Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2920: The first of Wanxian (six more flowers)

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"Xiang Yang, do you really think that the first place in the World of Immortals can get chaos to treasure?"

Although Guang Chengzi is depressed, but at this moment, looking at Xiang Yang’s eyes is a smile. He wants to see that Xiang Yang knows what the ultimate winner of the Mega World Wars can get. What will the expression look like.

Although he knows that Xiang Yang is looking for him to chase the treasure, he is trying to dig him, but he also knows that Xiang Yang is sure to have great expectations for the reward of the first place in the World of Immortals.

One person, the bigger the expectation, if it is only disappointing, the feeling that it will fall from **** to heaven is definitely very uncomfortable.

"What is it?"

Xiang Yang looked at Guangchengzi with a curious look. Others didn't know what the ultimate reward of the Mianzhou Immortal War was, but Guangchengzi was the sage of the Holy Family and was an ancient dwelling.

"This time, the Million Island Fairy War is the last one. The Tianjiao of all the real fairyland of the Five-Party Tianyu is involved in it. Even the Devil World can't help but participate in it. It is extremely vast."

Guang Chengzi carried his hands and said with a sigh.

"And then?" Xiang Yang looked at Guangchengzi. He knew that this time the Mega Continent was very ambitious, but he only wanted to know what the reward was this time.

"Let you become the head of Wan Xian, how do you feel?"

Guang Chengzi looked at Xiang Yang and said with a smile.

"The first of thousands of cents?"

Xiang Yang smashed it, and then he looked at the sage of the sage of the sage of the sage. "The sage master, you are the sage, the name of the sage teacher is false, you must not talk nonsense. Deceive people, let a true fairy come to the head of Wan Xian, unless the person who made this reward has a pit in his head, otherwise, as long as it is a normal person, it is absolutely impossible to have such a situation."


After Guang Chengzi listened, it was the color of his face. Not to mention that the person who made this plan was him, and he had already settled it in ancient times.

However, this was a very proud thing. When he heard that Xiang Yang said that the person making the plan must have a pit in his head, he would not dare to say more.

Among the saints, the only thing that knew this thing was that Guangcheng’s elders after the operation had seen the strange colors on his face. In ancient times, he taught the holy teacher of the Three Emperors of the Terran, even facing a junior. It’s just too strange to be said by the other person’s words.

However, after all, the teacher is a good old man. He does not know how many years he lived. In addition to the fact that the beasts such as the Black King have existed since the chaos, no one can compare with him. It is.

The thickness of his face is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary people.

Guang Chengzi said with a smile and looked at Xiang Yang. "You are the descendant of that pulse. The one himself has some arrangements for you. However, you should know the grievance between our ancient world and the exotic world. Well, in the past, the ancient world war, although the ancient magic of the Pangu world blocked the exotic, and made the foreign powers hurt, but this infinite years, the foreign world is still telling the development, they have been trying to invade our world, recently millions In the past years, the exotic world has been eager to move, and the war is not far off."

While talking about it, he lamented that as a character who survived in that big battle, he was truly cruel to see the great war of that year. Now, the cruelty of the war will be cruel. Don't even think about it.

"I know that there will be a big battle in the future, it will be the time to decide the fate of the Pangu world, but what is the relationship with letting a real fairy be the head of Wanxian?"

Xiang Yang stared at Guang Chengzi. "Do you want to let the real fairy be the first bird so that he can attract the attention of the exotic world, and then let the exotic world destroy the true sage? Can you sneak into the base camp of the exotic world and put them on?"


After Guang Chengzi listened to Xiang Yang’s words, he was also stunned. He couldn’t help but feel that Xiang Yang’s brain hole was too big.

The other strong people around him also looked at Xiangyang with their eyes wide open, especially the elders couldn’t help but smile. "Xiang Yang, you think too much. The first person we selected is the first person. He embarked on a road researched by the All Saints. The road may have to cultivate a strongest saint. This is the real true immortal. If it is cultivated in the context of Da Luo, its own path is almost It can be said that it is fixed. It is very difficult to cultivate again. Therefore, it is necessary to be the strongest and true."

"What do you mean by cultivating each other into a chaotic saint?"

Xiang Yang asked with a blind eye.

"Yes, and it is still necessary to be able to achieve a true chaotic saint who is independent of the aliens. Otherwise, if it is an ordinary saint, it will only make us have a saint on this side, and it will not have much impact on the overall situation. "Guang Chengzi said.

"Then, if I got the first place, I don't want to follow your route?" Xiang Yang asked again.

The person he likes the most is to do things according to the route that others have requested. Moreover, his first demon avatar has already enlightened in the Promise of the Promise to study the path he will take next, as long as the real enlightenment succeeds, It is his true way, that is the most suitable for him, and he can let him go beyond the path of the Holy Spirit, how can he accept the arrangement of the Holy One.

"Give you a holy place, so that you can be destined to become a chaotic sage, and it is still the strongest saint. It is comparable to the Pangu Respect of the heavens. Are you still unwilling?" Guang Chengzi and the powerful of the saints All face looked at Xiang Yang with a quirky color.

This kind of big good thing does not agree, it is estimated that only Xiang Yang alone.

Xiang Yang said with a smile, "My own way is the most suitable for myself. Why should I enlighten according to the requirements of the All Saints? And, the Holy Master, you have not just told me before, only the one that suits me best is My way? How do you now persuade me to go according to the path of All Saints?"

"I am not making an analogy?" Shengshi Guangchengzi said nothing, he gave a white eye to Xiangyang. "And, the million-day real fairy war needs a true fairy, you are not a true fairy, what are you nervous? ?"

"I am a real fairy."

Xiang Yangshuo looked at Guangchengzi.

"Have you seen the strong who can kill the Yasheng Peak? Can you conquer the true immortals of all the overlords in the Black Forest?" Guang Chengzi turned his head to look at the other strong men of the Holy Family.

"This is not a true fairy. It is impossible to be so powerful."

"Yeah, even the All Saints, I don't believe that there will be such a powerful fairy."


The other strong men of the Holy Family shook their heads.

After Xiang Yang listened, he was dissatisfied. "I asked you, do you think that I am not a real fairy? I have become a big Luo strong in the future. Do you say that if I am physically strong, I am like an ancient period." So, do you describe the rules of the Da Luo into the flesh? No, so I am still a fairy."

At the same time, he looked at Guangchengzi proudly. "I don't want to ask for a fairness. I want to ask for a fairness. Even the chaotic saints of the heavens can't be unfair to me. If you are unfair to me, I won't be big." Look for your old man."


Guang Chengzi and several other people have nothing to do. When they meet Xiang Yang, they really don’t know what to do.

If you limit the qualifications of Xiangyang, Xiangyang’s background is terrifying. Just call out the teacher behind him. If the one is shot, even the chaos will not say a word.

However, if Xiang Yang participates in the war, it is also unfair to other true immortals.

Those true immortals, even if they have been preparing for this time from the ancient times, what about the strong players in the Million Island?

It is very terrible that they can fight against the great Luo Xianzun. Who can kill the Yasheng strong? That is simply impossible, even if it is to give them chaos to the treasure, for that level of true immortal, there is no ability to spur chaos to treasure to kill the enemy.

"But it's all, it's not yet time to choose. It's a big deal to report the first and second names to the Chaos Saints."

Later, Guang Chengzi thought in his heart that since he could not solve it, then it was time to throw this trouble to the saints. Anyway, this matter is not the person he ultimately dominates.

"Ah, haha, you are right, it makes sense." Then, Guangcheng, who did not want to argue with Xiangyang, said to Xiangyang.

"I know that I am very reasonable, but what is the reward for the first place?" Xiang Yang asked again.

"No." Guang Chengzi shook his head and said.


Xiang Yang stunned, "My God, then I am going to participate in the first place of this million-day real fairy war, you are too embarrassed, even if you don't give a chaos to the treasure, at least give one The day after tomorrow, the treasure is ah, or else, your Tai Chi figure I look good, you give it directly to me, I will not go to war."

"You still go to war."

Guang Chengzi turned his face black and turned to Ning Yu Dao and Zhong Yushuang. "Do you want to go back as a teacher?"

"I want to go back to retreat." Ning Yudao said very simply.

And Zhong Yushuang shook his head. "Master, I have nothing to do now, I don't want to go back."

"it is good."

Guangchengzi did not talk nonsense, and did not want to pay attention to Xiangyang. He directly left the Ningyu Dao to escape. The other powerful saints looked at Xiangyang with their admiration on their faces. Xiangyang turned out to be. It is so powerful that the sages can be escaping from the slogan. Since ancient times, almost no one has been able to do this.


Then, headed by the great elders, the powerful ones also left. In the blink of an eye, the strongest of these saints disappeared without shadow, leaving only Xiang Yang squatting. "If there is really no treasure, I will run specially. It’s a bit of a loss to go to the Million Island Fairy."

"Well, no need to act, you can go, I have to practice, I will go back first, you should be careful."

Suzaku looked at Xiang Yang with a smile and smiled. She saw that Xiang Yang didn’t seem to give up. She still wanted to continue acting. She couldn’t help but look at Xiang Yang’s eyes and then turned away.

In the blink of an eye, only Xiner and Zhong Yushuang are left with Xiang Yang. Of course, there are also a number of beastmasters.

"Xiangyang brother..."

Xiner ran over, holding Xiang Yang’s arm, and when she was about to open, Xiang Yang said quickly. “Go, let’s go back soon, I have to shut down for a while.”


Xiner’s eyes saw that Xiangyang was not like a fake. She was shocked and thought that Xiangyang was injured. She quickly greeted the old man and came over, and Xiangyang and Zhong Yushuang stood on top of it and headed towards Qingxue Universe Group. The direction rushed, and at the same time, she quickly asked, "Xiangyang brother, are you injured?"

While asking, Xiner’s voice was crying, and the whole person was crying out.

She originally saw that Xiang Yang was still smiling and he was bragging about it. He thought that Xiang Yang had nothing to do. He did not expect Xiang Yang to go back to the retreat so urgently. When she remembered that Xiang Yang was definitely injured, she only felt that The heart will be broken.

On the one hand, Zhong Yushuang naturally knew that Xiang Yang was not injured. She wanted to tell Xiner Xiangyang that she was fine, but when she saw that Xiner was worried about crying, it was strange. "Xiner is not a disciple of Xiangyang. How do you feel that the relationship between the two is not like a disciple..."

Of course, she will not understand the feelings between Xiang Yang Xiner. In Xiang Yang’s heart, Xin Er is more like her daughter.

When Xiang Yang saw that Xin’s child was crying, he said quickly, “Don’t worry, I’m not hurt, but after refining the **** of the gods, I have some feelings, I have to go back to retreat. , sort out the avenues of the Western gods."


There are still tears in the eyes of Xiner.

Xiang Yang said with a smile. "Of course, no one in this world can hurt me, unless it is a chaotic saint. However, the chaos saints dare not shoot, there are old men, and no one dares to do it in Pangu’s chaotic world."

"That's good, then that's good." Xiner broke into laughter, and then let the old man rush to the direction of the Qingxue universe group.

Along the way, Xiang Yang didn't even talk to Xiner for the time. He sat directly on the head of the big old black. In his body, the energy of the world was emerging, and it was rapidly integrating. Into his acupoint space, the gods excitedly stood up and swallowed up these energies to grow up.

At the same time, there is a majestic message in the 'Heaven and Earth Oven', which is the flame avenue about the gods. It is the flame avenue of the main **** of this fire.

'Heaven and Earth Oven' is very magical. In refining the energy or avenue or skill that can be seen by him, it will be directly extracted to Xiangyang, and if it is just ordinary exercises or Tao, then what? Nothing.

However, Xiang Yang knows that these roads that can be extracted from the 'Heaven and Earth Oven' are definitely the avenue of flame in the realm of the gods. After comprehending it, it is absolutely useful.

He is absorbing the energy of these avenues quickly, and then arranging and reorganizing in his own brain. At the same time, his body is full of countless villains, calculating, or practicing various exercises. It is his Tibetan scriptures in the Holy Family. The method of dreaming in the cabinet, using this method to deduct various exercises, practice the road, is equivalent to infinitely one is thinking about comprehension.

Then, after returning to the Qingxue Universe Group, Xiang Yang hurried into the Wuji Xianfu to practice and understand the fire system of the realm.

Although the Divine Realm is also in the chaotic world of Pangu, the Divine Realm is a world supported by foreign countries. They are related to the foreign world. The practice is also an avenue of alienation. Just like the demon **** armor that Xiang Yang got, he sorted out those Exotic runes have a strong power.

The Flame Avenue, which the Lord God practiced, is only the tip of the iceberg of the fire system of the gods. However, he can see the difference of the avenues of the exotic world through the tip of the iceberg. Therefore, if he is lucky, It can even merge the roads of the two worlds and open up its own path.

Author Meng Yu said: Today is six more finished, ask for flowers...

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