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In the Promise of Immortality, Xiang Yang’s deity and avatar are sitting face to face, and there are countless villains contemplating or practicing around his deity and avatar, even in the evolution of various supernatural powers.

These villains are all downsized versions of Xiangyang, some have strong flames flowing around, and some are full of swords and swords, like a sword and a sword, and some are bloody...

Each of these villains is a way of evolving Xiangyang.

If you don't learn the dream method in the Tibetan scriptures of the Holy Family, Xiang Yang can't use this method to lead the various roads, and can't push his own path to the peak at the fastest speed.

However, with this method of practice, he found that he was simply a avatar, and he was able to quickly deduct a variety of ways, which is simply an unfavorable artifact.

At the same time as he practiced, countless people continually deduced all the ways he had, and went to the most peak state.

At the same time, at this time, among the towers of physical repair, there were countless ray flashes, and silver, fire, small blood, small silver and Xiaohong actually flew out of the tower of physical repair.

Their whole body is full of blood, and a strong atmosphere is circulating. Obviously, they have already tempered the body to the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak.

"Although the whole process is very painful, our efforts are worthwhile. It is finally the practice of the physical body to the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak."

Silver Jubilee said softly.

"Yeah, I didn't expect that we would come out of the tower of physical repair at the same time. It was a coincidence." Huo Mei smiled and said.

The blood of the little blood is rolling, she is a **** unicorn, and her physique surpasses ordinary people. At this moment, her physical strength has reached the level of Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak, and her blood gas has surpassed the fire and silver enamel, making her The blood of the whole body is boiling, and the whole person is like being shrouded in the flames of the gods.

Xiaoyin and Xiaohong have also been transformed into successes. They have become two small and cute little girls, but they are more restrained. Although they are very physical, they don’t know if they don’t show them. It is the strongest of the Da Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak.

"I don't know where Xiangyang went to play, we hurry to find him to play, hey, finally reached the situation of the big Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng, even the old man can not control this girl, it is too good It is."

Huo Mei said very happy.

Even her father, the contemporary patriarch of the fire family, is just the cultivation of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng Peak. However, after he feels that his body has reached the peak of the Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng, he has been able to kill his father. At the same time, I am thinking that if I am still in the Central Fairy of the East Tianyu, I must go back and show off.


At this time, Xiaoling and Laowan’s figure appeared in front of the women at the same time.

"I have seen a few." Xiaoling and Laowan smiled and looked at a few women. When they faced a few women, they were not so respectful when they were facing Xiangyang, although they knew that several people were Xiangyang. People, however, as the spirit of chaos to treasure, they can only be respected by their masters.

"Xiangyang?" Several women did not care. They had seen Xiaoling and Laowan, knowing that these two men are Xiangyang’s men, and that the two are in the same position as the big butler in this Promise, so they directly Asked.

"The boss is in retreat, and a few please come with us."

While Xiaoling and Laowan were laughing and talking, they directly used the magical powers to bring the women to the place where Xiangyang retreat and found Xiangyang.

"Are you out of the customs?"

At this moment, although Xiang Yang was in a retreat, he was already sensing when several women appeared. His avatar stood up and asked the object Xiaoling and Lao Wan. "I came in and now, the outside world How long is it?"

"Boss, it has been nearly a year." Xiao Ling directly replied.


After Xiang Yang listened, it was like being thundered by the thunder, and his face could not help but reveal a shocking look.

Since the last time in the Black Forest, the third disciple of Guangchengzi was destroyed, that is, the fire **** of the gods, after returning to the Qingxue Universe Group, Xiangyang has been retreating in order to refine the flame road of the other side. Later, although he had already realized the other side's avenue, at the time he was in a state of spiritual practice, the whole person continued to use his dreams to deduct his own way. He did not expect that it would have been so long after the blink of an eye.

It should be known that Xiang Yang was the fastest in his retreat, but he had already practiced the entire time of 20,000 years.

"There is no time for practice, and the day in the middle of the cave has been a thousand years in the world. I didn't expect it to be so fast." Xiang Yang couldn't help but sigh.

"Well, you don't feel guilty about Xiangyang. Where are we? We haven't known how long we have practiced. We have been abused all the time in the tower of physical training. Let us go out and have fun." Mei is said to Xiang Yang.

"Well, I will take you out. Now we are in the realm of the Central Tianyu, my wife's site, in the field of the Qingxue universe group." Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"Your wife?"

Originally, I heard that Xiang Yang said that he was in the Central Tianyu. He also expressed his very happy enthusiasm and silver enamel. When they heard that Xiang Yang was actually on the site of his wife, they were silent.


Xiang Yanghe smiled and said to Xiaoyin and Xiaohong, "Two little girls, you can still remember Xiner, Xiner is outside, when you have to be careful, don't bully her."

"Wow, it’s Xin’s sister, boss, we’re going to find a sweetheart to play.”

After Xiaoyin and Xiaohong listened, they were happy to call it out. In the ten years when Xiangyang took Xiner in the secular world, Xiaoyin and Xiaohong were no strangers to Xiner.

Xiang Yanghe smiled and looked at a few women. "How? Are you going out?"

"Of course, I have to go out. I will see them sooner or later. Seeing them now is the same as seeing them later." Silver Jubilee said with a soft voice.

Xiang Yang naturally understands the meaning of silver enamel. Since a few women in the silver plaque already have themselves, and they have not resisted them, they will meet the women sooner or later. It is natural that there is no difference between meeting and meeting at this moment.

"Well, then go out." Huo Mei also said with a bite of his teeth.

Although she usually looks awkward, she is not really heartless. When she thinks about going to see other mothers of Xiangyang, she is a little confused.

However, as Yin Hao said, anyway, she will see the wife of Xiangyang sooner or later, and she naturally cannot help them.

On the contrary, the small blood actually stood on the side and did not speak. Xiang Yang had a strange color on his face. "Small blood, why don't you talk?"

"I was thinking, after I went out, I should call them sisters and sisters." Little blood said with a small head.


After Xiang Yang listened, he couldn’t help but smile. This girl thought too much.

However, since several women are thinking about going out to see their wives, and they have not seen them for a long time, Xiang Yang naturally wants to go out.

"You wait for me first, my deity goes out, and I continue to practice here."

Xiang Yang said to a few women.

While talking, his avatar was once again in a state of being settled, and his deity opened his eyes.


At this moment, when Xiang Yang’s deity opened his eyes, there were two rounds of boulevards in his eyes, and a horrible boulevard burst out, making a few women’s hearts almost unable to bear this stock. The power of the road.

Xiaoling and Laowan appeared in time, sending out an energy to send a few women away, and then they stood there, looking at Xiangyang with a strange color.

"The boss seems to have come out of a unique path of his own."

Xiaoling blinked and said.

The old man nodded and looked depressed. "I was thinking about waiting for the boss to fail this time. He told him to go into chaos and look for the temple of the robbery. Who ever thought that the boss could have created such a cow and could create it. Out of my own path, I..."

He didn't want to talk, and Xiang Yang's reality was beyond his imagination, even if he had to be convinced.


At the same time, with a loud roar, Xiang Yang jumped out of a boulevard on the top of the head. After the disc appeared, it changed directly into the volley and began to bloom in layers. It turned into a flower in the blink of an eye. Thirty-six products lotus.

I saw that in this lotus flower, various rhythm rules are circulating, and at the bottom of the lotus, there is a strong avenue that reaches 90 million feet. It is the force of Wanfa Avenue that is circling. As if to provide energy for the lotus, it also seems to carry the same avenue.

This lotus flower is the lotus of Wanfa Avenue. It is the method of continued practice that Xiang Yang created after he abandoned the practice of the Da Luo in the fairyland.

"This is the lotus flower of Wanfa Avenue. It is the most suitable road for me. I have the method of dreaming and practicing. Every time I comprehend a boulevard, I will integrate it into it. The more avenues I understand, the more I can integrate into the lotus, and gradually transform into my own avenue. From then on, I am the avenue, which is truly equal to the existence of Chaos Avenue. I understand that the road to supplement the growth of lotus is to promote my growth, not the power of learning."

Xiang Yang said softly.

Before that, his practice was to absorb and learn to understand the heavens. Unless he can be sanctified and transcend the avenue, he can walk out of his own way, but now he is different. He is standing at the same level as Tiandao, although he It is still necessary to absorb the powers of the various laws of the heavens to supplement and strengthen oneself, but this is the absorption and transformation into its own, and its own Tao is itself a high-level, rather than growing under the protection of heaven.

This is a juxtaposed relationship. As long as he gives Xiang Yang enough time, he can jump directly and eventually become a level compared with Chaos Avenue.

At this moment, Xiang Yang still has no change in the realm. However, his strength can no longer be measured by the realm. In addition, his body is full of horrible energy. Even if it is a real war, Rao is no magic. With the suit, he can also have the power to resist the sub-sacred strong.

"The practice of the boss's practice is variable?" Xiaoling and Laowan asked at the same time.


After Xiang Yang listened, he coughed a few times. "This transformation of practice is too difficult. Moreover, I am practicing the most advanced exercises in chaos. I want to open another The practice seems to be a bit difficult, and I can only continue to practice."

He is not a man of God, he does not have enough foundations, and it is too difficult to create a practice that transcends the shackles and the invincible body.

Moreover, if there is no transcendence, what is he going to do to create a practice?

Not enough. At such a level, he really said that the practice is not very important. The most important thing is that his understanding of the Tao, as long as he can cultivate the lotus of Wanfa Avenue, as long as his path can be achieved, It is the avenue itself, and there is no need to worry about all kinds of mana.

If he listens to Xiang Yang in the old days, he is excited. "Boss, don't worry, now you can't create your own exercises because your foundation is too weak. Although you have the inheritance of Wanzong, However, the inheritance of the tens of thousands of lords in the heavens and the real world is only the most basic. Within the chaos of the chaos, it is the treasure of the real tens of thousands of robbers. There are countless thousands of robbers. There are some kinds of exercises collected in chaos, some of which are comparable to those of the invincible body. When you accept the temple, you have enough foundation to open up. It’s your own way.”

He had long wanted to let Xiang Yang go deep into the chaos to accept the temple of robbing, and now he finally found the opportunity. He felt so moved, and finally he was able to enter the chaos...

"Halloween temple, good, when I am busy with the fairy world, I will definitely go into chaos, and, not only to chaos, but also to go to the world of God, if you can get the road of the gods, equal to me It can also complement the path of the foreign domain into its own path, which has a strong effect on the success of my avenue."

Xiang Yang said.

He has embarked on a path he does not know. If he wants to accomplish something on this road of practice, he must practice desperately. He can only absorb the other world's Tao and transform it into his own. Only let himself As the Tao grows to be able to transcend the path of Pangu's chaotic world and the exotic world, and even beyond the path of the exotic world, he is truly qualified to be the kind of surpassing the sage that the looting is expected.

He glanced at the beginning of the demon avatar, and then added some consciousness to the body of the first demon avatar, so that the sorcerer's avatar can be better practiced, and all the scent of his deity converges, the whole person takes a step, and the moment spans the infinity. The space appeared in front of a few women.

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