyou has now walked out of a path that belongs to you. You are definitely a well-deserved sacred place. The old man announced the fairyland, for the small friend. It is proved that everyone in the province feels that Xiaoyou is very weak. If a fairy is to be bullied, Xiaoyou will not be in trouble."

The sacred strong man is high above the heavens and the world. It is absolutely no one can compare with it. As long as everyone knows that Xiang Yang is a sacred place, he walks on the road, and then There is no such daring to be rude to Xiang Yang.

In the view of Guangchengzi, he helped Xiangyang to prove that Xiangyang was definitely a good thing, but Xiangyang, after listening to his words, changed his face and exclaimed, "No."

I saw Xiangyang shouting, "Sacred teacher, why do you harm me? I am obviously only a real fairy. Even though the direction of my cultivation is a bit different, I have not even realized the rules of Da Luo. You I have to say that I am Yasheng, you are too much."

"I... I am doing this for you." Guang Chengzi stared at Xiangyang, and Rao was his sage, wisdom, and did not understand that Xiang Yang was so excited.

Good people are hard to do.

At this moment, Guang Chengzi sighed in his heart and felt that he was too difficult.

"No, you are not good for me, but not for me."

Xiang Yang's voice, "I know that it is only the cultivation of the true fairy peak, although my avatar is indeed the strength of the Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng, but my deity is true, I am still waiting to participate in millions. In the real battle of the real fairy, you said that I am Yasheng. Isn’t this not letting me fight? If I can’t do this, I’ve heard that the first place in the World of Immortals can get a chaotic treasure, you will be chaotic. Give me the treasure, even if you want to promote that I am a chaotic saint, I also recognize it."


After Guang Chengzi listened to Xiang Yang’s words, he almost got beaten, especially what he saw, shameless, that he had never seen such a shameless person.

A chaos to the treasure, relying on, Lao Tzu as a sacred teacher, Lao Tzu from the beginning of the heavens and the beginning of the existing characters, there can be no chaos to treasure, you dare to find me to chaos to treasure, is simply crazy.

On one side, the strong men of the saints looked at Xiang Yang’s eyes one by one. They looked at Guangchengzi and found that the faces of their supreme masters were blue and white, and they could imagine their masters. How bad the mood is.

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